《Deity's Fragments [Paused]》Chapter 23 - Is she crazy?


*** Moments before helping Chen Mei ***.

Currently, Zack was running through the forest while dodging the trees that crossed him.

He could see that there was a lot of green-colored blood streaked through the forest. 'This looks like cricket blood; the group passed this way a while ago.'

He kept running but soon stopped, and without thinking, he started jumping between tree branches to get to the dome of one. He stared ahead, where he could see hundreds of bees surrounding a group of people.

He watched from the top without making a sound. Unlike before, his senses were sharper, and he was sure he would not need to use the emergency tactic to escape.

He thought the group would perish but was surprised when a kind of shield was formed using six flags as a base.

Guards and students were attacking from within, but it looked like it wouldn't last long before the barrier broke.

He continued to watch eagerly, but his face soon changed. He wasn't given time when the barrier made some explosion that sent a shockwave that allowed them to run.

Some of the bees landed near where he was, so they located him and attacked him. The ones that attacked him were few, as they saw him as a single individual, so the other decided to chase the group.

Zack killed many of the bees that approached with ease. These were only basic level, and if a few medium-level ones showed up, he would have to use his thunder power, and he would take care of them just as quickly.

After he finished exterminating the bees, he got 6 cores which he kept in his pocket. He was about to leave, but he could hear some bees battling someone, so he decided to lend a helping hand.

When he reached the place, he stood on the branch of a tree while watching. The one fighting the bees was Chen Mei, but she wasn't doing very well.


She wasted no time and immediately lunged forward while throwing a slash at one of the bees splitting it in half.

He caught Chen Mei's body before it fell to the ground. She was full of superficial wounds, her skin was soft, but she looked pretty strong.

Some of her attributes were visible in the tears of the clothes she wore. Moving his power through her body, Zack commanded the AI. 'Activate healing protocol.

[*Healing protocol initiated*]

[*Reconstructing torn skin... Finished*]

[*Toxin removal... Removed*]

[*Stable body*]

Zack deactivated his ability, and a few beads of sweat began to trickle down his forehead. His power consumed much more if he tried to use it on others.

After finishing, he stared at Chen Mei for a while. She really had a figure that would make one envious. 'If it wasn't for her mental problems,' he sighed.

Slowly Chen Mei began to open her eyes and found a face looking down at her.

She was surprised and opened her eyes wide and could notice Zack. She was currently lying on her legs lying down. "What did you do to me pervert, did you try to take advantage while I was hurt?"

Zack was surprised; he remembered not putting his mask back on. He could only slap his forehead and replied. "Your mental problems are more serious than I thought."

"Who are you calling crazy?" she replied angrily.

"I came and saved you, and you don't even thank me, if I had known it would end up like this, I would rather have left you as food for the bees."

He got up from the ground without moving her legs which made Chen Mei's body fall.

"Augh, at least tell me you'll get up" Her eyes were teary. She had never been treated like today. "You'll have to take care of me, don't jump your responsibility. You already touched where you shouldn't have."

"What are you talking about?" this time, he was even more confused.


"Don't play innocent; my chest is healed. I'm sure you took advantage and rubbed a potion on it," Chen Mei said as she covered it with her hands.

Zack was perplexed. It was true he had healed her, but he used his ability, not a potion. He had no way to explain it because his ability to others was 'technical,' not medical, so he preferred to leave it at that.

"How do you plan to pay?"

She hadn't expected this question. She had no way to pay currently unless she went back to school and looked for something of value. Thinking about what to give him, some perverted thoughts came to her mind, which made her blush.

Zack noticed this, so before she came out with some of her crazy stuff, he said. "That bracelet, it looks special. What is it?"

Chen Meí looked at her bracelet and then said. "It's a bracelet with a dimensional expansion, but it also has a deep meaning in our family."

"I want it" This was her chance to get a dimensional expansion; she was already high from carrying a backpack.

She thought about it for a moment, and as she thought about it, her face flushed again, which made Zack more confident that she should have some mental problem.

"This bracelet has a big load on it. Are you willing to carry it?" she asked.

Zack didn't think about it and smiled as he answered. "Whatever burden it is, I can bear it."

Chen Mei took off the bracelet and handed it to him. Zack looked at the bracelet for a moment and, with a smile, put it on.

"Well, here our ways part," Zack said.

"Wait" She grabbed him by one wrist and said.

"When my school period is over, I will look for you and introduce you to my family for our wedding," She said in a slightly shy voice.

"Wedding, when did I agree to marry you?" he put on an expression of disbelief.

Chen Mei looked at him dumbfounded and said. "You said you could get with any weight; the weight that the bracelet has is that you can only give it to the person you will marry. That person on their part won't be able to take the bracelet off until after they get married." He replied.

Zack's mind could no longer go along with what this girl was saying. He thought about it and preferred to return the bracelet. Although it would be nice to join a significant faction like the Chens, he would not join by marrying this crazy girl.

He tried to take off the bracelet, but it wouldn't come off his hand.

[*Ninth Level Magical Rune detected, Impossible to remove with current power*]

Zack was stunned. What had he gotten himself into this time? 'Was existence conspiring against him? Is this the price for all the luck he had gotten lately?'

While he was stunned, Chen Mei came over and kissed him on the cheek. "You said you didn't want to serve me or be tied to me in any way, but here you are... Husband," she said in a mischievous voice as she disappeared.

She had used camouflage skills to escape the messy situation. I didn't know she could do such things; moreover, why did she decide to marry that boy?

An astonished one was Zack, who was still wondering what he had gotten himself into. Even after being kissed, he did not come out of such a daze.


Zack reacted and let out a sigh. When he thought about the kiss, he received his heart raced. Shaking his head, he thought, 'Why do I feel like that, did I like it?..... Impossible, I would never like that crazy woman'.

He took an impulse and lost himself in the forest.

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