《The Nine Tails of Alchemy Series》V2 Chapter forty one


The mountain was ablaze. Fire consumed everything in sight without mercy. Standing shoulder to shoulder with Brodel, I fought to hold back the flames which encircled the temple.

Through my innate connection to fire, I sensed the flair of Pyr’s power within the flame. That was not all I could feel within the fire. Darkness, and an insatiable hunger filled each flickering flame.

“Great, and Almighty Trismegistus! I call upon you, and plea, aid me in bringing an end to these flames.” I cried out, as I continued to strain against the fire.

“The fire is of your own doing, little fox. It was your neglect which has led to this,” the god replied, his voice stern.

“I won’t deny that! However we are not strong enough to fight back the fire, and it’ll consume the temple if you don’t help.” I responded, the mana within me may have been growing ever stronger as the fire burned, but just as I grew stronger, so did Pyr.

“Do not fight the fire. Consume it. You have the tool needed for this within you.”

My mind raced as I struggled to make sense of the gods' words. I had already attempted to un-summon Pyr to avail. I also couldn’t put the fire out, simply keeping it away from the temple was a struggle.

Something clicked into place within my mind, the mental image of an ethereal fox swimming to the forefront of my swirling thoughts.

The wisp could absorb mana! When I hunted with my team in an attempt to restore my depleted core, the ethereal fox had absorbed all the mana, leaving nothing behind for us to draw into our cores. Was it possible the fox could absorb the mana of the creatures dying in the fire, and starve out Pyr enough that I could regain control of the fire wisp?

Sweat beaded on my brow, and I swallowed back a curse. If I summoned the wisp, I not only would lose my human guise, but the mana within my core which was needed to give the wisp its form. That meant I would no longer be able to help Brodel hold back the flames.

If this didn’t work, the temple would be consumed by the fire. Yet, if I did nothing, the temple's fate would be the same. Brodel, and I could not hold back the fire forever, we could barely keep it away as it was.

There was little other choice. At least the disciples, and my guild mates were safely hidden away in the underground caverns beneath the temple. The fire should not be able to reach them there, not with Brodel’s disciples sealing the entrance behind a thick layer of stone.

Drawing in a deep steadying breath, I released my hold on the flames. I didn’t have time to ponder, I needed to act.

Power flowed out of me in waves, as an ethereal fox burst forth in a flash of blinding white light. My body crumpled to the ground, human features melting away to reveal a twin tailed red fox.

Fire danced over my fur, bathing me in heat as an ethereal fox whose form matched my own circled above me. I could feel the mana surrounding us stronger now that I was in my true form.

Consume. I ordered, gazing up at the ethereal wisp above me. It did not hesitate as it flew forwards into the flames, which appeared to be sucked towards it.

Soon a whirlwind of flames spiraled around the wisp, and I could feel the mana surrounding us grow weaker. As the wisp sucked in the flames, a towering column of fire swirled into the sky, the fire which once coated the mountain surging around the ethereal fox.


I sat beside the statue of my patron, staring wide eyed at the flames. The fox was not a fire wisp, yet, it appeared to have the ability to consume the fire.

No. Not the fire, but the mana within it. Power was trickling into my core, though the rate had been greatly slowed with the wisp taking the majority of it. How could a wisp handle so much mana? They were a lesser creature, with only a small core, it should not be able to absorb the mana at the rate it was.

My musings were cut short as a high pitched shriek filled the air. A ball of fire flew towards the fiery tornado, and my canine jaw dropped open at the sight.

The blackened skeletal form of a rabbit hopped across the plateau at high speed, the gelatinous substance that coated its bones jiggling with each hop. Flames flickered over its body, giving it the appearance of fiery fur, and a pair of ears made of pure fire sat atop its little head.

It was Pyr, that much I could sense, yet it was not Pyr I knew. My lovable pyromaniac blob, was now a pyromaniac bunny, and a disobedient one at that.

Growling, I attempted to un-summon the wisp, but all that achieved was redirecting the mutated Pyr’s attention to myself.

Fire spewed out of the rabbits mouth, and I leapt to the side, narrowly avoiding the flames which singed my fur. Before today, I never feared the wisps fire, knowing it would never do me harm, but now he was no longer my Pyr. It was different- tainted.

I could not fight the wisp, if I so much as touched it, the fire coating its body would consume me. Snarling, I ran in circles around Pyr, dodging his attacks as I tried to think of a plan.

If my core were not depleted after summoning the ethereal wisp, I could have attempted some form of transmutation to trap the rabbit.

As that thought passed through my mind, the ground beneath my feet shook as slabs of rock shot up around the rabbit enclosing it in a stone box.

The form of a seven tailed gray fox appeared at my side, its eyes locked on the box it had just created. I could feel Pyr within it, the wisp’s hunger, and rage radiated through the bond we shared. That I could still feel the wisp indicated it was still bound to me, despite my inability to un-summon or control it.

Brodel began layering more stone over the wisp as the stone began to glow red, heat pouring off it in waves. I did not know if the wisp could burn hot enough to melt stone, but it was apparently making an attempt.

With Brodel restraining Pyr, the flames swirling around the ethereal fox grew stronger in response to the fire wisp's rage. The fiery tornado grew larger, and I felt an outpouring of power surge from within the fire.

The flames swirled fiercely as they surged towards the stone box, and I was forced to retreat back towards the temple with Brodel. We watched from the entry as the fire consumed the box, its power raging to even greater heights.

Brodel nudged me with his muzzle, jerking his head towards the hallway behind us. I shook my head in response. I would not retreat, this was my temple, and I knew that if I abandoned it to the flames Trismegistus would not make it easy for me to gain another.

“This creature is of your creation, reclaim it, or die to the flames of your failure.” Trismegistus’s voice flowed through my mind, his words prodding me forwards.


I tentatively stepped out of the temple's entry way, then after gathering my courage, ran towards the fire. If I was going to die in the fire anyway, then wasn't it better to die fighting instead of cowering?

With a vulpine yowl, I once more attempted to un-summon Pyr, mentally ordering the wisp to submit. Pyr was mine, a fragment of myself granted external form, and it would submit!

The dark, hungry power fought against me, shoving at my mind with a searing lash of power.

In response, I reabsorbed the ethereal fox that was my second wisp. The fox rushed towards me, bringing with it a surge of power. I had expected to regain only that which I gave up when it returned, but what I got was so much more.

Power overflowed from my core as I struggled to take in the mana the wisp brought back to me. Teeth barred in a snarl, I redirected the mana from my core towards the fiery tornado that now swirled above the rabbit that was once Pyr.

I flung the mana at the wisp, using it to force my will upon the creature through the remnants of the bond we shared. You are mine! Mine, mine, mine!

The rabbit shrieked, the flames swirling around it shrinking rapidly as I shoved more power at the wisp, intent on restoring the damaged bond. I pushed everything I had towards the bond, mana which could have been used to expand my core, and form my third tail flowed out of me in waves. I did not regret its loss, for I knew it could be regained.

Heat seared through me, as the flames, and the fiery rabbit dissipated. Scorching hot mana flowed into my core, bringing with it the dark necromantic taint which had consumed Pyr.

As the darkness reached my core, the ethereal fox within me lunged towards the tainted mana, glistening pearlescent teeth ripping into the darkness. A bitter, dirty taste filled my mouth as I heaved, and hacked, my body convulsing as I vomited out a dark sludge onto the charred ground.

A hand stroked across my back the touch bringing with it a soft touch of magic that swept through my body, washing away the remnants of darkness.

Retaking my human, I wiped a hand over my mouth and looked around at the charred clearing. “I take it you come to join our little bonfire? Unfortunately you came late, so we’re all out of marshmallows.”

Icarus chuckled. “Bonfire? It was a literal pillar of flames that soared higher than my temple's tallest tower, and burned over half the mountain. If you wanted to invite me over, a letter would have sufficed.”

Smiling Icarus, held out a white cloth. I took the cloth, nose wrinkling in response to both the strong smell of alcohol, and the light priest's words. After cleaning the black tinged saliva from my chin, and hands, I pushed to my feet with a sigh.

“Yes, well, we wanted to build a road up to our temple.” I said, waving a hand towards the side of the mountain that was now bare of any trees. “It would have taken weeks to log all that timber if we did so by hand.”

“And you felt the need to do so with necromantic fire?”

“It was most effective,” I quipped with false casualness as we walked to the edge of the plateau. Brodel joined us as we stared down at the burnt mountain side.

Icarus sighed, giving a slight shake of his head. “The land is tainted, soon the creatures killed in this fire shall be resurrected as necromantic beings.”

Well, shit. “I don’t suppose a certain high priest of light would be able to un-taint this land?” I hinted, glancing over at the priest whose lips twitched.

“He would, however-” Icarus began, his gaze turning towards me. “Such a feat is not a simple matter that can be achieved without compensation.”

Trismegistus spoke into my mind before I could respond, his voice holding a note of amusement. “His cleansing will change nothing, for they are not creatures of taint. They are an alchemic variant of your creation, there are no others like them.”

Alchemic variant? There was such a thing? Arching a brow, I stared down at the burnt forest. My mind whirled with the possibilities. Was it similar to genetic mutation?

The mimic’s! Were they also an alchemic variant? The research I had read said they were born of a slime core corrupted with dark magic, did that mean they were a variant of slimes?

I groaned, mentally cursing myself. Of course they were a variant of slimes, it was what they were made from, so obviously they didn’t become their own species, but a subspecies.

“High Priestess Kadia?” Icarus’s voice interrupted my chaotic thoughts.

I flushed, looking over at the winged priest. “My apologies, I was communicating with my patron.” I said, explaining what I had been told about the creature’s that would spawn from the ruined forest.

“I have heard of necromantic variants, however this is the first I have heard of an alchemic one.” Icarus said, his expression showing interest as he shifted his attention back to the mountain side.

“Such is mentioned in the books of old,” Brodel said, smoothing a hand over his soot-covered robes. “The most commonly known of such creatures are known as slimes. They are the creation of a High Priest of Trismegistus from long ago, and have several known variants.”

“When there is time, I would like to discuss these books with you.” I informed the priest who nodded. Turning to Icarus, I smiled. “You have my gratitude for the healing you bestowed, High Priest Icarus.”

Pulling a vial from the pouch concealed in my robes, I held it out to the priest. “This is a sample of a high grade pain relieving tincture. Please take it as a show of my gratitude.”

Icarus laughed, taking the vial. “A sample which will no doubt lead me to make a large purchase, I am sure.”

“Perhaps,” I said, inclining my head. “I fear we must now bid you farewell, as there is much we must attend.”

“If you permit, I would visit in a few days to inspect the creatures that will inhabit your mountain.” He said, his wings flexing behind him.

“It shall be an honor to host you,” I said then hesitated, glancing over at the dark temple on a distant peak. “Would you pass an invite to High Priest Haiden as well?”

Icarus nodded. “He may not attend, but I shall extend the invitation.”

As the high priest ascended into the sky, he was joined by the paladins who had been milling around the plateau.

Once the tengu were out of sight I turned to Brodel.

“This was intentional.” I said firmly, gesturing to the blackened mountain. “We were creating alchemic creatures to guard the temple, and serve as a test for incoming disciples.”

“If that is your will, it shall be so.” he said, inclining his head.

It’s better than admitting the truth. I’ll never hear the end of it otherwise. It should be easy enough to inform those in the caverns below that it was only as a safety measure they were sent away, and that the flames were under our control the entire time.

Looking down at my soot covered robes, I decided a bath, and change of clothes would be in order before I addressed the disciples.

Mentally contacting Meissa, I informed her that she could direct the transmutation disciples to open the entrance to the caverns, and to have the disciples await me in the hall of origin.

I would need to give a brief speech to the disciples, informing them about the new creatures without telling them what would be spawned. Partly because I didn’t actually know what would appear.

Instead I would give them the task of researching these new alchemic variants, offering points for research papers, and any discoveries made. The astrology disciples likely wouldn’t take part, but I was sure some among the alchemy, and transmutation disciples would take up the task.

Fortune through failure seems to be my motto as of late. I sighed as I trudged up the stairs to my quarters.

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