《Gaia : Legend of Merlin》Volume 2, Chapter 8 - Day before the Result


Dissatisfied with her performance the day before, Merlin woke up early the next day to improve herself.

Exiting the inside of the house, the sun hadn't risen yet. As such it was still dark. However this wasn't much of a problem for her as she could just enter the underground training area which had proper lighting.

Opening the small door on the ground, she entered the training area which covered the entire property underground. The walls were made with deadwood and layered with Voltbear fur which has high magic resistance.

It was basically an empty area with lighting where one could practice all types of magic.

Since the next day was the day of the result, in order to clear her mind she decided to train using mana circulation as she sat on the ground, channeling her mana around her body. Doing this can increase one's mana limit, which is why Merlin chose this method since the most important factor of being a summoner was their mana.

An hour lantern, sweating and exhausted, Merlin decided it was time to stop thinking to herself -

"Let's stop for now since mom has probably woken up."

She exited the training area and as she entered the garden, standing on the front door was her mom.

"Morning honey, are you dissatisfied with your performance yesterday?" asked Nenevi.

"Ah, morning mom." greeted Merlin ,"A little bit, yes." she continued.

"Don't think too much about it. I'm sure you will get in the institute and if not I'll just make your father admit you anyway." joked Nenevi.

Hearing this, Merlin formed a faint smile and said ,"Okay mom." as she walked towards the house.

"Now don't forget to take a bath okay." said Nenevi as she lightly tapped on her daughter's shoulder.


Going up the stairs Merlin abruptly stopped as she remembered something.

"Mom, where is father anyway?" asked Merlin.

Nenevi who was about to enter the kitchen stopped and said ," He has some council stuff to do so he won't be home for a few days."

Hearing this, Merlin nodded her head and went up the stairs and straight to the bath where she cleaned herself. A few minutes later, she finished bathing and went to her room to change her clothing. As she finished clothing herself she decided to go downstairs and help her mother in preparing their breakfast.

Meanwhile on the other side of town, Areti and Melos who were staying in their relative's place had also started waking up.

The first of the two to wake up was Areti and as he woke up, he saw her sister sleeping next to her tightly hugging him. This was due to the fact that their relatives had only one guest room with one bed, as such they had no problem sharing the room.

Moving his left arm, he poked Melos' forehead to wake her up as well because he could not move from his place if not.

Feeling the pokes on her forehead, Melos slowly opened her eyes. She felt a warm sensation on her arms and when her eyes fully opened, it was her brother who was in her arms.

Embarrassed by the situation, Melos quickly rose up from the bed and with a soft voice said - ,"Sorry about that, brother."

"Ahh don't worry about it. Come, our aunt is calling us." replied Areti who had already gotten out of bed within that short amount of time, leaving the room.

Melos too quickly got up from the bed, properly made the bed and went out.


As they came out of the guest room and went to the living room, their aunt greeted them ,"Good morning you two, did you sleep well?"

"Good morning." they both replied. "Yes, I slept like a log." said Areti.

"Me too." followed Melos.

"Come now, we have prepared breakfast early since you two wanted to tour the city." said the aunt as they followed her.

As they started eating, their uncle asked them , " So, this is your first time here right?"

"Yes." replied Areti.

"Hmm, okay. What do you think of the city?" asked their uncle.

"Well, compared to Barka it's more populated." replied Areti.

"Yeah, there were so many people when we arrived I was surprised." said Melos.

"Yeah, this place is also known as the Centre of Magic so people from all over Gaia visit this place." said their uncle.

"Why is it called the centre of Magic?" asked Melos.

"You see Melos, the institute you're trying to enter is named after the Mother of Advanced Magic, Mavis. And this city was also founded by her." answered their aunt.

"Wait so you're telling me it's that Mavis? I thought it was just a borrowed name or something." said Melos, surprised.

"Yes, that is also why no race is discriminated here. Anyways you will be learning about this if you manage to get in so let us finish eating first." said their aunt.

Finishing their breakfast, Areti and Melos after cleaning themselves up decided to walk around the city.

They finished touring the city late in the evening and tired from all the walking they did, immediately went back to their uncle's house.

Meanwhile Merlin too had just finished her training, which with the help of her mother was more tiresome but more effective.

Also, while all of this was happening Xavier was asleep in the tavern. He had just woken up late in the evening. However, he slept again after going out for food.

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