《Borderlines》Chapter Twenty-Eight


Fawn woke up and laid in her bed for what seemed like eternity. Today was her wedding day. She was getting married. Clay had said the wedding needed to be as soon as possible that way they could crown the new couple faster. Fawn was surprised that he was willing to give up his power, but then again, he could always have something else planned. Fawn's stomach felt queasy with anxiety. There was a knock on her door.

"Come in." She called as she dangled her legs over the edge of her bed. Violet poked her head in, she was carrying a plate. Fawn hugged her stomach.

"I don't think I can down much right now." She said with a small attempt at a smile. Violet gave her a tender smile.

"It's just a small soup. I knew you'd have a bride's jitters." Fawn sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"It's almost like a dream." She looked at her servant.

"Have you ever been in love?" She asked. Violet shook her head.

"I once thought I was, but it was just more of a fascination." She messed with all the makeup she had brought to Fawn's room the night before.

"I hope someday a man will look at me the way Garth looks at you." Fawn felt her cheeks flush.

"He loves you dearly, Fawn." Fawn's blush deepened, any thoughts of Garth made her blush easily right now. Violet handed her the warm soup.

"Get what you can manage down. We can't have our best girl weak on her wedding day." Violet disappeared out of Fawn's room, leaving the door open. She must have been going to fetch the servants to help Fawn dress. Fawn felt a deep ache in her chest, if Willow were here she would be one of Fawn's bridesmaids. Fawn could just imagine her brimming ear to ear as Fawn and Garth took their vows. But Willow wasn't here and it couldn't be that way. Fawn was glad at least Emma was still here, she would have some moral support through all this. Fawn shivered and ate the rest of her soup, knowing it wouldn't do her any good to worry on an empty stomach. Another sad thought pinged in her memory, her parents weren't going to be at her wedding. Wasn't that every girls dream? Having her father walk her down the aisle. Fawn missed them both suddenly and shoved the thoughts of them aside, steeling the defenses in her mind. They had abandoned her, they didn't deserve to see her happily married.

Or running the country. She thought. Fawn hadn't had time to take in the royalty part. The thought of the task daunted her, especially now that she knew she had enemies. She paced her room nervously. Her thoughts ground to a halt as he walked by her door. His pace barely slowed, but his green eyes connected with hers and she felt the flame of hate surging deep within them. Fawn's knees felt weak, but he was already gone. Fawn knew he would be at the wedding, all overseers were required to be. To show their approval as Clay had said so happily. He knew very well that some people weren't too happy about the arrangement, but for a public show they had to seem united. What if he did something? Fawn shook her head, that was too childish for Travis, if he was going to be anything it wouldn't be at the wedding, so that his hands were clean. Fawn rubbed her throbbing temple. She needed to stop thinking about him, he had lied.


I can't marry a liar. I can never love someone who keeps secrets from me. Fawn couldn't live with someone she could never trust. She could trust Garth. He had liked her long before this crazy competition and had been completely open with her about everything. She pictured his dark warm eyes and her skin crawled with warmth. Dread mixed with excitement and her pulse thrummed at the thought of being his and his alone.

"Fawn dear, you're flushed again." Violet said from the doorway. Fawn stroked her burning cheeks.

"I'm afraid I can't really help it right now." Fawn said fretfully. Violet gave a laugh.

"Don't try to hide it, my lady. It adds a nice color to your cheeks." The servant said in a supportive voice. Fawn could see that even Violet was excited about the wedding.

"One of Garth's servants told me he was nervous as well." Fawn laughed, that was hard to believe. Not many things intimidated Garth.

"Really?" Violet nodded. Fawn looked away from her servant as more appeared at the door.

"We were sent to help you prepare." An older woman said. Fawn felt her stomach jump into her throat when she saw a plastic covered dress. The servants rushed in and closed the door.

"First things first." Violet said.

"Let's do your hair and makeup." Fawn walked over to her chair, which one of the servants had now pushed in front of her mirror. They began brushing out her hair and wetting it with a spray bottle. Fawn listened as they tried to figure out which way to style it. It was going to be up, leaving the nape of Fawn's neck visible. She looked at her fingers, everything second that ticked by made her more and more nervous. Her mind tried to tell her to back out and that she wasn't ready, but Fawn's refused to listen to it. Once her hair had been tackled, the servants began to do her makeup under Violet's watchful eyes. She had done Fawn's makeup long enough to know what looked bad on her and what didn't.

"All done!" Violet exclaimed. Fawn looked at her reflection, taken aback. She looked flawless. Her cheeks shone like they had been kissed by the sun and her eyes stood out more then anything else on her face. She afraid to even move, not wanting to shatter the image of a perfect face that stared back at her.

"Now it's time to put on that lovely dress." Violet said, helping Fawn stand up. The servants pulled the pure white dress out of the plastic slowly and carefully, not wanting to ruin it in any manner. It was lace with long sleeves. The servants held it open for her and Fawn stepped out of her clothes, feeling vulnerable to everything around her. She was glad they had finally shut the door. Fawn felt the silk of the underpart of the dress glide over her skin. The sleeves were completely lace and button up. Violet tugged at the corset underneath, making sure it was tight. Fawn felt the servants tug the zipper up and air still touched some of Fawn's back. She glanced in the mirror briefly, noticing the back of the dress was open to about the middle of her back. A bow was tied just above her waist. Fawn covered her mouth, her eyes watering. She looked so beautiful. Violet rushed over.


"Don't start crying now dearie, it will ruin all your makeup." Fawn blinked quickly. Why was she crying? She didn't understand. The servants put on her veil, pulling it back and out of her eyes for the time being. They arranged the long skirts around her, turning her full face to the mirror.

"I always knew you would be a stunning bride." Violet said quietly. Stunning was one word for it, Fawn supposed.

"I can't believe this is happening, not in a million years would I have ever..." Fawn trailed off, her eyes were growing misty again. It was like she couldn't control any of her emotions right now.

"Garth won't be able to take his eyes off of you." The older women said. Fawn felt her attention snap. What would Garth think when he saw her? Her stomach rioted. Someone knocked on the door, making everyone jump.

"Fawn?" It was Emma. "Fawn, they're ready for you." Fawn walked carefully to the door and pulled it open. Emma's eyes widened.

"Wow..." She managed out. Fawn nervously ducked her head and walked into the hallway. It was dead, no one was to be seen anywhere. They were all in the throne room waiting, waiting for her. Fawn stopped as they reached the staircase.

"Emma, I'm not sure I can do this." She whispered, her voice shaking. Emma grabbed her hand.

"Fawn, do you love Garth?" Fawn nodded.

"Of course I do-"

"Then you can do this." Emma said steadily. Fawn swallowed and stood up straighter, taking a slow breath. Emma was right. Going down the stairs was a meticulous process since no one wanted to see Fawn take a tumble in her wedding gown. Fawn calmed herself as they got to the throne room doors. Emma clasped her hand quickly and then moved to hold the back of her dress as the doors swung open. Fawn was in momentary shock. The room was packed with people. Camera crews, Overseers, everyone important seemed to be here and straight in front of her looking more handsome then ever, was Garth. Fawn legs felt like jello just at the sight of him. He was looking at her, openly staring was more of the term for it. Fawn remembered that she was supposed to be moving now and took a step forward, glad that her legs were still stable. Her eyes never left Garth's as she came closer to him. He was smiling and Fawn could see the love and affection he felt for her brimming in his eyes. Cassie and Nelson were in the front row and Fawn smiled at them. They were about to become a family and probably the next closest thing to parents Fawn had. Fawn could feel the waterworks starting again. Why couldn't she control anything right now! Fawn slowly walked up the few stairs that led to her waiting groom and the preacher. She took a deep breath and faced him, seeing Emma give her a good luck thumbs up before moving to her assigned spot after she took Fawn's flowers. Everything had gone perfectly up this point, Fawn hoped it would last. She placed her hands in Garth's, her palms were already sweating. Garth smiled at her, but she could see a small line of sweat on his forehead. Violet was right, he was a little nervous.

"Dearly beloved," The preacher started. Fawn's felt her heart racing and she thought it might beat right out of her chest. Fawn could barely hear this minister's words until he called for their vows. Fawn swallowed, her throat was like sandpaper.

"Garth, I've known for years now, but only on the professional level. Up until two weeks ago if anyone asked me if I was going to marry you I would have told them they were crazy." She choked back tears with a laugh.

"Yet here I am. I-I love you so much and nothing would make me happier than spending the rest of my days, the good and bad, with you." Fawn didn't know what else to say, Garth's eyes glistened. It was his turn now.

"Fawn Simmons," He started. Fawn bit her lip, "I knew from the first day you walked into the Overseers election building that I wanted to have you as my own. You captivated with your beauty and your blue eyes always took my breath away from me." Fawn blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill down her cheeks.

"I loved you from the first day I met you and until my dying breath I will love you the same." His voice shook with his last words. Next were the rings. Fawn managed to slip Garth's onto his fingers without dropping it, even though her hand was shaking.

"Now for the good part." The minister said, Fawn let out a small laugh.

"Fawn, do you take Garth to be your husband; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?" Fawn looked into Garth's eyes.

"I do." She said, her voice didn't quiver this time.

"Garth, do you take Fawn to be your wife; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?" Garth thumbs rubbed against her knuckles.

"I do." He said softly. Fawn felt the knot in her stomach tighten.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Garth, you may kiss your bride." Garth leaned forward and Fawn closed her eyes. It was like the first time they had ever kissed and it filled Fawn with warmth from head to toe. Garth pulled back, a smile on his lips.

"It's my great honor and privilege to be the first to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster!"

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