《Nyx: The Demon Princess》First Death


Chapter 2-First Death

David felt as if he were reliving a nightmare. He stood alongside his parents and Anna, all dressed in black and standing next to Jacob’s little sister and mother. Jacob’s father had died in the War of the Lions when he started college, so all Jacob had were his little ladies. The two women were crying heavily, holding onto each other as they tried to hold themselves together. David wouldn’t blame them for being hysterical right now.

The endless droning of the priest’s sermon rang in David’s ears as he stared at Jacob’s body. He looked peaceful, as if he were sleeping. A complete opposite of the loud and boisterous man who did his best to get David to enjoy life just a little more every day. It wasn’t him. The Jacob he knew would always laugh and smile and cheer like he had something to be happy about. Seeing him lying still like that was strange and disturbing.

Soon the priest said his final prayers for Jacob’s soul to find peace with the light goddess Hemera and they began to lower the coffin into the ground. David watched the coffin settle in the ground and the men began to fill in the grave. David’s hands were clenched so tight his skin was pulled tight across his knuckles. He barely noticed Anna wrap her hand around his until he laced her fingers with his. He needed something to hold onto.

Soon the guests all left the graveyard one by one. First Jacob’s friends, then David’s parents, and the last ones to leave were Jacob’s mother and sister, who said their final goodbyes to Jacob and gave David their gratitude. David and Anna were the only ones left at the grave, silent and grieving as they stood before the lone tombstone with Jacob’s name on it.

Anna glanced at David, who continued to stare at the tombstone. His grip on her hand hurt but she endured it. Leaving him alone line this was probably more dangerous than a sore hand. And he needed her support right now. They needed each other. Losing Jacob was hard on both of them.

Anna didn’t know how long they stood there under the cold grey sky, the sound of thunder rumbling in the distance. She was about to suggest that they leave before it rained when David began to speak.

“Anna, could you give me a moment?” He asked softly.

Anna looked up at him. His expression was blank but his eyes still showed the pain of this tragic loss. “David?”

“Please, Anna,” He pleaded. “Just give me some time alone.” David glanced down at her and squeezed her hand a bit. “I’ll be fine. Promise.”

Anna frowned but nodded and gave him a hug before walking away, hugging the thick shawl around her shoulders to keep herself warm. David watched her go before turning back to the grave. Now that Anna was gone, he could let himself truly grieve, feeling his throat tighten and his eyes burn. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly. His chest heaved with short, gasping sobs and he fell to his knees, trying not to scream in pure rage.

“Damn it, damn it, damn it…” He growled over and over. He didn’t know what else to do but curse and scream and wail. At least for now. He’ll bring that bastard to justice, he’ll make sure of that. Jacob will not die in vain because of one half-baked vampire hunter’s need for glory!

The sound of soft footsteps sounded beside him and he turned to his left to see the flowing skirt of a white dress. He looked up and saw that the beautiful but somber looking dress belonged to none other than Danica.


“Hello, David.” Danica greeted him, her expression sympathetic.

“Danica? What are you doing here?” He asked.

“I heard what happened to your friend. I knew you were probably in great pain so I came to see how you were doing. I didn’t want to intrude until the funeral was over.” She said. She took a step closer and bent down to talk to him. “David, how are you feeling?”

“How am I feeling? Angry, sad, every damn emotion under the fucking sun, that’s what I’m feeling.” He growled. “My friend was just murdered before my very eyes. Another damn casualty between this stupid war between humans and vampires.” David shook his head at the audacity of it all. “And you know the worst part? It was a hunter that killed him, not a vampire. A hunter who couldn’t be bothered not to at least watch himself while fighting a vampire in the middle of the street!”

“Oh, David.” Danica knelt down next to him, uncaring if her dress got dirty as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and hugged him.

David couldn’t hold it back any longer. He let go and cried as hard as he could. There in Danica’s arms he cried as if everything was taken from him once again and two years’ worth of suppressed grief came rushing out all at once. Danica said nothing to him, all she did was hold him close and let him cry.

For now David needed to let his grief run free, not keep it buried under a façade of happiness. But once his grief ran its course, another emotion would take over. Anger.


About a day after the funeral, David got down to business. He went to his father and together they headed to the constable to have the hunter arrested for murder. David wasn’t going to let that man get away with this crime no matter what. But unfortunately a new development in the case had come up in a manner that David wasn’t expecting…or liked.

“What do you mean you can’t press charges?!”

The maid passing by Peter Talbot’s office jumped from the sudden shout from within and quickened her pace. She’s never heard the master’s son sound so angry before. This wasn’t going to end well.

Inside his father’s study, David paced angrily in front of Peter, completely livid at the news his father just gave to him. “That bastard killed Jacob in broad daylight. How the hell can we not accuse him of murder?”

“The Order passes judgement on their own members. They’re an international organization, which means that the local authorities can’t arrest him as it is not within their jurisdiction.” Peter said calmly, though he too wasn’t happy about this anymore than his son.

“The Order.” David spat hatefully. “Those second rate inquisitors only care about satisfying their urge to kill. We can’t touch them but I’ll swear on my brother and sister’s graves that they’ll come down on us in a heartbeat if we did anything to them!”

“David, the fact that there are so many witnesses of the killing means that the Order will not let this incident slide. They’re already getting enough bad publicity from the mess in Araluen. But just keep in mind that this was not intentional man slaughter. It was an accident, and at best the man will be exiled from the Order and—“

“I don’t care! Hang the bastard, shoot him, I don’t care!” David roared. “He needs to pay for his crime!”


“That’s enough!” Peter yelled. “Calm yourself, David, ranting and raving like a madman won’t get anything done. I’m sorry that this is not satisfactory to you, but this is ow things are. But rest assured, that hunter will be getting punished for killing an innocent man.”

“That’s not good enough.” David growled and marched out of the room before his father could say anything, slamming the door behind him.

The servants gave David a wide berth as he stomped down the hall and down the stairs, his expression one of the purest anger he ever felt in a long time. His father and mother had told him to repeatedly let it go, saying that spending so much energy on the matter was futile. The Order would take care of it, they would have to considering one of their own just killed a man. But David knew how things really worked with these people.

The Order was a vampire hunting organization that found its roots in the religious inquisitors of the Holy Lumen Church. They were founded in the City of Light in the Kingdom of Bretonnia, but branched out to other lands on the continent of Eura, hunting vampires wherever they went. Many of their warriors were solitary hunters unless dealing with large covens and it was only until recently that the Queen of Bretonnia worked together with the head of the organization to reform the Order into a more organized society.

Many vampire hunters in the Order were reckless and brash, attacking vampires without much care for collateral damage or worrying about bystanders caught in the crossfire. The inferno that killed David’s sister was caused by a hunter whose powers went out of control while exterminating a coven. Numerous accounts of hunters fighting vampires in the streets of Araluen, Bretonnia’s capital city, filled the newspapers. The worst ones were hunters who were little more than mercenaries. Fighting without a care for human life.

David knew that there were many vampire hunters in the Order who had committed crimes but the worst punishments they got were exile or imprisonment. They considered the work they did to be doing Hemera’s wishes, the Order did their best to deal justice onto their own members while trying to keep their numbers from getting too low. Wouldn’t want their best hunters behind bars, would they? Severe punishments like executions were reserved for the ones who went against the Order’s doctrine—traitors, spies, vampire sympathizers. Hurt the Order and they’ll hurt you.

‘But hurt us and they’ll turn the other way.’ David angrily thought. He got into his carriage and had the driver take him into town. ‘I don’t care if those pompous bounty hunters get angry. This was murder and I’ll see that bastard hanged!’

His simmering rage had somehow made the carriage ride into town feel shorter than it usually was. Before the carriage came to a stop in front of the tavern David usually frequented, he hopped out and told the driver to get himself and the horses something to eat. He was going to be a while.

He was already making his way towards the constables’ station to get the department head to do something, anything about this mess. The people in his way made sure to steer clear of him, a bit disturbed by his frightening expression, not that David cared.

But as he came upon the station, he spotted a group of men standing outside of it. Three of them were wearing the same uniform that hunter was wearing, the silver and black colors of the Order. One of them, a tall muscular man with long black hair and three pink scars running down the right side of his face, was talking to a slightly shorter man. It was him.

“You can’t do this to me! I’m the best hunter you have in this part of this backwards country!” The man raged.

“William, stop shouting. You’re embarrassing yourself.” The scarred hunter said, glaring down at his partner.

“You’ve killed a man in front of half the damn town, William. You’re lucky we’re only exiling you.” Said the stout man standing next to his leader. “This is the best we can do to appease the commoners.”

“So you’re gonna kowtow to those sword swallowing bastards? I thought you guys had some balls!” William shouted. “I’m really surprised as you, James!”

“The Order has come under intense scrutiny by the public since the battle in Araluen. We can’t have wild cards running around without proper training and restraint. Be glad we aren’t putting you in imprison.” The scarred man, James, said.

‘William.’ David thought with a burning fury raging within his chest. ‘That’s the man’s name.’

He marched down the street, and as he got closer one of the hunters noticed him and nudged his leader. “Sir, we have a visitor.”

James turned his gaze away from the still angry William and turned to David. “Hello, good sir. And you are?”

David paid him no attention. When he was close enough, he ran forward and leapt off the ground, slamming a fist into William’s face. The man fell onto his ass and David right on top of him, punching him over and over.

“You killed him! I’ll rip you to shreds you good for nothing bastard!” David shouted with each punch. He got a few good hits in before someone grabbed his arms and threw him back farther than an ordinary man should be able to.

“Attacking a hunter out of nowhere is a good way to get yourself hurt, boy.” James said sternly, a hand on the pommel of his sword.

“I don’t give a shit about you.” David snarled, getting to his feet. “I’m after the bastard that killed him!”

James narrowed his eyes at David. “You’re the friend of the man William killed.”

“I’m a friend of the man one of your so-called hunters murdered! Did you think I’d be satisfied with him getting off like this?” David growled. “He’ll pay for killing Jacob!”

“You have some balls coming after me, asshole.” William sat up, his nose and lip bleeding. “Don’t you know what I went through to protect your spoon-fed ass from those leeches?”

“I don’t owe you shit, you murderer. You shouldn’t even be alive let alone allowed to walk free like that. Do those frauds in the Order teach you to fight a vampire in a populated area or how to shoot a stake into a group of people?” David spat. “You people are nothing but glory hounds using the name of the goddess to justify your greed!”

David charged at William again, but skidded to a stop when James not only got between them, but he raised his arm and summoned some kind of blue energy blade from his hand that he pointed at David, its tip at his neck. Gasps rose up from the onlookers and someone started calling for the constables to stop the altercation.

“I understand that you are grieving, young man, but I will not have you debase the work of our holy order. There are many men who have risked or given their lives to fight the monsters that threaten people like you. William is not the example of our Order’s work. He has been justly punished for his mistake. Let it go.”

David glared at the older man with all the hate he could muster. “Do you use that excuse to every poor sod you hurt? I don’t care if the Holy Mother herself sanctioned your cause, you people are as much of a danger to the world as the vampires!”

James’s expression darkened but before he could say anything else, the constables came rushing out of the station, batons in hand.

“What is the meaning of this? Sir James, lower your weapon at once!”

James nodded and dispelled his energy blade, not taking his eyes off David. “It seems we’ve overstayed our welcome, comrades. It’s best we leave.”

“You’re running away?!” William said shocked. He flinched at the look James gave him.

“You’re coming with us so you don’t cause any more trouble, William. I’m not in the mood for your attitude right now.”

The hunters left the courtyard, their exile in tow, under the scathing glares of the public and the constables. David in particular didn’t take his eyes off William, who glared back at him with the silent promise of murder. David was happy to return the favor when he got the chance.

“Mr. Talbot,” The chief walked up to him, his brow furrowed and well-groomed mustache twitching. “I believe it would be best if you leave too. You’ve caused quite the commotion today.”

“Tell that to someone who gives a damn.” David replied, still glaring at the hunters. At least he was able to properly see the face and know the name of the man who killed his friend.


As if repeating the previous days’ events, David was once again sitting in the back of the tavern nursing a couple of drinks, though his beer intake was substantially larger than yesterday. He couldn’t just go back to the estate, he wasn’t in the mood to listen to his father harping on him for lashing out at a man in public. He reckoned that justice had been shat upon enough already today.

“As much as I like a good drink, I’d rather we not keep meeting in a place like this.” David looked up and saw Danica walking over to him, her appearance once again drawing stars from the other patrons, though none of the men dared approached her. She sat down across from David and looked at him, her face concerned. "How are you, David?”

“I take it you heard about my altercation with the hunters?” David asked, ignoring her question.

“Yes, it’s quite the talk of the town.” Danica said.

“Then you know how I am feeling.” He said. “I saw that bastard standing there, free and unpunished as if he didn’t just kill a man in broad daylight. They talk about his exile from the Order as if that’s punishment enough, like it’s something worse than death, but he’ll just go back to being a free agent killing for money. The ugly fuck didn’t even show any remorse for killing Jacob. He acted like it was Jacob’s fault for standing there, for saving…” David scowled and raised the bottle to his lips and guzzled down as much beer he could handle. His repulsive drinking habits did not disgust Danica, who looked at him with an unreadable expression. “I wanted hurt him so badly, like he hurt me. I’ve never felt so angry before."

“Do you want to kill him?”

Danica’s question caught him off guard and he looked up at her. Her expression was unreadable, stone cold in a way that few could pull off correctly, even in the courts of the nobility. “What was that?”

“Do you want to kill him?” She asked again. “Snuff him out the same way he killed your friend?”

David thought about it. He remembered that burning pain brought about by seeing one of his only friends get killed in front of him. What made it worse was that if Jacob hadn’t pushed him out of the way, he would have been killed. Jacob died so he could live. And knowing that the man who killed him was supposed to be some hero that fights monsters enraged him.

“Yes. I want…I want to kill him. I want him to be punished in the way he deserves.” He said softly, his low voice in stark contrast to the feelings of hate and anger that burned like an inferno within him. He lost Mary to a disaster caused by the negligence of a hunter. Now another hunter took someone close to him and he was in a position to ensure that justice could be done.

‘But can I really do it?’ David thought, but then he shook his head. “Wait, why am I even thinking about this? I can’t kill a man!”

“Even though he killed your friend and showed no remorse for a mistake he made?” Danica tilted her head. "There’s nothing wrong about these feelings, David. You are perfectly in your right to feel this way. No one who truly understands how you feel will reprimand you.”

David said nothing and Danica sighed, reaching over to grasp his hand. “I’m sorry, David, I didn’t meant to make you uncomfortable. It’s just that what you’ve gone through isn’t as rare as you might think. Sometimes people deal with their grief in different ways.”

“…I know.” David breathed. He was a bit distracted by her rubbing her fingers along his knuckles and he tightened his hold on her hand. She smiled and stood up, once again easily pulling him out of the chair as if he weighed nothing.

“Come with me. I think I know a more…positive way to vent your frustrations.” Danica said, pulling out of the tavern and down the street.

“What’s that?” David asked.

Danica looked over her shoulder at him with a smirk. “Stress relief.”


James Barbatos, veteran hunter commander of the Order’s Rozzarian Branch, watched former hunter William Harker stomp off like an angry child after the intense tongue lashing that James just gave him. That man had caused enough trouble for them, and they didn’t need the bad publicity that his very presence brought upon him.

“Well that could’ve gone better.” Sighed Johnathan Brisby, his second in command. His appearance was the definition of a Bretonnian gentleman, with well-groomed black hair and a small mustache coupled with a fine black suit. You’d never think he was one of the most experienced hunters in the Rozzarian branch. Hell, you’d never think he’d be willing to get his hands dirty fighting vampires.

“It was the expected reaction given William’s temperament.” James said, walking over to his desk and picking up a few files. “His actions have reflected poorly on the Order as a whole and I won’t have his childish attitude cause any more problems for us.”

“Why haven’t we imprisoned him anyway? He’d cause less trouble if we did that,” Johnathan said. “Not to mention put us in a better light with the commoners.”

“As moronic William is, his skills as a hunter are top notch. This accident was just one of the few times that anyone’s been able to see him screw up. Imprisoning him now would lessen our manpower and given the state of Rozzaria’s vampire situation, we cannot afford that.” James replied.

“Yes, I see that, but the commoners—“

“Are of no consequence to us. Whether they love us or hate us, we must continue doing our job, no matter how harder those fools in Araluen are making it for us.” He said with a frown. “Those people don’t know how much we’re sacrificing fighting these monsters, so they have no right to criticize us. They’ll feed themselves to a vampire in a heartbeat if they didn’t have us.”

Johnathan sighed and went back to reading his book. There was no getting through that man. James was a stubborn old fool who was a bit too good at his job and thought that just hunting vampires in the name of the Mother was enough to absolve them of sin.

‘Times are changing, James. Calling yourself a holy warrior of Hemera won’t fix things between us and the public. Especially with the local authorities.’ He thought. The image of that young man from earlier crossed his mind. Such visible hatred coming from one so young. All because of them. ‘No wonder Bretonnia is trying to reform the Order. Incidents like this are becoming too common.’

Dark days were ahead, and Johnathan wasn’t sure that the Order he fought and bled for would survive the coming storm unscathed.


The rest of the evening was a blur for David as Danica pushed him onto the bed and got on top of him, shedding her coat and lifting her skirt so that she could straddle him. David opened his mouth but she pressed her lips to his to block his words. Eventually David just gave up and gave himself to her, wrapping his arms around her as they kissed. As their kiss became more heated, she suddenly pulled away and gave him a pout.

“I can’t be the only one getting naked here, David.” She said coyly. David smiled and reluctantly pulled away from her before unbuttoning his white shirt.

David had undressed himself at record speed, tossing his shirt and jacket to the floor before Danica’s eyes. She hummed and ran one of her hands up and down his body. He wasn’t very muscular, but his body had a slender quality to it, like the athletic runners who took part in those athletic events in Elladas. Her nails found his abs and ran down the outline of his muscles with hunger.

“You’re so lean.” Danica commented.

“Is that bad?” David asked.

“No, it’s a nice chance from those muscle heads who walk around like a peacock in mating season thinking they’re Adam looking for his Eve.” She leaned in close and put her dark lips to his ear. “I like my men smaller, easier to catch.” She gave his earlobe a gentle nibble as her hand slid further down his stomach to tickle around his navel.

David felt himself grow hard underneath her and she smirked, feeling his erection as well. He forced himself to remain focused and undid his pants. Danica only sat down beside him as he slid his pants off, followed by his underwear. Danica licked her lips at the sight of his erection, bare to her hungry gaze, and her hand went further down, inching closer but not quite touching him. David quaked at the hunger in her stare, but it quickly turned into a moan when her grip, tender and gentle, wrapped around the base of his shaft. What little growing it had left to do finished in an instant, now as hard as possible in her hand.

He had no idea what Danica meant by stress relief when she dragged him back to her hotel room, but now he knew what she was referring to. He never pegged her as one for pre-marital sex, as it was very uncommon for a woman to be having such relations, but he knew some women loved to have sex just for the pleasure, much like men. Danica was probably one of those people, and he wouldn’t be surprised if she was well-experienced in these matters compared to him.

Whatever the case, she knew a hell of a lot more than him.

Before he could get too lost in the sensation of her stroking him, Danica stopped her ministrations and stood up, a smile on her lips. Both her hands reached back and swiftly unlaced her corset, letting it fall off her slender torso. In the same movement, she slid off her skirt and undergarments as well, letting them fall down her legs to pool at her feet. It was all done so seamlessly that David would have marveled at the swiftness had he not been struck dead by her nakedness.

‘Holy…’ David’s mouth fell open. Her body was just unbelievable. Her legs were toned and curvy, her stomach flat, her waist thin and her hips wide. Her ass was plentiful and her breasts were soft and plump, with large dark nipples of the same tint as her dark lips. Her fair skin was smooth and her long blonde hair reached down to her hip.

When she saw that her nudity had struck him dumb, Danica giggled and crawled back onto the bed with him. She pushed him back so that he was laying against the pillows and straddled his waist, pressing his cock against her stomach slightly. His eyes continued moving up her body, but came to a standstill at the sight of her breasts. David would be lying if he said that he didn’t sneak a peek at a few noblewomen’s chests at his family’s parties when he had the chance, but Danica was probably one of the largest he’d ever seen.

“I see you’re quite enchanted with my breasts.” She said softly. Her hand grabbed his and guided them up her body to cup the underside of her breasts. David froze. “Don’t be afraid. Enjoy yourself, just for tonight. I know I will.”

“D-Danica…I…” He could barely talk, half his brain focused on the feeling of her soft chest in his hands and the feeling of her lightly grinding on his cock as she let him fondle her.

“Hush, David, enjoy yourself. You’ve been through a lot this week and you need a proper outlet for your frustrations. Use me to vent those negative feelings.” She licked her lips and slid his right hand higher until his palm was pressed against her engorged nipple. “Enjoy my body tonight and just let go.”

With that, she let go of his hands and placed her hand on the back of his neck to rest there. She waited.

David was sure he died and gone to heaven. With her gentle grip on his neck, he lifted himself up so he was sitting upright and finally brought his face to her breasts.

Moving on instinct at this point, David kissed along her chest, getting more intense as he found his courage for go further. Moving his lips down he wrapped his mouth around her large nipple, earning a gentle mewl from Danica. She pulled his head closer to her breast, enough that much of it overwhelmed his lips, chin and nose with its softness. Despite this, he didn’t care if he couldn’t breathe. He was enjoying himself too much.

His left hand reached up to cradle her other breast, while his right hand caressed her side, tightening on her hip as she ground herself against him. Danica’s strong but feminine arms wrapped around his head and she moaned as he lavished her breasts with licks, kisses and bites along her soft flesh. Both man and woman were getting hotter and more aroused as they continued to press themselves closer to each other.

As she felt herself get close to her climax, Danica lightly pulled David away from her chest. She smiled when she saw how red his face was. “You look like you’re having fun.”

David panted in her arms and held her close to him, making her smile bigger. “I know you can’t get enough of me, and as much as I’m eager for you to worship my body more, I think it’s time to get down to business.”

“Already?” He breathed.

“Don’t worry,” Danica said, caressing the side of his face with her hand. “We’ll have more fun in the days to come. But tonight is a special night for the both of us.”

She pushed him back so that he was lying down on his back and backed up, her weight now on her knees around him and her pelvis hovering just over his. The gorgeous woman reached down and wrapped her hand around his cock. Danica aimed the member up towards herself and began to lower her weight onto him. The hot, soaked folds of her cunt found his cock’s head, and he groaned with the powerful sparks of pleasure her squeezing muscles coaxed out of him.

“Watch.” She said. David forced his eyes to open and just drank in the sight of her. She lowered herself slowly, with a light rocking of her hips from side to side, complete with a hard squeeze of her muscles around him whenever she dipped from left to right. Danica put her hands on his shoulders, pinning him down so he was helpless to escape her as she worked her body to devour him to the hilt.

When her folds found the base of him, she squeezed him again, so hard and tight it made his jaw drop and a low moan escape him. She leaned forward and raised her ass higher, squeezing tight the whole way up, before lowering herself back down with a slowness that had him almost whimpering.

Danica smirked and studied his expressions as she sat up, letting the weight of her body bury him inside her. Then, as if performing art, she reached up to comb her fingers back through her hair, arched her back to jut out her breasts, all while easing her hips back and forth against him. Her juices were soaking him, coating him, as if showing him that she too was in the thrall of lust.

Then she leaned forward again, took his shoulders, pinned him down and started to work her hips. His eyes rolled back as she massaged and caressed his cock with her lower muscles alone. Her heavy, beautiful breasts hung over him, swaying back and forth with their weight, but it was the glorious movement of her hips he couldn’t look away from.

“Tell me, David,” She whispered, rolling her hips harder now. “If you had the chance…would you kill that hunter?” She raised her ass, dragging her soaked lips along his length, and slammed her hips back down. The bed creaked and he struggled to not push his hips up to meet her.

David wasn’t in the right mind to realize what she was asking, too deep in the throes of lust to properly process her question. Still, he answered, “Yes.”

Danica smiled and eased herself back and forth along his body. Her hips were pushing into him as just the right angle to massage the length of him while milking the swollen head of his member. She was edging him closer and closer, and each time he made a little groan or whimper, she let out a satisfied sigh.

“Do you want the power to kill him?”

“Yes.” He hissed, his grip on her hips tightening.

Danica’s pace increased, bouncing on harder and harder on his cock. She bit her lip hard enough to bleed, feeling herself rise towards a climax as well. Just before they reached that blissful threshold, Laura asked her final question.

“Are you willing to give up anything,” She panted. “Even your humanity to make those hunters pay?”

“Yes!” David groaned, on the verge of his release right then and there. He was almost there!

“Good, and I shall ensure that you will have the power to make your enemies pay!”

Danica opened her mouth with a gasp as she hit her climax, her cunt squeezing tightly on his shaft as she coated it with her release. David followed right after her, his eyes sliding shut and his cock pulsating as he shot his cum into her.

What he did not see was Danica’s mouth opening wider than a human jaw should, and her canine teeth lengthening and sharpening into sharp points. As David reached his orgasm, her head shot down and she sank her fangs into the soft flesh of his neck, the sharp teeth sinking into his skin with the ease of a scalpel. David felt the sharp pain in the side of his throat, but it was gone almost as soon as it appeared. In fact, her bite made his orgasm all the more intense and he thrust up into her, wrapping his arms around her back as he continued to cum inside her.

Danica continued to move her hips as she drank his blood, taking down huge mouthfuls of the crimson liquid that made the sex so much more euphoric. She moaned in his ear and struggled to keep her head still, lest she tear out his throat with her teeth. She drank and drank, the suction of her mouth on his skin making him cum harder into her.

This sinful cycle continued until David’s orgasm finally tapered off, but his arousal had increased his blood flow, quickening his descent into oblivion. Danica drank until she heard his heartbeat start to slow down, and lessened her feast until she was sure that he was on the verge. She had to be careful not to drain him, or the change will never happen.

When his orgasm faded away, David felt tired and weak. His hold on Danica’s waist weakened and his hands slid off her sweaty skin to fall upon the sheets. His mind was in a daze and he could barely think straight, not to mention his vision was a bit blurry. He really pushed himself hard there.

‘What a night for my first time, huh?’ He thought to himself.

Danica took a few more hard sucks on his bleeding neck before finally pulling away. She sat up, blood coating her mouth and chin, red streams dripping down onto her breasts and trailing down her toned abdomen. She licked the bleeding holes on his neck to heal the wounds and sat back on his lap to look down at him, his cock still buried inside her, though he was soft now.

“Danica…?” David weakly said, his consciousness fading.

“Hush, David. Rest now.” She said. His heartbeat was barely there. “Sleep for now. When you wake up, you will be a different man. A stronger man.”

David barely heard her, the blood loss causing him to slip into unconsciousness, his face pale and sweaty, and not just from the sex. Danica smiled, running her hands along his chest, looking like a beautiful blood soaked succubus who just got done with her meal.

“Welcome to the world of darkness, David,” Danica whispered. “I look forward to spending it together with you.”

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