《Colorful World》Chapter 13 - Quietly Stepping on Glass.


The cool wind which was picked up by the rustling of the leave showed itself briefly by the waning moon that watched over the night like a monarch, silence reigned with the only exceptions of the chirping crickets and cicadas.

Alone in a cold room, a boy sat with his knees to his chest, his shoes off as he stared feverishly at the grayish concrete wall. Dirtied clothing lined his frame as his eye slightly drooped, however, the fatigued he felt did not concern him, this act was a desperado to him.

Red... is the only one that's moving...

Slowly, patiently, he counted the seconds that passed since he observed the colors converge to a single location excluding red, and knowing the ideas before would only be given to him once he knew there would be no second chance if the men knew he could navigate his way.

4001...4002... A bit more than an hour... Okay

Having known that there was no movement he had can to the conclusion that the others had fallen asleep, as he stood up. The beating of his heart in his first attempt since his training had pumped adrenaline through his veins, stirring him out of drowsiness.

Tying his laces to his belt loops on each side he slowly shuffled his feet towards the door, brushing the debris away. Upon reaching the door he rose his freed hand he felt for the knob and pulled.

...Why isn't it opening?...

Unfortunately, Lang's door leading into his room was simpler, the mechanism was a push and pull door, and as he never had to open a door himself, first the first minute since her escape he was stuck awkwardly. Pushing, pulling, and fidgeting with the handle, he soon learned that doorknobs had to be turned.

They turn?! Does mom know about this?... Focus!...

Poising himself he exited the door, gently closing and resting it back to its original position, as he stood outside the doorway he glanced back towards the blurry yellow hue. Mapping the structure in his head he remembered three paths, the shortest being the one where the man holding the stone representing red was patrolling.

Eliminating that path in reserve for emergency Lang had decided to focus on the two longer paths, one treaded in the room in front of the other colors, while the last circle him around the building along the walls.

Biting his lip gently Lang found himself turning right and pacing himself down as straight as his steps allowed, his hand to the front in the case a wall or pallet would touch him. Gradually he had distanced himself forty steps, to where he then turned once more, this time to the left.

Repeatedly practiced and counted in his head Lang knew himself, that his confident steps could only be misplaced due to what he could not see on the ground. His toes and the soles of his feet, however, felt it all, with each gliding step he felt screws, nails, broken glass, and empty bottles that littered the empty warehouse.


If only I could see for real! ... Wait!

As he navigated the sixty steps needed he turned left again before noticed that the man path the man strode was towards his vicinity, gritting his teeth he ran as silent as he could back thirty steps to turn into a space between containers that the men would check during the day.

Winces and tremors of pain struck him as small shards of glass dug into his flesh, with each slowing step his breath began to grow heavy as he heaved hushed wails of pain each time.

Reaching the area he gazed back to see the lazily moving hue of red in the distance and without missing a beat switched his weight to his heels while using his toes to brush away the debris.

Just as I told myself to be careful... I... bottle... bottle...

Between twenty steps, Lang had found and grasped onto a glass bottle, tightening his hold onto it he continued his walking. Reaching the turn he needed he found himself cemented to the second path as he slowly approached the other colors.

Timidly, Lang proceeded, wary in alerting the men on the other side his steps shortened themselves in the attempt to muffle the shuffling and the debris being pushed. His hands steadily grew damp as his saliva piled in his mouth, not daring to swallow for the sound it would make.

Halfway through Lang's foot had given as he winced and fell, and while hoping to use the wall that separated them from him he had discovered that there was no wall.


As swift as his body had let him, Lang pushed out his foot, landing right on the tip of his toe. Sucking in as much air possible tears began to stream as the glass already embedded in his foot dug deeper, his saliva drooled out from his mouth as it mixed with the crimson stains he left behind.

Lang's willpower had won as he thought about his chance, he successfully steadied himself and continued, warily sneaking past them. The smell of his blood nauseated him as he becoming lightheaded from the sickening idea that he may be caught if the trail was followed.

Passing the men he had made it and with his hand finally felt the wall again, baiting his breath he continued the last steps to where he had to turn.

It hurts... it hurts... so bad... Mom... I'm... really scared this time... I'm really scared...

Scrunching his eyebrows together, Lang bit his bottom lip as he realized the tears had come, frustration pushed itself onto him as he realized how far into the plan he was to turn back and wait.

Weighing the thoughts that continuously pervaded his mind once more he continues, finally arriving three-fourths of the way to the exit, to where the yellow stone buried in the soil was.

Seeing the hue he soothed his feelings and thoughts for later.

That reminds me... Red is... !!!

Widening his eyes panic overwhelmed him as when Lang glanced back he was now aware, that the red hue was speedily following his path. As Lang ground his teeth together, he began running the final stretch while he held his hand against the wall, the sounds of glass shards and nuts and bolts hitting the concrete rung out lightly as they were flung behind him.


With as much upper body strength mustered, Lang chucked the bottle high into the other direction, watching carefully, his plan succeeded as the man turned and head off, diverting from his original path and buying Lang precious time.

Faster! Faster!! They're awake now for sure!

Heaving breath with each step Lang had found the last two turns and exited the warehouse, and without pausing ran past his stone, the adrenaline-fueled and numbed his pain as he held his hand to his front, quickly maneuvering past any trees that he found standing before him.

Every few seconds that passed Lang checked behind him, affirming that only three of the colors only followed his path and others had scattered in other directions he breathed out a shallow sigh of relief.

Knowing that his legs would give out soon he was glad that there were only a few of the men running after him, and it was not long before his leg began to tremble as the rush of adrenaline had run low.

Desperately he continued, keeping track of the closing distance between them in his mind as he tilted his path, pushing left for every tree that appeared in front of his hand.

Before long, however, the men had caught up, and Lang, knowing that the event was inevitable had hidden behind himself between the forestry of the bushes.

"This fucking kid, did he have help?!"

...The smell of bitter sweat... he's close... I have to move...

"No the footprints were too small of being anyone else's! Climb a tree and get up high."

!!! I can feel the tree shaking... Is he punching it?... No, they're fading, he's climbing it! Move!

Ragged pants escaped Lang's lips as he, firmly, as much as his feeble body let him, stumbled away, despair closed in as he knew his fate was closing in. Until finally he was struck, a branching limb lower than the surrounding tree's had battered into Lang's throat, knocking him down as he coughed once before hitting his head onto the ground below.

With his mind increasingly grown fuzzy, he vented in a loud raspy melancholic roar that echoed throughout the forest as he slipped into unconsciousness.

I'm sorry guys...


"Captain, we found his translat-..."

The man froze as he stared at the woman illuminated by the light from a desolate moon, the golden hair shimmered as she trembled, fixated on the ground. From the distance, he could see what seemed like crystals falling from her face, with goosebumps rising on his skin and chills running along his spine he quickly retreated to his teammates he hastily led them away.

Without a question asked they hurriedly scattered into the forest, and with no delay in the vicinity of the building, a rolling dense crimson fog with hints of blue poured out of the exits and smashed windows. Its scent, sweet as a ripe fruit was stark in contrast to the heavy oppressive air and chilling aura that exuded from it.

"I won't let you ever have bad memories from this place again..."

Softly mumbling her words a bitter smile was worn as the air condensed, rapidly vibrating and heating itself, the team who had distanced themselves could a sharp blinding light that dyed the forest in white as temperatures quickly rose, crackling could be heard before a resounding clap could be heard.

Plasma from the ground whipped in abandonment as it quickly struck the night sky as multiple chirps could be heard, a song of many birds briefly played in between the blast of scorching winds that uprooted nearby trees.

The sounds of the forest silenced and what could only be heard soon after was a deathly silence, in replace of the building that once decrepit stood was now a crater void of vegetation and filled with the remains of melted materials that melded together.

With a voice that rocked the air itself, a command was placed fourth with a pressure rivaling a decree of a diety.

"I Will Find You, And I Will Kill You...Bring Him Here Before I Do!!"

The members filling the squad had taken note of her voice and spread in a search for him, the result was in their favor in one of their proximities roar was heard faintly which had led them to the boy who was held by a trembling masked assailant.

Stumbling to voice his words the man had opted to head towards the site and was soon greeted by the scene of his accomplices kneeling and awaiting pleading silently as they had realized their fates would soon be chosen.

"Drop the boy."

As ordered, upon letting go, the figure who bore holes into his soul had vanished, quickly appearing before him and tightly hugging, tears could only be seen streaming down the beautiful face before he felt the wind pick up.

With one loud boom, the air that had caught up and stopped suddenly had created a dense air pocket in front of her which quickly imploded and had launched the man streaming into the air, his body had finally halted as its pieces were strewn and webbed around the trunk and branches of the trees behind him.

Detached from the mangled mess in front of her, the cold look of death that loomed on her face hastily washed away as the manic smile turned warmer, more concerned, and sweeter as she saw the blood on his feet.

"You... worked hard to give them trouble huh?..."

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