《Deity's Fragments [Paused]》Chapter 13 - Free Hunt II


Walking through the general market, Zack looked around for things that could help him in free hunting. He walked for quite a while until he found a mask store.

There was a great variety, Zack was looking for one that interested him, but Luzbel was the first to speak.

[*Master, how about the red mask with a horn that is on the right?*]

Zack looked at the mask for a minute, contemplating it, it wasn't bad at all, but there were others that caught his attention. "Do you want this one for real?" he asked.

[*Yes, it would contrast with my Demon name*]

Zack thought for a moment. He had named it after Catholic mythology and Luzbel or lucifer. Lucifer became one of his favorite characters, so that's why Luzbel was the name given to the AI. He was not a believer in any god; after all, few people still held religious beliefs.

Moreover, there were races so powerful that they could create an alternate universe on their own or even create life. So the concept of gods was more attributed to the existences at the top.

"Dude, I'll take this one," Zack said to the store owner. He was an elderly rat-man, already walking hunched over and with a cane. He had white hair that contrasted with his beard.

"Ho ho, this choice, it's rare to see someone who likes this mask, it's been here long enough, but people always avoid it; they don't have a shred of art," said the old man who walked around touching his beard.

"That's 25 Star coin, young man," said the old man.

"25 Star coin? Are you a con man, old man?". Zack had claimed why he felt it was a big scam what the older man was doing.

"My store, my prices, when you have a store, you can put your own price on it," Said the old man who was laughing out loud.


A vein was already marking itself on Zack's forehead from frustration. 'Hey, do you really think this mask fits me? Wouldn't it be better to go somewhere else?'

[*Yes, master, I think it would fit you quite well, besides we don't know the other prices in other surroundings, or even the different masks here are priced lower. *]

Sigh. Zack took out his tablet and transferred 25 Star Coin to the old man. Zack took the mask and was about to leave the store, but the old man spoke.

"Until we meet again, young man," sketched the old man.

Zack didn't think much of this and walked out of the tent. This old man has a long time in the first hunting area, when the advance, there is no way he could see the old man again.

He went back to school and received a notification on his tablet.

[PANDORA: "Free hunting participant, you can now go to pick up the equipment you will use to hunt"].

Zack wanted to go immediately but stopped himself; he had already told Dereck and Jin Na that he wouldn't go.

He didn't want to be disturbed, although zack can say that he didn't want to go with them.

Zack waited until nightfall, went to the storage, and handed in his ID. After it was confirmed, he entered the storage room and found there various weapons and combat suits.

"You can only pick up two weapons and one combat suit, remember that," said a soldier.

Zack took one of the suits and put it on. This one fits him large, but as he pressed his chest with his hand, the suit began to shrink and become tailored to his size.

The suit was flexible, but Zack didn't like it very much, he wanted to feel soft and smooth, but this black, clingy suit was the opposite of his tastes.


He could only accept it, this was his first time going out, and he didn't know what dangers awaited him out there. For weapons, he took two short swords.

He had thought about what kind of weapons to use, and this was the best he could come up with. He wanted to take a bow as well but would heavily load him, and he was only allowed two weapons.

Leaving the place, Zack went to his room and left a farewell letter for his roommates, telling them he would be going free hunting.

Although he didn't want Dereck or Jin Na to find out, his roommates would soon find out he was missing.

He grabbed a backpack with some belongings. The school had given them 500 Star coins for them to buy the necessary supplements since they would be on their own immediately after leaving.

Zack put on a hooded coat and left the room to meet with those who would be going.

They were each fitted with a bracelet that would tell the school where they were, and their status, plus a map of the areas explored.

All the races joined to create a map, but even though their numbers, the area's exploration is less than 10%.'

The school's soldiers transported everyone out of the school to an area with a forest with giant trees. Zack had seen Dereck, but he kept his head down so as not to be discovered.

When they reached the area, everyone got out of the truck. Everyone started to split up unless you had made a group before. It was rare for someone to approach you; out there, there was no protection from the school, which made it so that even the students themselves could be your enemies.

Zack spared no time; blood and adrenaline began to rush through his body.

He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. 'It's time,' he said to himself as he walked into the forest.

When you were inside, it was hard even to see the tops of the trees. Looking at the surroundings could be seen that no one was around besides Zack.

Zack opened his backpack and put on the devil mask. He had electricity shaped into the soles of his feet, and with significant momentum, he jumped up and started moving with a speed he almost thought impossible.

He had to stop and use the power of his eyes to dodge some trees. Such pure lightning power in such a weak body, not something he could handle.

He started running while releasing small pulses of electricity; this made him run quite fast, but not something he can't handle.

The energy moved freely and unhindered when he used thunder's power. The energy it consumed was also minimal; with his thunder so pure, it didn't waste energy, making this a blessing.

As he was running, he suddenly heard a screeching sound, and when his body turned to see what it was, he saw a giant cricket.

There he saw a giant red cricket. 'So I entered the area of the giant crickets.'

Zack stopped and drew his two swords; he would not underestimate his enemy as this was not a human. It was a beast that acted on instinct and without reasoning.

They both looked at each other before the cricket decided to be the first to make the first move.

"Come on!" shouted Zack.

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