《Deity's Fragments [Paused]》Chapter 4 - Register


Walking around, Zack was getting familiar with the place. He could see many crowded facilities as well as a misunderstanding in some facilities. This was normal as in a crowd of people, and there will always be those who do not understand each other.

As he moved, a soldier stopped him, “This area is for registered persons. Show me your ID; in case you don't have it, follow me for registration, please.”

Hearing this, he got a little scared, among so many people casually come for him, but looking better, the only person walking down the street in this area was him. The others were trying to organize themselves inside the facility.

“Lead the way, please,” he said, making him understand that he had no identification.

Following the soldier, he came to an area where there were lines of people waiting to complete their registration.

Standing in one of the lines, only about 15 minutes passed, and it was his turn to register.

“First name, last name, and hometown,” said a woman behind a small desk using one of the current holographic computers.

“Zack Neil, Orio city,” he replied. He was trying to look as calm as possible as he answered.

A moment later, the woman looked at him for a few seconds. Then she looked back to where a couple of soldiers were standing and nodded to them.

These soldiers moved from their place and surrounded Zack, “Follow us and don't resist, please.”

Being escorted by two privates, he could do nothing but wait to see how things would develop. A few minutes later, they arrived at another facility where a middle-aged man was standing.

The soldiers whispered something to the man as they then exited the place and left the man alone along with Zack.


“Zack Neil, 19 years old, Oreo City, no Skills or so I would like to say” The man stared at Zack intently while Zack could do nothing but stare at the man.

“No Skills, but your left wrist says another thing, doesn't it?” he gave a slight smile as he touched his chin.

“Sigh. I don't understand how young people see our military school as purgatory or prison, and they don't know of the possibilities they miss out on. With you, that makes 5 refugees we have caught today.”

When he said this, Zack's eyes sparkled with joy. If you awakened your ability at 16, you would have to report it. Still, some young people didn't want to be tied down to the commitments this brought, like attending military school, so they decided not to reveal that they had an ability and embarked on beast hunts of their own.

Zack could only deduce that they thought he decided not to reveal his ability. Thinking about this, he came up with an idea which he immediately put into action.

“My skill is not a combat skill, or so I was able to deduce. When I discovered this, I was very discouraged as it would have no use” He said this trying to sound as discouraged as possible.

Looking curiously at the young man, the man asked, "What would this ability of yours be and its function?”.

“Digitizer,” He replied. "It's a computer skill, but it doesn't have many uses, or so I've been able to gather from using it. It just allows me to create computer programs more easily," He said.

Losing his look of interest, the man walked to the exit of the room and opening the door, and he said, "You can take him with you, hand him a Log Sheet and..."


Thinking for a moment, he replied, "Send him to the technical area of the military school, add punishment to his form for not reporting his ability."

Hearing this, he knew he would be sent anyway to the military school, but he did not feel depressed as he always wanted to go to this school. Still, if he were not accepted after telling about his ability, he would have to contact his parents and ask them for enrollment in a private school. After all, he was not rich, but not poor either.

Following the soldiers, he left the place and was directed to another facility to answer a form.

[First name: Zack

Last name: Neil

City: Orio

Ability: Digitizer

Power: 50

Military School technical area.

Punishment: 3 months of extra service.]

"Take a seat and wait 30 minutes while your new identity is manufactured and the teleporter is prepared."

Walking through the facility, he could 4 other people sitting down. He assumed these were the other people the middle-aged man was talking about.

His glance at the four people for a brief, he remembered that he had not contacted his mother and sister, so he decided to ask one of the facility's soldiers about some public communicator.

To his luck, there was one, and it was open to all as there were many refugees, but as he was a special case, he had to be escorted by the soldier.

The public communicator was a booth similar to the old telephone booths. The only difference was that this one had transparent glasses that, when put on, could virtually connect with other people. The other person could use smaller portable glasses to connect, and this was the new communication technology.

Connected, he called his mother's ID and waited a minute until someone on the other end answered.

"Hello?" replied a female voice from the other side. Unless both parties allowed it, no one could see anything more than a black blur.

Letting himself be seen, Zack answered, "Mom," almost shedding tears.

"Son" The mother became emotional and went and hugged Zack as he cried.

Although it was not a real hug, one could feel and interact with other people, virtually thanks to sensory technology.

"You're okay, I'm so happy for you, where are you, are you okay?" she said as she asked several questions.

Zack told her what happened, everything except his powers' details, but he decided to let his mother know that he had gained powers and would now be going to military school.

His mother immediately knew that it was a strange case that Zack could develop his powers at a late age, so she would keep it a secret.

They talked for a while, but an alert came to Zack, and he knew it was the soldier from outside the cabin.

Waving goodbye, Zack took off his glasses as he stepped out of the cockpit and saw a soldier waiting for him outside.

"It's time to go, let's go," He said as he started walking down some corridors that not soon after led them to a wide place with an open dimensional rift and 4 people in front of it.

"Here is your ID," Said the person who had served him earlier as he filled out the form.

Taking his ID, he joined the other 4 people, and together with 3 soldiers carrying melee weapons, they crossed the portal.

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