《Aqua Requiem Bloodlines》NBA(Royal Navy Academy) opening ceremony


Notice wake up and start attending the NBA opening ceremony now

I am forced to wake up by the System alarm. I am in half sleep state. Stretching my arms.

I quickly get out of the room and toward NBA

Walking past the streets and building, to NBA, the streets its self are getting less noise and fewer beggars than yesterday.

Notice What kind of evil plot are you plotting to have? Stop scheme on how to beat up the poor shipgirls already

Notice new quest unlocked, hurry to NBA, get to NBA within 10 min. Reward 5.56 gun barrel equipment and 300x 5.56×45mm NATO bullets, let the quest begins

"wtf damn you system..." In order to get the reward, I quickly rush my way toward NBA

Once I arrived at NBA and begin registering myself as a captain and pay 10 gold coins at the counter for registration fees. I am given a handbook about the rules and regulation.

Notice you have clear the quest: Reward 5.56 gun barrel equipment and 300x 5.56×45mm NATO bullets

"System are you scamming me?"

Notice It is stated as the previous notice

"only barrel and ammo but no stock, no trigger and other parts are you seriously want to scam me"

Notice It is stated as the previous notice

"I run for no good reason, plus 5.56 rounds are too small for Navy battles"

Notice ...

Notice Stat menu have been successful loaded and inventory are expanded to 100 slots

"That is like it, System status"

Name: Lordol

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Job: Noice Captain

Titles: One with system


All fearing sight: a sight that sees through the target ship girl stats and size and causes 5% of the weaker ship to be stun for 3 sec, 3% of ship girl slowing down and 1% of shipgirl stop functioning for 1 second.

Notice New skill learnt senseless talk: To you talk words that make no sense suit you the best, your words have 10% chance of confusing anyone who is aggressive against you


Just then the announcement sounded "Welcome to Royal Navy Academy, please gather the foyer for the opening ceremony" I move to the foyer, it is kind of strange that they pick foyer to have the ceremony but not the general purpose hall for the ceremony.

Notice Download 100% done and now the Newbie pack have arrived

"Open it"

Notice you have obtained 3 lesser construction cubes, 3 instant drill and a pack of 1000 resources of gold,

Lumber, Metal, Ammo, Oil

"I know the system is the best, haha?"

Notice the system gain a 2% speedup buff for 1 hour from lordol

"...ok congrats System"

A young lady with a small metal hut on her head, her uniform have 2 sides that covered of 8 cannons. She starts her talk

"BS BS BS BS BS ..... ... BS... BS... BS..."

After 1 hour of talking, she just mere talking about how great NBA is and consistently repeating the same thing. Also, she talks about bloodlines that even the system know more details than her. Later comfort those who have not so good bloodline. Seriously what a disappointment for me to listen to her talk. She continues to talk on the link on bloodline and classes.

I read the rules and regulation handbook while hearing her talk, maybe my world is different from hers. To my ear, it is just straight up insult to me. The higher bloodline and combat class mean more resources you are going to get from the academy. The class system is top is British bloodline, 2nd European countries like Russia, France, 3rd is the Axis power (Germany, Japan, Italy), the last are the others. Then combat classes have on the top to the bottom, first class is the ship that has a cannon at least, the second is the ship that can move fast, thirdly is the ship that can carry cargo, lastly is rest of the ship.

By the time, she has finished talking about the link, many captains have already fallen to sleep. I have already read three-quarter of the handbook.


Notice the system has unlocked the Market function and scrap function also ship dock function

Notice System is full function and ready for action.

That is good, "is it possible to fuse lesser construction cube to be a better one"

Notice you can upgrade them with 15 gold each

"Upgrade then fusion with another 45 gold" I reply to the system

On the screen, the 3 cubes are forced together with the gold, then it from a pill to a rubric cube size, then the clear fusion liquid flow and melt 3 of those cubes and 45 gold to form a golden rubric cube.

Notice New item unlock: Golden tri construction cube

For some reasons, I do not find it good enough for my status. I can find the cube is good enough to use but really pretty lacking to me that is.

Notice the system have a suggestion that is poster + 100ml of your blood + spare fusion liquid leftover + 200 gold


Sudden I become a bit lightheaded, at the same time, on the screen. The black leftover liquid is mixed with the blood along with the poster. Then finally the cube.

The cube becomes dimmer then give off a flash. It repeats itself over and over while the poster has already melted into nothing.

The fusion timer is now stated as 81 mins

I continued to read the handbook while listening to the clown talking pointless things.

I summarise the whole handbook as the ship girls is the strongest in this world who can transform into ship or girls at their will, newborn ship girls cannot transform without captain order, if given enough kills, they could transform at will, also learn new skills.

Captain can make a contract with Ship girl and in time of need, order ship girls to battle.

Bloodline determines your class and your ship in the construction area

For example, France bloodline can only construct the France ship

British can only construct the British ship

Basically, the handbook stated that there is a weekly battle once after you get your first ship. Your rank depends on how you score. The higher the rank, better the reward. The first week is one vs one, the second week is 3 vs 3, the third week is 6 vs 6 then the last week is 12 vs 12 battles.

In the end, it really depends on your bloodline. What I developed a theory that the bloodline depends on the owner country technology levels. No one has ever seen an African battleship or plane before. But we can see British ship have a mixture of wood and metal like the steam-powered boat or ships. Metal plating on the sides to reduce the damage done to the hull fully explained my theory. Even if they let 100 African rafts vs one British ship, the rafts cannot do significant damage to the ship. Sighh, British too overpowered, the top class bloodline is too broken. My tech is too crappy even with system help, research takes up a lot of resources and time.

Notice Check your trade Market and do not whine that you do not have a weapon against them

I check trade Market, One big and shining star with words of more than 99% discount off for 100 coins for any newbie item for 1 week starting from today. The list goes on Magnetic Cannon, Wind resistance Sail, Advance harden steel Hull, Electronic and hydro system, Electromagnet propulsion system for the aircraft carrier, Advanced sensor bio mine, Improved China Dong Feng 41 ICBM, Nuclear bomb and missiles blueprint, Rapidly fire heavy chain gun, L.a.s.e.r radar blueprint, Quantum computer theory and semi blueprint (40%), Qi and mana materials research, Rocketry mass production research, biomaterials engineering research, Magnetic and Proximity Torpedo, Proximity research (90%), Japanese Image-based air to air missile, Russian S500 anti-air System, Russian Cargo transport system, Russian transport missile system, F22 plane and B2 bomber pack, F35 plane.

The system can sure dish out good and cheap stuff. I guess I only can get a few of them within this week.

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