《Erika's musings》Chapter 8


Erika: "Huh?"

Vincent: "What is it?"

Erika: "Over there...something is here."

Camelia: "Something bad no doubt."

Vincent: "Where!?"

Camelia: "There, in the direction master Erika is pointing at!"

Vincent: "But...there is nothing there. Just darkness."

Camelia: "It must be invisible, let's escape!"

Vincent: "Don't be afraid, I'll protect you!"

Erika: "I'm scared..."

Camelia: "...Me too..."

Vincent: "...You two, stop overreacting! There is nothing to fear if we stick together. Now let's go before something bad will happen."

Camelia: "...Yeah..."

Erika: "...Okay."

Vincent: "Let's go, it's this way."

Erika: "But, that's the direction of the invisible thingy."

Vincent: "So?"

Erika: "...So we're going to bump into it!"

Vincent: "Don't think about it too much and just follow me. If anything tries to attack, I'll take care of it."

[Description]: 'Vincent is very confident in himself right now, he takes his sword out and walks forward with determination. Erika is just standing there uselessly.'

Erika: "I...I'm too scared..."

Camelia: "You have to come now, or else that invisible thing will get us."

Erika: "But that's the direction of the thing that wants to kill us!"

Vincent: "Erika, stop overreacting! Come here now!"

Erika: ".....Okay..."

[Description]: 'Erika walks towards the other two.'

Erika: "We're all going to die..."

Camelia: "That's not true master Erika!"

Vincent: "Of course we're going to make it out of here, I'll make sure of that. Now please follow me."

[Description]: 'The trio continues to walk through the darkness. Vincent looks at Erika's direction. He sees some kind of black smoke-like thingy flying around her. It has a purple hue and makes a screeching sound. It seems to be attracted to Erika.'

Vincent: "Erika, what's that around you?"

Erika: "Huh?"

Vincent: "That black, purple smoke."

[Description]: 'Erika looks at herself and gets scared. She stops walking and begins to scream because she is seeing a monster-thing flying around her.'

Erika: "It's... It's... A monster! I'm seeing a monster!"

Vincent: "It's not real, it can't harm you."

Erika: "But it is though! Just look at it! It's a monster!"

Vincent: "Don't look at it, then! Close your eyes and walk towards me."

[Description]: 'Erika closes her eyes and walks in the direction that she thinks is right. She gets closer, but still isn't there yet.'

Erika: "I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared."

Vincent: "Come on, Erika. You can do this. You're a strong, independent woman. Don't be scared of this phantom."

Erika: "But it's..., it's something else... Something even worse..."

Vincent: "Fine then! Tell me what it is!"

Erika: "It's... It's... It's probably a ghost or something. A perverted one! It wants to do some inexplicable things to me. I'm sure of it!"

[Description]: 'Vincent sighs heavily.'

Vincent: "Okay, look. I know you're scared. We all are. Just try to calm down, and take a deep breath."


[Description]: 'Erika complies and stops screaming. She then opens her eyes slowly to see where she is. She sees that the monster is still there, but not as bad as before.'

Erika: "... It's still here... But it's not as scary anymore. It's like a shadow, but alive. It's watching me... It's waiting for me to look at it so it can scare me again."

Vincent: "That's good, Erika. Now, I want you to imagine that this is a dream. That monster isn't real, and nothing is there. It's all in your head."

Erika: "Yeah... It's all in my head... Nothing is here... I'm just scared... I'm just a scared little girl..."

Vincent: "That's right. There's nothing to be afraid of, it's all in your head."

Erika: "I'm just a scared little girl... It's all in my head... I'm just a scared little girl..."

[Description]: 'Erika starts to calm down as her fear fades away.'

Erika: "Oh, it disappeared."

[Description]: 'She's calmer now, but her head is still full of fear.'

Vincent: "That's fine. It's gone as long as you're calm. Whenever you feel afraid, just repeat to yourself that it's all in your head. You're in control. I'm here for you."

Erika: "I'm in control... I'm in control... I'm in control..."

Vincent: "You're doing great, Erika."

Vincent: "Alright. Whenever you're ready, we'll walk out of this room."

Erika: "I'm in control... I'm in control... I'm in control..."

[Description]: 'Vincent patiently waits as Erika keeps repeating to herself. He knows that it's hard for her to get through, but she'll make it through.'

[Description]: 'After a few minutes, Erika is calm enough to leave the room. She stands up, and looks a bit ashamed.'

Erika: "Thanks for helping me, Vincent."

Vincent: "I didn't just help you. We helped each other. That's the point of teamwork."

Erika: "Yeah... teamwork..."

Vincent: "So, you ready to move on?"

Erika: "Hold on... I just need a moment to myself."

Vincent: "Don't take too long. We don't want whatever that was to catch up to us."

Erika: " I need... You know... my panties are..."

Vincent: "... I see. Take your time then."

[Description]: 'Vincent steps out of the room to give Erika some privacy. He waits outside as he hears the rustling of clothes and Erika sigh in relief. It doesn't take her long to get changed. Vincent can hear her sobbing as she gets herself back together again.

She comes out of the room a few minutes later, looking much more confident than she did before.'

Vincent: "Feeling better?"

Erika: "Yeah... I am."

Vincent: "Good. Let's go."

[Description]: 'Vincent walks ahead, motioning for Erika and Camelia to follow him.'

Camelia: "Mumble... But that ghost thing is still there you know master Erika, mister Vincent. Should I tell them? Oh, well. It's probably not that important... Mumble."

[Description]: 'The three of them quickly go to the next room...'


{Place}: Dungeon's Fourth Room



Erika: “It’s a door.”

Vincent: “Yes, then let me che…”

Erika: “Magic Missile!”

[Description]: 'Failed...or not, oh well.'

Erika: “As if I would fail in magic. Those books were just flukes after all.”

Vincent: “Let’s just go.”


{Place}: Dungeon's Random Corridor


[Description]: 'The three of them continue walking around the dungeon for a while as they attempt to find the stairs up. It's not long before they find a large Orc lying on the floor, snoring loudly.'

Vincent: "What the hell...?"

Camelia: "He must've been drunk."

Vincent: "Drunk? How can Orcs get drunk? They're immune to all forms of poison and alcohol."

Camelia: "Well, maybe he ate some magic mushrooms or something."

Vincent: "Why the hell would Orcs eat magic mushrooms?"

Camelia: "Um... why not?"

[Description]: 'Vincent turns to Erika.'

Erika: "Should we kill it?"

Vincent: "I don't see why not."

[Description]: 'The three of them walk over to the sleeping Orc. Vincent draws his knife and stabs it in the throat, bleeding it out quickly. It lets out a pained groan before slumping over, dead.'

Erika: "I don't really like gore. What does he have? Maybe some weapons? Camelia quickly search him!"

Camelia: "Yes, master Erika."

[Description]: 'Camelia goes over to the dead Orc and begins rummaging through his pockets. She finds a few gold coins, but nothing else.'

Camelia: "Nothing here but some gold coins."

Vincent: "Let's go, then."

[Description]: 'The three of them continue walking down the dark, sinister hallway. They come across two more sleeping Orcs and kill them in the same manner as before. Erika begins to grow bored.'

Erika: "There's nothing here! No weapons! What's with those orcs, are they idiots?"

Camelia: "How can you get bored in a dungeon, master Erika?"

Erika: "Shut up! I'm your master, don't talk back to me!"

Camelia: "Yes, master. I'm sorry, master."

Erika: "Don't say you're sorry, just be quiet!"

Vincent: "There's nothing here. Let's go back."

[Description]: 'They begin walking back to the stairs, but stop when they hear a slithering sound behind them. They turn around and see a long, black tentacle coming out from under the door to one of the rooms They've passed. Erika begins to step back nervously.'

Erika: "What's that?"

Vincent: "I don't know."

[Description]: 'The tentacle suddenly disappears back into the room, and they see another tentacle appear. Then another, and another, and before they know it there are dozens of black tentacles crawling out from under the door, at least 10 feet long and glistening with some sort of liquid.'

Vincent: "Get back!"

[Description]: 'The three of them quickly back up when the tentacles begin to move incredibly fast. Before they know it, the tentacles got Erika encircled.'

Erika: "It's gonna get me! It's gonna get me!"

Vincent: "Calm down, and don't move!"

[Description]: 'Vincent draws his sword and slices at the tentacles. They quickly retreat under the door, and then the entire mass makes a sudden lunge at Erika, pulling her off her feet and wrapping around her tightly.'

Erika: "Ahhhh! Help! Get it off, get it off!"

Camelia: "I can't get to her! It's too quick!"

Vincent: "We have to do something!"

[Description]: 'The tentacles start to crawl around her breasts and thighs erotically. One of them goes under her clothes and it starts to wrap itself around her underwear.'

Camelia: "I don't know what to do! Cut them off master Erika, mister Vincent!"

[Description]: 'Suddenly, the tentacles turn Erika upside down and start to pull down Erika's underwear, exposing her butt to the cool air. To make matters worse, more tentacles begin to crawl out from under the door.'

Erika: "Noooo, it's a pervert! A perverted tentacle monster!"

Vincent: "Erika, don't move!"

Erika: "I can't help it! It's touching my butt and it feels weird. It's squishy but kinda hard at the same time. Ahh! It touched my...!"

Vincent: "Calm down, Erika! I'll save you!"

[Description]: 'Vincent cuts at the tentacles with his sword, but he can't get Erika free.'

Erika: "It's too strong! Vincent, help! Help!"

Vincent: "I need to think of something!"

Erika: "Get your filthy tentacles off me!"

[Description]: 'Erika's yelling doesn't help as more tentacles come out from under the door. They begin to wrap around her arms and legs.'

Erika: "Get off me! Magic Missile! Magic Missile! Why is my magic not working!!!"

[Description]: 'One of the tentacles begins to rub Erika's behind, causing her to yelp.'

Erika: "Get off my butt! Get off! Get off!"

Erika: "You're a pervert! A dirty, filthy pervert! The worst kind of person! Why? Why it is always me? Why those things don't happen to that stupid bimbo woman from the guild instead?!"

Vincent: "Erika, you need to calm down."

Erika: "No! Get away from me you stupid monster! I hate you! I'll kill you! I'll kill myself!"

Vincent: "Erika! Just calm down and..."

[Description]: 'Vincent slashes at the tentacles but they dodge.'

Erika: "Sniff. And now I need to pee so much and it's your fault! Get away from me!" *crying*

Erika: "I hate my life. I'm too cute and nice to have these things happen to me!"

Vincent: "Don't say that. You have so much to live for."

Erika: "Sniff. You think so?"

Vincent: "Of course. You're..."

[Description]: 'Vincent is cut off by Erika's peeing on the floor.'

Erika: "Ahhhh! I can't hold it in any longer!"

Vincent: "Erika, stop! You're going to..."

[Explenation]: 'The p... pee spreads over the floor, soaking the tentacles.'

Erika: "Ahhhhhh! I feel so much better now!"

[Explenation]: 'The tentacles shrivel and die from being soaked in Erika's p... pee.'

Erika: "Ahhhhh! I'm saved!"

[Explenation]: 'Erika hugs Vincent.'

Vincent: "Yeah. Somehow the tentacles are dead."

Camelia: "Mumble... Again I was so useless... Mumble"

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