《My immortal life》Chapter 1: The immortal era


Every year around 5 immortals are born throughout the local universe. When one is born, the universe celebrates. It may come in the form of a giant pillar of fire, light shining from the sky, the earth may split or any other phenomenon. All this just to welcome the new immortal into reality. Eighteen years ago, when I was born, there was no such extravagance. No, instead everybody in a twenty-kilometre radius around my baby form heard my first " Googoo-gaga"s. Telepathy, the power I was born with. My natural talent. A testament to my parents' mastery over it. This was not the only gift my parents unwillingly gave to me at my birth. I am nigh indestructible. Only physically, of course. My body is almost always intangible, only returning to the physical world when I will it to. Thank father and his code like body, it is because of his genetics that allowed me to escape from my mother's more forceful methods of teaching. I have seen her wooden ruler in action... Gives me shivers just thinking about it.

What was I thi... Ah yes, my powers. I wonder how my immortality will show itself when I form my domain. All immortals show an indicator of their domains. Gods of fire may get flaming bodies, fire hair. Gods of wood may have bark-like skin. Gods of time... I don't know. Timeless skin? Time skin? Punctual bodies? Will they even have a body? Maybe they can rewind the... Ah, one more minute till my eighteenth birthday.

I sit up from my prone position on my bed still staring at the digital clock.

Right, compress my internal energy and think of the domain I want. Then compress some more... Then when, when... When it feels right... move it to where I want the core of my domain to reside in my body.


" Whooh, okay, I have this."

I took a few deep breaths with my eyes still on the clock.15, 30, 15, 30, 60, 60. 15 months a year, 30 days a month, 15 days a week, 30 hours a day, 60 minutes an hour, 60 seconds a minute.

I smirked at the odd time system we have. Oops, 10 seconds more.







" Urk!"

My internal energy pulsed and slowly started expanding. QQuick! Compress...







I let my panic flow away as I fall into a rhythm of compressing the internal energy and thinking of the domain I wanted. The domain of thoughts. The internal energy seemed to form a small yet hard bead with my relentless compressing. Clear on one half of it yet cloudy on the other. I let the bead slowly move from above my heart to my brain.

Satisfied with its position, I allowed my newly attuned internal energy to flow through my body. Then it came. The famous power rush. That moment in an immortals life where they feel truly omnipotent or omniscient or other omni-words. If only for a second.

I could feel all thoughts. All the thoughts of everyone on this world that I am on, Yggil, my homeworld. I felt the thoughts of every being in the universe, multiverse, realms. The universe has a conscience, apparently. Or at least, the universe I am in has one.

Then it was over, my mind reeled from the sheer amount of information it had to process. With haste, I mentally created files in my mind, storing all the information from the experience sorting out the information I can and cannot process into two big files. Immediately, I locked down the file with the incomprehensible information. Zipping it tight, I threw it as deep into my mind as possible, ensuring that I forget. For now.


Crisis over, I felt some liquid drip from my eyes onto my bed. It was a silver glowing substance. My ears seemed to be leaking the same liquid too.

" I,is this... blood?"

It seemed likely. I had experienced what seemed to be omnipresence and omniscience for a second. I must have suffered brain damage.

" Wow, this is the first time I have had a chance to see the colour of my blood. Silver..."

" YO! Brother! You done?! What domain did you pick?!"

My brother barged into my locked room, slamming the door open and breaking my poor lock in the process. Despite my rising annoyance, I mounted a huge smile on my face.

" Yes! Dusha, I got the domain I wanted!"

" Cool! Show me! What domain did you pick?"

With his unneeded permission, I closed my eyes thinking of how I could impress him with my powerful yet abstract domain. How does one show their thoughts...?

Opening my bleeding eyes with confidence, I willed my thoughts of a flame to form in reality. A small candle-like flame winked into existence above my finger. Huh, when did I point my finger?

" WAIT! Brother, you're bleeding! How di-"

" I'm fine!" I snapped at him. I felt guilty immediately but did not let it show on my face. Instead, I waved my flame in front of my brother.

" You-"

" Yes, I AM FINE! See? I am not in pain. Now, look at my fire."

" So... A flame domain?"

" Nope, let's go find father and mother. I shall show them my new power."

Hopefully, this will reassure them enough to let me travel to other worlds...

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