《Deity's Fragments [Paused]》Chapter 1 - Awakening



In a dark room, a young man was sitting in a video game chair with virtual immersion glasses placed on his eyes, and his name was Zack. These lenses are used to play video games, which were very famous times ago. Still, with the awakening's arrival, fantasy became a reality, and not many people were already interested in these games.

Zack, 19 years old, has short dark hair, a slightly brown complexion, brown eyes and 1.75. He had no power whatsoever. Later than awakening, some people did not receive any power, which left them at the bottom of the food chain. It is stipulated that this is because these bodies were not fit for energy or evolution.

Over the course of the age of 15, people tend to awaken their ability, and if they do not, it is speculated that they will not have lifetime ability. However, there have also been cases where some awaken them at age 16, and their power is slightly less than that of a 15-year-old awakening person. But if they woke up at this age, they would have to update their identity, and if they did not, it was taken for granted that they had not awakened their powers.

Zack was playing when he suddenly felt a great jolt in his body and felt how some things fell on his body, then the vision of him became dark, fainting immediately. After a few minutes, he began to regain consciousness, thus removing the glasses from his face.

A light becomes visible in the room, to which Zack looks around confused and with his eyes half-open, to realize that the installation he lived had collapsed. He did not know what happened, but first, he decided to make efforts to get up, likewise moving some debris from the tile roof that he had above.

He looked outside his house to find flames and smoke and overturned and destroyed buildings and vehicles, dead people, and other vicinity injuries.


Zack did not finish regaining consciousness when he suddenly felt a twinge in his mind at what he heard a voice in his head ...

[Starting species evolution ...]

[Analyzing the subject's capacity ...]

[Integrating and promoting potential of the subject]

Zack suddenly felt a suffocating pain throughout his body, thus losing what little strength he had and collapsing on the ground. He held her head tightly as the voices continued to echo loudly in his head.

[Increased potential]

[Successful evolution]

[Showing statistics ...]

════════Data Panel════════

Name: Zack Neil

Race: Human Lower Class

Health: 250

Energy: 100

Control: 50

Attitude: 25


Essence: 5

Stamina: 5

Mind: 5

Agility: 5

Strength: 5

Raw Attributes: 0



(Note: Residence gives 20 energy for each point; Essence gives 50 life for each point; Mind gives 10 control for each point; “Attitude is the sum of the points of all attributes, 25 is the initial of the superhuman, 5 is the number of normal people)

Slowly the stabbing pain began to disappear, and with it, Zack regained his strength, to be exact, more strength than before; he felt pleased and full of energy.

He previously had trained like mad, archery, investigation, exploration, close combat, and other specialities in weapons, from spears, swords, weapons, among others. But the 15 years of him passed quickly, and he had not awakened a skill, I hope at least to be a latecomer, but nothing happened either.

Now he had woken up and was fascinated. Still, his face soon fell as he read his information carefully. The skills section had “Digitization”. He had no idea what this skill did. Still, he knew that it was not a battle skill, so his dreams of being an adventurer remained unattainable. He also realized that his power was a Variable.

His powers were divided into different ones from Elementals, Classes and Variants.

I touched the name of the skill, and another window with information came out ...

[ What is reality?

A sequence changeable by a Perspective ]


“What the hell does that mean?” He thought, frustrated. This window would have to describe what his ability could do to him, but it just said something incoherent.

Sigh. “At least let's see what he does.” He said, activating his ability.

When activating it, energy began to emerge through his body, but he just kept moving through without doing anything. He tried to run to see if it gave him any physical improvement, but his condition had only improved a little, and it was attributed to evolution.

He tried to control the energy with his mind concentrating it on his right hand. This time, however, something other than just stagnant happened. His hands began to unravel in the air as he could see the structure that made up his hand connected through energy one with others. He could see sequences of information forming her hand, each sequence with different information, and it was as if her DNA and every part of her body was changed by digital information.

I quickly deactivated its activity, keeping it active consumed energy. In just 1 minute, it had already consumed 10 energy points. That is, it could only keep its activity active for at least 5 minutes with the energy it had, but still, I did not know what could do with it.

Looking at her left hand, he could see that he had the number 25 marked in green on it. This said how much power people had, although those who want to go unnoticed do not like it, some can control the number that her wrist shows.

He snapped out of the daze caused by discovering something of her ability and stepped out of the rubble of what was her home to walk around it and find out what had happened.

Walking down the street, he saw many injured people and also corpses. He wondered what could have caused such destruction. With the commotion caused by the aid of the city, Orio would not hesitate to arrive. This place where he lived was a town belonging to the Orio city. The continent where he lives is called Steam, and the city Orio is to the south of this continent.

Walking through the destroyed streets, he could see in the distance a great crack that emitted energy that made his skin crawl. Doubting what to do, he decided that he would approach cautiously in case there was any hidden danger.

Moving through rubble and houses silently, he could see what was in the crater. There was a body of what looked like a giant eagle, and near the eagle, there was the body of another person also lying. The bird looked lifeless, and the body of the person lying down showed no signs to indicate whether he was alive or not.

Analyzing the situation, he decided to approach “without risks. There are no benefits,” he told himself.

While he was moving, he was able to get to the place and see the bird more closely, and it was the size of at least a 5-story building. His body still gave off energy which suggests that it was a high-class beast. He decided not to approach the beast, so first, he went to the person lying; after all, his body was closer.

When he got to the body, it did not emit any vital sign. He could tell that he was a middle-aged man. He had a suite that was all torn and did not see that it could be repaired. He rummaged through the body for anything of value, but all he could find was a storage bag.

These bags had a dimensional space inside where you could store many things despite their small size. Picking up the bag, he decided to see if there was anything under the armour, so he tried to remove it, starting first with the corpse's chest. Touching him, he suddenly felt latent energy within the person that caused his powers to react.

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