《The Demon Lord Just Wants Some Love》Chapter 21 - Needs to be Bullied


“Are you going to help me with my technique today? Alice has already learned several spells and I haven't even learned one sword technique. You owe me.” Rodrick says with no hint of shame.

Arias looks to Rodrick and seeing the seriousness on his face, he couldn't stop himself from laughing. “Oh, Rodrick, my big loveable cousin. Never change.” He says before continuing to laugh.

Rodrick could only wait through the laughter. He would still like an answer.

Arias wipes away a tear and lets out a sigh before smiling. “Look, Rodrick, sword techniques aren’t like magic; the idea for most of them is to be indomitable with a single technique. Magic explores various aspects for a vast amount of things, but you can explore the same amount within a single technique if you have the will. Also, you have the Heaven’s Will body cultivation technique, you'll be fine.” He says dismissively with a wave.

Rodrick frowns, then looks down, unsure if he should explain it.

Arias raises an eyebrow as he looks at Rodrick. “Is your face becoming red?” He asks before letting out a laugh. “Just let it out man; you'll feel better.” He says encouragingly.

Rodrick lets out a sigh, letting go of his struggle, his face returning to a normal color. “I can’t do it. I can’t get it to work.” He finally admit.

Arias’ eyes widen. “Damn man! But you’re only 14! It should be jumping around no matter what you do!” Arias exclaims, unable to understand it.

Anger flares up on Rodrick’s face. “No, you idiot! The Swordheart Flow technique! I can’t get it to work!” He yells, expressing his frustration.

Arias gives Rodrick a blank look. “Oh. That’s no fun.” He says before looking away, somewhat losing his interest. “Well, yeah, that technique requires a certain level of empathy which you’re probably too dull to comprehend. Should I give you another technique?” He asks, hoping to be done with the matter.


“No! I want this one! But I can’t do it! You have to help me Arias!” Rodrick yells, determined.

Arias lets out a sigh, finding the matter tedious, when suddenly, a thought came to mind and he smiles. This could be fun. He thinks, amused and very interesting. “I have something that could help…” Arias says enticingly, looking away as to not look too eager.

“What? What is it!? Tell me!” Rodrick exclaims as he grabs onto Arias’ shoulders.

Arias clears his throat. “Ah-humn. Its, ugh, it’s called an Empathy Potion. It will, ugh, help you relate to people better, let you understand them, if you will.” He says before letting out a cough. “Excuse me. Yes, it should be of great use for the Swordheart Flow technique.” Arias says, still looking away, unable to hide his lips from curving upwards.

Rodrick gives Arias a good look. “Why do you look so suspicious right now?” He asks.

“Ah-hughm. It’s nothing. Really, it's nothing. Anyways, do you want it or not?” Arias says, somewhat impatiently.

“I want it! Give it to me!” Rodrick says, still determined.

Arias smiles. “Awesome.” He says as a vial of pink liquid appears in his hand. “Here. Take it.” He says, holding it out.

Rodrick holds onto it, becoming a little unsure. “All of it?” He asks.

“Yeah, whatever. All of it. Don’t worry too much. It will be fun.” Arias says with a pat to the shoulder.

“Hmm. Okay.” Rodrick says before removing the stopper and drinking the liquid.

Arias explains how it worked to Rodrick before letting him go.

Rodrick, unsure what he should be feeling simply walks forward. The group was going to take their time making their way to the Emerald Trident Kingdom, so they had a lot of leisure time to enjoy the sights.


Rodrick sees Alice sitting on a chair eating breakfast and decides to test the potion. Essentially, it will mirror the emotions of whoever you’re around. What they feel is what you’ll feel. Arias had explained.

Rodrick approaches. “Hello.” He says, focusing on his senses.

Alice looks up and sees its Rodrick. “Hello.” She says.

Suddenly, Rodrick began to feel something. It was a very comfortable feeling… Almost too comfortable… Rodrick for some reason felt that the world became a whole lot sweeter. He could taste it in his mouth and feel it in the air, like the world would take care of him no matter what. As these emotions make their way to Rodrick’s mind, his eyes widen. “What is this!?” He exclaims, wanting to feel angry but unable to. He wanted to do something, anything, to keep this feeling away. “Why is everything so damn sweet! Alice do you live like this!?” He exclaims, looking at Alice with frightened eyes.

Alice raises an eyebrow. “Rodrick, what are you talking about? Are you okay?” She asks, somewhat worried.

Rodrick suddenly felt Alice’s care and her willingness to do something for Rodrick and out of helplessness, Rodrick raises his hands and runs away. “You’re cursed, Alice! You’re cursed!” He yells as he runs as far as he could.

Arias, watching this from a distance, couldn’t control his laughter and he began to roll around on the ground. “I freaking told you, Rodrick! She’s too happy all the time! She definitely needs to be bullied.” He says, glad someone could share in his woes.

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