《The Supreme Trickster》Chapter 7 The Test


Chapter 7 The Test

Gyro's group followed the youths flooding the coliseum with a mixture of excitement and nervousness on their faces. The coliseum's interior was wide with cascading seats that hung up to what Gyro estimated around 30 meters.

They found vacant seats on the 5th layer of the stand. After settling down, Gyro noticed the central platform below with ten youths standing with vigilant eyes. They were wearing flint-silver robes with black helix insignia of Ziroth Academy of Mystical Arts on the left chest. On their right shoulders were either 2 or 3 black stripes.

In front of these youths were an old man and a middle-aged man wearing heather-violet robes. They sat on a simple yet ancient wooden chairs. Both men were emanating a bizarre aura as they watched people occupying the coliseum seats.

Surrounding the platform was a wide but empty granite floor drawn with characters or symbols which Gyro didn't recognize.

After an hour, Gyro saw the middle-aged man stood and scanned everyone when most seats in the coliseum had been occupied and people stopped coming in. “It's time! Everyone, I welcome all of you to the annual recruitment examination of Ziroth Academy of Mystical Art. My name is Xylar Traum, a professor of Mystician Relation and Conduct. Behind me is Professor Royle Mohre, the Vice Principal of the Academy.

This is 20th City where we conduct recruitment. We're hoping to see more of you pass the test and join us as new students of the Academy.” Professor Xylar's speech was warm and welcoming. His smile was infectious reflecting his charm. He had a square face and sharp jawline; and a clear, protruding green eyes.

“Those with numbers 1-1000 choose a spot on the floor around the platform so that we could start the test.” Professor Xylar instructed.

When Gyro and his group entered earlier, they were given the corresponding examinee number. He was holding a 15,003 number so his turn would take a while.

“Dude, what do you think will be your elemental affinity?” Bart whispered to his ear out of nowhere which startled Gyro a little.

“Eh? I don't know... Anything, as long as I have one.” Came his short reply.

“Hmm... I don't like fighting, so I prefer Mystic Light affinity.” Bart muttered as he shook his head with a sigh.

Gyro nodded. He didn't know what Bart was thinking, but he knew that the guy was still reluctant to be tested.

“I prefer to have a Mystic Wind just like father or Mystic Water like my Mom.” Zyra butted in upon hearing them.

In Mistikahl world, the ability to manipulate messence was inheritable. Hence, Mystician families remained as the controlling force of the world. However, rare as it may be, myuls do at times gained the same ability and enter the mystician circle.

As they chatted silently, the first group of examinees had already seated on their respective spots on the floor around the platform, then the symbols on it lighted up and cocooned the youths with blue lights. A few seconds after the spectacle began, most youths fell unconscious one after another.

Of the first batch, only two hundred youth remain seated with closed eyes. Two minutes later, the blue lights vanished and the remaining youth snapped their eyes open, confused. The students from the academy then asked them to return to their seats after jotting down their names.

A few seconds later, the unconscious youths had awoken and were informed of their failure. Most youth began sobbing as disappointment clouded their eyes. They froze in place, convincing their mind to accept the reality. Most youths left the coliseum right away, while a few stayed behind to observe despite having downcast expressions.


Batch after batch, the test continued; and batch after batch, most youths ended in failure. The passing rate was around 20%. Soon it was Gyro's group turn to be tested.

They walked down the stand and sat on the ground with bizarre symbols waiting for the test to start. Perhaps, only Gyro was able to maintain his calm since he already knew what his results would be.


The symbol underneath him lighted up, engulfing him like a cocoon of blue light. Gyro felt his mind tickled and pricked by countless needles making him grimaced in pain. He persevered as his mind began to adjust with the pain. No wonder those youths had been knocked out. The pain was overbearing, targeting the depth a person's mind—or specifically their Mystic Soul Sea.

If a person didn't have 20% or above Brain Efficiency, their brain would be subjected to a strain, shutting down their nervous system. As a precaution, their brain automatically defended itself and placed its host into hyper sleep.

Minutes later the test ended. Gyro's batch had 180 passers. Unexpectedly, 10 youths from the village passed the exam. Only five were teary eyed—they failed. Bart also passed along with Zyra. Gyro raised his thumb up and congratulated the two and the rests of the youths from the village.

More than two hours passed since the test began, and the last batch of the youths was being tested. Minutes later, the last 188 youths were named.

From the initial 30 thousand plus youths, around 6 thousand remained. These youths became the new Novix of Zelleor City. The next test was to determine their Mystic Element Affinity — it would evaluate their future — if they could become a Mystician.

“Congratulations to those who passed the first phase of the exam. When we call in your names, you should climb here on the platform to be tested of your affinity.” Professor Xylar announced.

“Marzi Hirtz!” A student from Ziroth Academy called. He was holding a scroll listing all the names of passers. Hearing his name, a boy with spiky black hair whisked toward the platform.

“Brent Hall!”

“Sara Garth!”

One after another, names were called in. Moments later, ten youths stood side by side on the platform.

Professor Xylar then waved his hand in the air.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Ten translucent orbs, the size of an adult fist hovered in front of them. “Place your palm on the orbs.” He instructed.

The ten youths followed nervously. As they extended their palm on the orbs, it blinked with multicolored lights. The color of the orbs kept changing before settling on one color. One youth had his orb changed to blue. The rests remained clear.

«Brent Hall: Mystic Water element- 50% sensitivity. Brain Efficiency- 24%.»

«Sara Garth: Mystic element sensitivity null. Brain Efficiency- 21%.»

«Norta Nipp: Mystic element sensitivity null. Brain Efficiency- 20%.»

The orbs blinked twice and displayed the result of the youths. “Yes!” Brent Hall exclaimed as he couldn't contain his excitement. He laughed hysterically.

The rest of the youths trembled as they stared at the orb which returned to its original translucent state.

“Sorry kids... Don't be sad. Life doesn't end here. It might be your luck to remain ordinary. Sometimes, being ordinary has its perks, away from the messed-up world of Mysticians.” Professor Xylar consoled the kids. “Congratulations Mr. Hall, welcome to the chaotic yet thrilling Mystician world. Please return to your seats for now.” He smiled.

Brent Hall nodded with excitement as he briskly walked to his seat.

“Let's continue.” Professor Xylar said.


«Lukaz Rithfield: Mystic Fire Element- 90% sensitivity. Brain Efficiency- 27%.»

“Hahaha! As I expected!” The youth named Lukaz Rithfield arrogantly exclaimed. A sneer escaped his lips as he scanned the youths who had already passed, displaying his superiority. He had the highest result so far.

Even the two professors and ten students were surprised by his result. A person with an elemental sensitivity of 90% and above was considered a genius and had the higher chance of reaching a Grandmaster Realm. Surely, Lukaz would be the next celebrity at the Academy.

“Congratulations Mr. Rithfield.” Professor Xylar commended. Then he shook his head as the youth had an attitude issue. He, of course, knew the youth.

Lukaz returned to his seat full of himself, and glancing around with mocking eyes, receiving the shower of congratulations from the surrounding youths.

The test continued for an hour before it was Gyro's turn. He walked towards the stage nonchalantly.

As the orb appeared before him, Gyro gently tapped his palm over it.



The orb trembled as the azure-white lightning messence enveloped it. After it had settled, the orb displayed his result.

«Gyro Freq: Mystic Lightning Elemental Affinity- 98% sensitivity. Brain Efficiency-20%.»

“What?!” The two professors bolted up. The Mystic lightning was a rare element. It had been 20 years since the last Lightning Mystician appeared in Aventhor Kingdom. And Gyro's sensitivity towards it was so high as well. Only people with 95-100% sensitivity had the chance to reach Archmaster Realm.

However, they sighed seeing Gyro's 20 percent Brain Efficiency. It was a pity... Brain Efficiency determined the leveling speed of a person. Although Mystician's Brain Efficiency would increase as they level up, Gyro's low starting point would really dragged him down. It would be a challenge...

The two professors knew records of Mysticians with a high sensitivity to their element yet died before they could reach the Archmaster Realm because of their sluggish leveling speed.

Gyro didn't mind his Brain Efficiency. If he could complete his predecessor's mission, he could increase it further.

‘Trii, why does my elemental sensitivity was so high?’ He asked the spirit, wondering if his predecessor was really a genius.

«Host, your veintrix and mystic core had been modified by the Body Reconstruction Orb increasing your elemental sensitivity with it.»

‘Oh! So that's why.’ He finally understood. He was familiar with the Mystic Core having read about it in the city library. Every Mystician had a core where all veintrix intersected. As Mysticians gathered and accumulated messence from the surroundings, they then stored them in the Mystic Core. It was located at the center of mystician chest.

Gyro's core was azure-white representing the lightning element color.

Seeing Gyro's result, Lukaz Rithfield, who continued to boast his success and talent suddenly froze. His eyes almost bulged out as he gritted his teeth, glaring at Gyro with burning fury. It was supposed to be his limelight but was snatched by the peasant before him.

On the other side, Bart was experiencing the same thing as Gyro did. Hidden from everyone eyes, a special mark on his chest glowed. The mark resembled a carob-brown triangular shield with amber plated edges. It blinked and disappeared as fast as it appeared.

«Bart Vrez: Mystic Earth Element affinity- 95% sensitivity. Brain Efficiency- 26.» Bart was using Aunt Nydelein's surname as he couldn't remember his.

“Woah! What's happening? Why do geniuses keep appearing in this backwater place?” The old Professor Royle Mohre exclaimed.

“Crazy right, Vice Principal? One or two, I can accept... But three?” Professor Xylar was in disbelief. Then another bomb dropped on them.

«Zyra Dewdrop: Mystic Water Element affinity- 92% sensitivity. Brain Efficiency-30%.» Zyra didn't use her true surname, Juett, since their enemies were still looking for them.

“I'll be damned! Sir, could it be that our Affinity Orbs are defective?” Professor Xylar couldn't take it anymore and asked the old man. It was his first time seeing 4 geniuses in one place.

Vice Principal Royle Mohre just shook his head. He too was in disbelief and didn't know what in the world was happening. Four top geniuses in one place were unheard-of. But this result would really benefit their academy so the old Vice Principal recovered quickly and chuckled.

“Isn't this better for our Academy? Hahaha. We should take care of these kids well Professor.” Vice Principal Royle Mohre grinned at Professor Xylar.

“Hahaha. Right... Right...” Professor Xylar laughed. Then the evaluation continued. No more surprises followed Gyro's group.

Lukaz, on the other hand, was seething in anger. Eclipsed. His brilliance had been overshadowed by the three peasants.

After another 2 hours, all new Novix had been evaluated. Only 65 youth possessed elemental affinity confirming their capability to become a Mystician.

“Congratulations, everyone!” Professor Xylar's voice reverberated in the coliseum. “The 65 of you will be the new student of Ziroth Academy of Mystical Arts in six months. You should return here on the 61st day of the Month of Wraet, Mistran year 103,699. Our representative will fetch and bring you to the Academy on that day.”

Then the Vice Principal stood and addressed the new students. “Mr. Lukaz Rithfield, Mr. Bart Vrez, and Ms. Dewdrop. You three will be granted full scholarship during your study at Ziroth Academy. I'm sure you will make us proud, right?” He smiled. Despite Gyro's high elemental sensitivity, his Brain Efficiency was too low to be granted a scholarship. Hence, he wasn't considered by the Vice Principal.

“Err... Sir? May I speak?” Zyra asked.

“Yes, what is it Ms. Dewdrop?” The Vice Principal agreed.

“Sir, can I transfer my scholarship to someone?”

“Eh? Why would you—anyway to whom will you transfer it to?” The Vice Principal didn't ask for her reason, he knew the girl must have a good reason for doing so.

“Thank you, Sir... I would like to transfer it to Gyro Freq. He's my friend... He had a bit of complications in the past, so he need it more than I do.”

“Hmm? Are you sure?” Vice Principal Royle Mohre was surprised. He didn't know these two kids were friends. Transferring the scholarship was within his means, but he should consider if it was really necessary. He didn't know what circumstances did Gyro had but seeing the girl's serious expression, he considered it.

The scholarship covered the tuition fee at the Academy and a few monthly allowances. Each year, students should pay the 500 Mis tuition fee, hence, Gyro really needed it as he didn't even have any source of money.

“Yes, Sir.” Zyra's conviction was as firm as rock.

“Alright, I agree to your request.”

“Thank you, Sir!” Both Zyra and Gyro said.

“Hmmp! What a peasant... Asking for a girl to save his a**.” Lukaz snorted. It was loud enough to be heard by everyone.

Gyro didn't mind the comment. It was true that he really needed Zyra's help, so he took the snide remark like it was nothing.

Meanwhile, Bart glared at the arrogant Lukaz. Despite having met Gyro for just two days, he considered him as a friend already, so he was a bit angry at the insult.

“Alright, the recruitment examination ends here. See you soon at school kids.” The Vice Principal quelled the tension between the kids right away.

“Thank you, Vice Principal, Professor Xylar and seniors students.” Bart's friendly attitude came through.

“Your welcome kid. Take care.” Vice Principal Royle Mohre smiled. Then they left.

Gyro followed his group out. He didn't even glance at Lukaz who was still glaring at them. Gyro just hoped to leave as peaceful as they arrive.

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