《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 31



It was about an hour after sunset when we reached the borders of the Moonlight territory, and even in my long sleeve shirt and sweater I was shivering a bit. There was a thin layer of frost covering the ground and the plants in the area. I suspected winter came early this far north. I laid myself down along Tristan’s back and snuggled into his thick fur.

*Are you cold, Half-Pint?* His voice came across our mind-link.

*A little, but I’ll be ok. How much further is it?*

*Maybe a 20 minute run, we just crossed the border.*

*Ah. Mat, Faith, Jake and myself need to renounce Red Moon then.*

*We can deal with that a little later. For now just relax. We’ll be there soon.*

*Mmm, ok.* I laid my head between his shoulder blades and held onto him, letting his warmth envelope me. I wished I could let Aramyth out, but I couldn’t just yet. Tristan wanted to make sure everyone knew who I was first, just to err on the side of caution.

The ride was a little bumpy, but I wasn’t going to complain, I was warm and Tristan’s scent enveloped me, making the nerves I was starting to experience at meeting his pack, ease up.

As we neared the village I sat up, which made me visible to those that were gathering to meet our group. I was small enough that laying on Ryder had kept me relatively invisible. Mat, Faith and Jake came to line up behind Tristan. Normally this would have been where Titus, Victor, Kami and Daemon would have been, but they had let my wolves take the center spots and then flanked them.

Our group came to a halt, and I could hear whispers amongst Tristan’s pack. They were speculating over whether or not I was the wolf they had heard about.

“She must be, no one else would be allowed to ride on Ryder like that!” One girl whispered, almost as though she were jealous.

“I heard she’s covered in scars and rather disfigured, but she’s pretty, if a little weird looking for a wolf.” Whispered another.

I could feel Tristan starting to get agitated at the gossip, and I laid a hand on his back as he started to growl, “It’s fine. I’m not what they were expecting, now they’re curious, trying to figure out how to categorize me. I don’t think they mean any harm by it.” I whispered in his ear before swinging myself down off him. I landed gracefully on my feet and Ryder lowered himself down, letting me take the bags off him. I dug him out a pair of sweats and a shirt, handing them to him before he moved off to the trees to shift and dress.


Mat, Jake and Faith came to encompass me, Jake and Mat to each side of me and Faith at my back. I held my head high, stroking Jake and Mat as I stared down the crowd, not letting on how nervous I was to face them. It really was all for show, and I could hear Layla, Faith’s wolf, snickering discreetly behind me. To an outsider it would look like I was some human who kept giant wolves as pets.

Tristan joined us a moment later, shaking his head at us in amusement as he stepped into the circle of wolves. Daemon, Titus, Kami and Victor then decided to join in our antics, flanking us with the others. Tristan whispered to me and Mat, “You guys are a bad influence.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I had nothing to do with this.”


“Really, they did it on their own. I just improvised.” I grinned at him.

“Alright love. Are you ready?” He kissed my forehead and I nodded. He turned to face his pack, lifting a hand to quiet the murmuring.

“I’m sure you have already realized who this woman is, but let me formally introduce you to your future Luna. Her name is Faelyn De’Lune, but she is to be referred to only as Alyce Lilly, this is an order not a request. No one outside of this pack and the wolves who came with her know her true name, and for good reason. Do I make myself clear?”

There was a large group murmuring, “Yes, Alpha.”

I stepped forward to address them, “I understand that it is odd to have that rule be the first impression of me, and I promise that it is to keep all of you safe from those that would come after me. I made sure that Tristan and all your leaders were aware of my whole story, and the risks that came with accepting me into this pack. They chose to do so anyway. I will do my best to keep this pack safe, as will those that came with me. I will answer any and all questions you have so long as it will not endanger the pack to do so.” The crowd seemed satisfied that I would give them answers in time

Tristan smiled at me and squeezed my hand before pulling me to him and kissing me passionately on the lips, which caused the pack to cheer in celebration and my face to become beat red. I pulled back from him and smiled, “I need to introduce my wolves now, if you’re done staking your claim?” I gave him a questioning but knowing look and grinned at him.


“Mmm, almost,” He kissed me again and then let me loose.

I turned and got some clothes out of the bags for Mat, Faith and Jake. Titus, Kami, Daemon and Victor created a barrier for them and they quickly shifted and dressed. Once again I address the crowd, “With me came Jake and Faith Williams. Jake is a warrior and Faith is a nurse. Their son, Matheau Williams, is also my best friend and adopted brother.” They stepped forward as I introduced them. Then I let my aura leak, just a little, “I will not tolerate any disrespect towards my family, and this is the only form of warning you will get about it.” I was small and easily underestimated. I needed them to know that I was not a pushover. I saw several of them gasp as they felt my aura and knew that my message was clear.

“Alright, that’s enough for this evening. Everyone go home. We will be having a Pack Ceremony in two days to officially bring Alyce, and her family into our pack. I will send out more details first thing in the morning!” Tristan declared. The group started to scatter and some of the wolves that had been with us wandered off as well, a few stayed and waited for me to get their clothes out for them. Those that had stayed and shifted came up to congratulate me and welcome us to the pack.

I felt a cold nose on the back of my neck and turned to see Kami’s wolf Scarlett holding her bag. I laughed and took it. I got her out a pair of leggings and a tank top, handing them to her and she disappeared to change. She returned quickly and hugged me excitedly, “I’m so happy you’re here!”

I laughed a little, “Me too Kami, me too.”

“Let her be Kami.” Tristan pulled me into his arms and motioned for the others to head into the village, “Come on Alyce, let’s go get some food and then some rest. Kami is already plotting a shopping trip tomorrow, I can see that look in her eyes. I also need to introduce you and the others to my mother or she’ll have my head.”

“I at least need a shower before I meet your mother. I’m surprised she wasn’t out here with the others to meet you father.”

“They have both kind of taken a back seat in the leadership roles, letting me run the pack. I’m sure Father is already with her. We’re a little more laid back than most packs, unless there’s a reason for the song and dance.”

“I’ve noticed. It’s rather refreshing, actually.” He led us into the village and to the pack house. Apparently Pack Manors weren’t a typical thing these days.

“We have the whole 5th floor. Mother, Father, Kami and Titus and his family are on the 4th floor. Bruce, who you may or may not meet later, but tomorrow for sure, and his family are on the 3rd floor. Victor stays on the 3rd floor as well. The 2nd and 1st floors are for single pack members. Like Red Moon, most families have their own houses within the village.”

“We also have a school, hospital, training grounds, daycare and shopping plaza. We’re pretty self-sufficient up here.” Kami added.

“That’s wonderful. I’m sure Faith will be excited to make herself useful at the hospital.” We reached the pack house and headed inside.

“I’m always excited to be working.” Faith chuckled, “As long as it doesn’t involve Alyce.”

“I assure you, you will not be seeing her for any more stitches.” Tristan spoke in a matter of fact tone, then he looked at Kami, “Will you let Mother and Father know we’ll meet with them in the office in an hour?”

“Of course. I’ll see you there!” Kami skipped off to find her parents and Tristan led the rest of us to an elevator.

“We’ll show you to the guest rooms on our floor. We’ll get you more permanently set up in a few days.”

“That’s fine. We appreciate it,” Mat said as we all got on the elevator, riding up to the 5th floor.

When we got off the elevator Tristan led us to the right and to two rooms across from each other, “Jake and Faith, yours is on the left, Mat you’re on the right. Our room is the one at the end of the hall with the double doors. Your stuff should already be in there. We’ll meet you back here in 45 minutes.” They nodded and headed to their respective rooms.

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