《Nyx: The Demon Princess》A Game of Hunters


Chapter 5-A Game of Hunters

The last thing David wanted was to speak to a vampire hunter of all people, but if he refused, it’d look suspicious to the man. James Barbatos had an intimidating air about him that made others wary of him, and with good reason given his long experience in vampire hunting. He was a man who knew how to fight, how to kill. And what’s worse was that when it came to the feelings and opinions of the common folk, they took second place to his duties as a slayer of humanity’s enemy.

David showed James to his father’s study, where they had their private talk. James refused any drinks and got right down to business, asking where David had been on the night of the murder. It was fortunate that Danica had thought ahead about this in case something like this happened. Granted, David didn’t really feel very nervous about talking to the man. His fear was overridden by his natural loathing of the hunter in general.

“So you were out of town with a lady friend visiting Ceta.” James said, leaning back in the large chair like he owned it. David idly wondered if James came from a wealthy family before he became a vampire hunter. “You wouldn’t be against me talking to her to confirm your story, would you, Mr. Talbot?”

“Go right ahead. You’ve already talked to my parents anyway, so it’s not going to make a difference.” David said.

In truth, he and Danica had taken a carriage out of town on the same day as the murder, making sure that his parents knew that he was leaving town that very day. But what wasn’t known was that they returned to Rosemary under the cover of darkness and stalked William until the right opportunity. No one was the wiser of their efforts.

James stared at him with those cold grey eyes before saying, “Mr. Talbot, do you understand why I came here first?”

“I have an idea why, but I’m sure you’re going to tell me.” He replied. James narrowed his eyes at him.

“Mr. Talbot, have you forgotten that you assaulted the hunter just a few days before his death? It’s no secret of the loathing you feel for him for killing your friend—“

“Loathing? No, you’ve got it wrong, Barbatos, it’s not loathing I felt. It was hatred. Hatred for the so-called professional hunter who killed an innocent man because he was so damn gung ho about killing a vampire.” David said, not looking away from the hunter’s hard gaze. “That man had what’s coming to him, and I’m glad he’s suffered a punishment that you can’t weasel him out of.”

“Your feelings towards the Order will get you in trouble one day, Mr. Talbot.” James’s voice had taken a hard tone, showing that he was starting to lose his patience. That was fine with David. He was starting to feel out of place being the only angry person between them. “I understand your anger given the circumstances, but remember that we hunters are what’s keeping those leeches from preying upon innocent men, women and children. We were founded to protect the people from humanity’s sole predator, and the least you could do is show some respect.”

“Respect? Respect?” David growled. “You people are a bunch of bounty hunters and inquisitors who run around acting like you’re going the goddess’s work. You aren’t. I know about the accidents in Araluen between hunters and civilians. I know about the massive amounts of property damage caused by your battles. And I know about the growing number of nations seeking to reform the Order into a proper organization because of these incidents. Don’t think that calling yourselves holy warriors is going to work with me, because I know the stark majority of you Order folk are little more than bounty hunters who care more about coin than the safety of the people. Case in point, your deceased friend.”


“Hmm, you talk boldly for a noble.” James noted.

“I like to be blunt every once in a while to get my point across.” David said.

“And what is your point, Mr. Talbot?” He asked.

“My point is that for how dangerous vampires are to humans, it will always be humans who will be a danger to themselves. And I’ve learned that humans are a hell of a lot more threatening than any vampire hiding in the shadows.” David stood up and walked over to the door. “Now if you don’t mind, Mr. Barbatos…kindly get the hell out of my house.”

James nodded, knowing he overstayed his welcome, and followed David to the front door. As he walked past David to exit, however, James gave the young man some parting words.

“One day you will need the aid of the Order, David Talbot. When the vampires take someone close to you, you will need the assistance of warriors who know how to fight this menace. I’d rethink my views on the Order and their values if I were you.”

“You’ll forgive me if I don’t really give a damn.” David said with a blank expression. “Have a nice day, good sir.”

To his credit, James took the insults with a straight face without any visible sign of agitation. He bade David goodbye and finally left the house. David watched him go to his carriage before closing the door.

“Master David, are you sure it was wise to antagonize the hunter like that?” Edward asked cautiously.

“Don’t worry, Edward. I’m sure that man already dislikes me because I don’t adhere to his view on the world. You can’t talk to people like him unless you agree with their world view.” David said tiredly. “Since that left a bad taste in my mouth, I’m heading out. Could you tell mother I said hi, Edward?”

“Yes, Master David.” Edward said.


Vampire hunting was a profession that was both dangerous and complex. First and foremost because vampires were naturally stronger and faster than humans, and their power and skill grew with age. A regular human had no chance of squaring up against a vampire unless they were sufficiently prepared for a battle or were trained to fight them. For the average human though, vampires, even newborns, were dangerous creatures.

The Order trained apprentice hunters in various techniques before sending them out into the field. Aside from the extensive physical and mental training they went through, they also had to learn the weak points in a vampire’s body, as well as how to manipulate their Aura so as to better protect themselves and increase their abilities. There were no shortage of people seeking to be hunters for personal or professional reasons, but the turnout was just as fast given that vampires often killed one or two people before being killed themselves.

Johnathan Brisby was not the type of man to become a vampire hunter. He was born and raised in a moderately wealthy family who had a position in finance, and he was being raised to be a banker just like his father. He was engaged to be married to a beautiful woman whom he admired, though his feelings weren’t as mutual as he would have liked, considering the engagement was arranged. But he would have given her the world if he could just earn her love. Sadly, life has a way of reminding you how cruel it can be.

“Sir Brisby?”

Johnathan blinked and returned to the present, focusing on the young man with dirty blond hair and a leather armor strapped to his torso and arms was addressing him. “My apologies, Timothy, my mind was in the clouds. What’s the status of the building?”


“Jacob and I detected about five vamps in all. Three in the basement and two on the second floor. We’ve tried to get a visual through the windows, but they’re covered.” Timothy said.

“Do we have confirmation that they’re all vampires? Are you sure there are no humans inside the building with them?” He asked. It didn’t hurt to be sure. Heaven knows the Order doesn’t need any more bad publicity in this country than it already has.

“No humans were sensed inside the building. All the occupants inside are vampires.” Timothy confirmed.

Johnathan nodded. Timothy was a member of the sensory team of hunters who had trained themselves to sense the aura of other living beings, humans and vampires. Metaphysical studies into aura had shown that vampires had denser auras than humans, which can be sensed if you know what you’re looking for. The Order made it a task to train anybody with an aptitude for aura sensing so they could easily detect vampires within a crowd of people.

‘A shame William neglected to inform us of his operation before this mess started.’ Johnathan thought before nodding to Timothy. “Very good, Timothy. Keep an eye on the building while I lead the team inside.”

“Yes sir.”

Johnathan checked his gear. All he had on was a black leather armor suit with a silver laced sword and two silver daggers and a high quality crossbow that fired silver stakes at high speed and accuracy. His arsenal was simple yet effective. When going up against vampires, their strength and speed can make most armor close to useless, and you can only use so many weapons that don’t wear you down. Coupled with his Aura manipulation, Johnathan was as equipped as he could be.

Once he was ready, Johnathan walked over to the entrance of the house, where the rest of his team were waiting. They were all moderately experienced hunters and fighters, but Johnathan still wasn’t completely comfortable working with them. Not because they were bad people, but rather he felt a bit uneasy at the absence of his comrade, James.

Ever since William’s murder, Johnathan had noticed that James was oddly fixated on solving this case. It wasn’t out of revenge, William wasn’t worth avenging, but out of a need to save face. A vampire had killed one of their own right under their noses and made a show out of it. This was a blatant insult against the hunters of the Order and James, ever the traditionalist, is probably taking this more seriously than he should. James was not an emotional man, but he had a one track mind and could cause some damage if he wasn’t guided (not persuaded, Johnathan had no chance in hell at achieving that) onto another course of action.

But that was then and this was now. Before he could deal with his own problems, he had to handle this one first. After checking his gear, Johnathan turned to his team.

“All right, men, our sensors report that there are five vampires in the building. Three in the basement and two on the second floor. No humans detected, so I’m authorizing excessive force to destroy all vampires present. Do what you have to but we cannot let even a single vampire out of the building.” He said to them. “Burkins, Andrea, you two are with me. Hodge, Jenkins, you two handle the vamps on the second floor. Is everyone ready?”

The men nodded and got into their groups. Johnathan nodded to Jenkins, a large man who specialized in fast and heavy attacks designed to cause as much damage as possible to his target. He stepped forward and pulled his fist back, channeling his Aura through his arm and into his hand. After charging up a sufficient amount of energy, he shot his arm forward and released a burst of energy that blew the door in.

The hunters flooded into the house, two heading upstairs while Johnathan led his group to the basement. Johnathan headed for the door leading to the basement, but just before he could open it, the door was smashed apart as a vampire burst through it, an average if a bit slender man who’d you easily bypass on the street without a second glance. Jenkins pushed Johnathan aside and crossed his arms, taking the vampire’s punch head on to the Aura shield he was just barely able to shape.

Jenkins was thrown back by the punch, but was still unharmed and Hodge rushed in, swinging his axe at the vampire’s head. The vampire hissed, mouth wide open to bare his fangs and lunged at Hodge, pushing the man into the other room.

This left Johnathan to deal with the second vampire, a woman, who was already charging at him. Jenkins tried to intercept her, but she diverted his enhanced punch and spun around him, slamming her elbow into the back of his head. That blow would’ve broken the neck of a normal person, but for a hunter protected by his Aura skin like Jenkins, it only severely dazed him. But it still put him out of commission and she turned her enraged sights to Johnathan next.

“I’m not one to fight a lady, but I’ll make an exception in this case.” Johnathan remarked, drawing his sword.

The female vampire merely hissed in response and leapt at him, swiping at his head with her claws. He backpedaled and thrust his sword forward, scoring a deep gasp on the left side of her torso. The wound didn’t slow her down much though and she leapt off the wall to gain some height on him. Johnathan used his sword to divert her right hand and got in behind her guard, punching her in the throat and making her gag.

She landed unsteadily on her feet, coughing from the unexpected strike and he pressed his advantage, running her through the chest with his sword. Blood splattered against the couch and carpet, staining the ironically pure white décor red. The vampire thrashed against him in pain and he gripped her left arm to keep her from breaking his jaw with her thrashing. He reached into his belt and drew a silver knife, which he swiftly ran across her throat. He quickly moved back as blood spurted from her ruptured throat and she stumbled back, gurgling blood as her skin slowly turned pale from blood loss.

Johnathan didn’t even wait for her to finally die before running into the living room just in time to see Hodge grappling with the male vampire. The man put up a surprisingly good fight against his opponent’s strength, but it wasn’t enough to fully overpower him. Johnathan decided to give him a hand by throwing his sword and impaling the vampire from behind, stunning him long enough for Hodge to take his axe and behead the monster in a single swing.

Hodge panted as the headless body fell over, blood spurting from where the head used to be. “I had that under control.”

Johnathan shook his head and looked up at the ceiling. “I think Burkins and Andrea are still fighting the two upstairs.”

“Wait, where’s Jenkins?”

“I’m here.” Jenkins slowly entered the living room, rubbing the back of his head. “That bitch hit a nerve and paralyzed me for several minutes. I’m good to go.”

“Wasn’t there supposed to be three vamps in the basement?” Hodge asked.

Johnathan and Jenkins realized this and were instantly on guard. Johnathan turned his gaze to the open basement staircase, but the surprise attack did not come from there—it came from behind.

The vampire that lunged at him from his hiding place from behind the couch was little more than eight years old, a child. And Johnathan could tell from one look at the boy’s blood red eyes and rabid demeanor that he was newly turned as well. As if vampires couldn’t get any more depraved.

Johnathan spun around but took the vampire’s charge right to his chest, and his lack of leverage caused him to get pushed back and sent crashing through the window. Startled shouts and screams filled the air as Johnathan landed on his back with the child vampire clawing at his chest, though he was fortunately unable to tear through the man’s leather armor. Johnathan reached up and stabbed his dagger right into the boy’s ear, digging straight into his brain. Stunned, the vampire was open to the hunter’s counterattack, and Johnathan dug the knife in as deep as he could.

Once he felt the vampire go still, he pushed the boy off and snapped his neck, before yanking his knife free and running the bloody blade along his throat, sawing through skin and sinew. The blade was coated in his aura, so it sliced through flesh and bone faster. Johnathan didn’t stop until the head was fully severed, and only then did he stop and relax. Jenkins and Hodge ran out of the house, weapons out.

“Johnathan, you alright?” Hodge asked.

Johnathan nodded tiredly. “Yeah, I’m fine.” He panted, sitting on his knees, his muscles aching and burning with exertion. “Burkins and Andrea?”

“They’re safe. Had some trouble fighting in the hallway, but nothing serious.” Jenkins said.

“Good.” Johnathan sighed and went to stand up—only to notice that there was a crowd assembled just a few feet away from him. Bystanders staring at him in horror and shock.

It took him to moment to realize that they had all just seen him brutally murder and behead a child in full public in the goriest way possible. Vampire or not, it was not something you wanted people to see you doing.

Johnathan merely sighed and resigned himself to the headache this was going to cause later. “Damn it.”


One of the things David loathed doing with Danica was combat training. She was relentless in teaching him the basics of vampire combat, coming at him with her eyes red, fangs and claws bared like a lioness on the hunt, tossing him around like a ragdoll as if he didn’t weigh more than her. David already had no fighting experience, so getting his ass kicked by a woman a hundred times his age was only marginally embarrassing instead of hugely embarrassing. No one can say a thing after trying to fight a woman who’s probably learned from a lot of seasoned fighters throughout her long life.

Still, even his vampiric resilience couldn’t dampen the pain of getting punched in the face and getting sent headfirst through a tree trunk. Nor did it get the taste of dirt out of his mouth as he landed on his front in the damp earth, his jaw broken and hanging open. Goddess above, how the hell have humans lasted against these creatures for so long?

“You’re getting better with your defense, but your counterattacking needs work.” Danica walked up to him, clad in a dark magenta blouse and very tight leather riding pants that even through his haze of pain David found himself staring at as she knelt down beside him. “And we also need to work on your reaction time. It’s garbage and if we don’t get you up to speed, you’re just going to end up as a punching bag for the rest of your life.”

David winced and grunted when Danica reached out and smoothly snapped his jaw back into place. Glaring up at her, he said, “I’m already a punching bag. Your punching bag.”

“And don’t you forget it.” Danica smiled. “Now, tell me what’s bothering you.”

“Huh?” He looked up at her puzzled. “What do you mean? I’m not worried about anything.”

“You may be listening to my words, but I can tell by how unfocused your eyes are and from the small creases in your eyebrows that your mind is focused on something completely different.” She said. It was another reminder of how she was able to discern his expressions with just the smallest details to go on. “Is it those vampire hunters prowling around town?”

“Was I that obvious?” David said sarcastically and sat back against the tree. “I’ve been on edge ever since talking to Barbatos. That man’s intimidating enough without being his target.”

“I have to admit, having so many hunters walking around makes getting around a bit difficult, but it’s nothing to worry about. They’ll probably take out the less careful vampires first and be satisfied with that instead.” Danica said.

“Don’t you care about the vampires that they kill?”

“Personally? No. I don’t know them, and if they’re too reckless to keep themselves hidden from the hunters, then that’s on them. Do you care about every human that is killed either by a vampire or another human?” She smiled down at him and patted his cheek with a gloved hand. “Here’s some advice, David, try to worry about yourself first before stressing out about every soul around you. You’ll live longer that way.”

“If that’s the case, then why did you help me?” David asked. He heard enough of her speeches about only caring about yourself to survive that he was starting to get a bit sick of hearing it. “You didn’t have to turn me that night. You could’ve just fed off me after we were finished and left me to wallow in my sorrow.”

Danica stared down at him for a minute or two, and for a second David thought that she wouldn’t answer him, but she had a way of surprising him even in quiet moments like these. “David, I have already told you this before. Your hate drew you to me, like a moth to a flame. You displayed such emotion over the death of your friend that it reminded me of myself in my early years as a vampire. You being cute also helped reinforce my decision.”

David thought there was more to it than that, but he knew he wasn’t going to get a straight answer from her anytime soon. “If you don’t want to tell me, just say so. Don’t waste my time saying lies.”

“It’s no lie, David. But that’s for another time. Right now, let’s focus on the growing number of vampire hunters currently skulking about our territory like the rats they are.” She said.


Anna walked down the street with her basket of food from the marketplace. It was the middle of the day and while the marketplace was full of people, the air felt tense and nervous. Everywhere she looked, there were fake smiles and small-time gossip being thrown around as if to hide the fact that everyone was nervous and afraid.

The growing number of vampire hunters in town had every on edge, wondering what was going on. Then the two raids that were done within the town only made people edgier. This being so close to the death of the hunter had everyone looking over their shoulder, wondering who was a vampire or if the hunters would come after them next.

‘This is ridiculous. People shouldn’t fear vampire hunters of all people like this. All those men are doing are setting the seeds for a panic.’ Anna thought with a frown. What rankled her was how the hunters barely put any effort into reassuring the people that they were safe. Even the police were getting annoyed at their presence.

“Anna!” Someone called out to her.

Anna looked across the street and spotted a pretty olive skinned woman jogging up to her. “Harriet, good afternoon.”

“Afternoon to you too, Anna, though I can see it’s anything but good.” Harriet Bolivar said, huffing at a pair of Order men who were sending the two women winks and grins. Harriet gave them an obscene hand gesture and pulled Anna down the street. “Worthless pigs.”

“Harriet, you shouldn’t do that.” Anna scolded.

“Why not? What are they going to do, arrest me for acting unladylike?” The woman snorted. “Please, those yahoos wouldn’t dare touch me after that murder.”

“Isabella, just watch yourself at least. Things aren’t exactly safe around here anymore.” Anna warned her friend. Isabella was a sweet Rosemary native who lived across the street from Anna’s flat. She became fast friends with Anna, who felt out of place after returning to her hometown after being away for so long. The woman was a bit outspoken, but she meant well.

“I know, I heard about that raid on that vampire nest. Terrible to hear, though I’m sure it was exciting to see for the vultures harping about it nonstop.” Isabella huffed. “I have no idea why so many vampires ae here in town, but I hope they go away so we don’t have to deal with these insufferable hunters anymore.”

“Same here, but I doubt they’ll leave until they find out who killed that hunter.” Anna said. Isabella looked at her curiously.

“I heard that the man was decapitated and his body parts skewered in front of the police station. Is that true?” She asked.

“Yes, and it has everyone on edge. Not just because a vampire was involved, but because people are afraid of getting caught in a fight between vampires and hunters.” Anna explained. “Never mind the fact that the hunters hardly seem concerned about keeping the peace.”

“Ah screw them. I know former convicts and outlaws with better morals than these mercenaries.” Isabella snorted.

“Now I know that’s not true.” Anne replied.

“Are you sure?” Isabella grinned. Anna laughed as they came to a stop in front of her house. “Look, Anna, it’ll be fine. Just stay out of their way and they’ll stay out of yours.”

“I feel that is easy to say than to do.” Anna replied.

“You just worry about that plantation boy you’re so smitten with. I hear he’s been spending a lot of time with some Araluen beauty, so you better hurry before she gobbles him up.” Isabella teased.

“Isabella, please!” Anna blushed.

Isabella laughed and waved goodbye to Anna before crossing the street to enter her house. She paused in the doorway to glance back at Anna, who had already gone into her house. Isabella closed the door behind her and entered the dining room.

“Boys, I’m home!” She called out.

There was the sound of footsteps before she felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind. “Welcome back, Isabella. You took a bit longer than usual.”

“I ran into a friend on the way home.” She said, turning her head to give the man behind her a kiss on the cheek. “How were things while I was gone?”

“Boring as always. Felix ranted about the historical inaccuracies of some novel he was reading as if he were actually there.” He said.

“Because I was there, Ethan. That bearded bastard Vlad Dracul had nothing on the mighty Dracula! I’m surprised that loathsome cur was impaled for taking the good Count’s name!” Felix ranted.

Ethan and Felix were fraternal twin brothers who were living with Isabella. Now while it was considered improper for an unmarried woman to be living with two men, but Isabella wasn’t one to care all that much for what other people thought of her. The people of Rozzaria were more liberal than fancy nations like Bretonnia and Araluen, and what she did in her private time was her business. However the brothers she was harboring were a pair that even the accepting Rozzarians would have a problem with. Mainly because they were vampires.

The brothers were as different as night and day. Ethan was a broad shouldered, athletic looking young man with short dark hair and a handsome face that made Isabella’s knees weak when she first met him. Felix was more slender, with longer blond hair.

“I highly doubt that you actually met Dracula himself. You don’t even look that old, even by vampire standards.” She said.

“I just take good care of myself. Unlike some people.” Felix replied, sending his brother a glare. “So who was your pretty friend? Is she single? Does she like blonds?”

“Felix, please. Anna is just visiting for a few weeks before she heads back to Araluen. Yes, she’s technically single, but she has her eyes on the heir to the plantation just outside of town.” Isabella said. “And now she doesn’t like blonds, so don’t even try.”

“You mean she’s in love with Danica’s new boy toy? That’s rich!” Ethan laughed. Felix straightened up.

“Wait, you mean that little boy is Danica’s new progeny? That bastard is the reason this town is crawling with those filthy hunters!” He growled.

“Now, now, Felix, no need to burst a blood vessel.” Isabella said calmly. “The hunters will eventually clean out the decoys and everything will return back to normal.”

“Until that fledgling screws something up again.” Felix grumbled. He never saw Danica in such high regard like most other vampires in the area, and the recklessness of her progeny showed her lack of restraint.

“Let it go, brother. It’s too early to be riled up so.” Ethan said. “Besides, I think it’s time for lunch, isn’t it, Isabella?”

Isabella felt his eyes focus on her neck, bare along with her shoulders thanks for the bright yellow and red dress she wore. Thank goodness this was one of her less favorite ones, because it was going to be unwearable in just a few moments.

“Go ahead and feed, but please try not to make a mess this time. It was a pain cleaning blood off the carpet last time.” She said calmly, as if she was used to being fed off by two vampires—which she was.

Felix’s gaze hardened and he was off the couch and in front of her almost in a flash. Ethan stood on Isabella’s right side across from his brother, brushing her hair away from her neck. Her heartbeat sped up as they both leaned in and began kissing and licking both sides of her neck. Their mouths on her throat felt so good that Isabella closed her eyes and her mouth hung open in bliss.

After a few minutes of kissing and sucking on her throat, Ethan and Felix paused only to let their fangs lengthen to their maximum length before snapping back down to bite into her flesh. Isabella hissed as she suddenly felt a sharp pain on both sides of her neck, followed by the familiar numbness of the paralytic saliva working into her bloodstream. Ethan and Felix bit deep into her throat to let her blood flow into their mouths, and once it touched their tongues, the brothers groaned into her flesh.

The pain only lasted a few seconds before the brothers began sucking on the wounds they made, swallowing her blood greedily. As they fed off her, Isabella gasped and moaned even as her body went limp against her two lovers, held up only by their strength alone. Nevertheless, she could still feel the pleasure from their feeding of her and felt herself grow wet as they bit and sucked at her throat.

As he fed on his young lover, Felix’s thoughts were still on that young upstart newborn who attracted far too much attention to their lovely community here in Rosemary. Ethan may not be too concerned, but Felix loved living with Isabella and wasn’t going to risk her safety or the life they had because a hunter got lucky. If Danica wasn’t going to keep a tight leash on her progeny, then he was going to have to do it himself.

But after he and Ethan had their way with Isabella. The sweet girl was in for a good fucking to relieve some stress.

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