《Gaia : Legend of Merlin》Magic


Magic is the fundamental force in Gaia. Without it, the world will likely fall into chaos. The main source of magic is mana which is the energy of the world. Mana is, in a whole unlimited and everyone is capable of making use of it. However the amount of mana one has depends mainly (70%) upon heredity and environment of the child. And as such, every individual has something called Mana Pool which does not change; each individual is born with a specific amount of Mana Pool which is unchangeable. There are limits set to these mana pools for example : if a man is born with 1500 Mana Pool, at the time of his birth his Mana Limit will be set at 100, meaning his Mana Pool will not be able to increase above the designated amount; as such the Mana Limit can be increased two ways : one through aging and the other through training, one important thing to know is that age alone can't help increase the Mana Limit to the maximum. This Mana Pool is different for every individual and is what differentiates talent. Although there are specific classes/jobs that require little to no mana which are classified as Physical classes/jobs like swordsman, warrior, rogue, etc. There are the Magical Jobs/classes which are fully dependent upon mana such as mages, priests, summoners,etc. There are also the special/rare classes which we will not expand upon.There are different types of magic, they are :

1.Basic types:

Fire Ice Lightning Wind Nature Earth Poison Water Neutral Holy Sound

2.Rare types:

Time Chaos Shadow Death(Necromancy) Summoning Barrier/Seal Scion Solar Lunar Spirit Space Blood

Now among the rare bases their rarity is completely different from one another. Such magic like time magic is considered dead because of the scarcity of such mages. Chaos magic is also extremely rare. Solar and Lunar magic also belongs to specific tribes only.The others can be found in almost every city, even in villages in very low numbers.


Physical based classes are considered to not belong to any specific base. However such classes like berserkers are said to have a base called frenzy. Physical classes can strengthen their skills using these magic bases. As such the Physical bases are as follows :

Frenzy Force Aura Sever

Also, every living being is born with inborn abilities which are permanent attributes which varies from simple ones like hardened bones to advanced ones like Arcane supremacy.

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