《Colorful World》Chapter 3 - Just Childish Games


The two children quickly changed their faces, sorrow and battered looks of shame covered their faces as they had quickly explained to their mother of what had occurred earlier in the day. During the time they strolled outside they had seen Lang sitting under the tree, remembering what they had done before they decided to apologize to him, but when they had simply touched his shoulder Lang had gotten spooked and accidentally hit Jean's face, as the older brother Gabriel tried pushing Lang away by grabbing him, this had only caused Lang to flail around more. However until the maid had seen them grabbing Lang she quickly raised her hand and struck the two before they had time to explain, disliking the two of them she threatened them not to tell their mother and to instead put this incident to rest.

These two little craps! Tsk, I won't have enough time to click out what really happened, the conversation is going to fast.

Cynthia glanced at her two children before giving Lang a scornful look as she spoke harshly to Valerie.

"I hope this incident is an accident, Madam Valerie. If Lang had indeed overreacted and the maid did strike my children, I have to punish the maid myself and will need Lang to apologize."

"Miss Cynthia, it seems like you accepted the story of theirs a bit too quickly."

Cynthia slowly stood up as she walked over to Lang and with a gentle hand, she caressed her son's face as she gave Cynthia and her children a cold glare. The other incidents of Lang being injured or insulted by them prior did not match up with the personalities of today, the change was too quick and without any reason. She had chosen Alicia with the thought of tact, knowing that Alicia's presence would be enough to deter the children, she had no need to strike them.

As she looked at Lang's quivering face she slowly inspected his body, running her hands over his arms and legs, checking his hands before noticing Lang had slightly, ever so slightly winced when her hands ran through certain tender spots. With this new information, she could figure out slightly what had happened but could not figure out how the other children had gotten injured.

"Miss Cynthia it seems like Lang had injuries under his clothes"

Ow... Mom a bit more gentle with your son, please...

"Valerie that could only be seen as Lang getting hurt while my children tried to diffuse the situation."

"M-Mother, Lang had tripped and fallen on the root of the tree during the time we were calming him down."

"He's right!... M-Mom..."

Standing outside of the dining hall Alicia and Noir had both shook their head, looking through the glass they could see Valerie slightly struggling to remember an obvious solution, the two who bore anxious frowns as they decided. Noir left to gather the necessary evidence to assist Valrie and Lang, while Alicia had knocked on the door for permission to enter the hall. As she entered she glanced at the two kids and gave a long downdraught sigh, rubbing her temples and shaking her head she looked up as her eyes met directly with Valerie's.


"Madam Im, there is a simple solution I think everyone is forgetting"

Simple? .... Ah! Duh!

"?.... Alicia please continue, I'm sure today has distraught everyone... especially Lang"

Before continuing the maid smiled softly, nodding lowly turning her head as she met the eyes of everyone in the room finally landing on Lang's face and confidently requestion of his answer.

"Young Master... I have told you about these before, they watch for the wrong doings of others"

Nodding Lang had pulled out his clicker, a smile forming on his lips as he responded back to Alicia.

"We... Not... Old... Times..."

"Correct Young Master, we do not live in the old days, this era is far from the old the past."

"For... Our... Protection"

"We have installed these a year ago after having the incident of Young Master stepping on nails in the garden during their last visit"

In the moment the reminder was brought forth, a bright smile bloomed on Valerie's face as the two children's story seemed even less plausible with the confidence Alicia was extruding. The visiting family however had seemed to be placed in cold water, as the children's smug smile slowly disappeared and Cynthia's cold facade gradually turned true. A soft clicking noise in the background slowly drove the nail in the coffin as a simple word was brought forth.

I can't believe we forgot, everyone but the servants have forgotten about this!

"Sis Alicia... key... camera..."

"Our Young Master is the smartest to remember this first, yes, it seems everyone has forgotten we have security cameras, all we have to do now is wait for Noir to arrive."

Cynthia stared at her children, disappointed of their charade and almost sullen that it could not go a bit futher, the two children responsible could only regret the fact that they did not suspect the family would have cameras after last year. No, they should have figured it was only a matter of time before it happened, but they couldn't let a source of enjoyment be let go now, especially the pride of kicking down someone weaker in rank, a joy that deep down all humans have.

Silence and tension continued to rein the atmosphere between them heavy almost palpable, the pressure built until a knocking arrived from out of the room, relieving them of the heavy air. Noir had arrived bringing with her a laptop connected to the houses cameras, with upon reviewing had shown the truth of what happened and upon seeing the truth so easily viewed Cynthia had stuck her two children and ordered an apology from them for their misbehavior, stating there will be punishment arriving home.

The ordeal had ended as quickly as it had arrived, with the visiting family quickly leaving after a quick conversation of Valerie needing to head over to the main house to see Apollus the next day.


As the afternoon dragged along sitting under the shade of an old tree were a young boy and his mother, a maid standing off to the side chatted with the mother as she served the two. Appreciation was met as the settling temperature in the air cooled with the passing of the hour. The boy, looking into the distance gazed far away while the mother held him, gently rocking as they enjoyed their slow time together.

Mom is leaving tomorrow to the main house again, that means I'll be studying again with Uncle Wil... More importantly will mom being sad again once she comes back?... And will that damned smell be on her again?... Yeah it'll happen again I'm sure... I can tell myself what I'm feeling then.. Red...

Soon the time to head in had arrived and the family did so, the plates and dishes for dinner had be laid on the table. Tender duck thinly sliced with chimichurri, a small salad featuring dried fruit and nuts, and freshly made bread with a soft texture and a milky taste. However even with such good food, there was a difference with the meal during lunch and dinner, it was how it tasted after the day.

This taste... the feeling... IT'S GREAT! I'm so glad those jerks and that lady are gone! After all food can only be enjoyed with the people you're comfortable around or by yourself.

The atmosphere is what determines the mood, the taste, how people react and how they perceive. The warm talking, the affection of the maids and his mother had created a delicacy only they knew of. Situations like these are the moment where thoughts can be appreciated and opened, as such Lang knew, that now was the time to tell his mother. As Lang sat back he pulled his clicker out and readied his voice module, using his other hand he had felt around to his left until he felt his mothers hand, slightly tugging on his mothers sleeve he clicked out.

"Mom... ask... tonight?"

"Hm? Okay sweetheart, I will talk to you after dinner okay?"

"Thank... Mom"

After dinner had ended and Alicia and Noir had taken Lang to get washed up, even while struggling and grabbing the sponge, gesturing and insisting he could wash himself the two ladies would not have it, continuously they persuaded Lang that he needed both of their help, not that either would give up the chance to bathe the charming and thoughtful child to the other, definitely not that. Definately not either of them insisting on another round of rock, paper, scissors to be the sister role today, definitely not that.....

As Lang lied in bed, his mother sitting on the edge, he reached his hand out, at the signal his mother grasped his. Finding his clicker Lang paused thoughtfully as to whether to tell his mother this now, or to find more time researching this phenomenon for himself before. His grip clenched and loosened at the clicker, the decision weighing harder with that thought of now he himself and no one else, might have to look more into this, as even in his lengthy history lecture with his teacher Wilford, never had there been a time before where someone with blindness could corelate colors, was this a chance of color and sight? Or was this beyond him?

"Yes? Lang? Didn't you want to ask me something tonight?"

Mom... Should I ask this is the question now...

"Mom... No... Say... Love... Mom"

A smile blossomed on her face, illuminated by the moonlight seeking into the room, the thought of her sons words and feelings had flushed her skin slightly with excitement. Almost any mother would be slightly embarrassed but, happy to hear such words and as such her deep eyes crstyline green eyes shimmered with affection towards her son. As her slender fingers laid on his cheek, soft lips tenderly made contact with his forehead.

"Oh you rascal!, Mother will be sad when you grow up..."

"Goodnight... Mom..."

"Oh? You're hiding under your blanket now huh? I guess you're not grown up just yet, getting embarrassed from your mother."

As she stood up chuckling, Valerie tousled Langs hair one more time before grinning and walking to the desk, turning off the light and heading to the door.

"Mom... can... go... trip?"

Halting her footsteps Valerie looked at her son noticing he once again was sitting up, looking out the window, curiosity and puzzlement struck her, as this time she was certain, Lang, was feeling gazing at that direction, almost as if he was staring at something. However he, couldn't see, so how did was she for certain that Lang was looking at something. While they both pondered, lost in their own thoughts, a maid had arrived and heeded Valrie to rest for tomorrow. Snapping out of her thoughts, Valries answered quickly back, then, as if to affirm for herself and to allow Lang to do the same, she agreed on a trip later during the month. With this question answered Lang laid back down, nodding to himself as if to her. As the door closed and the light from the hallway shrank, Valerie heard Lang saying something with his clicker, however it was too muffled under the blanket for her to make it out.


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