《My immortal life》Chapter 4: Maternir minor



The scenery changed as it always does when one is teleported. I found myself amid a crowd. People were talking about seemingly random things. Judging by their auras, they should all be gods like me, immortals who have only just attained their domain.

Finally, I have here.

It is time to formulate a plan. I intend on completely making an entire world's inhabitants become my followers. The ideal situation would be to complete this task on my own. However, I find such a think unlikely to happen. My domain of thoughts does not cover all the needs of a mortal race. If they merely think but do not act, they will die out. I need a god of action to join my cause. If they do not reproduce, and merely act and think they will also die out. I needed a god of love.

This is not the proper plan I need... How frustrating.

A mortal is driven by greed and the need for power but also the fear of death. To make use of this, I must create an apocalyptic event. Perhaps an entity for them to fight. I need to create a believable story to drive the mortals into killing this being. But... How. I do not nearly have enough power to do that.

I continue to stare blankly, completely ignoring all the people walking around me.

I will locate a world where the fabric of reality is thin and less rigid. My power should be able to affect reality better there. I mentally make a to-do list in my head.

Things to do: 1) Find gods of action and love(Near my level) 2) Find a world where the realm's fabric of reality is thin 3) Create an Apocalyptic event

Glancing around, I attempt to locate a god of action and a god of love. They tend to be pretty common. I should be able to find one of each pretty easily. But I specifically need ones that are around or lower than my power level. Gods generally gauge power level by the thickness of their aura. A god's aura can also be inspected to more or less figure out what domain they have.


Slowly, I walk towards the entrance to the mortal realm. It is approximately 1 kilometre away from the teleportation hangers. I keep my eyes peeled for things that might help me with my to-do list.


It was not until I could physically see the portal to the mortal realm did I finally find something I could use. A stall displayed a device that could locate thin parts of the fabric of reality, though only in mortal realms. It is a flat device with a meter to indicate thickness. It comes fully charged as well! I enter the 100 Lyn required to purchase the item into the appropriate slot and the item floats towards me. Grabbing it, I continue on my way. I wonder why nobody has purchased it yet. Such a useful item.

Just as I was about to reach the information counter, two auras caught my eye. One of love and one of action. I stared at them with wide eyes. How... how convenient. I did not expect to get everything I needed this easily. The probability of such coincidences...

Not a minute later and I was already upon them ready to give them my practised speech to recruit them. With my ability to speed up thoughts, I have already created the speech to recruit them. The two of them were standing at a stall looking at items. The goddess of love has short pink hair, wearing a crop top and very short shorts. The god of action has short black hair, wearing a plain white shirt and black pants. He had a simple short sword strapped to his hip. They seemed to notice me as I approached them.

My girlfriend, Amare, and I looked at the overpriced planetary map of the mortal realm we intended on entering.

" Hey, Azione. I don't think we can afford this map. It is way too expensive, can't you just draw one while we explore?"


Amare was looking at the damned map from my side with a dejected expression. Oh, how I would love to give her what she wants but I can't just pull out 20 Lyn from thin air. I only have five after all...

That's when we felt the presence... No his presence. Someone was walking towards us. Someone powerful.

We looked at each other briefly and turned towards the presence. The immortal wore a cloak that looked like it was carved out directly from a star, its molten colours shifted as the god walked. The man himself had a head of silver hair that moved like the wind was blowing through it. He was pale-skinned. A very powerful sword was strapped to his back it glowed a harsh silver light. His eyes glowed with the same silver light.

I was speechless, everyone was watching this god. He must be one of the most powerful gods on this planet. As a proud god of action, I took action. Stepping forward, I said hi.

" Hello, do you want us to do something for you?"

The god paused at my words, slowly his thin smile turned into a frown.

Did...did I upset him?

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