《Haunting My Boyfriend》Episode 17 - Terrible Service


I surveyed the occupants of the girl's washroom with a gleeful smile.

The delinquent girls were surprised to find a bunch of people barging into the washroom just as they were about to leave.

One of the girls, who was taller than the rest, immediately turned red-faced, although whether it was from embarrassment or anger was unclear, as she bellowed, "What do these buffoons think they're doing!? You can't afford a love hotel so you brought those two girls here to service you?"

The one that spoke had her dyed-blond hair arranged in a pair of neat pigtails which was a stark contrast to her makeup. It had been reapplied one too many times, leaving her with a smear of red lipstick, a matte of glistening pink foundation and chalky, dark-purple eye shadow.

Underneath all that makeup was a very pretty face, seething with anger.

Eito paled under the scrutiny of the wannabe gangster's fierce gaze, while Hiromitsu paid her no mind, as his attention was fully transfixed on the device in his hand, which was now beeping and booping at its loudest.

"Yoshimoto-san I-I can explain..." Eito began.

"What!?" She yelled, "You want me to service you as well?"

Knowing that the situation was about to spiral out of control, Eito looked to Hiromitsu in desperation.

"Hiro-chan I think we should leave."

But not only did Hiromitsu appear unflustered, he also seemed to not have grasped the situation, "Hold on a sec, I just need to make a few more calibrations..."

While Noriko was too traumatized to say anything, a little girl that had hidden herself behind Hiromitsu's towering frame had suddenly found the courage to speak. She peered out from one side and pleaded, "Ch-Chiho-chan we-we... we have to do something really IMPORTANT!"


Chiho's mouth flew open but no words came out. She was clearly flabbergasted. However, after a few tense moments of silence, she finally spoke, her tone gentle but pained, "Y-you want to lose your virginity that badly!? Is it really okay to have your first time in a toilet? It isn't even that clean. You know Maiko just used it."

"Hey! I remembered to flush this time! But doing it in this place might be a little..." That impudent voice belonged to a full-chested, ditsy looking girl. Her dark, gossamer hair was draped along her shoulders, while her slanted eyes stared curiously at the clueless quartet standing before her.

"Dammit." Hiromitsu stopped fiddling with his device, long enough to absorb his surroundings.

However, Chiho's promised explanation never arrived. Instead, Hiromitsu ignored her and urged Minami forward, "The trail ends at the last stall. I can't pinpoint the cat's whereabouts, but even if its low-tech we might as well search with our eyes."

As Minami mustered up the last vestiges of her courage and began to creep towards the eighth stall, Chiho stepped in front of Hiromitsu, drew her leg back like she was about to dropkick a football, and then fully serviced his manhood, causing him to collapse and writhe on the floor, as he clutched his aching man parts.

By then, Minami had pushed the stall open and... screamed.

The delinquent girls took just one look at the scrawled writing in the washroom stall and also screamed. They rocketed out the door, all except for Maiko, who pulled out a pair of glasses from her breast pocket, and then let out a fake, belated scream.

Chiho had already left, but darted back in and grabbed Maiko by the shoulder, yelling into her ear, "What are you doing!? Let's get out of here!"


However, Chiho was met with unexpected resistance.

"B-but I want to see the ghost!" Maiko fought to keep her ground. Chiho reluctantly agreed, but still applied enough force to drag her friend towards the exit, where she kept a trembling hand on the door knob.

It took awhile for Noriko to digest the words carved into the back of the washroom stall, before she also screamed at the top of her lungs and then promptly burst into tears.

"ALRIGHT!" Eito yelled. "Everyone just calm down. C'mon Hiro, get up."

Having already forgotten his manners, Eito gently pushed the girls aside and helped Hiromitsu scramble to his feet.

He read the words aloud, with a scowl on his face, "Why did you kill me?"

Eito went on to say, "Do you guys really think a cat would write those words? It's obviously a prank." He sighed miserably and looked at Noriko, "I'm sorry you got dragged into this Noriko-chan..." Eito's words were caught in his throat when he noticed Noriko's listless eyes.

The normally energetic and bubbly prefect was now contrite and mournful. Her words emerged as little more than a faint murmur, "I-it's my fault... when she got sick... I-I couldn't bear it... so I let them take her away a-and..."

Noriko didn't get a chance to conclude her explanation.

One by one, I banged the stalls open and shut.

I spun the handles of the faucets wildly, until water spilled over, mucking up the floor.

Then in quick succession, I smashed in the lights with my elbow, forcing everyone to escape from the concealed terror within the sudden darkness that I had orchestrated.

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