《Pandora's Box Online》Chapter 9 - Hero's Descendant


This is chapter for today ~ Im sleepy so good night ~ Enjoy the chapter ~ Just ignore the wrong grammar/spelling so yeah Enjoy~


After i got the sword , the center of the Green Scarp , all of the player and npc in near the center of the Green Scarp is staring at me while Jane near me jaw dropped , after a few minute Jane able to recovered from the shock and said

Jane:"Phantom ... How did you do that? no one was able to pull out the sword ,even the other hero's tried and still not able to pull it out the center , while you ... just get it like getting a knife that is in the butter."

Phantom:"Its really that hard huh , no wonder im the only one that can able to wield this sword , anyway i got to go now im having way more attention that i would thought"

Jane:"Wait! You still haven't answer my question!"

Phantom:"I'll answer it next time we meet"

So i began to walk out the center of the Green Scarp , while walking out the crowed , all of the people give a pathway for me . Weirdly there is no person ask how i pulled it out the legendary sword , they just stare at me while i walk out the crowed.

I put the Excalibur in my inventory and began to walk back to the library , the quest still isnt finish , i'll ask Elsi about my quest after i got back in the library.

I finally arrived infront of the library , i knock the door and it automaticlly opened just like Elsie said , I roam around the library trying to find Elsie and i found many books in the table where i seated before , there is a note above the book and it says


Note:"Here's some more useful books that is about strengthening,movement and dual wielding sword so there would be no empty spot in your character and if you are trying to find me just go in the window you used to look"

After i read the note .My plan is im gonna find Elsie first and start reading the books . So i went to the window i used to look and there is Elsie looking at the sky through the window. I tap her shoulder and said

Phantom:"Hey Elsie , what are you looking at the window?"

Elsie:"Oh you're back already Phantom huh , Im just looking at the sky , it look so peaceful with a clear blue sky and bright sun , anyway how is the sword go? did you got it"

Phantom:"Yeah , here take a look" I pulled out the Excalibur inside my inventory and gave it to Elsie.

Elsie:"You already bounded your soul in this weapon , But its still not fully indentified , you'll need a master indentifier , but you are on a good luck because im a master indetifier , so i'll start identify this legendary weapon.

Right after Elsie said that she said the last word her hand began to light up , it lasted for about 2 minutes before Elsie stopped identifying

Elsie:"Here have a good look in your True power of your sword"

Phantom ExcaliburType:Two-Handed Sword / Dual DaggerDurability:InfiniteQuality:LegendaryThis is now Phantom Excalibur that The Hero Bryce left for him.

>: Damage:750-1250

>: x2 damage sword if your soul is bounded in this sword

>: +75 to each stats when equipped

>: +50 Strength

>: +40 Agility

>: +40 Dexterity

>: +25% defense when equipped

>: +25% damage to all monsters

>: +25% Crital Chance

>: +50% Critical Damage

>: +50% to Light Affinity


>: +50% to Dark Affinity (From Demon Lord Soul)

>: Skill

>: Skill

>: Skill

>: Skill

>: All armor/clothes defense will increase by 30%

>: This weapon can split into a two daggers

>: This weapon level up when the owner leveled up too (If soul is bounded)

>: Current Level:1


Descedant of Hero Bryce

Class:Imperial Weapon Controller

After i read the read up the message , my jaw dropped i didnt think that it would have this much stat if its done identified , i immidiately equiped the Excalibur and my Starter clothes began to have a golden pattern that look like Phoenix in the left side and Dragon in the right side , after i regan my cool a window pop up !

Quest CompleteYou finished the Receive the Hero's Sword , you obtian the following:

>: Title:

= +10 to each stats

= +25% damage to all demons and undead

= +20% Skill proficiency to the class skill

>: +300 Fame

>: +30 Charm , You got new stat , it'll be now added in your Status Info

Charm - It Increase the intimacy with shop npc and it make your character handsome/beutiful. You cant distribuite points in this stat , you can only increase this depending on your actions.

I cant wait to see my stat so i mumble and said

Phantom:" Status Info "

Status InfoNamePhantomLevel1TitleHero's DescendantFame1925ClassImperial Weapon ControllerHealth1450Mana2670Health Regen72.5 per/secMana Regen137.5 per/secStrength195Vitality145Dexterity185Agility185Intelligence267Wisdom275Stamina145Leadership135Knowledge125Focus140Charm115AffinitiesFire25%Wind25%Water25%Earth25%Light50%Dark50%

I followed it with

Phantom:"Skill Info"

Skill Info(Active) Begginer Level 1 - (0%) - Fireball is the most basic spell in fire element , its basically a fire in a ball form


>: Deals 100 Damage and add a Status to the target(Active) Begginer Level 1 - (0%) - WindSlash is the most basic spell in wind element , its basically a spell that lauched a sharp wind attack to the target


>: Deals 100 Damage and add a Status to the target(Active) Begginer Level 1 - (0%) - Water ball is the most basic spell in water element , its basically a water in a ball form


>: Deals 100 Damage and add a Status to the target(Active) Begginer Level 1 - (0%) - Earthbolt is the msot basic spell in earth element , its basically a earth that is formed in a diamond shape like


>: Deals 100 Damage and has 30% chance to add a Status to the target(Passive) Begginer Level 4 - (43%) - Reading skill help you read faster when you are reading a book


>: +25% faster reading books(Toggle) Begginer Level 1 - (0%) - You can Control all the weapon in your surroundings


>: You can control all weapons within 5 meters (25 mana per/sec).(Passive) Begginer Level 1 - (0%) - You can use all the weapon with additional damage


>: +50% damage when using any weapon.(Active) Begginer Level 1 - (0%) - You can heal your self or a single targeted person


>: Heals 500 Hp (200 Mana)(Active) Begginer Level 1 - (0%) - You can heal a many person


>: Heals 300 Hp to all team mate within 3 meters (300 Mana)(Active) Begginer Level 1 - (0%) - You can summon the Hero Bryce


>: Summon Hero Bryce (50 mana per/sec)(Active) Begginer Level 1 - (0%) - You can summon the Demon Lord Malachi


>: Summon Demon Lord Malachi (50 mana per/sec)(Active) Begginer Level 1 - (0%) - You can Buff all of the buff


>: +20% to all stats , damage and defense (500 Mana)(Active) Beggining Level 1 - (0%) - You'll buff all team mate nearby


>: +20% to all stats , damage and defense to nearby team mates (700 Mana)


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