《Erika's musings》Chapter 1



{Place}: The Adventurers and Dungeon-delvers Guild Hall


Quest Giver Katia: “Please find some monster parts in the Namteh city dungeon and bring it back here to The Adventurers and Dungeon-delvers Guild.”

Erika: “Eeeh. Isn’t it kind of gross? Change it.”

Camelia: “Master Erika, please don’t be so unreasonable all the time.”

Vincent: “I’m sorry, please forgive her. She is just such a person.”

Erika: “What did you say?!”

Quest Giver Katia: “No, no, it’s completely fine. It’s just a tutorial quest, so we can make some simple adjustments. So, please find three of something or another thing in the Namteh city dungeon and bring it back here to The Adventurers and Dungeon-delvers Guild.”

Erika: “Hmph. You should just say it from the beginning.”

Camelia: “Master Erika, please calm down!”

Erika: “What? It’s completely their fault for trying to make me do such disgusting things, like gutting some ugly monster.”

Vincent: “All right. We accept the quest.”

Quest Giver Katia: “Thank you for your patronage.”

Vincent: “Okay everyone. Let’s go.”

- - -

Sometime later

{Place}: The Adventurers and Dungeon-delvers Guild Hall

- - -

Quest Giver Katia: “Will they be alright?”

Quest Giver Rena: “Just ignore them. People like them just come and die all the time. If you worry over every one of them you will just lose in life. It’s already a crappy job working in the guild. Don’t make it even more crappy than it needs to be.”

Quest Giver Katia: “You are heartless, Rena. But, the job sure is not that good, they don’t pay us that well either. And sometimes we even have to stay an hour more in the guild after work. Hmm..., I hope they won’t die at least.”

Quest Giver Rena: “Quite a worrywart, aren't you?”

Quest Giver Katia: “Oh, shush. I have another client. Welcome to The Adventurers and Dungeon-delvers Guild. How may I help you?”


{Place}: Magical City Namteh's Dungeon


Vincent: “So it’s the entrance to the dungeon.”

Erika: “Let’s just quickly enter and get the quest done.”

Camelia: “Master Erika, I don’t think it will be as easy as you think.”

Vincent: “All right, then. We are coming in, be vigilant everyone.”


{Place}: Dungeon's First Room


[Description]: 'Erika and her group enter the dungeon. The moment they do, they are attacked by a monster.'

Vincent: “We encountered a monster. Prepare yourself.”

Giant Apes: “Eek eek!”

Erika: “Aren’t they kind of cute? How surprising, maybe I will take one home.”

Camelia: “Master Erika, please don’t joke around. They might look like that, but they are still dangerous monsters. And, if you want some cute and perfect for cuddling existence than you already have me.”

Vincent: “Fight me you stupid apes!”


Erika: "Hahaha! I would like to see you saying that to a human."

[Description]: ‘Yawn. Vincent attacked the apes stupidly, flailing his sword recklessly. but his attack failed.’

Vincent: “Aargh!”

Camelia: “Mister Vincent was attacked, he is unconscious now!”

Erika: “That idiot Vincent... We need to run! Eat my magic missile spell you dumb monkeys!”

Giant Apes: “Eek eek eek.”


Sometime Later

{Place}: Magical City Namteh's Dungeon


Camelia: “Huff, huff. We made it out somehow.”

[Description]: ‘Camelia heals Vincent. Vincent is now just a bit injured.’

Erika: “Alright, we lost them.”

Vincent: “Let’s search the room, for now.”

Camelia: “I think there’s something.”

Erika: “It's...It’s a hand! I’m not touching it!”

Camelia: “Oh, I found a treasure.”

Vincent: “Just some old leather arm guards. We will take it for now.”

Erika: “Alright, one of the quest objectives found, two to go.”

Vincent: “There’s a door to another room. Come, everyone.”

Vincent: “Wait. It’s a trap...”

Erika: “I will smash it with my magic, Magic Missile!”

Vincent: “...trap locked door!”

[Description]: ‘As expected, Erika's magic failed.’

Erika: “Tch, didn’t work. How vexing. It’s your fault, Vincent, you distracted me.”

Camelia: “Don’t mind it, master Erika. You will succeed next time.”

Vincent: “Let me try it.”

Camelia: “Fight on.”

Erika: ”Hmph.”

[Description]: ‘It succeed!’

Vincent: “As expected of me.”

Erika: “Even though you just ‘almost’ died to some dumb apes.”

Camelia: “Please don’t be so mean, master Erika. We opened the door. Let’s move on. Let’s move on.”


{Place}: Dungeon's Second Room


[Description]: 'Erika and her group enter the dungeon's second room. The moment they do, they are attacked by another monster.'

Erika: “Tsk, we were attacked again.”

Vincent: “Stay vigilant everyone!”

Camelia: “It’s a bear, look, master Erika. A bear.”

Erika: “What!?”

Cute Looking Bear: “Roooaaarrr!”

Vincent: “Fight me you stupid bear!”

[Description]: ‘Vincent tried some intimidation, but as expected, intimidation didn’t work.’

Vincent: “Erika watch out!”

Erika: “Magic Missile...Khuh!”

[Description]: ‘Cute Looking Bear ignored Vincent and attacked Erika. How sad... Hahaha, as if I would say such a thing.’

Camelia: “Master Erika, Noooo!”

Vincent: ”How could you do this to Erika. Die, you monster!”

[Description]: ‘Oh, Vincent made a critical hit!’

Bear: ”Roooaaarrr!”

Erika: “Pro...protect me better next time. You idiot Vincent.”

Camelia: "Master Erika is dying, what do we do?"

Vincent: "Don't panic, we will save her. Your healing ability will surely..."

Camelia: "But, Mister Vincent!"

Vincent: “Don’t talk. We are running away. Camelia, you will go upfront and tell me if there’s something before us. Quickly.”

Camelia: “Alright, mister Vincent. I will stake my life on it. Please don’t die, master Erika. If only I could use my healing more often…”


Vincent: “Camelia! Don't just stand there!”

Camelia: “Yes!”

Erika: “I can’t see anything. I’m...I’m losing… consciousness….”

Vincent: “Erika! Erika!!!”


{Place}: Erika's Room


Camelia: "Master Erika. We are in a safe place now."

Erika: "What? What happened?"

Camelia: "You passed out after we ran for a long time. Fortunately, no monster attacked us while you were unconscious."

Erika: "What about the quest?!"

Vincent: "Unfortunately, we failed the quest. We only looted this thing."

[Description]: ‘Vincent showed Erika old leather arm guards they found earlier. This thing is completely worthless. They should just throw it away, or they will surely catch some disease.’

Erika: “Yeah, at least we have these old arm guards.”

Vincent: “But now, we need to wait for you to recuperate to tackle the dungeon one more time.”

Camelia: “Don’t worry, tomorrow I will be able to use my healing power, so let’s just wait, master Erika, mister Vincent.”

Erika: “It’s all your fault, Vincent. You should protect me more closely.”

Vincent: “I’m sorry Erika. It won’t happen again.”

Camelia: “Please, don’t fight, don’t fight you two.”

Erika: “Hmph!”

Vincent: “For now, just rest, and I will go to the guild and inform them that we aren’t dead at least. Let’s wait a bit and try the quest again. What do you two think?”

Camelia: “Alright!”

Erika: “Tsk, fine.”

Vincent: "Good, I will be back soon."

[Description]: ‘As soon as he leaves, Erika tries to get up.'

Erika: "I'm not gonna just sit here like a princess in a castle! It's so frustrating!"

Camelia: "But master Erika, you are hurt and it is too dangerous to enter a dungeon without preparation or at least wait for me to heal you! So please stay in your bed."

Erika: "I don't care! I'm bored! I want to go out and at least explore the city!"

Camelia: "Master Erika, please listen to me, you can't..."

Erika: "Shut up! Just shut up, you stupid critter!"

[Description]: ‘As Erika was saying that, maid Matilde entered the room.'

Maid Matilde: "Master Erika do you need something?"

Erika: "Get out of here! None of your business!"

Maid Matilde: "But..."

Camelia: "Master Erika, please, calm down."

Erika: "Why are you still here? Didn't I tell you to get out of here?"

Maid Matilde: "I see. Then I will leave as you want and tell master Leona that you don't want to be disturbed. Of course with your exact words. Fufufu.

Erika: "Eh?! N...no! Don't say that to mother. I... Just bring me some tea and cookies or something."

Maid Matilde: "Gladly. I will also tell master Leona that you are free to visit. Would that be all?"

Erika: "Yes. That's... that's all."

Camelia: "Could I also have some cake?"

Maid Matilde: "Of course."

[Description]: ‘Maid Matilde left the room for now. After some time, Leona, Erika's mother entered the room with Maid Matilde bringing tea, cookies, and cake. Maid Matilde then left the other three in the room.'

Leona: "Erika my dear! Please be more careful. You can't just go out and play hero and then get severy wounded in battle!"

Erika: "I'm not a hero. I'm doing it for my magic shop. Hmph!"

Leona: "Erika. I understand that you want to be independent, but you should also think about your safety. Also, you are my and Anton's only child. What if you die down there in the dungeon?"

Erika: "I will do whatever I want with my life and you have no right to say otherwise!"

Leona: "Erika! You should show more respect for your mother!"

Erika: "Respect? Ha! Mother dear, you weren't even there for me when I needed you the most. And where were you when father was...?"

Camelia: "Master Erika, please, calm down."

Leona: "Erika, what do you mean by that? I was always there for Anton and you."

Erika: "No, you weren't. You were too busy with your own life and your noble friends. Not to mention you just want to marry me to some random fat noble kid."

Leona: "Erika! Where do you get that idea from? I'm just worried about your future. A young noble lady at your age should already have a husband and children."

Erika: "I don't want to marry some random noble idiot. I want to be free and do whatever I want with my life. And since you're so worried, you can just have another kid or something!"

Camelia: "Master Erika, but that's..."

Leona: "... I see. So that's how you think. I'm sorry for disturbing you, Erika. Please rest well."

[Description]: ‘Saying that Leona left the room. Her face looking down with sadness.'

Camelia: "But master Erika. Wasn't your mother unable to bear children anymore after the Ilomathians invasion?"

Erika: "That's... That's right! I'm such an idiot! Why did I say such a thing to her! She is probably all hurt and sulking right now. Camelia, why didn't you stop me! I'm such an idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!"

Camelia: I'm... I'm sorry, master Erika."

Erika: "That's right! It's your fault you stupid... No, It's my fault. Sigh."

Camelia: "Master, are you alright?"

Erika: "Yeah, I'm fine. You can also leave now."

Camelia: "Yes, Master."

[Description]: 'Camelia left the room and then Erika fell on her bed. She was thinking about the conversation with her mother again.'

Erika: "Why did I say such a thing. Mother would never..."

[Description]: 'Before long Erika was already sleeping.'

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