《First Love》Chapter 2


“Alan could you repeat that? I couldn’t hear you over the passengers two rows back.”

“I said when we get there look for a man named Kotaro. He’ll be holding a sign with the company name.”

“Must be difficult being the son of the CEO.”

“It can be at times, but it does come with perks. One of those being getting to go to Japan with my best friend. It’ll be just like when we came during college. Well not quite. Will have more than one pair of clothes and be staying in a hotel instead of wherever would take us. Good times regardless. Remember that time you walked into the wrong the bathroom and came running out with an old woman chasing you?”

“Can’t say I do.”

“I do hope your Japanese has improved since the last time even if your memory hasn’t.”

“I’ll have you know I took Japanese in college and passed the langue proficiency test with flying colors.”

“Because I helped you cheat on it.”

“Out of the kindness of your heart.”

“No because you said if I didn’t you would tell my girlfriend at the time, I was cheating on her. She found out a few weeks later anyways. Let that be a lesson for you. Never leave your phone unlocked when your woman is around.”

“Or don’t cheat on them.” I suggested.

“Impossible. No man can say they’ve never at least tried to.”

“I haven’t.”

“That tells me one of two things James. One being you’re not a man or two, which is far more likely knowing you, you forgot about it. For any other man to forget would mean they had a horrible time, but in your case I’m not sure.”


“I may be forgetful…”

“Let’s put it like this. If your head wasn’t screwed on you would’ve lost it by now. But please continue your thought.” Said Alan interrupting me.

“It’s nothing.” I sighed before looking out the window and thinking “I wonder if she’s still here.” As Sapporo lit up below as the sun set on the horizon.

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