《Aqua Requiem Bloodlines》End of the bidding


"Used tea bag has no to little effects, it is impossible to cheat, also detoxing level may not increase a lot compared to new tea bag".

"It is easy to know what is used or fake and which is unused" I continued then while pouring 2 teacups using the teapot.

"I thought it is only for my ship girl." The captain asked who have paid for the tea bags

"it is also for you too, 5 tea bag may be too strong for her, it is better to divide the load into half" I replied with confident

"There going nothing" As both the captain and the ship girl drink both cups at the same time.

"Keep drinking at the same time" I order them to drink at the same time

And they continue to drink at the same time to the teapot are out of tea

Notice Discover new effects on the tea

Both of their faces are boiling also in pain and their bodies are burning.

"Be a man and endure it, the longer the burning effects means your ship will have a greater future"

Qi yacht screamed "the corpses have disappeared into the thin air"

"SHUT UP QI yacht, people are at their critical moment" As I slapped both faces which they are looking at Qi yacht

"Focus your body and what to improve on" I continued,

"I want bigger and better. To have more, larger, bigger cannons than this Asian bastard ship. How dared him to slap my face" both captain and ship girl both have the same thought.

The captain slowly becomes more fit as his skin start to harden and his body starts to grow taller. Meanwhile, the girl ship of his start growing multiple large cannons on her cannons.

The crowd are shocked seeing this situation. As the pain and boiling effect faded away, Both captain and ship girl launch a punch at me. I dodge it like there is nothing else.

"STOP, look at yourself now, I don't think you need any tea bag, as you and your ship need more food and resource to repair yourself from the upgrading, just look at your ship girl stats already". I smiled.


Name of ship: Galley dreadnaught

Country: United Kingdom(Britain)

Type: Dreadnaught (Tier 2)

Description: A Galley loading multiple cannons, there is no difference in the normal galley except for the top metal armour and multiple cannons that can fire all at the same time, bring terror to those who enter its range


12x long cannons

6x short cannons


Heavy Cannon fire: Reduce enemies ships in 300km in movement speed and attack speed by 20%

Overheavy Hull reinforcement and armour: 25% more Max hp and Defence and reduce 80% speed

Drumming Sound: boast allies ships 500 km around the area by 20% speed boost and weaken enemies defence by 5% defence and attack speed.

"bro I think you need some punching, the ship tier drop by one after this painful experience" He tries to punch me again

"Look clearly at the ship type, what you and your ship girl want is the same thing right? "I reply

"I told you the corpses have disappeared" QI yacht shout again

"maybe you hungry, you eat it or something, what you have gone through is a really rare incident, by right no one can upgrade or change its ship type in a session of drinking tea, even if they can drink the tea at the same time, they can't have the same thought at the same time, but the strange thing is you did it, you are being the lucky guy here that everyone is envying you, now you are blaming me for merely lowering a tier? multiple-cannons already higher than tier 5 ships can manage, don't talk about shooting them at the same time" Blacken Warship Blocks off all the cannons fire and punches that captain and ship girl unleased, while I hinted that the ship is greater than tier 5.

"Auctioning Tea grade beyond premium starting from 200 gold per piece of tea bag starting from 10 gold each bidding, Max number of tea bag per person is 3 pieces"

As more Captain come and join in the bidding. Suddenly previously who taking part of tier 0 rafts have all been upgraded to Tier 1 boats


"Why there is a sudden increase in price?" a group of captain asked while sweating

"Previously I am selling it as a loss, it is just an induction price, this is an actual price, I only barely earn 70 gold, plus I have helped him increase 4 tiers of ship rank, you guys can see now tier 0 have been upgraded to tier 1 for free, who will thank me for upgrading his ship for free?, Anyway you guys are standing for a long time, it help to boost the speed of detoxing level thus improve ones and ship girl health at least. For now, it is better to buy it for your own use as the sun is currently not at its hottest.

In the meantime,

More ship girls find to CBA as there is a large crowd of Captain gathered and bidding for tea

"What a special tea aroma, it somehow feels refreshing, also it is time to look for the newly captains, it is being afternoon, not a single new captain is here, that is really strange" ...

Back of the MC

"210 gold x 3 bags"

"we spilt 50-50 ok?"


"240 each for 3 bags"


"250 for a bag and 240 for 2 bags"


"250 for a bag , 250 for a bag and 240 bag 3"

"250 for a bag , 250 for a bag and 240 bag 2"

"250 for a bag , 250 for a bag and 240 bag 1"


Lordol dips each bag to show that they are not faked or used after the trading is being done. Tier 1 that have not been upgraded, have been upgraded to tier 2

Most the captains now have already constructed their ship have gathered into the bidding crowd.

Notice Obtained 100% of cubes binding types and uses, testing for more optimised configuration.

Things are starting to change as Tier 0 are forced to upgrade itself after breathing in the aroma for a while.

Once the tier 0 captain find out about that, they are thrilled about it. Even the tier 1 captains are not disappointed with their performance. as they know soon their ship girls are going to be upgraded soon.

"Last Auctioning Tea grade beyond premium starting from 200 gold per piece of tea bag starting from 10 gold each bidding, Max number of tea bag per person is 3 pieces, this is last of my stock, "

"220 GOLD, 2 bags"

"300 GOLD"

"250 GOLD"

"240 GOLD"

"260 GOLD"

"270 GOLD"

Most captains started to understand the effects of the tea bag, it is not boosting oneself, it is more like an item to improve your allies

"300 GOLD, 270GOLD, 260GOLD IS IT ....."

"300 GOLD 2 Bag Stop bidding and we share it together"

"All right"

"300 GOLD 2 Bag and 270 Gold 3"

"300 GOLD 2 Bag and 270 Gold 2"

"Stop why there is a large group of Captain and ship girls, WHAT are Frigates doing? at least we have found the source of the aroma" the group of ship girls appear

"300 GOLD 2 Bag and 270 Gold 1"

"Deal" I ignored those pointless ship girls that just merely wasting my time

I repeat the trading process and announce "This is an end of the auction, Thank you for partaking in auction and goodbye"

"HEH, you the Chinese man who is just now doing an auction, what are you auction on? also, where are frigates?" One of the pretty golden hair girls stops me.

"just some tea and nothing else, they vanished into the thin air" I mere reply her.

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