《Road to Glory / For My Honor》Chapter 6 Combat Room


"Today, we are having a combat lesson" said the clown, excited

"Combat lesson? Cool.... Is it with sword? Magic? I can't wait" said Leon, he too appears to be excited by the prospect of combat in another world

"For f*ck sake blond guy, can you not get excited everytime about anything?" rebuke Lin Feng

"Aw, can he not get excited about this baldy? It's kinda cool doing battle at another world like in the movies *nyan* " said Kashiwagi Marie

"Knock it off with the *nyan* thing" said Kashiwagi Shirou, flicking his wife forehead

"It hurts nyaaan"

"Enough, the combat lesson will start in another room. Follow me there" said the clown

We follow the clown, some of us is excited, some worried, some afraid.

We were led to a room with nothing but a reception desk and a massive circle drawing on the floor.

I'm guessing it's a magic circle

"Welcome to the combat room master Clown. These are the students today?" said an imp

"Yes imp, ready a sim for me will you"

"Right away master Clown" said the imp politely

"You all, step in the magic circle" yelled the imp. Unlike when talking to the clown with politeness, the imp talk to us like a commanding officer

The imp press a button bellow the desk and suddenly a bright light envelopes arround us.

When the light's gone, we were suddenly in a different place

A massive plains can be seen in front of us. It strecth far and wide. And there are creature that resembles the animal of earth. I'm guessing it's a monster

"Welcome to combat sim : Plains. Here, the opponents you will face are low class goblins, low class wolf, low class horned rabbit and low class flockfeather. Before that, let me check your affinities first" said the clown



"Yes, affinities. It will decide your compatibility with certain class that you received in the future"

"Class? We get a class? Cool" said Leon with sparkling eyes

"Isn't that amazing Leon? You get to chose a class. Remember, once you choose a class, you cannot change it for the rest of your life so choose carefully later on. But first.... Namu" said the Clown while pointing at Namu


"Come here, you're the first tester today" said the Clown with an evil smile

As I thought... this guy is creepy

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