《The Power of Love》Money Troubles


Amity sighed as Luz and her got to a park near Luz’s house. She still wasn’t quite used to being in the human world but the two had agreed to keep trying to spend at least some time on this side of the portal each week. Not only did it make Camila feel better but Luz had started sobbing when Amity had told her that the serious girl wanted to be able to spend the Summer with her at her mom’s home if she needed her to. The thought made Amity smile. What made her turn red was remembering how she’d said that while watching a movie with Luz and her siblings and her girlfriend surprising her with a kiss in front of said siblings. She was still getting teased about action movies being romantic apparently for the two despite Amity explaining that she’d started talking to Luz because she’d been bored from the movie.

Luz glanced over before poking one of Amity’s cheeks. “Feeling the heat a little?” That only got the serious girl to whimper which just made Luz laugh at how cute it was. It wasn’t actually very warm out though. In fact, most of the leaves on the trees had fallen at this point and Luz knew her old school had started up again. It wasn’t something she had really thought about until getting home, especially with how constant Hexide’s schooling was, but it should have stopped being Summer back on the Isles a while ago. Was it maybe that time moved in the two places differently? The Isles had longer years? Or, the one that felt made the most sense to Luz, “Does the Isles have seasons?”

Amity blinked a few times before slipping some of her hair behind one of her ears. “Um, of course we do. Why do you ask?”

Luz looked at the trees again before gesturing to them. “Well, it’s just that we’re in Fall right now. The leaves change, the air begins to cool, and eventually you have to rake because it builds characters and we’re not going to leave the leaves on the lawn…”


Luz jumped as she pulled herself out of her thoughts before laughing nervously. “Um, uh, so yeah, do you guys have Fall? Or do you skip straight to Winter?”

Amity shook her head as she looked up. The brown and yellow leaves were pretty. If she were honest, it’d be kind of nice if they had a bit more of this on the Isles. Of course, she still tried to make sure Luz didn’t actually want to spend an entire Summer back home so she wasn’t about to say that. Not that she expected to ever actually be able to spend so much time from her studies but she’d omitted that when she’d talked about the sweet dream. “We do. It usually lasts about ten minutes though.”

Luz opened her mouth before slowly closing it. Amity tilted her head at the gesture before her girlfriend merely said, “Nope. I don’t want spoilers.”

“Isn’t that how you tried to go out in Boiling Rain?”

Luz glanced away before shrugging. “Yeah, but if I learn everything about the Isles then how will it stay exciting?”

That only made the serious girl pale before shouting, “You’re right! No spoilers! None! And you won’t get any here! Nope! Never!”


The two of them stared at each other before Luz opened her arms wide before stepping closer and wrapping her girlfriend up in a big bear hug. “Amity, the Isles will always be interesting so long as I’m there with you.”

A small purr escaped Amity before her knees turned weak and she snuggled into Luz’s shoulder. Her hands still clung to Luz for dear life, though that was probably in part because her legs had suddenly decided to stop working at that moment. This was probably one of the best parts of them being together. Luz being able to just tell her when she was worrying about nothing. She just wished she stopped freaking out like this altogether.

Of course, Luz didn’t always help as she grinned at Amity. “Do you need me to carry you?”

“Y-” Amity’s eyes then darted around to see that they were in fact not alone in the park and said, as her legs suddenly found their strength again, “Nope. I’m good. All-” She then took a step back as Luz stepped closer. “No! Not again! My legs are fine!”

Luz pouted for a second before teasing, “Does that mean I never get to carry you?”

Amity turned bright red as her ears lowered a little. “I mean, um, just not right now, okay?”

That just got a laugh out of Luz before they began walking towards the middle of the park. It was overall a fairly nice day. A light breeze kept off the heat of the mostly clear sky, spread out the leaves, and blew through Amity’s hair in just the way that made Luz become quiet as she wanted to just sit and watch it pet her girlfriend. Actually, was she allowed to pet Amity now? She considered doing it for a second before the image of a very passed out Amity on the ground slipped through her mind. Maybe once they were somewhere private? Yeah, that would probably be better. She did want to do something with their small trip.

Her eyes ran over the park before she let out a gasp. Luz then grabbed Amity’s hand and pulled on the serious girl, who had currently just been enjoying the warmth of Luz’s side while she hugged her girlfriend’s arm. She scrambled to keep up with the energetic girl, just as she always had to, but didn’t try to get Luz to stop. Dozens of times of trying to get her to had proven that only Boscha being around could get Luz to stop, though Amity usually had to avoid crashing into her girlfriend anytime that happened.

When the energetic girl did stop, it was in front of a smiling man in front of a white and red striped cart. He gave them both a small nod before chuckling. “Long time no see, Luz. Is that a new friend I see for you?”

Luz hugged Amity tight while yelling, “Nope, girlfriend,” before letting go of Amity, who promptly had to use the cart not to fall over. Luz didn’t seem to notice though as she turned back to the cart owner. “And I was hoping you might be able to give us the hookup, Tom.”

Tom raised an eyebrow before looking between them. “Well, for a special occasion like this, I have to say that I recommend our french bean and cocoa ground for you and your little lady respectively.”


Luz grinned at that as she hopped onto the edge of the cart. “Sounds great.”

Amity looked between the two of them before bluntly asking, “Luz, does he sell drugs?”

Both humans laughed at the very confused witch before Tom said, “Someone had gotten ahold of Scarface when they were younger and asked me for some Columbian Powder the first time we met. Her mom tried to correct her but I gave her a vanilla scoop with some coconut shavings and told her it was our little secret. We’ve done stuff like this ever since.”

Amity paused a few seconds before reaching to the bag at her side. “So it’s just ice cream then?”

Luz scoffed at the statement before jumping down. “How dare you!? This is not just ice cream! This is the best ice cream! Crafted with love down to every drop of mi-”

“Luz, you know I get my stock from a larger distributor.” He then shook his head before properly opening up his cart to actually get the ice cream out. “Speaking of, they’ve been squeezing us little guys a bit recently so it’ll be six dollars today, not five.” He then paused and looked at Luz and said, “And no freebies right now. It’s too late in the season.”

Luz laughed nervously as she scratched the back of her head. She had kind of forgotten that she would need to actually pay for it. She’d gotten fairly used to going off of Eda and Amity’s dimes. Or, more, Amity’s. She wanted to pay for things of course to treat her girlfriend but Eda didn’t exactly give her an allowance. In fact, her chores were a form of ‘rent’ as her mentor called it.

Amity raised a hand before saying, “I’ve got it…” She then paused as she pulled out a Snail and the yellow coin glinted in the sunlight. That was right. They didn’t use her form of money here. She was just so used to bringing her wallet with her and Luz so she could treat her girlfriend to whatever her silly moods asked of her. Not that Amity said yes every time, she had refused to get her a soul sucking giraffe plush, but she liked being ready.

Luz sighed as she looked away and said, “Sorry. How much longer will you be open though? I could run home and try to get enough from my mom.”

Tom sighed as he looked between the two of them. It was too late in the year for him to just give them some like he had done for Luz in Summers past, regardless of how much he only now realized he’d missed the weird girl’s antics in the park. He needed to get the most out of what stock he could push now before it all went into the freezer and he had to lean on his part time job more to make house payments. Still… “That’s an interesting novelty coin. Where’d you get it?”

Amity glanced between him and the Snail before extending it to him. “Um, my family. We have a lot of them if you’d like it.”

Tom chuckled a little as he began to say, “My little girl likes coins like this so…” He then paused and looked down at it before bouncing it a little in his hand. “A little heavy for a novelty coin. Is it used as a weight or the like?”

Amity shook her head in confusion. Were coins not that heavy here? “No, they’re just that heavy. It makes my purse annoying to carry around with too much in it, but what else can you expect from solid gold?”

Both Luz and Tom became very, very still. Luz then looked at her girlfriend before asking, “What?”

Amity blinked a few times before waving her hands in front of her. “No, you don’t have to worry about it! I, uh, have ways to make it not a problem! I just try not to carry more than a hundred on me at a time.”

Tom looked like he might have a heart attack before he looked at the young girl and asked, “Who are your parents?”

The poor witch looked between the two humans in complete confusion before sucking in her lips as she looked at Luz in desperation. Her girlfriend was still recovering from the statement admittedly, as she’d always just assumed Snails were part rock or something to explain how heavy they were, but she wasn’t about to leave Amity hanging. As such, she stepped in close and began whispering into the confused girl’s ear.

After a few moments of consideration, Amity reached into her purse, counted a few coins out, and then promptly put nine more on the cart. “Will this maybe cover the cones? As well as pay some of Luz’s tab?”

Tom blinked a few times while Luz looked like she was going to pass out from how casually Amity just… did that. Of course, the energetic girl knew how stupid wealthy the Blights were so dropping a few Snails here and there wasn’t that big of a deal normally, but when each of them was worth… A lot. Not like a lot a lot, but enough that Tom looked like he was going to have a heart attack at this point.

However, it did get them their ice cream just before Luz’s friend closed up shop for thirty minutes to breathe. The energetic girl was worried about one thing though. “Okay, so that was really cool and all but you do not tell my mom about this.”

Amity frowned a little before asking, “Why?”

Luz kicked at the ground for a few seconds as she tried to figure out how to put it. “Well, see, I’m worried about how she might react. I’m not saying we can’t exchange any of your Snails for some money but if you were to suddenly show up with a hundred thousand dollars or the like, she might have a heart attack.”

Amity slowly nodded at that. Fortunately, when she next came to the human realm with a briefcase of Snails to pay back Camila for the fact that she let Luz stay in the Isles, the older woman only fainted.

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