《Colorful World》Prologue 2 - Ripples Appear


In the Demonic Realm, a group of officials was gathered at a conference table, discussing the matters of their separate faction issues.

”Now where were we… According to this years taxed income from the continents we have made an extra few million in galtax coins”

“Should we commence the “project” now then?”

“Impossible! Our races citiz-“


An explosion of red haze quickly fogged up the room, twisting the air as immense bloodlust spiraled out, sending chills down their spines as a dark shadow instantly loomed over everyone’s heart. Chaos descended as everyone raised their guards.

“Your Highness!”

“Gather the guards!”

“Are we under attack!?”

“Your highness Lillian calm down!”

Hearing her aid cry and realizing the scene she had just caused, the woman quickly retracted her aura, closing her vibrant crimson eyes to the resting position once again. She then lifted her hand gently tucking her amber hair behind her ear before standing up and excusing herself, leaving behind the dumbfounded members.

“I apologize, everyone, it seems her highness Lillian is not feeling well right now, she is usually much calmer”

“Rebecca... we all understand, her highness is as you said, gentle to the core… but concerning this matter, we will have to leave it to you, the aid”

Standing while showing her soft smile, a slender and proportionate body was accompanied by her radiant yellow eyes that lit up when she spoke, she quietly calmed the group and left in haste to follow her majesty, upon reaching and looking at her, in a concerted manner and a more intimate tone she then asked.

“Hey, Lily! What's wrong?! What happened in there?”

“... He's dead.”

A minute of silence passed as Rebecca narrowed down the list of acquaintances, mumbling before exclaiming.

“...The observer died?...!! How do you know?”


“My mental connection with him is severed…”

Rebecca was frozen, stifled with complicated feelings as she soon made an auditable gulp being fully aware of the implications of an oncoming storm. Looking at Lillian she had a bit of sorrow build in her heart, knowing what a close relationship her highness and the observer had.

The sorrowful atmosphere was hit and overshadowed by immense bloodlust, the air hummed as mana was slowly rotating around Lillian, the glass was vibrating, and the space around them seemed as thick as a quagmire. The longer they walked the more Rebecca’s breath was becoming more ragged and labored, before finally reaching the main entrance of the building.

“Rebecca… I’m going to obtain what the teacher has left behind as his will, I want to inform you that no one will stop me.”

“I understand… your majesty, please come back safe”

With grief in her eyes followed accompanying a small snort she left with a boom, bursting straight out of the demonic realm and into the origin universe, leaving behind only the shattered and cracked space as well as a gaping hole into the stars.

In the Divinity Realm, the leaders were all slowly gathered, each of them quickly shaken to extremities at what they witnessed when their emperor showed them a flickering wooden talisman, its once beautiful multicolored lights were slowly being extinguished, before finally dying out.

All of the leaders had solemn looks, giving their prayers and blessings for the departed before glancing at one another and bring forth the topic.

“Rigus is dead, we must retrieve the source as soon as possible to keep the power in our realm, and a new observer shall be chosen after careful selection”

“Where is the crystal then Ken’rul”

“Audacious to use the emperor’s name!”


“Our emperor knows it was just a slip of the tongue Wen”

”Enough... Wen, Gunther, you two will be the ones to go and retrieve the Crystal, the rest of you gathered will find suitable children for the origin source, we will nurture the next observer ourselves.”

As soon as he finished talking, the emperor pressed into the air, like plastic that was stretched to its limits a loud pop rang through the air. Channeling his mana the emperor grabbed the sides of the rip and slowly stretched the channel to allow his two followers through.

“For this land..”

“For his grace Ken’rul!”

Inside the Warring Beast Realm where luscious botanical systems were flourishing with rare herbs abundant and land where trees were thick enough to carve out homes in, the upper echelons of the continents of the third realm gathered on top of the Heaven’s Pillar, the World Tree. On the top they discussed regarding the next observer, having their spies send information back and cooperating with one and another decided that after decades this was the opportunity to rise and topple the power structure, uprooting it at its core while building their own realm higher.

A figure arose from his seat slowly forming a grin as he made his way to the World Tree balcony. Standing there he unleashed his primal aura a predator's presence.. gazing at all the races under him he let out an air piercing roared. The shockwave shook the air as the clouds parted and space thrummed.

Looking up the newer residents of the realm were shocked, this was a powerful sound they have never heard in their lives, but older generations clenched their fists in anticipation, as the roaring stopped, the ruler bellowed in a deep tone.

“Prepare for War! It’s time for the two higher realms to taste a bloodbath let us finally raze them to the ground!”

All bloodline in the realm was shaken, boiling in excitement to the prospect of rising in the hierarchy and the flames of brimstone. The Warring Beast Realm lived up to its name, from just one simple sentence, the people were eager almost to the point of ecstasy, on the carnal idea of spilling blood.

In the final realm, the Chaotic Abyss Realm, everyone stayed silent about the matter as the internal structure of the realm constantly changed, with no true “figurehead” the residents of the realm would not willfully bother with sending themselves to their deaths, opting to instead make use of their information as well. All the divided leaders had agreed to cooperate after much discussion and spread out to create their own tunnels to the main verse, each chuckling to the thought of having the news propagate throughout the Origin Universe. Raising the chaos that would follow and creating trouble for the other Realms would bring them all to the same level.

“The mantis stalks the cicada… unaware of the oriole behind”

This was a race against time, a trial of fire and bloodshed, some of the galaxies who were informed choose to not participate but to watch this once-in-a-lifetime event.

.. To see who will grab the gem and which individual will become the next Observer.

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