《Nyx: The Demon Princess》Hunters in the Night


Chapter 4-Hunters in the Night

James Barbatos watched stoically with his partner Johnathan as the medical officer of the Order ranch studied William’s remains. They had been standing in the morgue watching the coroner, an expert in vampire attacks and how to spot them, poke around at the pieces of William’s body.

“I knew that reckless bastard was going to get himself killed with that attitude one day, but I wasn’t expecting it to be like this.” Johnathan said.

“In this line of work, nothing is certain, Johnathan. However this incident cannot be overlooked given recent events.” James said. “This was a deliberate attack on a former Order agent and we cannot sign this off as William getting involved with the wrong crowd.”

“I’m inclined to agree, sir.” The coroner said, studying the joints of the severed limbs. “This isn’t some case of the man being decapitated with a sharp blade or some kind. His limbs were torn off, not cut, and it would require immense strength to be able to rip off a man’s arms and legs.”

Johnathan frowned. “I take it we’re not so lucky as to rule it out as an animal attack?”

“No, sir. I’ve looked at the torso and I’ve noticed evidence of what appears to be claw marks. They’re not as clean cut or smooth as cuts done by that of a blade, and his throat was torn out by something similar, like claws or—“

“Fangs.” James’s statement made the two men go silent, the implications clear. “So a vampire attack, Wilson?”

“It would appear so, though most of William’s blood spilled out through his wounds, if it was drunk at all. This attack wasn’t done for a feeding, it was purely an act of brutality.”

“Vampires aren’t known to waste perfectly good blood like that unless they have good reason.” Johnathan said, rubbing his chin. He still kept his eyes off of the mutilated corpse of his former comrade though. “Unless it was an attack of a personal nature.”

“So the vampire has an alibi, interesting.” James muttered. “I’m ordering an official investigation of Rosemary. If there are vampires remaining here, and they’re bold enough to make a show out of killing a hunter, then I’m going to eradicate them personally.”

“Shall I call for reinforcements from headquarters?” Johnathan asked.

“That won’t be necessary. Our team here is good enough. Quality over quantity as they say.” James said and walked out of the morgue with Johnathan. “But if those leeches think they’ve accomplished something, then they’re going to learn how wrong they are.”


Ceta was a grand city located a few miles from Rosemary. It was a beautiful and very scenic city, something common in most Rozzarian cities and towns. The city sat on top of a river that flowed from the Kalik Mountains in the distance and that river cut through the city and through the forest before reaching the coast. The city was comprised of modest buildings located close together and narrow streets barely big enough for a carriage to go through (if even that).

David had only been to the city once with his sister Mary. Ceta had a large entertainment district that catered to theatres and opera houses, and even a miniature colosseum modeled after the ancient Roma colosseum. He remembered how awestruck he was as a child seeing the city for the first time. Everything looked bigger and brighter than his (once) humble little town that he grew up in. David also remembered clinging to his sister’s skirts whenever they strolled around the city because he was nervous at being around so many people.


Ceta was also the place where his sister died. Mary and hundreds of other people had been killed in an out of control inferno that ravaged much of the city’s residential area. No one knows what exactly caused it, but it took an entire day to extinguish the blaze, and by that time, any poor soul who was caught up in it were nothing but ashes. When David heard that they couldn’t even retrieve Mary’s remains because they were just ashes among many, it broke him inside. That began his descent into the shadow he was now. Or used to be as a human.

Danica had arranged for them to stay a week in Ceta on what she called a “training excursion”. In addition to needing to lay low after butchering that hunter, Danica also wanted to teach her young lover how to hunt humans in a densely populated area without causing a commotion. Cities were the best places for vampire to reside, for they can safely hunt without anyone noticing.

Danica told him that vampires didn’t need that much blood to survive in the first place. The average amount of blood a vampire needs to survive was nowhere near enough to kill a human, but most vampires overfeed anyway so they don’t have to hunt for longer periods of time, similar to an animal stocking up food for long migrations or hibernation. David never understood the reason, but Danica told him that he’ll understand when he needs to go off on long journeys far from human habitation. One must do what they can to survive after all.


Danica and David rented a room at a hotel and quickly got themselves situated before heading back out once the sun went down. Danica dragged David over to the canal where small boats sailed through the city carrying goods to their destination. David once again found himself a bit overwhelmed at the scale of the city and the number of people here. Everything looked so familiar yet also different.

“I haven’t been here in six, no, seven years.” David muttered, leaning against the banister and looking down at the water under the bridge he stood on. “It feels like the city is getting bigger.”

“That’s only because the buildings are getting taller. I guess Rozzaria is taken some inspiration from Arcadia in terms of architecture. Costs less money to do that than expand the city.” Danica said, slouched against the bridge lazily watching the people walk past them. “When was the last time you were here?”

“With my sister. She wanted to be an actress and would always take me here to see the plays. Mary knew all of the classics and could recite most of them by heart.” David smiled at the memories. “It would drive Philip crazy, but I loved her over the top performances. They were almost spot on with how the actors performed on stage.” He sighed and rested his chin on his crossed arms. “She was already making a name for herself in her acting school when the fire…”

Danica frowned at his darkening expression and reached over to pat his hand. “Enough. Do not speak any more of it. Heal at your own pace, David. You have centuries to do so.”

“Centuries, huh? I’ll never get used to hearing that in regards to my lifespan.” David chuckled. “I guess with something like immortality you have all the time in the world.”

“We are far from immortal, David. We age slower than humans, but time does catch up with us sooner or later. Doesn’t mean we can’t have fun in the meantime.” She said.


“You definition of fun is definitely different from mine.” David commented.

“Hush, boy.” Danica laughed, smacking him on the arm. “Now come, the night is still young and we have a party to attend to.”

“A party? What party?” David asked. Danica didn’t answer him as she walked off the bridge and he ran after her. “What party, Danica?”

“Nothing extravagant, just a haughty get-together between upper class snobs who want to flaunt their wealth and status. Men and women of Ceta’s old money who act like they’re the reason the city is still standing today.” Danica huffed. “I got an invitation thanks to an acquaintance of mine, and I’m allowed to bring my partner.”

“You sound like you hate these kinds of parties.” David noted.

“I do. They bring up unpleasant memories that are best left buried. But it also provides the perfect opportunity to teach you how to hunt discreetly.” She smiled at him and took his hand. “Come with me, these parties are slightly more enjoyable with someone to suffer them along with you.”

“Oh joy.” David sighed.


It was all too common for people of high society to host and attend parties on an almost monthly basis. David knew from personal experience that while some parties were merely meetings between businessmen and old time nobles to make deals or just to assert their dominance over lesser creatures, most of them were just so that rich people could get together, make connections, maybe sleep together if you were lucky, or just to dance around in fancy clothes and show off your jewelry. David didn’t blame Danica for hating them, it was dull and boring and torture.

Danica had plenty of contacts and agents who helped her out in the city. David had no idea if they were mortal or vampire, as she was tight lipped about her network. One of her contacts enabled her to get an invitation to a party being held by Countess Griselda Rumple, an old yet still beautiful woman who was a member of one of Rozzaria’s oldest noble families. There were plenty of other nobles or celebrities attending the party in the latest fashions, and Danica didn’t want to be the odd one out.

They returned to their hotel room as fast as they could (which was pretty face. David ended up racing Danica back to the hotel along the rooftops. It was fun) and they changed into more formal attire and took a carriage to the countess’s mansion. David wore a black suit that didn’t really stand out, but Danica wore a beautiful dark blue gown that left her shoulders bare and her hair done up in an elegant bun. David couldn’t keep the look of awe off his face and Danica smirked at him.

“Enchanted by my beauty?” She asked as they entered the carriage.

“I would say yes, but I’m afraid of stroking your already massive ego more.” David said. “But yes, you definitely look beautiful. That goes without saying.”

Danica smiled and leaned her head against his shoulder. “You truly know how to charm a woman, David Talbot.”

David chuckled and leaned back in his seat, looking out the window at the lamps lining the street that bathed the darkening streets in bright light. He exhaled softly and let himself enjoy the sights. He had a feeling that he wouldn’t get the chance to feel like this for a while when he returned to Rosemary.


The countess’s party was just a step below a ball. There was dancing, mingling, and, of course, flirting. Men and women who had some influence in the imperial court or had a well-earned spot among the nobility were scattered about the ballroom of the countess’s mansion talking and dancing. For the most part, the men were gathered in one side of the room, and the women in the other. There were a few couples here and there, but for the most part, to David, the whole thing looked like an adult version of a schoolyard playground; boys on one side, girls on the other.

When he and Danica entered the mansion, they drew more than a few stares, though that was mostly for Danica. This didn’t pay much attention to David aside from average curiosity, but that was fine with him. He’d rather be invisible and avoid getting involved with any political bullshit that’s common in these environments. Danica smiled and took a deep breath.

“Take it all in, David,” She whispered. “That lovely scent. It just makes you feel alive again, doesn’t it?”

David agreed, but he wasn’t going to admit it. He instinctively inhaled and the scent of fresh blood coursing through the veins of dozens of people filled the air. The ballroom was large enough for dozens of people to mingle and dance, but to a vampire they might as well have been all pressed together, the scent of their blood forming one large invisible cloud that David was in the middle of. Gods, he found it hard to concentrate.

“Focus, David,” Danica said, guiding him through the throng of people along the side of the dance floor. “This is your true test, maintaining your composure while surrounded by food.”

“Don’t call them that.” He hissed.

“So you would rather see them as people with lives and families who we just happen to feast upon, then?” Danica said. “Get over your human sentimentality and accept that these people are our food. It doesn’t mean you have to revel in their pain or anything, just know that without them, you’ll starve to death.” She straightened up and pulled him into a corner. “Now shut up and pay attention.”

David sighed but stood beside her. In their spot, they had a perfect view of the other people around them. A flock of sheep unaware of the two wolves hiding among them.

“When you’re hunting, you have other abilities besides your strength and speed that enable you to catch your prey. These abilities develop as you grow older, with time and practice.” Danica pointed to a mature women in her fifties, one of those rare ladies who managed to hold a certain grace and beauty at her age while most women would still try to look young. “That lovely lady is Alicia Sinclair. She moved here a few years ago after the death of her husband under…mysterious circumstances.” Danica sent him a smirk. “Obviously she inherited his estate and fortune and never married again. In fact, she moved here not even a week after the man’s funeral.”

David caught the meaning in her words. “I take it his death wasn’t as random as it seemed?”

“Oh yes, the woman had her manservant murder the old bastard using poison you wouldn’t find in some dusty old apothecary in Bretonnia. See there?” She nodded toward the old woman as she talked to a man offering his condolences on her loss. “While she’s saying that it broke her heart to lose him, she’s celebrating her freedom and hoping her former husband is rubbing noses with the devil in hell.”

“How do you know that?” He asked.

“Her facial features. The way her muscles twitch, the slight increase in her heart beat, subtle things a human wouldn’t catch but a vampire can if you know where to look. That, and I had a friend of mine read her mind.” Danica said it so casually that it took David a moment to realize what she said.

“Read her mind?” He look at her with wide eyes. “We can do that?”

“Only a chosen few. These abilities of ours manifest differently, and only in those who’ve reached an advanced age. Telepathy, telekinesis, control over the elements, even shapeshifting. Those myths you here about turning into mist and bats come from rare encounters with those powerful individuals.” Danica explained.

“And what can you do?” David inquired. He knew something was different about Danica, and now he had an idea.

“What makes you think I’ll tell you?” She grinned. “An artist never gives away all of their secrets.”

David allowed her that one, considering she just revealed something he had no idea was true about vampires. Funny how he never thought to ask her where those stories about mist and bats came from. Well, at least he had something to look forward to further down the line.

After a few minutes of standing around and making small talk with the other couples (and David watching Danica emasculate the suitors who thought they had a chance with her) Danica had finally picked out a target for him.

“There, by the window.” Danica pointed to the far side of the room at a young woman with short black hair and a dark blue dress that hugged her figure nicely. Despite her beautiful appearance though she looked a bit nervous and out of place. “Fresh meat. One look at her and you can tell that this is her first time at one of these gatherings.”

“What do I do?” David whispered.

“You’ll know what to do. Talk to her, lower her defenses before going in to strike.” Danica said. “Just trust your instincts.”

“My instincts. Right.” David muttered. He took a deep breath and walked along the side of the room, avoiding the dancers as he made his way over to the lone woman on the couch. Even as he got closer to her, the girl was too distracted to notice his approach and apparently didn’t even see him until he cleared his throat and greeted her.


The girl jumped and looked up at him before blushing in embarrassment. “Oh, h-hello. I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.”

“No worries. I just wanted to see if you were feeling alright. You look a bit pale.” David said.

“I’m fine, thank you. I am just a little bit nervous. This is my first time attending a party like this, and my nerves are a bit frayed.” She said.

“That’s alright, I’m not particularly fond of these parties either. It doesn’t help that most of the people here are older than me to some degree.” He said and smiled at her. “I’m David Talbot.”

“Eliza Dubois.” She said, also smiling. When she gave him her hand to kiss, David knew that he had her; and not a second after her thought that, guilt filled his heart for thinking such a thing.

When did he start equating other human beings as prey animals in relation to himself?


Danica watched her progeny from afar, ignoring the pompous little boys who thought they had a chance with her. These fancy young fops thought that just because they were rich and handsome that they deserved to talk to someone like her. While that may have worked on another woman, she was fa from some simpering girl looking for a fairy tale romance.

‘I wonder if they’d be as attracted to me if they knew I could easily kill everyone in this room?’ Danica thought with a smile. Her smile widened when she saw that David was starting to get past the girl’s defenses and was earning her trust. ‘I must say, he’s doing very well for his first true hunt.’

Newborn vampires were just as their name implied; they were similar to newborn lion cubs, weak and confused about the new world hey were thrust into. They needed to be taught how to use their teeth and claws, how to fight and hunt with them, and how to harness their abilities to capitalize on their prey’s weaknesses. Newborn vampires were tricky, for if you don’t teach them to control their instincts in the first few days after the change, they’ll never be able to properly assimilate with humans. Very few newborns could teach themselves self-control and how to be subtle, though it wasn’t impossible.

In between their furious bouts of sex and the quiet moments they spent together, Danica would drill these lessons into David’s head. She needed him to learn that he was at the bottom of the pyramid in regards to vampire threat levels, and he needed to learn how to hunt and survive as fast as possible. This was especially true for him, being a noble and thus a highly public figure in the eyes of Rozzarian high society. This wasn’t like the old days where vampire nobility ruled large swaths of human lands like kings and queens. Now humans were catching up with their technology and weapons, even though some nobles like to ignore that fact at their peril.

It was fortunate for her that David was a smart man who knew that might wasn’t always right. His personal tragedies had broken him apart, and she resolved to put him back together as a new man, a hunter like her. It was just a shame that he had reservations about hunting humans. Newborns always were hesitant about feeding on humans, but eventually they’ll get used to it. So long as David didn’t start feeding on rats and chickens, she was fine with waiting.

Danica’s focused returned to the pair when she saw that David and Eliza had gotten up and were heading towards the stairs. He sent her a very discreet glance and she nodded to him. As they disappeared out of sight, Danica waited a few minutes before following after them, smoothly weaving her way through the throng of people as she reached the stairs and headed up to the second floor.

No one really batted an eye at a man and a woman disappearing to be alone together. Few knew that it was common for couples to find someplace private at Rozzarian parties to “get to know each other” better. No one said anything so long as nothing lewd was done in public. Rozzarians were rather liberal in their interests after all.

She followed their scents up to the end of the hall on the second floor, where David and Eliza were sitting on a small white bench out on the balcony overlooking the mansion’s garden (yes, it had a garden. The countess spared no expense for luxury, even for a vacation home).

Her footsteps were silent as she approached the balcony, her movements slow and methodical to make the absolute minimum amount of noise. She was sure that David heard her with his enhanced hearing, but Eliza was totally unaware of her presence. She felt the cool night air on her skin as she neared the balcony, but stopped just a foot away from it.

David and Eliza were still chatting, but she noticed that David was slowly getting himself into a position where he could strike without causing too much alarm. A cold smile spread across her red lips and she hung back to watch the memorable moment unfold.

Was this what a mother lion felt when helping her children on the hunt for the first time?


David struggled to focus on what Eliza was saying as his primal instincts were focusing on the smell of her blood through her soft skin. He could smell that lovely crimson liquid coursing through her veins beneath her skin, and the breeze blowing past them blew her lovely smell right into his face. It made his stomach grumble and a low growl rumble deep in his throat, though too soft for her to hear.

‘Settle down, you damn fool.’ David scolded himself. ‘There’s nothing to get excited about.’

But his body thought otherwise. His stomach was rumbling, and his eyes were already zeroing in on the bare skin of Eliza’s neck and shoulders. His fangs were lengthening, cutting into his bottom lip. He heard Danica behind them, hidden out of sight, ready to intervene if necessary, though David was sure he wouldn’t need it.

“It’s just a shame that Araluen is in such turmoil. It’s a beautiful city with a lot of history, and just thinking about all the damage being done with all the fighting is painful.” Eliza said.

“I’m sure the Order wouldn’t let too much collateral damage happen to the city.” He doubted it, but not need to let her know about his views on vampire hunters. “And I hear some vampires love their ancient history. Probably brings back good memories of the old days.”

They shared a chuckle at that before David asked, “Do you want something to drink? I’m sure you’re feeling a bit chilly out here.”

“Yes, a drink would be fine. Nothing too alcoholic, please.” Eliza said.

David nodded and turned around to walk back into the hall way. He only took a few steps onto the carpeted floor before stopping and glancing at Danica, who nodded to him. David inhaled and let his instincts take over, and felt his fangs lengthen. Hissing through his teeth, he turned back to Eliza and struck.

David sprinted forward and wrapped his arms around the girl, trapping her arms to her sides as he bent his head to her neck and opened his mouth. His fangs pierced her skin with all the resistance of a scalpel through soft flesh. Eliza almost screamed, but David’s narcotic saliva quickly sedated her as soon as it was in her system. Blood leaked from the wounds, and he slowly began to suck up every drop.

Eliza’s body sagged against him as the full force of his narcotic saliva hit her and he held her up as he drank from her. She moaned and gasped, not really knowing what was going on, and barely able to move.

David could not believe the sensation of it. He could literally feel her heartbeat pumping tiny flows of that hot, heavy liquid up from her neck and into his mouth. He noticed things he didn’t notice before in his newborn bloodlust, and he let the pleasure wash over him.

Eliza began to moan from the gentle sucking on her neck and squirmed a bit in his arms, completely paralyzed at this point. From this to the warm liquid slipping down his throat, David found himself in a trance, unable to give up this wonderful, wonderful feeding.

“You may want to stop,” Danica said. “If you keep drinking, she’ll pass out. Wouldn’t want to give her anemia, would you?”

David reluctantly lifted his head from Eliza’s throat and looked down at her. Her eyes were closed and her weight rested against him, though he held her as easily as one would a baby. Her breathing was shallow, more like panting little moans, and she looked like she had just swooned instead of just being a vampire’s snack. His bite marks were still on her throat, bleeding slightly.

“Lick the bite to heal the wound.” Danica gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

Not that he’d need encouraging, with more blood leaking from the girl’s neck. He put his lips to her delicate skin, and with an almost loving touch, licked the blood off her throat and let his tongue press to the holes. He felt her wounds closing underneath his touch, quick and clean without so much as a blemish left behind.

David lifted his head, only for Danica to grip his chin and mash her lips against his. They shared a bloody kiss with Eliza’s body pressed between them, their tongues swirling around each other, sharing the taste of the girl’s blood between them. Danica held his head in place long enough to practically clean his mouth out with her tongue before pulling away, a strand of blood still connecting their lips together before she licked it up with a swirl of her tongue.

“Mmm,” Danica moaned sensually. “The only thing better than the taste of blood is sharing it with someone you love.”

“Yes, well…” David cleared his throat, blushing a bit as he tried to get his arousal under control. “That was something.”

“It was.” Danica nodded. “I’ll give you top grades on your stealth and attack, but you were going a bit slow, and you should remain constant of your surroundings even when feeding. Other than that, you did pretty well.”

“Yeah, great.” David looked down at the paralyzed girl in his arms. She was a bit dizzy from the narcotics in her system, and her face looked a bit flushed, but aside from a bit of blood on her neck she looked fine.

“Don’t go getting sympathetic, David, this is how we survive. We feed on people like her to survive, though some of the more haughty vampires would like to romanticize it.” Danica said, reaching over to take Eliza from his arms. “I’ll take care of her, you head back down to the party and wait for me.”

“Right.” He nodded and headed into the hallway, feeling a bit full and livelier than he was when the night began. The taste of her blood was fresh in his mouth and his mind felt clearer than it had ever been before.

‘This is what vampires experience every time they feed? No wonder some go to such lengths to get it.’ David thought.

He ran his tongue over his teeth, noting that his fangs were retracted again. He experimentally extended them again. It was surprisingly easy, like moving his tongue or blinking. David walked past a glass cabinet and paused when he saw his reflection. His eyes were burning red surrounded by black, and his top and bottom fangs were fully extended. Looking at himself now, he looked like a devil, or at best an animal after a hunt. Hell, he could even see blood on his teeth!

“Oh my god.” David gasped, stumbling back with wide eyes. The red glow faded and his fangs retracted back into his gums, but his reflection was still fresh in his mind. He didn’t look like himself, nor did he feel like himself either.

This was the very first time he saw himself like that, what he truly looked like when his instincts took over. He looked like a demon.

‘Gods, what am I turning into?’ David lamented.


“Mmmm, yes!” Danica cooed as she sank down David’s length all the way down to the hilt. Her head tilted back and she bit her lip, her fangs fully extended and eyes bright red in her aroused state. “It’s been far too long since I’ve had a man!”

David grit his teeth, resisting the urge to cum right then and there. To him it was pleasurable agony having his member snug tight inside her cunt. He was still new to sex and Danica had no trouble taking advantage of that to drive him mad while in the throes of lust.

Nevertheless, David rested his head on the pillows and closed his eyes as wave upon wave of carnal bliss flooded his senses. Danica was tight, amazingly so, and she made sure to tighten her vaginal muscles on his length each time she went back down making him that much closer to losing it. His fingers gripped her slender hips, his sharp claws digging into her skin and drawing blood as she pulled and pushed her pussy onto his length.

Back and forth she went, pressing her hips against his body. Danica was the dominant one in this and she made sure he knew it, but she wasn’t cruel. She rewarded him for his submissiveness, unwilling as it was. Danica was like this since they got back from the party, apparently aroused from seeing David succeed in his first hunt. They barely got through the door before she pounced on him, and that little oral session she gave in on the carriage ride back didn’t help matters.

Her hips picked up speed. Danica was now feverishly humping him against the wall while he was pinned to the bed, like a horny animal she continued rutting onto him, savoring the deep filling sensation his dick was giving her. She closed her eyes with her mouth agape, wordless moaning in hot pants as she raised her hips to the edge of his dick and slam them all the way back down filling her up with his shaft. David’s cock had reached deep within her, and the feeling of the head of his dick pressing against her sensitive places had Danica very close to cumming.

“Come on, fill me with all you have, boy! I’ll make sure you feel this for the next two weeks!” Danica howled, arching her back as she continued furiously grinding herself onto his body.

David was slowly reaching his climax alongside her, though he wished she was quieter about it as he grunted in exertion, thrusting up into her. Again and again she came down on him and his body couldn’t help but ebb closer to his release.

After countless minutes had passed Danica felt her orgasm surge as she slammed her body all the way down onto his cock before squeezing down on him. David grimaced as he felt the tight convulsions of her pussy push him over the edge, leading to him letting out a loud moan as his member throbbed and released its load.

Danica’s eyes went wide when she felt the first thick blast of his semen erupt into her womb. Her whole body shuddered and she gave the loudest moan that night, rolling her hips on his as he filled her up. She sat there on his pulsating cock, not letting him go for a moment until she was sure that he pumped every last drop of his seed into her.

When he did finally stop cumming, Danica let out a deep breath and fell forward onto his sweaty chest, her long hair cascading around his upper body. David noted with some awe that even after sex her hair was still perfect.

“That was wonderful, David. You did great.” She praised.

“How? You had me lie here while you rode me like a stallion.” David said.

“I meant you lasted longer than the last time. It’s an improvement.” She grinned.

David rolled his eyes. “Happy to please.”

Danica smacked his chest. “Hush, boy, you should be happy you even had the chance to sleep with me. You’re one of a lucky few to get the chance.”

“I’m afraid to ask, but how many other men have you been with before me?” David asked.

Danica shrugged. “Not many, actually. I’m a very picky woman, and though I’ve had many lovers in the past, most of them were just mobile snacks. Only two of them were decent.” She said, and then added, “And no, I will not go into detail about them.”

“Wasn’t thinking of it.” He lied. They lied together in silence for a few blissful moments before David asked, “So what’s next on the list?”

“More combat training.” Danica said happily, earning a groan from him. “Don’t pout, this is important for you if you want to blend in with the humans. You can’t disguise your unwillingness to eat food for too long before people start asking questions.”

“I suppose you have a solution to that?” David inquired. Vampires were unable to eat and digest physical food, as their bodies could only process liquids. Drinking tea and juice was fine, but David tried eating a cookie at the party and nearly spat it back out. Food tasted…not exactly atrocious, but lacked the flavor it once had when he was human. It was just another grim reminder of how much he’s changed on the inside.

That was when he realized something. “Danica, I saw you eating food back at the party, and you didn’t even wince at the taste.”

“You’ll get used to the taste. It does take some getting used to, but it’s a necessary evil.” Danica replied. “But you can’t spit out every piece of food you ingest without causing a scene. This is where another ability of ours comes into play.”

Danica sat up and straddled his waist. David was about to ask wat she was doing when he felt her body slowly heat up. Then he saw a faint glowing outline surround her body, a barely visible wisp of dark red energy that cloaked her body like a flame. Danica smiled at David’s shocked silence and ran her hands down his chest.

“This power is a power that exists in all forms of life, from vampires and humans to the smallest animals and plants. It is called aura, and for centuries our kind has used it to increase our already exceptional abilities and help us blend in with humans. It is also what vampire hunters use to fight us on even ground.” Danica held up an arm encased in that flickering energy. “We vampires also use it to “digest” physical food in a way. Using our aura, we can turn our stomachs into miniature furnaces and basically dissolve the food before our bodies can even process it.”

“That’s…incredible, but also very weird.” David whispered.

“It’s strange at first, but you’ll get used to it. In our world, there are plenty of strange things that you wouldn’t believe exist in the shadows. And I’m not just talking about vampires.” Danica leaned back down and rested her head on his chest. “But that’s for another day. Just relax for now, we’ve got a long journey ahead of us tomorrow.”

David sighed but nodded. He relaxed his body and closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep, but all he could see were his blood red eyes and terrifying visage.


The next morning, David and Danica were back in Rosemary, and honestly David couldn’t be happier to be back home. This was a first for him, for the town brought nothing but bad memories to him, but with everything that’s happened, he needed to be on familiar grounds.

After seeing Danica off at her house, David took a carriage back to his estate. It’d be good to see his mother and father again, and he was sure they were worried about him. And he didn’t want to spend any time in town where he was sure that the gruesome murder of the vampire hunter was still being talked about.

But as he arrived at the mansion, he noticed another carriage parked in front of the mansion. David hopped out of his carriage and walked up to the doors, where his butler Edward was waiting for him.

“Good afternoon, Master David. It is good to see you are in full health again.” Edward said sincerely. David smiled at him.

“It’s good to see you too, Edward. Sorry I’ve been avoiding everyone here. Things have been…hard on me lately.” David said. “Do you know who’s visiting today? Mother never said she was having anyone over in her letter. Is it Anna?”

“No, Master David, it’s someone new.” Edward began, but before he could say more, the door opened behind him and he stepped to the side.

David’s heart went cold when he saw Senior Hunter James Barbatos walk out of the mansion with his hat and coat in hand. James was saying goodbye to his father, but paused when he noticed David in the doorway.

“Ah, Mr. David Talbot. I wasn’t expecting to run into you here.” James said.

“Neither was I.” David said warily. “Do you need something, sir?”

“I do need something actually—your cooperation.” James placed his hat on his greying hair and strolled up to David with an inquisitive stare. “I want to ask you some questions about where you were around the time former Order hunter William Bronson was murdered. Is that alright with you?”

David tried to keep his expression even as he replied, “That’s fine, Sir James. I’m happy to provide any assistance you may need.”

Thus began David’s first true test as a vampire—healing with the slayers to hunt the hunters.

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