《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 36


I narrowed my gaze on the she-wolf, I knew the type. Pretty, popular, easy. She was likely used to getting what she wanted, and if I had to make an educated guess, she had likely gone after Tristan at one point and failed and now she was jealous and pissy that I was in the position she wanted.

“I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you were not present for my arrival to this pack. So, let me fill you in and correct a few of your misunderstandings.” I slowly let my Alpha Aura out, a little at a time as the crowd parted, letting me move through unhindered towards her, “My pack was taken from me. I was not kicked out, I did not leave by choice. I was sold off as a - child-. ” I could feel Aramyth surfacing a little and I let her. Sharing space with her so we were both present on the surface, “You’re right about Red Moon, they didn’t want me, and that is fine. I didn’t want them either. The only use they had for me was as a whipping girl. I took punishments for those weaker than me. I took punishments for those who didn’t deserve to be punished. I took punishments for those who absolutely deserved to be punished.”

The look on the blonde’s face told me she might be regretting her recent comment, “- Nothing- about my path in life has been easy. I have been beaten, whipped, sliced up, raped, and probably have a ridiculous tolerance for wolfsbane these days. If you think I am looking for a hand out, or some easy out, you clearly weren’t blessed with much intelligence. I have asked for nothing. I have given those in charge every detail so they could make informed choices. What’s a little shame, humility and embarrassment in comparison to what has already happened to me or been taken from me.”

The rest of the crowd was murmuring, but they quickly silenced when Tristan gave a warning growl, eyeing the group. The she-wolf who had run her mouth was staring at me in both fear and awe. Most of the group had submitted from the weight of my aura. Mat was even in a submissive position, unable to fight my aura at this point. Tristan was straining to fight it, I could feel it in through our bond, I tried to pull it back from him a little while I finished addressing the she-wolf.


“Your Alpha knew everything before he accepted our mate bond. I had already rejected one mate, I was prepared to reject a second one, or be rejected to keep innocent people safe. I was prepared to go rogue, live as a lone wolf until I could reclaim my pack. I am scarred up, this is a fact. I’ve never thought of myself as much to look at, my scars only made that opinion stronger. However, I am not an Omega. I am your future Luna, but I am also an Alpha. I will not tolerate disrespect, not towards me, not towards the wolves I brought with me, not towards anyone in this pack or any other, no matter their rank. Am I clear?”

The she-wolf nodded, and I instantly reigned in my aura, looking at the rest of the group sheepishly, “Sorry, I uh, didn’t know how strong my aura was. I’m not 100% sure how to direct it at individuals yet.”

I looked at Tristan, who was beaming at me with both love and pride. He walked over to me, what he did next shocked not only me, but those pack members present. I gasped a little as he voluntarily took a knee and bared his neck to me. It was unheard of for an Alpha to submit to anyone voluntarily, much less their mate, and publicly in front of their entire pack at that. I blushed and shook my head at him a little.

He stood and turned to the crowd, “Your Luna is correct, disrespect will not be tolerated, and Joy, if you ever disrespect her again, I will either kill you, or banish you. Jealousy is an ugly thing and it looks good on no one. Alyce is my equal, but I am secure enough in myself, my power, and my position to know that there are times when she will take the lead, as there are times when I will. Her orders are my orders and vice-a-versa. You would all do well to remember this in the future.”

The pack members were starting to recover, most of them looking at me in awe and I kept my head held high. In truth I wanted to tuck myself into Tristan’s side and avoid the scrutiny, but I had just declared myself an Alpha and their Luna so now I had to own my role.



“Alright everyone, the show is over, back to your regularly scheduled programming.” I bellowed, the crowd dispersing back to warming up while they waited for Victor to arrive.

“Mat it might be your lucky day, I think I’m over training this morning.” Alyce said, laughing a little as Victor entered the training area, looking around at the scene curiously. She glanced at Mat, who jerked his head in question. I knew they were up to something. Alyce nodded, he took off running and she joined him, jumping on his back when she caught up to him, laughing like an idiot.

Victor looked like he had a lot of questions about what just happened. I looked at the two making a break for it and then at Victor, and back at them making their escape, “Hey! Not cool you two!”

Alyce blew me a kiss over her shoulder and Kami was laughing at all of us. She started running after Mat and Alyce, “Come on Tristan, we have shopping to do! Unless you’re going to let us go alone?”

“They’re all psychotic..” I mumbled, I looked at Victor again, shaking my head, “I will fill you in later if one of the warriors doesn’t do so before then. I have a crazy Luna to keep up with today.”

He laughed, “Let her have some fun, I don’t think she’s ever really gotten to have fun without worry of repercussions. It’ll be good for her, hell it’d be good for you to loosen up and have some fun too. I’ll get the details later.”

I grinned and ran after the others, not taking long to catch up to them, “You were gonna leave me high and dry back there? You evil, psychotic little shits!”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about Tristan.” Alyce gave me an innocent look as we reached the pack house and she dropped to her feet, smiling up at me.

“You’re lucky you’re so cute, Half-Pint.”

“What about me?” Mat put an arm on Alyce’s shoulders and pouted a bit, “Aren’t I cute too?” She reached up and patted his arm, “Of course Alpha thinks you’re cute too Mattie, who could resist you?”

“I don’t think I believe you Alyce.” Mat let his lip quiver.

“Alpha, I think you’re going to have to tell him he’s cute too, or we’ll never hear the end of it,” Kami sniggered, taking mine and Mat’s side.

“I’m not, what? No. Did you all wake up and decide it was a mess with Tristan day?” I looked at the three of them exasperated.

“Of course not Alpha. If I remember correctly you and Mat started the day trying to mess with me,” Alyce purred at me, getting an instant reaction out of me. I was putty in the woman’s hands.

“Come on Alpha, you can’t steal my sister and not include me in things. Tell me I’m pretty…” Mat was laying it on thick.

I sighed and slapped my palm to my forehead, shaking my head a bit. I gave in, lifting my head and looking at the three of them, settling my gaze on Mat, “Alright, alright. Mat you’re pretty too.”

“Thanks!” Mat instantly perked up like we hadn’t all just been messing with one of the strongest Alpha’s around, “Now, let’s get some breakfast and go shopping! You still have your wallet and cards from Mom and Dad right Aly?”

“Nope, not happening. I will use my card for Alyce’s stuff. She can save her money.” I spit out.

“Wanna pay for mine to Trist?” Kami snickered.

“No, you have Father’s card, use it.”

“So biased, you’d think Aly is his favorite.” Mat snickered.

“She is.” I said, about the same time Alyce said, “I am.”

She giggled and slipped her arm into mine, Mat offering Kami his arm as we all headed into breakfast like the big happy family we were becoming. Even if the other three were a tad crazy. Alyce was laughing and having fun, and that was all that mattered to me.

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