《MCU inhumain Izel l'eternel》Chapter 14 : Anomaly and portals


This morning when I woke up I woke up with a strange feeling, like something was wrong with the energies of the planet, like something big is going to happen. I checked my body in case it was him who had a problem with apprehending the energies of the world around me but my body is doing absolutely fine.So I checked by infusing energy into my eyes, there I am shocking the particles spinning abnormally fast and chaotically I have never seen this.

I saw the energy in her she was erratic, she must be like me I asked her to come to me to comfort her because she could not understand who was going through.

All the energy swirling around was unknown to me as if it were infected with some type of alien energy. My body wanted some of this energy but I had to control myself because I don't know what it could do to me. It could create negative feelings like last time, or even infect me like it does the world's energies.

The elk I adopted doesn't seem to sense this anomaly, I think it's the fact that he's not yet used to the energies I've put into his body. His tumor shrinks every day he seems to be doing well even if there are days when he is worse than others, Cuau always takes care of him as if he were his big sister. I would never have thought of being a father so young, even if this role has already taken up a big part of my life I will never change my place with someone else, even it's two playing together is one of my most

beautiful memories.

Let’s come back to this situation which begs the question, why exactly the atmosphere is so chaotic, I should go in my ship with the little ones to use the scans to analyze what exactly is happening. I put my companions in the cargo hold to rest while I run the scan, the gravity sensors scrambling like there were pockets with different gravities all over the place. The more I search the less I understand what is going on, first the magic that is hacking now the gravity going haywire.


Pov narrator =======================================================

Rifts were opening up everywhere in the sky, getting bigger as time goes on.

The ship's sensors became more and more out of whack as if the shuttle was in several places at once, portals forming in the sky.

Portals that display very different places, nine places to be exact:

one leafy;

a real hell;

a world of darkness;

a frozen world;

a world where corpses walked;

a world starting with a rainbow;

a space station and even a world similar to earth.

Izel was getting very curious about this mysterious place as each portals projected a different energy with a bit of an energy connecting them to the portal, this energy was the same in each portal.

It was this energy that was most special; it had a timeless feel as if it will exist until the end of time. The shuttle began to shake, the disturbance started to affect it. He started the engines but the gravity system was way too messed up he had to turn them off, it floated her around the ship which made it much harder to get into the cargo hold so the little ones didn't panic.

When he got into the cargo hold he saw Cuau reassuring the elk as it floated, Cuau wasn't panicking that much she used to fly so it was almost the same. He told them not to worry that he is going to take them away from that place but they have to wait a little while. This instantly calmed them down because izel gave them a sense of calm through their bond, this technique is quite simple indeed one of the first discovered by izel.

When he was in the cockpit he was able to start the engines of the vehicle so that he moved away from this place, the engines we somehow managed to take him off the ground even if his was not very calm because the gate attracted his ship. He did everything to get away from these disturbances but it was very complicated, the more he struggled the more the ship began to deteriorate. It didn't take a genius to know that the more he fought the less chance he would have of surviving it all, he made a decision that would change his life even if he didn't know it. He turned the rudder to be in front of one of those gates and activated the motors to run straight into it, he didn't know which gate he was heading towards.


As his ship passed through the rift, a sensation ran through his body, a sensation of distortion. His body felt like being pulled in three directions at the same time, a headache happened to him at the same time. He tried to reach these kids so that he wouldn't feel alone, his ship was already heading towards its destination he only had to activate the autopilot. Those little babies were terrifying in the cargo hold, Izel was sad at the condition of those little ones and it was his fault he hugged them and hugged them tight while waiting to arrive.

The journey was fraught with difficulty but after about ten minutes they finally got out of this portal, the ship touched the ground but it had too much speed so it continued to advance for at least three hundred meters.

When I regained consciousness what I saw made my blood run cold, my children were badly injured I walked up to them to heal them. They were hurt because of me so I did the only thing I could do, I poured all my energy into the two little ones their wound closed quickly but I didn't feel so good but hey it didn't worry not because they are my only real family. While I was recovering I was thinking about where I might be I took my tablet which was strapped to my hip to activate my scanners.

Progress scanners [♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯ --------------------]

geolocation [♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯ ---------------------------------]

atmospheric viability [♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯ -------------------------]

Vessel structure [66% damaged]


Good low already this is news that does not make me happy because I am not the tool to fix it, and besides I do not know where I am that's what worries me the most.

Location [UNKNOWN]

Atmosphere [VIABLE]

Good news and one that could be better but hey I'm not going to cry over things that I can't control, once they wake up I'll go out to see if I can learn two or three little things but for now I will

get some sleep I think.

Four hours later I woke up to find my little ones also awake, they were looking at me with their little eyes.

Izel "Are you worried little ones?"

Cuau “Joy, relief."

Izel "Don't worry about me I'm fine. "

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