《Erika's musings》Chapter 5



Next day

{Place}: Adventurers and dungeon-delvers guild.


Erika: "Wait, wait, wait! I... I... I need to pee, Vincent! Help me!"

Vincent: "What? What's this out of a blue? Well, hold it in Erika. We are almost there."

Erika: "I can't, I need to go! I can't even walk anymore!"

Vincent: "Why did you drink so much last night, then?"

Erika: "Mumble... It was on the special occasion of my first female friend. You should be happy for me. Mumble..."

Vincent: "...I am happy for you Erika, but...!"

Erika: "Ugh... Why my head hurts so much?"

Camelia: "Master Erika. Please hold it in! Though that is probably impossible, considering your..."

Erika: "Vincent, you need to carry me!"

Vincent: "What why you can't walk?"

Erika: "Uwaah, I absolutely need to go!"

Vincent: "Erika?" *hesitantly*

Erika: "...Uuuuuugggghhhhhhh..."

[Explenation]: 'Erika starts squirming around. It looks kind of painful.'

Erika: "I can't stand it anymore!"

Vincent: "...Fine. Fine. Come here."

Erika: "Huh? I... I... I was just joking."

Vincent: "You heard me. C'mere!"

Erika: "Huh?! I can't let you do that! I'm not a kid anymore, I can't just let someone carry me!"

Vincent: "Erika, just accept a helping hand!"

Erika: "I'm not a baby, you'll see! I can hold it in until we get to the guild."

Vincent: "...Are you sure?"

Erika: "Yes!"

[Explenation]: 'Erika struggles to hold it in, but she can't anymore.'

Camelia: "Master Erika, so it came back after all. Even though we thought that it lessened lately."

Erika: "I can't hold it in!"

Vincent: "C'mon, I'll carry you then."

Erika: "Wait! It's not going to...!"

Vincent: "Camelia! Wait for us here and stop anyone that wants to come to the alley!"

Camelia: "Yes, mister Vincent! Master Erika, good look!"

[Explenation]: 'I think you should hurry or it might be too late.'


Vincent: "We're here in the alley, let's go!"

Erika: "Vincent, you idiot! I don't want to do it in the alley. Sniff. Sniff."*crying*

Vincent: "But, what else can we do? There are no toilets nearby."

Erika: "Just... Just hold me up for a second!" *dying from embarrassment*

Vincent: "Erika, why would I do that?"

Erika: "Just trust me! I really have to go, like... Really badly!"

Vincent: "...Fine."

[Explenation]: 'Vincent passionately holds Erika up.'

Erika: "Ah! Ah! AHHHHH!"

Vincent: "Are you okay? What's going on?"

Erika: "Shut up and hold me up!"

Vincent: "Alright! Alright! I'm holding you up! Are you alright?"

Erika: "...Yeah... I'm fine."

Vincent: "...You're not fine. You're pale. Maybe we should get you to a doctor..."

Erika: "Noooo! I just need to pee. But, now it won't come out! What should I do Vincent? I'm scared."

Vincent: " Eeeeh, Uhm... Maybe, I could help it come out?" *hesitantly*

Erika: "How?"

Vincent: "Well, there's a technique that I learned in... the training facility. It's called the pelvic press."

Erika: "You're not going to push on my pelvis are you?"

Vincent: "It will relieve the pressure and let you go."

Erika: "Will it hurt?"

Vincent: "...Probably. But, it's necessary."

Erika: "Okay! Okay! I trust you. Just hurry!"

Vincent: "...Alright. Brace yourself."

"Erika: "I'm ready!"

[Explenation]: 'Vincent positions himself and pushes. Erika lets out a scream as her body convulses violently.' *watching with interest*



Vincent: "Just a bit more Erika."


[Explenation]: 'It's really painful to watch.' *watches with even more interest*

Vincent: "Almost done!"

[Explenation]: 'Erika's body convulses violently and she loses her grip on the wall. She falls onto the alley floor as her body continues to convulse. A puddle is slowly getting bigger under her body. Somehow it brought some bad memories.'

Vincent: "Are you okay, Erika?"

Erika: "I... I think so... But... Sniff."

Vincent: "It's okay. It's over now."

Erika: "I feel so weird... so empty, but warm and fuzzy at the same time..."

Vincent: "...Yeah... I... I think that was the point."

[Explenation]: 'Vincent helps Erika get up. She smiles at him absentmindedly as she looks at him.' *watches furiously with great interest*

Erika: "Thanks for helping me out, Vincent."

Vincent: "No problem. So..."

Erika: "Yeah...?"

Vincent: "...Do you think you can walk?"

Erika: "Yeah... I think so. But, I had to go so bad... I don't know if I can ever go again. I... I might have a trauma."

Vincent: "I'm sure, you'll be fine. Um..."

Vincent: "...I think we should clean up and go. Don't worry, I will help you."

[Explenation]: 'At that moment Erika looks down and notices that her 'you know what' has created a puddle at her feet. She shrieks in surprise. I was also surprised.'

Erika: "I went! I... I... I... peeed in the open like that. Sniff. Uwaaah, I'm so embarrassed. And Vincent saw me like that. I want to die!" *crying*

Vincent: "Erika, please don't panic."

[Explenation]: 'Erika starts sobbing. Please don't cry or I will cry too. Sniff.'

Vincent: "C'mon, let's clean up and go back to the guild."


Erika: "Sniff... So embarrassing."

Camelia: "Oh, master Erika, mister Vincent. Did it go well?"

Erika: "Huh? Oh, um, yes. Yes, it did..."

Vincent: "...Yeah, I guess so."

Camelia: "I see. I'm guessing you'll be needing a new pair of panties again, master Erika?"

Erika: "What? Uwaah! So embarassing!"

Vincent: "What the hell are you two talking about?"

Camelia: "Well you see mister Vincent. Master Erika has a serious peeing problem that has a magical origin. Or at least she just has to use the toilet when master Erika is frightened or stressed heavily or in completely random moments. Which causes her to lose control of her bladder."

Erika: "Camelia! You shouldn't tell everyone that!"

Camelia: "I'm sorry, master. But it's true, isn't it?

Vincent: "What?"

Erika: "No, it's not true!"

Camelia: "Is that so? Then why did you throw away your underwear and buy new ones last week after you heard there was a demon in the sewers?"

Vincent: "A demon? There's a demon in the sewers?"

Camelia: "No, master Erika just peed her panties when she heard there was a demon in the sewers."

Vincent: "Is that true, Erika?"

Erika: "Ugh... It was cold and it was a traumatic experience..."

Camelia: "And you have such absurdly huge supply of panties, master Erika. Like, you have a whole room just for panties. And you buy new ones almost every day."

Erika: "I... I was just preparing myself for emergencies."

Vincent: "Traumatic experience? What the hell happened?"

Erika: "Nothing. Forget it."


Vincent: "...Alright then."

Camelia: "I'm sorry, master. I just felt like sharing."

Erika: "Shut up, Camelia."

Camelia: "Yes, master."

[Explenation]: 'I have no words for what happened here. Erika, be brave!'


{Place}: Adventurers and dungeon-delvers guild.


Quest Giver Katia: "Welcome in adventurers and dungeon-delvers guild, how may I help you."

Erika: "Uff. That Bimbo girl isn't here today. It would be so embarrassing if she heard anything about earlier."

Vincent: "Erika please, leave this matter to me. Hi, miss Katia right?"

Quest Giver Katia: "That's right, did you hear it from Rena? Knowing her, she probably said some unnecessary things again, I'm sorry about her. So what is it that you want today, dear customers?"

Erika: "Unnecessary? It's too much of an understatement that I can't even comment on that."

Camelia: "Master Erika, I will give you a hug later so please calm down for now."

Erika: "I don't care about your stupid hugs! Well, I will take your apology at least, though I would rather see that idiot bimbo girl apologizing on her knees to me. Making so much fun of me, I will never forgive her!"

Vincent: "Leaving that matter aside. The other day, we completed the quest you gave us and already reported it to the guild. So we would like to take another training quest. Would there be any problems with that?"

Quest Giver Katia: "Certainly not. I see so you completed your first quest, I'm really glad."

Erika: "Hmph. It was to easy that I got bored. You better give us something more exciting this time."

Quest Giver Katia: "I'm happy to hear that there was not much of a problem with your first quest... "

Vincent: "Erika..."

Quest Giver Katia: "..., but please be careful. The first floors of the dungeon might seem easy enough, but a dungeon is still a dangerous place and a lot of adventurers lose their lives because they underestimate the dangers. Uhm, I'm sorry for being too conceited, you probably know all that. I just hope nothing bad happens to you all, as I'm mainly the one taking care of you in the guild."

Camelia: "So what's the quest, what's the quest? Master Erika, somehow I became excited."

Quest Giver Katia: "Yes, right. Your next quest is to gather 3 weapons in a dungeon and deliver it to the guild. Like last time, the reward will be 50 goldens..."

Erika: "Just fifty again? Tch, so little. Give me more."

Vincent: "Erika, please."

Quest Giver Katia: "Unfortunately miss Erika, but this time we can't agree to your proposal. But, after becoming a full-fledged adventurer you certainly can haggle the price of doing the quest. Though, I advise you not to overdo it. If you demand too much the client might resign from your services and demand someone else instead. So you should be careful."

Erika: "I...I see. That is. Hmph. I know that you don't have to tell me."

Quest Giver Katia: "I see, it's good to hear then. Returning to the matter of your current quest, like the last time the time limit is three weeks. Please, give me your adventures trainee cards I will add an authorization to access the second level of the dungeon."

Vincent: "Here you are."

Camelia: "And here!

Erika: "Authorization? What's this all about?"

Vincent: "Erika you... Sigh. Didn't you listen to the lessons? It's an authorization for the magical teleport lift. It can immediately teleport us to the level of the dungeon we desire, depending on the authorization we are given. The first five floors are called training floors, so we are given authorization to them after completing the tutorial quests one floor at a time. After that, it depends on our reputation for completed quests, our strength, and other special circumstances."

Erika: "I... I knew that. I was just checking if you knew it, Vincent, you are so forgetful sometimes that you make me worry."

Camelia: "Master Erika, let's write it all down. It's a bit shameful, but just like you, I forgot about that too."

Erika: "I didn't forget anything, you stupid critter! But, I will write it down, so Vincent won't forget it. Yes. I will be checking if you remember it later Vincent, so prepare yourself."

Vincent: "... Ehh. Yes, Erika. I will take that knowledge to my heart. Thank you, miss Katia we accept the quest and I'm certainly looking forward to working with you in the future. Everyone, let's go."

Camelia: "Yes, mister Vincent."

Erika: "Hmph"

Quest Giver Katia: "Thank you for your patronage. Goodbye and please come again."


Quest Giver Katia: "..."

Quest Giver Katia: "Mister Vincent, please wait!"

Vincent: "Miss Katia?"

Quest Giver Katia: "Ehh? Oh, I... Uhm... That's right. This. Please take this!"

Vincent: "What is that? An amulet?"

Quest Giver Katia: "Yes! It's a lucky charm. If you would be so kind, mister Vincent. I would be happy if you accept it. It's a special charm I got from a certain someone."

Vincent: "But... Isn't it important to you then? I'm sorry but I can't take it."

Quest Giver Katia: "No, please! It's not that important. No. I mean it is important but I want you to have it. I’m sorry, I might be a bit too meddlesome, but as a person that admitted you as an adventurer trainee I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

Vincent: "I see. It would certainly give you a bad reputation if someone you are responsible for as a guild employee, died while on an official guild job. In that case, let me accept it gratefully."

Quest Giver Katia: "T...that's how it is. I'm glad that you understand it."

Vincent: "My companions are waiting so I need to go now. Thank you once more and let's meet again."

Quest Giver Katia: "Uhm. Yes, of course. Goodbye and let us meet again!"

Quest Giver Katia: "..."

Quest Giver Katia: "Just what is wrong with me? Why did I stop him? And I even gave him my precious charm. It's the only memento I was left with by my dying grandma. Was Rena right, calling me a worrywart? Hmmm. I just don't understand it at all."


Erika: "What took you so long Vincent I left like hours ago, you want me to get heat stroke while waiting for you?"

Camelia: "That's right its a bit hot today, isn't it?"

Vincent: "I'm sorry you two, something just came up. Anyway, let's heed to the dungeon."

Erika: "Hmph. Just doing whatever you want, Vincent. Whatever, let's just get it done."

Camelia: "To the dungeon. Let's go!"

[Explenation]: 'Erika, Camelia, and Vincent enter the dungeon.'

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