《The Supreme Trickster》Chapter 6 The Crimson Theory


Chapter 6 The Crimson Theory

Gyro came to an abrupt stop in front of an old baroque like structure. It had closed transparent symmetrical windows and a wide archway around 5 meters wide, over it hung Gothic words:

| Cixty Lixbravry |

“City Library.” He muttered.

Upon entering the building, he felt solemn. Silence overshadowed everything around the place. On the walls of the hallway, he saw the familiar orbs of light illuminating the building. Then, he found two doors. The one on the right side, according to Aunt Nydelein was reserved for Mysticians; and on the left was for ordinary people or Myuls and Novix.

Gyro didn't linger in the hallway and entered the door at his left. He was welcomed by a scholarly old man wearing dark gray robe and half moon spectacle.

“It's nice to see a young man who has interest in books these days. It's been a long time since one has come here.” The old man commented as Gyro approached. “Come, kid. The mysteries of the world lie in these tomes and books. What is it you wished to explore?” Asked the old man.

“I'm... Sir, Good day... I — I wish to know more about the world. Could you point me to the right direction?” He stuttered, clearly struggling. His timid personality caught up to him again.

“Hahaha. You don't have to be nervous kid... About the world, huh? That's a broad topic... If you wanted to know about the world, you might be disappointed coming here...” The old man said.

Seeing Gyro's disappointment, the old man smiled and continued, “But we do have books about our Kingdom. Perhaps it could help you? The books about the world—you could only find a few of those in the Empire's Capital. Or when you have a chance to travel to CeCon in the future.”

“Oh!” He understood that he was in a backwater place. “Do you have anything about Mysticians, Sir?” Gyro queried.

“Hmm... Few of the basics. Perhaps you already know them... But you could always read as you like... Since I like your attitude, I will not charge you today, alright? Feel free to read anything you like here.” The old man chuckled. Normally, reading for fours in the library cost 1 Mis and Gyro only had two Mis given by Helthor earlier.


“Th-thank you, Sir.” Gyro replied in gratitude.

“No problem... There! M-102 and S-23. You might find what you're looking in those sections.” The old man pointed to the series of shelves with scrolls and tomes neatly arranged.

Gyro nodded and minced towards those sections. After reaching it, he randomly picked a book and began reading. True to what the old man said, the books recorded details about the Kingdom of Aventhor.

He found a few biographies and old research papers of scholars and Mysticians but there was nothing interesting about them. He skimmed a few history books here and there.

One research paper caught his attention as the Gold Master Mystician who wrote it had mentioned a fascinating word several times, the Crimson Theory. To Gyro's dismay, the author didn't explain any details about it, though. However, the way the author wrote about it was intriguing. In one section, the author wrote, “Strength Surpassing Human Limits.”

‘Strength beyond human limits!’ Gyro kept on repeating in his head. As he didn't find any details about the Crimson Theory, he continued skimming over other books. Fortunately, he had Trii in his mind, so everything he read was automatically stored in the Trick System's Library.

Eight hours passed just like that. Gyro didn't want to be caught by the night before returning to the hotel, so he thanked and said goodbye to the old man.

“Go home safely kid. Just visit here if you have some time in the future. It's quite difficult to find a youth who is interested in reading these days.” The old man smiled.

“Okay, Sir... I'll visit some other time. Bye!” Gyro liked the kind old man. Somehow he made him felt welcomed and appreciated.

As he passed by the central monument again, Gyro was surprised to see Zyra and Helthor waiting for him. He couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. The duo was really concerned about him.

“Hello Uncle Helthor, Zy!”

“Gy, how's your trip to, the library?” Zyra asked.


“It's great! The librarian was really helpful and a kind man.” He answered.

“That's good... I reckon you had read a lot.” Zy said.

“Yeah! I did, ” he grinned. “How about you?”

“Great! I found a few rare alchemy ingredients.” She displayed a broad smile. Zyra was obsessed with Mystic Alchemy despite not knowing if she could become a Mystician. She just studied everything about the subject even if she couldn't brew potions or refine a pill yet.

“Well, that's great... Oh, I found an intriguing note from one of the research earlier... Ever heard of Crimson Theory?” He inquired.

“Crimson Theory? Hmm... Never heard of it...” She shook her head. Even Helthor who was walking beside them never heard of it.

Gyro sighed in disappointment. ‘What in the abyssal hell was that actually?’

• — • — •

The following day, the villagers rose early and jammed the hotel lounge. The kids had unsettled faces reflecting their nervousness.

Gyro sat at a corner as they waited for Zyra who had overslept. As he kept his silence, Gyro heard the hotel Owner Nydelein was having a lengthy conversation with Bart.

“You should follow them to the test Bart. It's your only chance... Next year, you would be more than sixteen years old and will be ineligible to take the exam even if you wanted to.” Aunt Nydelein persuaded the young man.

“But I like it here and I don't want to leave you alone.” Bart reasoned.

“No... You should go. I've been alone for a long time and got used to it already, so you don't have to worry.” She caressed the young man's face.

“I don't want to go.” He protested, shaking his head but somewhere in his mind, a voice seemed to prompt him to go.

“Everyone leaves eventually, Bart. I imagine you'll be leaving soon.” She patted him on the shoulder while staring straight into his glistening emerald eyes.

Tears began to swell on Bart's eye. He was registering everything hard. Somehow he nodded then hugged the only family he had.

“Shh... That's enough, stop being a cry baby. It isn't you.” She chuckled, teasing the usually bubbly kid.

“Alright... I'll go with them... It seems you can't wait for me to go.” He glared unhappily.

“You brat! It's just a test... The school semester will start in six months, so even if you passed the test, I'll still have a handfull of your antics before that.”

Hearing that, Bart grinned and stuck out his tongue.

• — • — •

Gyro's group arrived at the central section of the city and proceeded straight towards the colossal dome shape coliseum that could house around 30 thousand people. Gray bricks had been stack to form a massive wall and an eight meters wide archway. Hung above the archway was Mystral words in tuscan-sun letters “Zewllewoyr Coylixsewuzm” which Gyro translated to Zelleor Coliseum.

Gyro's head swerved left and right surveying the core section of the city. Unlike the damp, chaotic and dirty slum, the central section reflected order, cleanliness and grandeur.

Like the majestic coliseum, he saw rows of large structures and luxurious residence of nobles and rich businessmen who stood high above the rung of the society.

Across the coliseum Gyro saw another monstrous structure with a bright red Mystral words at the front.


As if Helthor could read Gyro's expression, he pointed to the structure saying, “That's the Mystician Guild branch in Zelleor City. The Guild manages everything about Mysticians. They also give missions and rewards.”

Gyro nodded in recognition and silently followed the group.

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