《Rapture: The Bloodstained Chronicles (prototype)》Chapter2- Days in the Sunlight


At a different location, is Detective Marshall in his house eating breakfast before he heads to work.

Marshall: Man, honey I never get enough of your cooking. Your food… *munch munch* usually isn’t this burnt though.

In front of Marshall was his wife Sharon, eating food as well.

Sharon: I see, so my food has been burnt before and you still ate it huh.

Marshall: No that’s not what I meant. Just that it usually isn’t this bad though…

Besides Marshall is his teenage son Brandon Patientia, a light skinned, black eyes, and black haired boy whom is eating as well.

Brandon: I don’t know dad, you sure about that. The food is actually really good.

Sharon: I knew you would be more considerate Brandon, unlike this guy.

A soft apologetic voice is then heard from the kitchen as Eveline walks out.

Eveline: Sorry Mr. Patientia. I’ve never cooked at my house, I usually ate outside.

Marshall: Wha! No it’s good. Really, I mean, it’s not bad but-

Sharon: *sigh* Seriously, you’re one of the world’s greatest idiots…

Brandon: Yep. Thankfully I’m nothing like him.

Marshall: What!? No you got me all wrong it’s just that I didn’t know-

Just as Marshall tries to defend himself, his daughter walks into the dining room getting ready to leave. Her name being Iris Patientia, comes in with messy light brown hair and light brown eyes. On her is her paw-print patterned pajamas as she had just woken up.

Marshall: Iris, you can help your old man right? You know that Eveline’s food is better than your mom’s burnt food…

Iris: *pats on shoulder* Dad, its best you stop talking. By the way Brandon, you didn’t wake me up. Again.

Brandon: Sis, you’re old enough to wake yourself now. You’re 19 now, so you gotta do your own stuff now.

Iris: Your right, but since your 2 years younger than me, that means it’s time for you to stop relying on your big sister to drive you to school.

Brandon: … Fine then, I can walk there, hell that’s why we have feet!

Sharon: Then it’s best you get going Brandon, its 20 minute walk to school.

Brandon: Eh!? That long! Alright then, a man’s gotta accept a challenge!

Eveline: Wait! I’ll go too.

Suddenly everyone looks to Eveline questioning whether she is forcing herself to act normally.

Sharon: Eveline, you don’t have to go to school today.

Marshall: She’s right, stay here and rest up a bit.

Eveline: Really, everyone. I’m okay, like seriously okay *shows a big smile*

Iris: Eveline, just rest for a few days. If anything just for today, alright?

Iris: Don’t worry, when Brandon comes back you can take him out for his walk.

Brandon: … Whatever.

Marshall: Iris, take your brother to school. The streets aren’t as safe as they once were.

Sharon: Your dad’s right. Besides, Eveline we can eat the rest of the cake from last night’s party. Okay?

Brandon: I’m done with breakfast; I’ll be in the living room while you take your time getting ready Sis.

Iris: … I’ll make sure you get there late then.

Brandon: Fine by me, you can take your time.

Brandon waits at the living room as he waits for Iris to finishing eating before taking them to school. Eveline then joins as Brandon is turns on the television and with nothing much on, the channel ends up on a news report.

News reporter1: And we have news of the latest incident involving another attack by the Bloodstained Crow occurred during a meeting between Cross and the Latin gang Los Soldados de Reyes.


News reporter2: That's true; it has been 3 weeks since these incidents have started to happen. The assailant known as the Bloodstained Crow got that name from eye witnesses that were caught in the crossfire between the two. As they were only able to see was a man with large metallic claws and a blood drenched cloak.

As the news continues on, Brandon speaks up.

Brandon: They deserved it.

Eveline: Your dad thinks otherwise like he says the way he kills them is unjust.

Brandon: Unjust? Fuck that. Look what they do to people they kill and not to mention whatever they were going to do to you. Unjust my ass.

Eveline: I guess you would like the fact the Bloodstained Crow is killing them all then.

Brandon: ... He's giving them what they deserve.

After they’re little talk Eveline then changes the subject when she sees pictures on the table. She then sees someone she doesn’t know in the pictures.

Eveline: Who’s this?

Brandon: Him? He's someone I looked up to, kinda like a big brother.

Eveline: Like a big brother?

Brandon: He was my best friend. The first person I called a friend when me and Iris were orphans.

Eveline: Oh, so he was older then you?

Brandon: Nope. Same age as me.

Eveline: … Huh? Then why big brother?

Brandon: It's because the way he acted. He didn’t really act like a normal kid when we were younger. He did things his own way and I looked up to him.

Eveline: So how’d you guys meet?

Brandon: Well I don’t remember much after our parents died, but me and Iris were sent to an orphanage and the kids there would make fun of my stuttering. They would pick on me whenever I talked, but Iris always defended me, sometimes she even fought with them.

Eveline: Wow. I knew she’s the fighter type, but back then too?

Brandon: Yup, unlike now I didn’t have courage to defend myself at all. I was scared and a very shy kid. But one day Iris was sick and I guess they took advantage of that. I was playing outside by myself and four kids came up to me.


Kid1: Hey look its B-brand-don, haha.

Kid2: Hey where’s you big sister huh, she an’t her to fight for you.

Brandon: … *holds ball*

Kid2: What you gonna cry?

Kid2 grabs the ball and drops Brandon on the ground.

Kid4: Give me da ball, hey let’s play dodge ball. Hey Brandon dodge!

The ball then smacks Brandon on the face while on the ground.

Kid3: Wow that looked like it hurt. You should have dodged it. Haha

The ball flies off and then hits a boy reading a book. As the kids laughed at him Brandon was clenching his fists. Until the ball that hit him came back and hit kid1 on the face.

Kid1: Gah!

Kid2: Huh? What?

Kid3: Who did that!

The 4 children look and see a boy with a book in his hand.

Kid2: Wha!? You’re that weirdo!

Kid4: This got nothing to do with you, Cipher!

Cipher: Yea, about that I can’t just leave when you’re picking on someone this weak. Also your ball hit me when I was over there, so you better say you’re sorry us. *looks at Brandon* Oh yea, kid you can run away now, I understand your too weak to fight anybody.

Brandon: I-I’m not weak…

Cipher: Huh?

Soon after Brandon punches Cipher on the face.



Cipher: *punches him back* YOU’RE HITTING THE WRONG GUY!

Soon afterwards both Cipher and Brandon start fighting each other.


The 4 kids then start to fight with them as well

Brandon/Cipher: *punches kid1 in the face* STAY OUT OF IT!

After the fight, all 4 kids run to the building, hurt and tired; while Cipher and Brandon are both on lying on the ground.

Cipher: *breathing heavily* Dang kid, you can fight. But your punches suck.

Brandon: *breathing heavily* We… won though.

An adult then sees the two on the ground from the fight.

Staff: What going on here!

Cipher: Ah man… Maria's gonna be mad.

Brandon: Hey, my n-name is Brandon. Wha-a-what’s yours?

Cipher: It’s best you don’t get involved with me. I’m known as a troublemaker here.

Brandon: I don’t care. Y-you helped me f-f-fight today.

Cipher: … Ha! Sorry but I gotta go, take care kid! *runs from the scene*

Staff: Cipher! You did this didn’t you!

The adult then starts to run after Cipher as he runs away from the scene.

Brandon: Weird name, haha. Hope we can be friends someday Ci-cipher...

-Flashback ends-

Brandon: He was a weird guy at times. But he never once asked about the way I talked. I though he didn’t care but when I finally did stop stuttering and showed him he said “Oh I honestly didn’t notice!”

Eveline: I never knew that about you. When did that happen?

Brandon: I was 11 when I told him, but I think we were 6 when we met.

Eveline: Sounds like he was very… unique guy. Did Iris also talk with him?

Brandon: Well sort of, we all kinda met the same day. However she didn’t like him at all due to her being overprotective at the time. She must have thought he was a bad influence or something.

Eveline: So they didn’t like each other then.

Brandon: Well, the first 3 years of our friendship yeah. They didn’t like each other, but Cipher did have a crush on my sis after the first year.

Eveline: Oh! Did she know?

Brandon: Yup. She rejected him all the time. Saying he was just an idiot or something. Despite the fact the she was so obliviously had to have liked him too.

Eveline: What? Wait why did she do that?

Brandon: Beats me. I don’t know what that dumbass was thinking.

Suddenly behind me, Iris appears and smacks him.

Iris: Who’s a dumbass?

Brandon: Uh… You are.

Eveline: So where is he right now? Does he go at the same school as us?

A silence then fills the room.

Brandon: He did. But He doesn’t anymore.

Eveline: Huh?

Iris: He died about 8 months ago.

Eveline: … I’m sorry for bringing this up. It's no wonder he's never introduce us.

Iris: No it’s alright. We have to move on. He wouldn’t want us do dwell in the past or anything like that. Come on; let’s go get you to school.

Behind Iris, Eveline turns to Brandon.

Eveline: I’m sorry bringing up old memories.

Brandon: Don’t be. Those were nice memories anyways, but let’s not talk about it now. Iris is still… well you know.

Eveline: *smiles* I understand. If it’s okay with you, I would like to hear more from you later.

Brandon: *blushes* Huh!? Oh, yea. Of course, anytime Eveline.

As Iris drives Brandon to Douglas MacArthur High School, he looks outside the window and sees a normal everyday life people goes through living in the city. People walking their pets, morning traffic due to adults going to work, and kids younger and same age as him going to school. Eventually they stop at the front of the high school Brandon attends at. He then gets off of Iris’s car.

Iris: Aright call mom when you get out, she’ll pick you up.

Brandon: Bah, I can take the bus. Bout you? Don't you have class now?

Iris: I have class later today so I’ma go back to sleep. In the meantime I can set up some flags for you with Eveline. Despite the fact she looks young she is 17 like you.

Brandon: Please don't...

Iris: Don't what?

Brandon: Never mind, sides I can’t be late for class 10 times in a row in my case.

Iris: What!

Brandon: Gotta go!

As Iris begins to yell at Brandon, a shadowy figure hides at a roof of a nearby building, Cipher is there, watching them.

Cipher: *smiles* They’re still safe. That’s good. … Iris… All I need now… is to find that bastard and kill him. Yea… that's all. Just to make sure though I’ll lookout for them before nightfall.

He then looks to the ground and sees ghostly faces on the floor. The faces seem to be moaning; he then backs off to the sunlight and sees that the faces stop at where the sunlight hits.

Cipher: Least these bastards are weak during the day.

At the police department Steven calls Phil about if they had found anything from the ally they can trace.

Steven: Phil was there anything you found from any of the equipment that we can trace.

Phil: Nope, and if there were these guys didn’t have anything on them that would help.

Steven: I see, well just keep us updated about-

Phil: Ah!

Steven: Found something for us?

Phil: Huh, no just some noodles fell onto this guy's face.

Steven: I see.

Phil: … you’re not as fun as Marshall is you know. You were supposed to make some type of remark.

Steven: Okay.

Phil: … Well as for what you wanted, sorry but it’s only the usual with this guy.

Steven: The attacks?

Phil: Yea, on a lot of them they had wounds that a bladed weapon would make or “claws” in this case. And as always the puncher wounds are also too perfect, as if a laser went through them.

Steven: It’s his trademark.

Phil: There were other people that didn’t have any “Cross” tattoos on them. Turns out they part of a different group.

Steven: Yes, the Reyes gangs are possibly going to get involved in this now. Like the others they may let it go after seeing what he's capable of. There anything else?

Phil: Actually…

Steven: Yes?

Phil: Among the weapons, there was a knife that had blood on it.

Steven: What about it?

Phil: You’re not going to believe it. The blood we found this one is completely different and is the tests show it to be odd.

Steven: How so?

Phil: Another thing is that the color of this blood is nothing like I’ve seen before.

Steven: What exactly do you mean?

Phil: I don’t know how else to say this but, Steven, its black blood.

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