《The Supreme Trickster》Chapter 4 First Victory


Chapter 4 First Victory

Despite Helthor's admonishment, Gyro was still alarmed by the frantic shout of their coachman.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

Multiple arrows rained on their carriage.

"Get out! Zy, Gyro, hide behind the carriage. Don't reveal yourselves unless the fight has ended." Helthor warned. He didn't want the kids to be trapped inside the carriage.

Helthor sighed as he had been too careless and overconfident. In fact, he had noticed their ambushers miles away, but he didn't mind them as their strength was too low for him to act. He didn't consider the villagers' strength because he was engrossed with his explanation about the world. Moreover, he didn't want to alarm the mastermind behind this ambush.

Too late now.

They scrambled out of the carriage.

Gyro trembled as he saw several people lying on the ground with arrows sprouting on their bodies. It was his first time seeing death. Blood and gore were everywhere giving him a nauseating feeling.

He felt like the world was spinning as vertigo overtook. Sweats flowed down his eye blurring his vision. He didn't want to witness such terrifying sight. This scene—he had only watched them on Earth's movies.

Fifty meters away, he saw around 50 people grinning maliciously. Reflecting from their eyes was undisguised greed.

"Listen up, we only want your money. If you're smart enough, quickly hand them to us, then we'll be on our way. Do that for a peaceful transaction... Only if you don't want to add bodies on the ground. Hahaha!" A man wielding a heavy sword hollered with a threatening gaze.

Gyro's group went silent. They only had 10 fighters. Clearly, numbers weren't in their favor, should they decide to fight.

"Everyone... They are clearly bandits, but I think robbery isn't their purpose here. They aimed to kill, if not, they would just send warning arrows earlier. Be careful, they're playing mind games with us." Helthor prevised.

"Yes, my thought as well. What should we do then? These people are dangerous. They'll kill us without hesitation." Gillard, the man whom Gyro saw training the kids in the village spoke.

"Assemble into a formation; we should prevent their Archers from sniping us at a distance." Helthor took the lead.

"Right, everyone stays calm. We'll get through this. On your positions." Gillard assured. He then turned to one man, "Bren, help me retrieve the wooden shields on the carriage." The two moved in a flash.

"Oh?! So that's your answer, huh?" The bandit leader raised his hand signaling his men to attack.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A shower of arrows rained on the village fighters, but their formation held. Fortunately, the archers weren't mysticians, so their attacks weren't reinforced by Messence.

Some bandits, though, were clearly Iron Novice Mysticians as their weapons were coated with faint Messence. Fortunately, the village fighters had mysticians as well.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Helthor suddenly released terrifying arrows targeting the archers 50 meters away. His longbow glowed with gray Mystic Wind messence. Five arrows claimed the lives of five archers.

"Damn! Full attack!" The bandit leader barked. His long black hair billowed as he sprinted forward.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The simultaneous explosion rang out. The adversaries' weapons clashed with a deafening crack.

More bloodied bodies slumped on the ground.

Gyro's heart quickened as he witnessed such horror. 'What kind of world did I fall into?' He heard his heart's increasing beat.

Badump! Badump! Badump!

He felt like horses were racing inside his heart.

"It's okay Gy, don't be nervous. Father will take care of these people." Zyra's reassuring voice sounded beside him.

"Really? Uncle—is powerful, right?" He asked in between his trembling lips.


"Of course, just watch." Her proud voice somehow lifted his confidence.

"Hahaha! So you little mouses are hiding here..." The sudden voice from behind startled the duo.

They froze for a second. Wheeling around they saw a man deftly playing with a dagger, and was staring at them with preying eyes. The deadly dagger was emanating with blue messence energy which vibrated with ominous intent.

"Hahaha! Look at your faces. I really enjoy seeing that kind of face from my preys before their death." The man's manic laughter escalated their fear.

They stepped back, trying to distance themselves from the crazy man.

"Tch! Do you think you can escape from me... Don't even think about it." The man suddenly bolted towards them like a cheetah.

"Go Zy, escape towards Uncle Helthor. I'll cover for you." Gyro said, trembling. He didn't know why, but he just wanted to protect this kindhearted girl. Perhaps, he just wanted to repay their kindness.

"But... But..." Zyra's panicking voice was like a whisper.

"Go, now! And thank you for everything..." He pushed the girl away.

The man was only 8 meters away from him.

Gyro felt the pressure. He was really unwilling to die—again. But reality seemed harsh.


'So, I'm gonna die again. I'm sorry Mom, Dad... I can't fulfill my promise.'

However, in the last seconds of his new life, he remembered the one thing which could probably help him. A sliver of hope sprouted in his heart—a miracle which could hopefully help him.

'Trii... Can you help me here? Can you tell me this man's weakness?' He frantically asked the system's spirit.

«Host, that's 5 TsP.» Trii's unconcerned voice echoed in his head.

'Huh? You can really help me? Do it now!' He would curse this heartless spirit if he wasn't in a pinched at the moment.

«Ding! Deducting 5 TsP. Evaluating the enemy's weak points...»

«Host, this enemy tends to put his weight more in his right foot. He had suffered injuries in his left foot, so his body weight distribution is not balanced. Showing the exact spot of the injury...»

Right after Trii's explanation, a 3D image of the man appeared in Gyro's mind. He saw the man's left foot displayed in red indicating his injury.

He didn't celebrate his discovery as death was about to kiss him goodbye. Retrieving his wooden Yo-yo from his pocket, he quickly inserted his right hand's middle finger in the end loop of its string. He closed his eyes for a moment, imagining himself executing his trick. Calculating its speed, trajectory and the strength of his wrist. His brain seemed to calculate everything at a blistering pace. Opening his eyes, he stared at the man with renewed confidence. 'Survive!'

Gyro took a quick breath and swung his arm forward, releasing the swirling Yo-yo towards his target. It seemed to create air friction, whistling as it spins at blistering speed.


The man, on the other hand, wasn't paying attention to the boy's action. He was full of confidence. His speed seemed to increase as he drew close. He grinned, brandishing his dagger and aimed for his prey's neck, imagining the sweet, simple kill.

However, just as he was savoring the euphoric feeling brought by his supposedly easy kill...


Something hit his left foot.


He growled and winced in pain. His injury flared up as he lost his balance.

The surprise attack sent him stumbling head first, straight to the wheel of the carriage behind Gyro.

With his reflexes, Gyro lurched to the side, dodging the man who couldn't his momentum.



The impact sent a jolt of pain to the man's brain, resulting in a trauma. He trembled for a few seconds then lay still—knocked out cold.

«Ding! Congratulations Host for successfully executing the Middle-Level Trick, Shooting Star Break Away for the first time. Reward: 10 TsP.»

'Hah! Under such pressure, I actually managed to execute this trick.' He was trying so hard to execute this trick for weeks, but it was just too hard. His WILL to survive, however, helped him execute it for the first time.

Lucky... His minor victory should have left him leaping for joy, but he didn't want to celebrate... He didn't want to rely on luck to keep his life... Practicing hard and strengthening himself were the surest way to survive in this brutal world.

The trick was just an ordinary attack as he hadn't accumulated messence yet. Still, it was enough to disrupt the man's balance.

«Ding! Congratulations Host for successfully defeating an Iron Novice Mystician. Reward: 10 TsP.»

'Thank you, Trii.' He gratefully thanked his mind's companion.

«...» Trii was speechless. It was the first time her Host had thanked her. She didn't know how to respond, so she kept her silence.

Gyro's short fight against the Novice Iron Rank Mystician was witnessed by Zyra and Helthor from afar. They were gaping in shock at what had transpired. Gyro's unique weapon also left them in awe and admiration. It wasn't a flashy fight but Gyro's quick wit earned him respects from the duo.

Helthor didn't think about it for too long as the enemies were relentless in their attacks. He brought out his large hammer which towered over half of his 6 feet frame. As a Mystic Forger, he was familiar with a hammer, so it was his main weapon.


His attack created a shockwave blasting away their enemies.

Even the bandit leader staggered for a few meters. He was a bronze rank Junior Mystician, yet the man with the hammer easily sent him away. He knew they were in a pinch. Their intelligence went awry—they were set up.

The bandit leader was cursing the man who contacted them with this mission. Not only did the man give them false information, but he also failed to show up while they were fighting as they initially planned.

"Retreat!" He commanded. He was a decisive man. Witnessing Helthor's prowess, they would only be waiting for death if they stayed longer.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Hearing their leader, the surviving bandits scampered away like terrified puppies.

The village fighters didn't pursue. They were tired and wounded.

"Everyone, retreat 500 meters away. Hide behind that boulder. Now!" Helthor commanded.

Everyone was puzzled at his words. Why? Didn't the bandits have already retreated? But they didn't tarry. The Forger they knew for ten years had disappeared, replaced by this mysterious man.

Confirming everyone had retreated and hidden safely, Helthor peered through the distance and calmly said, "Reveal yourself! I already know you're here since the fight started."

"Hahaha! As expected from you, your Majesty. Or should I say, fallen King?" A mocking laughter reverberated.

Helthor Juett was the former king of Belford Kingdom. It was one of 30 kingdoms in the ECon under the sovereignty of the mighty Soaring Sun Empire which ruled the continent.

Ten years ago, he was betrayed by his adopted brother whom he had trusted. His kingdom was wrestled away, and his wife, the Queen was taken hostage while he escaped with his then five-year-old daughter, Zyra.

"Hmm... So it's you Beldrex. Did my traitor adopted brother sent you after me?" Helthor asked, raising his brow.

"Hahaha. Who else other than His Majesty could command me? After ten years... we finally caught wind of your location. You won't be able to escape this time. And I will be bringing the princess back. Her Majesty missed her a lot."

"Is she okay?" Helthor had been worried about his wife's condition since he left with Zyra.

"Okay? Perhaps... She was too stubborn, though. If not for her hope that the princess would return someday, she could have committed suicide already. Damn! I can't understand why she would choose death over His Majesty."

"Hahaha! At least she is still alive. She must be waiting for us... Someday, I'll take back what's mine." Helthor thundered.

"Hmp! With just you? You must be dreaming. Ten years had passed and you haven't improved a bit. Just to tell you, I'd reached Diamond Master Mystician three years ago. I'd fought against you evenly when I was still a Gold Master Mystician, but now that I have level up, you don't have a chance anymore. Hmp!" Beldrex boasted, puffing out his chest.

"So what if you leveled up? Fight if we must, but even if I die, I will never let you take Zyra back to that traitor. Hmp!" Helthor's grasp on his heavy hammer tightened.

He circulated his Mystic Wind elemental messence, graying his Heavy Hammer with it. As he did so, the surrounding foliage floated in the air, circulating around him.

Meanwhile, Beldrex didn't just watch as Helthor activated his energy. He too did the same.

The surrounding air sizzled, stem rose as the water moisture in the air evaporated due to the sudden increase in temperature. Beldrex was momentarily covered by water mist.

When everything cleared, Beldrex was revealed, enveloped by crimson red Mystic Fire elemental messence. There were five concentric crimson red rings twirling over his head indicating his level. Beldrex then drew out a long sword, coated it with his messence and brandished it like he would incinerate everything across his path.

Both adversaries suddenly floated up, propelled by the white concentric energy below their feet. A Mystic Hover Disk was a flying messence energy Art any mystician would know upon reaching Bronze Junior Master level.


While in mid-air, they simultaneously attacked. Mystic Wind Art against Mystic Fire Art. Their elemental affinities were the reason Beldrex was able to fight against Helthor despite being at a lower level in the past. If the Mystic Wind attack wasn't strong enough to extinguish the Mystic Fire messence, it would rather aide the Mystic Fire attacks, increasing its damage.

Space cracked as the two Arts collided, revealing a black void for a moment.

"Hahaha! I told you—you won't be able to defeat me with your level." Beldrex boomed in satisfaction.

He then executed another Fire Slicing Blade, cutting through space between them with sizzling intent.



Another collision. The fire wasn't able to break through the wind barrier from Helthor's hammer.

"What?! How could you block that?" Beldrex was dumbfounded. His Arts shouldn't have been blocked easily. "How is this possible?!" He froze. A bad premonition warned him of the impending danger.

Helthor, on the other hand, flicked his robe, then the surrounding space warped as he vanished.


Helthor's heavy hammer slammed at Beldrex's back, smashing his messence barrier. It was already too late for Beldrex to block the lightning fast attack. Helthor's Mystic Wind elemental messence boosted his dexterity, so his heavy hammer didn't affect his movement at all.


Beldrex plummeted to the ground, shooting like a falling star and created a meter deep hole.

Argh! Cough! Cough!

Beldrex spat blood. His internal organs were bleeding.


He groaned in pain, managing to climb up the hole.

"You! S—Six Mystical rings... You're already a Platinum Grand Master!" He blinked, gazing in disbelief at the six gray concentric rings swirling over Helthor's head. Helthor had appeared behind him in a blink earlier. Teleportation... And only a Grand Master could teleport. He was actually boasting his level to a Grand Master earlier... How funny was that?

"Any last words? I told you, I will reclaim what's mine soon. Do you think, I would waste away ten years doing nothing?" Helthor calmly said.

"So what if you're a Grand Master? Sooner or later His Majesty would level up as well. Your plan of revenge will just turn to waste. Hahaha!" Beldrex knew he would die here. In front of a Grand Master, he would be like an ant.

"Hmm? Do you think I don't have loyal subordinates in the kingdom? They are just waiting for my return." Helthor uttered, executing his Art.


Beldrex's messence barrier broke like glass as Helthor smashed his head. It exploded into bloody mist leaving only a headless body.


"Hopefully, he hadn't reported our location yet." Helthor murmured. They needed to be careful. He then manifested a Wind Blade and slashed the ground creating a 6 feet deep crevice, then pushed Beldrex remains into it.

Five hundred meters away, the villagers were gaping in shock as they witnessed such a high-level battle. The shockwave produced by the Arts collision had pushed the boulder they were hiding 2 feet away from its initial position.

Dumbfounded, Gyro suddenly felt chills down his spine. The devastating strength unleashed by the duo shattered his belief of this world's Mystical Powers. He stood in a daze, replaying the scene in his mind.

"Everyone let's go. We have a long way towards the city." Helthor shouted, waking the villagers out of their reverie.

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