《I Am A Hero: Sheer Heart Attack》Chapter 6



Here Jim sits, in this room surrounded by strangers from all walks of life. While the teenager is still in his rebellious phrase, he still understands that it may be best to know what is going on. And so, he listens attentively to a young man called Cassian, reciting the long-winded explanation that he had memorised.

“So I am called here to save your world?”

“Yes, that’s the gist of it”

Cassian seems happy that the message comes across, as if the teenager is just a naïve child. Seeing that condescending smile gets on Jim nerve. Especially after what he had just been through, to be thrown into something like this.

“Is this some kind of joke!” Jim snide dismissively.

The teenager stands up and leaves. Where he doesn’t even know but definitely not here. As he is walking, however, a voice smothered in mockery rings out.

“Look at big boy over here, acting all cool”

It’s the girl bathed in red, she looks at him with great amusement. Now that he has taken a closer look and the mystery has been dampened, the girl looks just like a low-life punk. But she isn’t the only one here.

“What, I thought that costume was cool” Said the bald man sincerely.

“I am not talking about that you mongrel”

Is that guy talking about the Major America costume that he was wearing? It was humiliating to put that on and the thing no doubt led to his painful death.

But Jim Cross has no regret about that.

Meanwhile, the two strangers are still bickering, it is pretty one-sided though seeing that only the girl in red is getting worked up.

The teenager makes his way to the window. Outside, the sun has risen, and he can sees the people of a bustling olden town busying themselves with their daily routine.

The girl in red finally stops as an old lady enter the room.

“Oh dear, you are awake, how are you feeling now?”

That was directed at Jim, but the teenager remains silent. He continues to observe the world outside of the window. The old lady then reminds everyone gently.

“Breakfast is ready, Alva asked me to tell you all” The old lady turn back to Jim “Do you want some hot food?”


“… I see”

With that, everyone leaves. Only he remains in this room, his mind still swirling with questions. That Cassian reminds him of a local priest, who kept on preaching endlessly about how youths like him are heading like hell. Both of their lines are so rehearsed they are practically placid.

Now looks at him, he was undoubtedly dead, but this place doesn’t look like hell at all.

“Excuse me”

It’s the old lady again, here with a tray of hot food for him.

“I’m not hungry”

“That’s great then, that’s mean you don’t have to finish this”

As the tray is laid upon the table, the aroma spreads all throughout the room.

“This is something new I made, maybe you could give me some feedback then”

Then with a gentle smile, she leaves to join with the others. Jim sighs and sits down, veggie soup isn’t really his favourite. The cuts are also horribly uneven, age must have shaken her hands quite a bit.


After some contemplation, the teenager decides to take a sip. It is nothing special, painfully mediocre. Jim finishes the whole thing anyway.


After the meal, everyone returns to the main room where Johann has something to inform them all. Apparently, there are monsters hidden in this town, more than a dozen.

“Wait, aren’t we here to eliminate them somehow” Fleur said with a shaken tone.

“Not like this of course” Cassian tried to assure her “You all need to learn how to use mana first”

That doesn’t help Fleur at all, obviously, she would rather not having to fight any sort of monstrosity at all be it just a tiny roach. Jim can’t help but feel annoyed. He hates people like this, those who preach and practice goodness without truly looking.

But still, he is a stranger here. Jim looks out of the window, that’s when he spots something peculiar. A bug scampering away from the house, but suddenly without a trace, it disappears into thin air. What is this phenomenon, Jim think to himself? Is he just hallucinating or is this just normal occurrence here? Either way, he decides to keep it to himself anyway, if he can….

“What’s wrong?” The old lady, Mara, asked him.

“Nothing… I thought I saw something strange, that’s all”

“What is it” Johann immediately fixed his attention at Jim.

“Ugh, a bug just somehow disappears, probably just me though”

“How did it disappear, was it instantly or section by section or did it just fade away. Don’t stop with such a half-hearted reply”

Johann eyes are intense, drilling straight at Jim. The teenager stumbles a bit “What…”

“Don’t ‘what’ me, I need the details now”

“You bastard, who do you think you are, ordering me around like that!”

Despite being the guest, Jim won’t stand for such attitude, especially from a stranger. Before any further heat could starts, Eikichi steps in.

“Why don’t we test thing for ourselves”

The man opens the window and throws a pen away, it flies though the air then disappears just like the bug. But upon taking a closer look, one could see that it was seemingly swallowed by some unseen force.

Seeing that, Eikichi immediately leaps out of the window with Johann right behind, the rest was told to stay put. Jim, however, driven by curiosity and not wanting to follow Johann’s order, jumps out after them.

The three passes can feel a thin veil and behind it is a town filled with people.

“Even during the previous days of the competition, it wasn’t this crowded”

“Unless it is time for the main event” Eikichi said grimly.

The man and Johann rush forward with Jim behind, trying to catch up with them. What is going on, he has always been proud of his physical capability. But the teenager can’t even keep up with those two and when they start to weave into the crowd, he can’t even see them anymore.

Still, Jim Cross pushes on forward, he just need to reach the centre of this crowd. Fortunately, everyone makes way for him instantly and the teenager reaches an arena of sort, dug into the ground.


Inside are two civilians, one male one female, backing away from a horrifying sight.

Even Jim himself are frozen by the beast in front of him. An affront to nature in the form of a giant kangaroo with rhino head and skin. The thing is frothing in anger, ready to lash out at anything in front of him. Which conveniently are the two foolish contestants.

From the look of it, the volunteers only fate is doom. They will die at this rate.

I need to have them, a voice rings inside Jim head which is quickly drown out. Those two will die anyway, there is no way he can do anything, even if he tries… The image of Jane Crawford flashes in front of him.

No, this is pure madness.

Jim looks away as the beast charges at the poor souls. But a resounding grasps from the audience brings his view back instinctively.

The sun shines of Eikichi’s bald head as he flies across the air like a majestic… something. With the tip of his shoe aimed straight the creature eyes, the man delivers a devastating kick. Blood spurts out as the monster’s eye is crushed violently. But unfortunately, it isn’t enough to reach its brain. Eikichi wishes he had brought his special dance shoes but no crying over spilt milk.

Despite there being a giant monster in front of his eyes, this shocks Jim likes never before. How could he do something like that, how could he move like that.

Definitely by not standing around, as the image of Jane flashes in front of his eyes one last time. The teenager clenches his teeth and vaults over the railing as well. He has been contented for too long. This world, this life is a second chance and Jim Cross won’t waste it, he won’t let any injustice slips by, ever again.

Of course, he is immediately confronted by fear as the monster’s true scale finally dawns on him. It is too late now, Jim’s second life will be a short one but he won’t leave with regret.

“Ho, that’s a nice landing there” Commented Eikichi.

“Aren’t you a bit scared” Jim asked.

“Of course, lucky I already took a leak already”

Even after saying that, Eikichi still stands tall, unlike Jim whose legs are shaking.

The creature meanwhile is still thrashing around on the ground, getting up doesn’t seem to be its strong point, but it is getting there. Eikichi calls up to Johann, who is still standing in the crowd.

“Oi, this thing, does it also uses your mana thingy”

“No, doesn’t seem so”

That’s surprising, Jim had though someone like Johann would jump down without as well. But his refusal is understandable.

Understandable but not necessary true. Of course, the young warrior won’t back down from this, as children of the Divine, he will protect every of Eden’s citizen to the death, every one of them. But here he is, with a small knife behind reaching its way to his heart.

“Don’t move”

Or else he is dead, that part can be reasonable deduced. Johann recognises that voice, however, it is the female that Doraemon managed to record.

The young warrior can’t help but remember the mercenary, for him to stand around as others risking their lives like this again. This is unacceptable, but Johann can’t find a way out of this. Any sudden movement and his heart will have a nice deep cut.

It seems like Eikichi and Jim won’t be on their own though as someone also jumps in to join in the fray. It’s Doraemon.

“Do you need a diaper over there, boy” She sneered at Jim then turns to Eikichi “For you to be asking that, I guess you already have a plan”

“Of course” The man reply, he then slowly unbuttons his white suit then walks over to hand it to Jim “Can you hold onto this, it would be great”

“Ah… alright”

“And maybe you can look after those two as well, thanks”

After that, Eikichi returns to Doraemon’s side. Leaving Jim with the two civilians eyes wide with amazement. Meanwhile, the monster seems to finally realises its giant arms maybe a viable method of propping itself up, but even that seems to be a struggle somehow.

“I guess you also know what to do” Said Eikichi.

“Of course”

Doraemon’s hoodie slowly turns into a bright red to match Eikichi’s shirt, though a lot more vibrant though just like her cosmetics.

“You looks just like a popsicle”

“Don’t you dare mutter another word”

The girl then pulls out a small syringe and plugs it into a port in the back of her neck on the hoodie. As the content is injected into her body instantly, Doraemon shivers slightly. Her legs get weakened as the ecstasy overcomes the girl momentary.

A smile most erotic yet equally sadistic appears on Doraemon’s face.

Unlike the stuffs flooding the street of England, the pure product is another league of its own. Although, for it to has this side effect, that’s probably why the military hasn’t sanction its use yet. Months of undercover in London were worth it… Opps, shouldn’t jump to conclusion that easily, Doraemon still need to see if it truly works.

The girl looks around in delight… that’s it until she reaches Eikichi who is pouting.

“What the hell” Talk about killing one’s buzz.

“Doraemon doesn’t take drug! Drug is bad!”

“I don’t care, what with this Doraemon thing anyway!”

Um, what are those two doing, Jim can only wonder as the monster has been standing over them for a bit now. And the thing is absolutely furious. It strikes down in a flash, the teenager doesn’t even have enough time to muster a word of warning.

There is no need to worry though as the two easily leap out of the way like it is nothing.

“Come to think of it, Doraemon doesn’t have ears, maybe you don’t suit that name after all”

“Whatever, I don’t care”

Jim watches on, he doesn’t even know what to feel anymore.

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