《Erika's musings》Chapter 9



{Place}: Dungeon's Sixth Room


Vincent: “There are no monsters either, and it’s just a simple passage room.”

Camelia: “...I found something.”

Erika: “I hope it’s finally some weapon at least.”

Camelia: “Uwah, it hurts. What’s this, It’s stuck to the wall, I can’t get it out.”

Vincent: “I will try.”

Vincent: “Ku, grrr,...huff, huff. I...made it somehow.”

Camelia: “...Mister Vincent. You are so strong.”

Erika: “Not bad, I guess. Hmph. But, what did you find, Is it a weapon?”

Vincent: “No, unfortunately, it’s some old looking shield. It’s a bit large and too heavy for me to use.”

Erika: “Kuh, how frustrating. We have searched so much and yet we found nothing. Camelia, it’s your fault, I’m sure of it. everything is your fault today somehow. Even that scary tentacle monster. I'm sure of it.”

Camelia: “Eeh, why is that, master Erika?”

Erika: “Your bad luck. It's your bad luck that influences our exploration somehow. It’s got to be that, I just know it.”

Camelia: “...I'm sorry, master Erika.”

Vincent: “Let’s not argue. Erika, such things happen while adventuring and dungeon-delving. There’s not always an easy way out or some simple solution. Sometimes just an effort is needed. That’s also one of the things I wanted us to learn and get experience with.”

Erika: “But Vincent, How long do we have to look for some stupid weapons. Can’t we just sell the things we found already and just buy the weapons instead?”

Vincent: “No Erika. It would completely kill the purpose of our training then.”

Erika: “But Vincent, aren’t looking for a smart solution to a problem a good thing and needed as an adventurer?”

Vincent: “That might be the case normally, but I think we still lack a lot of fundamentals, so we should steadily work on them first. I’m sure it will bear fruit in the future.”

Erika: “Tch, fine. Have it your way Vincent. Talking so high and mighty just because you did a little well today. Hmph.”

Vincent: “Thanks, Erika. Let’s go then. There’s a door to the next room ahead. So let me check it first.”

Camelia: ”...”

Vincent: “Camellia, why aren’t you saying anything? Is something wrong?”

Camelia: “...No, it’s nothing, mister Vincent… I’m… I’m perfectly fine… uwaaah…” *crying*


“What’s with you, making such a scene.”

Vincent: “Hey what’s wrong Camelia? Why are you crying?”

Camelia: “I’m… sniff sniff… I’m sorry… it’s just… somehow… sniff sniff...I feel that master Erika today is a lot meaner to me than usual… sniff sniff… Master Erika… are you...are you perhaps gotten fed up with me? Do you… sniff sniff… hate me?”

Erika: “Eeeh!?”

Camelia: “Please, master Erika! I will do everything so please don’t throw me away! Please! I don’t ever want to go back to that dark and cold place again! So please! Please!”

Vincent: “Camellia… What are you talking about...”

Erika: “W...what, you say it’s my fault?”

Camelia: “...Sniff sniff… I’m sorry… I will be good next time, so… so…”

Erika: “Uhm, C...Camelia. That is. I’m sorry. It seems I might have been a bit colder to you than usual like you said. Uhm, I...that is… I will let you hug me today after we go back, so… that is… I’m sorry. And don’t cry anymore, it feels strange seeing you cry like that.”

Camelia: “Do you mean it? You are not lying, right? Like that time when you said you will buy me those sweets, then to completely ignore me and eat it all by yourself. Or that other time in the Academy days when you left me in the dormitory room and completely forgot about me for a whole month, while you went home for holiday. I couldn’t go out, and when I finally found a way out I couldn’t even get to you because you never told me where you lived? I almost died from starvation.”


Vincent: “Erika, you… I have no words.”

Erika: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for those times too, so just forget about that stuff! I promise I will hug you all night, and we will even sleep together today. And I will buy you some sweets too.”

Camelia: “Yaay, so happy. I can’t wait already, master Erika. I love you so much!”

Erika: “I… I see, t...that’s good.”

Vincent: “Should we go out for today, after all? We will continue the dungeon-delving tomorrow.”

Erika: “I...I guess, Uhm, Camelia let’s go back for today.”

Camelia: “Yes, master Erika~ Hmm~ hmm hmm~, hmm~ hmm hmm~, Cuddling with master Erika~ cuddling with master Erika~ I can’t wait, I can’t wait~”

Vincent: “Erika, it might not be my place to say it, but if you could, would you be more gentle towards Camelia?”

Erika: “I... will think about it. Don’t say that like I hate her or something. I might be a bit harsh and strict, but I’m properly thinking about her. Uhm… I will do it I will do it! So don’t look at me like that!”


[Description]: ’Vincent, Erika, and Camelia return from the dungeon.'

[Description]: ’But still, finding one of Astardis’s treasured spellbooks: First generation. Being the pioneer of current magic schema, his works should be an unimaginable treasure, but being pretty much forgotten, the actual thing is cheap as hell. What idiots, they don’t even know what treasure they have in their hands.’


{Place}: Tempest Residence


Erika: "I need a hot bath."

Erika: "I need to get myself clean of all this embarrassment and humiliation."

Camelia: "I want a hot bath too! Master Erika, can I go with you?"

Erika: "What? Why? I don't want to. Just go clean yourself in the bath bowl or something."

Camelia: "Eh? Oh, okay..." *sad*

Erika: "Don't worry, you idiot, we will sleep together today as I promised."

Camelia: "Yaay! I'm so happy!"

Maid Matilde: "Miss Erika, the water is ready."

Erika: "Okay. And you are not allowed to disturb me. Now scram, Camelia you too, I want to be left alone."

Maid Matilde: "Yes. Please enjoy yourself, Miss Erika."

Camelia: "Okay."

Maid Matilde: "One more thing before I go. Master and Mistress want to eat dinner with you today. What should I say to them?"

Erika: "How dumb. Fine I will go, just go away for now. I want some time for myself."

[Explenation]: ’Erika enters the bathroom and locks it. She quickly hops into a bath. The water is making a lot of foam.'

Erika: "Ah, this feels so good."

[Explenation]: ’Erika closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.'

Erika: "I'm such an idiot... I'm so dirty and filthy, how can anyone love me? Nobody loves me. If I died now, nobody would care." *crying*

[Explenation]: ’Erika is sobbing now. Sniff. Sniff.'

Erika: "Sniff. Why does everything bad is happening to me?"

[Explenation]: ’She cries even more.'

Erika: "I wish I had a boyfriend. Someone who loves me. Someone who will treat me like a goddess I am. Some prince charming that will be on my every whim. And so can squeeze him dry from his funds whenever I want. Like, seriously, why should I pay for things with my own money. That's just so weird. Guys should be killing each other just to be able to make themselves useful to me."

[Explenation]: ’Erika continues moping in the bathtub.'


Erika: "Even that stupid bimbo quest giver or whatever has one. And she has the guts to flirt with Vincent when I'm right beside them. And that stupid Vincent, why was he going along with that?"

Erika: "What's so good about her, anyway. Like seriously, her face is so mediocre. And I don't even want to comment on her trashy personality. The only thing she has for her are her stupidly big breasts, which I'm sure she altered magically somehow. That stupid cheater. Does she think no one will now? How stupid can she get?"

Erika: "What was Vincent even seeing in her? I'm 100 times better than her than why..."

[Explenation]: ’Erika cries again.'

Erika: "Vincent is a big stupid jerk." *crying*

Erika: "Nobody understands my pain." *crying*

Erika: "I need a hug." *crying*

Erika: "Vincent, please give me a hug."

Erika: "Please come here and give Eri a hug."

Erika: "I'm sorry I called you a big stupid jerk. You're not a big stupid jerk, you're my honey bunny! Ehehehe."

[Explenation]: ’Erika giggles.' *watches attentively*

Erika: I wonder what would he say if I called him that?"

Erika: "Vincent, you're my honey bunny. Now hug me."

[Explenation]: ’Erika giggles again. W... what are you... I probably shouldn't watch this right? Right?' *watches anyway*

Erika: "...And... And a k... kiss. Noooo... What are you doing Vincent?! You pervert! But... we can't."

Erika: "Vincent you jerk, you're supposed to hug me, not molest me!"

Erika: "Vincent, stop! Not there! Not here... here is... Nevermind, but I'm still mad at you!"

Erika: "Get off of me, you jerk!"

[Explenation]: ’Erika gets up and washes while flirting with Vincent in her imagination.'

Erika: "I knew it! The only thing you're good for is molesting me."

Erika: "Vincent, I... I'm sorry, but I can't. Not after what you just did. I'm just not that kind of girl."

Erika: "Well... OK, but just this once..."

Erika: "Vincent, stop it! Stop touching my butt! And my... You know what! Just stop it!"

Erika: "Vincent! What do you think you're doing?! Stop it right now! You're such a pervert!"

Erika: "No, I'm not falling for that. I'm not playing your little game."

Erika: "I'm not going to say it! No!" *licking lips* "But... if you say it first..."

[Explenation]: '...' *watching furiously*

Erika: "Vinceeeeent!"

Leona: "Erika! What happened, why are you screaming?"

Erika: "Eh? What? No... nothing. It's nothing mother."

Leona: "Erika come out. I'm worried about you."

Erika: "I was just, you know... practicing. Yes, I was practicing."

Leona: "Practicing? I don't understand."

Erika: "That's... that's right I was just practicing... for, you know... when I would be attacked by monsters at the dungeon... and I would have to get help from my companions, right."

Leona: "Erika...about this. We will talk later. For now please hurry, we are about to start dinner."

Erika: "Yes mother dear, I will be there soon."


Erika: "She totally surprised me...Sigh."

[Explenation]: ’Erika starts to giggle. She gets up and washes herself while flirting with Vincent in her delusions some more.'

Erika: "I knew it, Vincent! The only thing you're good for is molesting me."

Erika: "Eheheh. You are such a perverted idiot Vincent. Ehehehehe."


Sometime Later


[Explenation]: ’Erika arrives at dinner and sits next to her mother Leona and father Anton.

Erika: "Well, this is a rare occasion, the three of us having dinner together."

Anton: "I know right! Let's all have dinner in silence, no talking at all!"

Anton: "Heh, just kidding. So how are you doing today?"

Erika: "I'm alright father."

Leona: "Erika, you are always either reading those novels in your room or down in the dungeon. Are you okay?"

Erika: "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?"

Anton: "She is probably still sulking about her recent defeat."

Leona: "Erika, honey. I still think you should stop this all adventuring thing. It's too dangerous for you. I'm sure you trouble Vincent a lot every day."

Erika: "Mother, I'm not afraid. And it's Vincent that is troubling me!"

Leona: "I know you are not. And that's the problem, you're too brave for your own good. Always have been since you were little."

Erika: "I'll be fine, just please don't worry about me."

Anton: "Your mother and I will always worry about you, Erika. As parents we have that luxury, but if that's the way it is then so be it."

Erika: "Thanks, father."

[Explenation]: ’Erika looks at her parents and realizes how great they were to her. She had never doubted their love for her.'

Erika: "Father, I want to talk to you about something later."


Sometime Later


Anton: "Yes?

Erika: "It's about mother. I've been noticing she has been looking ill lately, almost sick. Are you aware of this?"

Anton: "Yes. It's true, your mother has not been feeling well as of late."

Erika: "She hasn't?"

Anton: "No, Erika. She hasn't. But it's nothing to be concerned about. Women get these things from time to time... Your mother will be fine."

Erika: "There's also the matter with the mother being unable to have children. What are you hiding from me? Both of you? Mother does not want to tell me anything."

Anton: "I'm not hiding anything from you, Erika. And your mother will tell you when she's ready to."

Erika: "But that could be too late. I'm her daughter, I have a right to know. Don't you think?"

Anton: "I suppose you do. But some secrets are hidden for a reason. This is one of them."

Erika: "This better be a valid reason, if it's not then I will feel betrayed and..."

Anton: "Erika, Erika, calm down. You're not a child anymore, you don't need to worry. Your mother is not sick, she's fine. There is nothing wrong with her."

Erika: "I don't believe you. There is certainly something strange about all this. I just know it!"

Anton: "Well, you're just going to have to trust me that your mother is fine. She just needs rest, that's all. I suggest you worry about yourself for now."

Erika: "Me? What do you mean? I'm fine."

Anton: "Of course you are, dear daughter of mine. But I'm sure you're aware that your diet is... lacking. You really should eat more, Erika."

Erika: "I eat enough as it is."

Anton: "Are you eating enough meat? You need to eat more meat."

Erika: "I eat plenty of meat. Thank you very much."

Anton: "I'm sure you're not. You should eat more. You'll need the energy if you want to continue your dungeon-delving. I saw you at the dinner and you barely touched your meal."

Erika: "... I'm not hungry... I'm... on diet..."

Anton: "You should eat more."

Erika: "Fine. I will think about it."

Anton: "Good. I'm glad to see we agree on this matter."

Anton: "Anyhow, I'll leave you be, for now, Erika."

Erika: "Goodnight, papa..."

[Explenation]: ’Anton leaves and Erika goes back to her room. She stares at the walls, thinking. She tries to think about all that has happened in her life so far. She thinks about what is to come. Her stomach starts growling, making her remember her father's words. She goes over to the plate of food her father brought with him, but then stops.'

Erika: "No... I have to resist...! But... it looks so delicious..."

[Explenation]: ’Erika eats the food.'

Erika: "It is delicious... but I can't...!"

[Explenation]: ’Erika eats more of the food.'

Erika: "... I have to resist!"

Erika: "But the food looks so good... No! Erika! Don't eat it! The food is bad for you! Bad, bad, ba-ba-baaaaad! Don't eat it!"

[Explenation]: ’Erika eats even more of the food.'

Erika: "Why does this taste so good...?"

[Explenation]: ’Erika eats all of the food.'

Erika: "This taste is... too good..."

[Explenation]: ’Erika eats all of the food and then lays on her bed. Before long Camelia joins her in her room.'


Erika: “So Camelia, uhm, you never told me, but what’s with that ‘dark and cold place’ you talked earlier? When I first saw you, you were sleeping in the rain abandoned, so I just took you with me. But you never told me about your past.”

Camelia: “That’s…! Master Erika, can we not talk about that today? I will tell you, but just not now, okay? We are in such a good mood, we are hugging too, it’s like a paradise, cuddling with master Erika. I feel like I’m gonna die from bliss, so please…”

Erika: “Whatever, if you don’t want to tell me then I won’t ask. But, I… You know, I care about you Camelia, so… don’t ever talk as if I will leave you or something. I’m your master so I will take care of you until the very end. Remember that!”

Camelia: “Yes, master Erika! I’m so happy.~”

Erika: “Hmph.”

Camelia: “Zzz... Zzzz... Zzzz...”

Erika: “Stupid fox, worrying me like that. I’m sorry. Somehow I end up talking all those mean things to you. Not only you, Vincent too. Even that bimbo girl. No, she deserved it so it’s okay. But, I’m an idiot, am I? I’m sorry Camelia, so please forgive me.”

Camelia: “Zzz...”

Erika: “Haha, sleeping so cutely, if it’s the hugs you want I will gladly give them to you, so don’t ever talk about me throwing you away or other dumb things.”

Camelia: "Zzz... I love you, master Erika... Zzz...”

Erika: “Idiot~”

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