《Savage Errands I - The Sixth Kuinkazner》The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare & Strange Auspices (Letter One)


12 Straight & Wise

District of the Ten

North Quarter

Island of Our Lady

Republic of Arbonhale

His Excellency Lord Aston,

Prime Minister of Arbonhale

On the fifteenth day of the last month, I was, on account of my good reputation and the quick pen of the Right Honorable Lord Hoel, Master of the Ministry of His Majesty's Separate Matters [or Affairs], pressed into service on the matter of the young Tristanué, a lady of our esteemed allies, the House of Yale.

On the details of Lady Tristanué's arrival in Anzioch and her many interventions on behalf of our brave countrymen so nobly entrenched there, I have submitted a full report to the aforementioned Right Honorable Lord Hoel and his many deputies. I am told redacted records of those events are available within the House of Lords, while unredacted sources, bound to privacy by the living terms of the Paledragon Amendment, remain in the custody of the Ministry of His Majesty's Separate Matters.

Given the stirring but sensitive nature of the Sabler victory in Anzioch, not the least of which saw the lawful coronation of Silayujon as the Queen of Sanzakarth and the enfolding of the Western Fortunes into our noble Commonwealth, I have been asked and authorized to provide you, sir, with an ongoing summary — a sort of traveling journal — of Lady Tristanué's actions and movements subsequent to the Battle of Anzioch, including her ongoing work for the Ministry of His Majesty's Separate Matters. Pertaining to her secret orders, I regret I may only be able to report on the wrapping of such surprises, but not the content thereof.

Unfortunately, my specialty lies in the baser crafts of warfare; nonetheless, I shall invoke the best angels of my mood and manners to account for Ms. Yale's actions accurately. I pray that you forgive the common hand of an untitled agent of His Majesty.

In this matter, I remain―

Your faithful servant,


{Entinua: Are there any secret officers from the Ministry of His Majesty’s Separate Matters currently near the Transom? It would be unfortunate if, in the course of my obligations, I was to slit the wrong throats.}

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