《My immortal life》Chapter 6: Mortal realm



This- this stupid god of action just ruined my advertising pitch by initiating the conversation first! I spent a whole 4 hours in my head thinking about it! Villainy! Injustice!

I frown while shouting obscenities mentally. The idiot was glancing around as if asking for external help. He straightened and spoke again.

" Um... Sir?"

I snap out of my rage and put on a smile preparing to speak my speech.

" I noticed that the two of you have the exact domains that I am looking for. I would like to invite you to join my "Pantheon"."

I start. I made the proper air quotations when I said pantheon.

" I plan on making a "pantheon" with the two of you. Of course, we will split any energy gathered from our pantheon in a 4 to 3 to 3 ratio. I will get the 4 part of the ratio as the leader of the pantheon an-"

" YES! I mean yes. We would like to join your pantheon sir. That split was far more than we could possibly get from any other pantheon."

" But I have not spoken of-"

" Don't worry sir! We will pick up any scraps you give us!"

I stare at the idiot who was now shaking my hand vigorously. Then I looked at the pink head who was gapping like a leviathan. Did they seriously just agree to a contract without listening to the terms and conditions. Who raised these numb skulls? Just in case they do want to read the terms and conditions, I conjured the contracts on pieces of paper and shoved them to the idiots.

" Sign here," I say as I point at the dotted lines.

Both of them signed the contracts without so much as a glance at the terms.



Contract: Joining The Pantheon Of The Thoughtful

1) Energy gained from the pantheon will be split 4 to 3 to 3

2) All magical items gained from the pantheon will be claimed by Misli Warbringer

3) Orders from Misli Warbringer will be fulfilled if reasonable

4) If the contract is broken, offender(s) will pay 1000 Lyn

5) This is a binding contract valid for 100 years in Immortal Time Frame (ITM)

This contract was signed on Century: 50 |Decade: 5 |Year: 4 |Month: 8 |Day: 22 |Hour: 21 |Minute: 41 |Second: 3|

Year 5054 on the 8th month on the 22nd at 21:41:3 ITM

Sign here: ....................................................................................

This contract will end on Century: 51 |Decade: 5 |Year: 4 |Month: 8 |Day: 22 |Hour: 21 |Minute: 41 |Second: 3|

Year 5154 on the 8th month on the 22nd at 21:41:3 ITM

Sign here: ....................................................................................

Maybe they just can't read...

But they signed?

Well whatever, since they signed we can head off to the mortal realm now.

" Alright then, follow me. We enter the realm once I get some of my questions answered at the information counter."

" Ah, um boss? Don't we need a map?"

I turn around and stare at the man. A map? Why?

" No, we don't need a map. Any other questions?"

This time the pink head asked.

" Um, my name is Amare as you know I am a goddess of love and this is Azione a god of action. May we know your name, sir?"

The pink h- Amare gestured at Azione. Ah! I forgot to introduce myself! How embarrassing!

" My name is Misli Warbringer, one of the three existing gods of thought. Or at least I think so..." I frowned. I should sort out the memories from my "power up second" soon. There should be useful information in there. Looking up, I ask the question once more.


" Any more questions?"

They shake their heads in unison.

I turn towards the information counter and gesture for my two employees to follow.

Amare POV

Walking behind Sir Misli, I stare at his cloak. The shifting colours, moving like real magma just screams of Lyn! He has a surname too! This guy must be super-rich... Unlike my current boyfriend, I am uncertain if I can weasel any money from Misli. His surname, Warbringer, means that he is probably related to some aspect of war. So, I can't even use my usual tactic of "Damsel in distress" to get money from him.

" Come. We shall enter the mortal realm now."

I glance up, realising that I had been staring at the ground. Finally! The chance to start my very own religion. I never thought this day would come. All those years of hanging around softhearted muscleheads have paid off. All it took was to sign on some paper.


Hmm... Actually, was there anything worth reading on the paper? I pull it out of my pocket to read its contents. My right eye twitches as I realise what I have just done.

" Ah, fuck it. At least it isn't a slave contract..." I mumble while glancing up from the contract to Misli. Flinching, I realise that he was looking at me with a small smile on his face. He mouthed a word I was very familiar with. Turning away in shame I hear the unsaid words echo through my brain.


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