《Deity's Fragments [Paused]》Chapter 3 - Inequality


In a place of a makeshift military camp is Zack. He was leaning behind a box, thinking.

His mother and sister were currently on tour visiting many parts of the world. He did not live with his parents. After he could not get powers and his dreams were frustrated, he isolated himself from them and moved away, although he still maintained contact with his family.

The news about what happened in the city is already spreading like hot cakes worldwide. His mother surely already realized what happened, and it would not be necessary to be fortune-tellers to know that surely she is very worried about him.

“I'll call her when I get to the military camp and get a cell phone,” he thought as he kept looking at the clouds in the distance. It was not too late, the whole event had happened early in the morning, so I still had a long day.

Distracted in his place, he hears a loud voice not far behind him: “Gather around, let's go now, you will be assigned to different groups of people to supervise.”

Leaning with the other peoples, he sighed and walked towards the other people who will help with the trip.

The trucks began to move, and the soldiers began to pack. 2 trucks were used to load the materials, and used the other 7 to load most of the people while others would have to follow the group walking. These were not normal trucks, they were anti-gravity trucks, and they had the capacity to load more than 5 thousand people, each with their compartments modified by a superhuman with space-time powers.

In this case, the teleporter would not be used since it would be unnecessary resource costs, the trip would take about 4 hours, which are counted, taking into account the few breaks for people.


This break was a rotation of people; while one group rode the trucks for a while, another group would take their place later. The population was not very large, but there would be quite a lot of rotations for the number of people, which was quite tedious.

Zack went to truck number 5, which he had to guard along with 3 other people. Unlike civilians, superhumans would not have to rotate with people as these would be the ones setting the rules.

People began to approach the trucks in order, and each one had a ticket that identified them as a lot.

Looking at how people loaded the different trucks, he could see people carrying other belongings that made the spaces more filled.

At that moment, there could be heard two people fighting since one was occupying a part of the truck with his belongings, and the other person could not get on the truck.

The superhumans on that truck were going to move, but the person carrying the commodity pulled out a bag and handed it to one of the superhumans. You could only see how the superhumans smiled and went back to their place.

The person who was fighting went to complain to the soldiers, but they ignored him, that's how things have been lately, as long as you have money, power or influence, you can do whatever you want.

It was the turn of Zack's truck, and the people began one by one to board it. The same situation began to happen in this truck, but unlike the others, the superhumans with Zack did not allow this to happen, which surprised him.

He was prepared to do nothing because he does not like to make enemies by helping someone else. He did not come to be a hero, and he's only focused on his own goals, which if he had to trample another to achieve, then he would.


“Stop,” Said a superhuman. A fat and obnoxious man who had more than 5 suitcases to ride in the truck together with his family was stopped by a superhuman.

“Don't worry, here I have enough money,” said the fat man as he passed the bag to the superhuman with one hand, while with the other, he gestured to his family to move forward.

“Only people, no commodity”, replied the superhuman, staring coldly at the man.

He ignored it and began to bring his family up, but when he tried to pass one of the suitcases to them, it was split in half, and all the contents began to fall to the ground.

“Only people”, He repeated without changing his expression. He had used a dagger that he had at his waist. His blow was so fast that Zack couldn't see when he pulled out and sheathed the knife again.

“What are you doing ...” the man tried to complain, but suddenly he felt cold on his cheek, and a small cut opened in it as drops of blood began to come out.

Not only had he cut up the suitcase, but he had struck such a clean slap on the man's cheek that he needed the man to speak to open it.

Turning pale with fright, the man fell breach to the ground until one of his sons rushed to help his father.

He was about 14 years old; while he was on the floor trying to make for his father to get up, he looked back and could see the man staring at both of them. He felt as if a beast was looking at a simple ant.

Turning his face from him, he helped the man get up, and they got into the truck.

Those who had ideas similar to the man began to leave their belongings and went up without much protest.

The trucks kept filling up until they left. On the way, there were 3 rotations of the different batches. The whole trip went smoothly, so they arrived early at the military base, where the refugees would stay until they were transferred to another place.

Zack got out of the truck, and when he was leaving, he felt that someone was approaching him.

“Where are you going, mouse?” Said a female voice from the side.

Zack turned his face and could see where the previous redhead approached him and looked with a smile. "What do you want now?” He said bad-tempered.

He was normally calm, but for some reason, now seeing this woman made him bad-tempered.

Looking into his eyes and smiling, she said. "Oh, is that how you treat me after giving you a free seat?"

Zack looked at her for a moment and turned, and walked away from this woman. Luckily for him, she did nothing to stop him but only looked at him from afar while he said in a low voice: "What an interesting boy."

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