《Deity's Fragments [Paused]》Chapter 26 - Running


*** Olivia's house *** (Mother)

Inside the living room of the house, 5 people were talking. Other than Zack and his mother, the other three people were two boys and a girl.

"I don't remember having any friendly relationship or offended the Moon's, so what do you wish?"

His mother was the first to speak and answered.

"This all has to do with your grandfather. Your grandfather was one of the Moon Family leader's sons, but for some reason, he did not want to interfere with the affairs tied to it. Your grandfather distanced himself from the family and had your father growing up as an average person until the dimensions appeared.

At that time, your father was still young and did not know anything, but your grandfather helped him become strong in this adversity and told him about the family and why he was not tied to it.

The family sought out your father, but just like your grandfather, he rejected the Moon inheritance, and well, they are here for you and your sister."

These statements were like bombshells to Zack. He belonged to one of the five families, albeit indirectly.

But it was something else that surprised him. His father was around 200 years old or more. However, it was well known that the five families had powers hidden from the public before the advent of dimensions.

"I don't know the reasons why you appear now after so long, but until I talk to my father and hear his reasons, I won't make a decision on going with you, nor will I let you take my sister either," Zack said.

The people in front of him listened to him, and the one who seemed to be the leader spoke up.

"I don't think your father's corpse will talk. I heard that you have no powers, so I came to present you with an opportunity to join the family. Although this is not my will, instead, it is the leader's will.

He wants the Moon family not to be divided, so stop trying to make yourself important and follow us back."


"What do you mean my father's corpse?" if you looked at his eyes, you could see a great fury building up. Gradually the tension inside the room got tenser and tenser.

His mother, in a trembling voice and almost in tears, answered. "Since you were far away and had suffered a lot because you had no powers, I decided not to tell you. A year ago, the research group your dad belongs to disappeared, and no one knows what happened; they only found the equipment they used, but not their bodies" *Sollozo*.

With tears rolling down his cheeks, Zack leaned forward as with one hand, he covered his eyes and held back his crying.

"You damage the moment with those crocodile tears of yours, drop the act, and don't waste any more of my time" The person belonging to the Moon family continued to speak.

This irritated Zack, and without realizing it, his power coursed through his body, and he lunged forward as he punched the guy in the face sending him out of the seat he was in and crashing into a wall while hitting through it.

The other two people stood at attention and pulled weapons from space storage, pointing them at Zack. The girl had some Kama while the other carried a sword.

Zack's mother was an awakened person, though Zack didn't know how strong she was, as she always had a bandage tied to her wrist.

He stood up on his feet and directed his murderous intent at the two people. "Take your sister and get out of here, son."

"So you had powers. I don't know what the reason you hid it, but it's okay, I'll take this hit, you're still on time, even if you got power, you can still accept our family's inheritance and give up your power to possess the same one like us" said a person as he walked in through the break in the wall. It was the same person Zack had hit.

But this time, he looked different, large claws grew from his fingers, and his whole body was full of white hair while his face was that of a beast, and fangs protruded from his mouth.


This was one of the Moon's inheritances. These possessed a ritual by which they could obtain one of two ways, either become a vampire or become a Beastman.

Silvia heard the noise in her room and came downstairs quickly to find everyone pointing guns at each other.

"Don't even think about it. You can get the hell out of our house. I won't accept any inheritance or assume his last name," Zack replied.

"Hm, Ignorant you are just a short-sighted person. Do you know how many people would want to join our family?"

Despite what this person was genuine, Zack was not interested in being tied to a family, even if his father's reasons did not apply to him.

He would not think of joining, as he loved his freedom and would not want these to slow him down; besides, he already had another goal.

His father's body just disappeared, no indication that he is dead even so he could hope. The dimensions were gigantic spaces.

"They may be among the best on this planet, but what are they in front of the universe and the hundreds of races that exist?" replied Zack.

This did infuriate the other person, who began to unleash his power as his fur bristled.

'Looks like he had held back his power when I attacked him and just took the hit. That person doesn't belong in the first dimension; maybe the second or worse the third' thought Zack.

Zack's mother began to release her power as well, and the temperature in the room began to drop. His blindfold fell from his hands as he held the number '2349'.

"Oh, elemental ice power, quite a rare power and one that few have plus you are almost about to reach dimension 3, fantastic."

The beastman readied himself and leaped towards Olivia, but something caused him to be shocked and stop midair.

"No!" Olivia screamed as her skin tone changed and sent pressure towards the beastman.

"Genetic awakening at such a young age, it's genius!" the girl screamed.

Strange things were happening in his family, thought Zack, who watched his sister regain her skin tone and pass out. He had woken up at a very late age, and his sister woke up two years earlier than the others.

"Take the girl and take her away," shouted the beast-man. Hearing his order, the two people accompanying him headed towards Olivia, but they saw Zack arrive as lightning flashed through his body.

'I don't care if they know I have two powers, but I can't let them touch my sister and take her away,' Zack thought.

An object was thrown towards Zack. Catching it, he looked towards his mother. "Take your sister, this is a dimensional communicator; since she woke up, she will be able to travel with you, take her, and I leave her care in your hand's son, I will see you in the dimensions. Now run!"

"Mother" He didn't think much and made a hole in the wall passing through it and running while moving his beams carefully so as not to hurt his sister.

He used an amount of power that was getting a little difficult to control; his speed was too fast, so he had to use his eye power to dodge objects, which made him consume a lot more energy.

As he ran, tears were spilling from his eyes, but he was not scared. He could feel that his mother had some way to get out of the situation he was in.

Soon he saw a place crowded with people and some others checking the entrance at what were different portals. These had different colors.

Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Dark.

Yellow represented dimensional area number 1. Instead of slowing down from arriving at such a crowded place, he raised his speed to one he could barely see and stepped through the portal next to his sister.

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