《The Supreme Trickster》Chapter 3 First Mission


Chapter 3 First Mission



NAME: Gyro Freq

Age: 15 Mistran years

Race: Human

Realm: Mystic Null (Myul)

Trick System Points (TsP): 100

Mystic Essence (Messence): 0/100

Strength: 6

Dexterity: 8

Endurance: 6

Vitality: 5

Intelligence: 7

Brain efficiency: 10 (partially blocked)

Health Status: Partially healed, Veintrix crippled.

Trick Spin available: 1

Free Attribute Points (AP): 0

Mystic Tricks:

Basic- Gravity Pull (Perfect), Throw Down (Advance: 90/100)

Mystic Meditation Arts: None

Mystic Arts: None

Trick System evaluation: Host is a weak trickster.

'Oh! It's like rpg panel! Eh?! What's with my stats, are they low or high? Hmm... my basic tricks are listed. Messence, Mystic Meditation Arts, Mystic Arts... What are these things? Trii... Never mind—level up again, right? Tsk... Trii, where did these 100 TsPs came from and what's with 10% partially blocked Brain Efficiency?'

«Host, Average human adult have 10 points basic attributes, and yes, your body hasn't recovered yet, so your stats are low. Also, Host had been awarded with 100 TsP after activating the system.»

«I think the remnant soul of your predecessor seems to be blocking you from using his body's full capability until you accomplish his last wish. Host, this is only my speculation because "this" shouldn't have happened in the first place.»

'What?! You don't know? Then, what should I do? Ten percent Brain Efficiency wouldn't be a problem, right?' he was disappointed.

«For ordinary people, it shouldn't be a problem. But if you want to strengthen yourself, you need at least 20% Brain Efficiency.»

'Huh?! You mean to say I don't have hope of becoming stronger?!' he frowned. His hope—his only hope of returning to Earth seemed to flush down the drain.

«Host shouldn't worry too much. Just accept the mission left by your predecessor, perhaps it would help you from your predicament.»

'Mission? There's a mission? Lemme checked!' the spirit's words seemed to lift him up. He was hoping for a miracle.

«Mission 1: Accept the Remnant soul's last wish. Reward: Unknown.»

He stared at the blinking red words on the Mission panel. He hesitated...

'Trii, how do I view the mission details?'

«Host, just need to think about it.»

'Oh!' he thought about the first mission.

«Mission 1 details: Gyro Luksford, the original owner of the Host's body wants the Host to Investigate his death and take revenge against the traitor who betrayed him. Failure to accomplish the mission will cripple the Host's ability to grow stronger. Accept?»

'Ehh?! You wanted me to take revenge on your enemy? Damn it! At least tell me more details. Your memories are all over the place—you think I like to solve puzzles do you?' he had no choice, though. The remnant soul seemed to be in control. He sighed and paused for a while...


«Ding! Mission accepted. Partial reward granted! Synchronizing...»

'Eh! Wait! At least warn me first!!!' he was about to cry out when a pricking sensation assaulted his mind. He lost consciousness for a few minutes.

When he woke up, Trii's voice rang out.

«Synchronization successful. Brain Efficiency had been increased to 20%. Updating Mission 1...»

'Hah! Finally, some improvement! Damn, the guy actually held on his Brain Efficiency—At least his partial reward increased it to 20%.' he roared in his mind. Gyro could feel his senses had improved after his Brain Efficiency had increased. His eyesight became clearer, and his hearing sensitivity had increased. His understanding of Mystral language deepened; and his thinking ability also improved tremendously.

'Hmm?! There are two other mission?' he hadn't noticed them earlier.


«Mission 2: Fully learn the Mystral language. Reward: 10 TsP.»

«Mission 3: Gather basic information about the world and its cultivation system. Reward: 10 TsP.»

'So the system didn't give those answers because it wants me to discover them myself. I can only learn the language quickly and ask Zy or her father about the world.' he inferred.

'Trii, you didn't explain the Trick Spin!'

«Because the Host didn't ask.» Then came Trii's sharp reply.

'Tsk! Even that needs to be asked? Alright, what about that trick spin?'

«Every time the Host level up, you will be awarded with 1 trick spin. The reward from the spin is random and is based on the Host's luck. It can be an item, tricks, TsP, Mystic Art or Meditation Art.»

'Okay! Please spin for me!' his eyes twinkled with expectations.

«Host's trick spin granted.»



«Congratulations Host, you've won a Mid Level Trick.»

'Nice! But where is it?' he assumed that it would appear in front of him.

«Host, it is in the inventory.»

'There's an inventory as well? Trii, do I have to ask you for something like this? It's basic, so you should have informed me about it.' Gyro grumbled, he somewhat blamed the system's spirit.

«It is Host's responsibility to discover the system's functions. I am merely here to assist and answer host's questions.» Trii retorted in a dull tone.

'Alright, alright... What kind of spirit are you anyway? You're more intelligent than humans...'

«Of course Host, my intelligence is close to God as designed by his Godship, but some restrictions were placed on me, so I can only answer questions appropriate to Host's level.» Trii replied in a proud tone.

'I see now...'

'Ehhh! What's this?' he was surprised to see a box in the inventory.

«That's a system activation bonus package for the Host.»

'Really? Lemme see what's in there hmm... Wooah!' he found a pigeon size white orb inside the box.


«You had been seriously injured, and your Mystic Essence Vein Matrix or Veintrix were crippled, so his Godship left you with the white orb. It could heal, repair and enhance your crippled Veintrix.»

'Right! I was about to ask about this crippled Veintrix thingy in my stat window.'

«Information requires 5 TsP, proceed?»

'Damn it! Proceed!' he thought with gritted teeth.

«A human body have Mystic Essence Vein matrix or Veintrix, which serves as path or route when circulating Mystic Essence.»

'So it's like meridians or acupoints mentioned in those cultivation novels... Great! With the white orb, my crippled veintrix could be healed and recovered...Hmm?'

'Trii, how do I use the orb?' he queried.

«A drop of your blood could activate it.»

He drew out the white orb and bit his pinky.

Ouchh! Hisssh!

He winced. After dropping a blood on the orb, Gyro suddenly heard a notification.

«Absorb Mystic Essence from a Body Reconstruction Orb?»

"Yes!" he swiftly answered.

«Absorbing... 0%...1%...10%...»

Gyro's body was instantly enveloped by white lights. He slowly felt the changes happening on his body. Then pain... Excruciating pain assaulted his senses. He gritted his teeth and endured as his Veintrix and all his other injuries were being reconstructed, repaired and healed. His muscles stretched and contracted, but he endured to stay conscious during the process.

«Ding! Host Body reconstruction completed!»


'Phew! Finished at last!' He deeply breathed, feeling the changes in his body. His felt energized.


Crack... Crack...

Gyro clenched his fist which tuned out a cracking noise in the room—he opened and clenched it again and again... He rapidly blinked his eyes while admiring his newfound strength and grinning from ear to ear.

«Ding! Readjusting Host's stats... 0%...10...50%...100%.»

Checking his stats: strength 10, dexterity 12, intelligence 14, endurance 10, vitality 10. Absorbing the orb clearly improved his stats to a new level.

'This is great! Hahaha!!! Hmm, let's check the reward trick... Hmm.. Oh, this is new... Shooting Star Break Away? It resembles a Break Away trick, but it's a forward swing rather than to the side. The speed and rotation of the Yo-yo are on another level as well... Hmm, this is tough.' he needed to practice it diligently.

His decision to utilize Yo-yo as a weapon was supported by the Trick System, so incorporating his tricks in offense and defense was necessary. But just by thinking about it was giving him a headache... The idea, though, elevated his hope and excitement.

"Oh! You are awake Gy!" Zy's mellifluous voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Thanks, Zy... I, I felt..bet..ter now." he smiled rather weakly as he couldn't show his sudden improvement to avoid suspicion.

"As long as you're okay. Let's go, dinner is ready." she tugged him out of the room.

"O...okay... Zy, may I bo...rrow some language books later? I want to lea...learn quickly, so... so I... reading will... sp..speed up my learning." he asked.

"Oh, no problem..." she agreed, then called out, "Father, we're here"

"Good! I'll be there in a while." the man shouted from the outside.

Over the past weeks, his improvement in Mystral language was astonishing to the point of stunning the father and daughter duo.

«Ding! Second Mission completed. 10 TsP acquired.»

'Phew! Those books from Zy really helped.' it accelerated his learning speed. He also found out the complete name of the girl, Zyra Juett.

«Ding! Add the final book to the System Library?»


The first time he read his borrowed books, he discovered that the system could store its information, compiling it in the so-called System Library or SysLib. That was on the premise that he could finish reading the book first.

• — • — •

Clack! Clack! Neigh!

Tak! Tak!

The sound of the carriage being pulled by the horses resonated in the air. Gyro and the duo were going to the nearest city.

"Uncle Helthor, can you tell me everything about this world? My previous injuries left me unable to recall anything except my first name." he asked Zy's father, Helthor Juett.

Gyro had an expectant look as he eyed the middle-aged man, who had an oval face and purple eye. He was the village Mystical Forger, which was evident in his muscular build.

"Oh, you finally decided to ask. I've already expected it just by looking at your expression." Helthor grinned broadly as he slightly tugged his long beard.

"Let's see... this world—is called Mistikahl World. It has three continents: the Ewavst Continent or ECon where we are currently in; Wewst Continent or WCon; and between them is the largest Cewntravl Continent or CeCon. This world—is governed by humans with mystical abilities known as Mysticians." Helthor paused to let him absorb the new information. Then, he continued,

"This world has a special energy called Mystic Essence or simply Messence. Absorbing this energy could strengthen a Mystician. They can store this energy in their bodies and utilize it to execute their skills or Mystic Avrst for different purposes—To attack, defend, support, create and many other purposes." he expounded.

'This Mystic Essence was like Qi or mana?' Gyro thought. 'So those flying people are called Mysticians.'

"How does one become a Mystician?" he asked.

"Not all people could become a Mystician; a person had to activate his or her Mystic sea or Mystic Soul Sea first and become a Novix—and only 1 in a hundred Novix could become a Mystician.

The Mystic Soul Sea is a special region in our brain which allowed us to sense the Messence in our surroundings.

However, Mystic Soul Sea could only be activated if one had a Brain Efficiency of 20-30%... The people who activated their Mystic Soul Sea are called Novix—only 2 of ten people can become a Novix. But, a Novix will become a Mystician, only if he or she possessed a mystic element affinity. The four basic Mystic elements are: Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. There are other rare elemental affinities like lightning, ice, light or dark and many others.

On the other hand, ordinary people are called Mystic Null or simply Myul because they haven't activated their Mystic Soul Sea before they turned 16 Mistran years old. Hence, they couldn't sense the Messence. Myuls' Brain Efficiency is at most at 10%.

Hmm... I think, those are the most important things you have to know for now. You could learn more information later. You are still young, so you still have enough time to learn them." Helthor concluded.

"Eh? That's it? Do Mysticians have levels?"

"Well... you'll learn about them sooner or later. Originally, there were 6 Mystician Realms: Novice, Junior Master, Master, Grand Master, Arch Master, and God Master... However, no one had been able to ascend to Godhood for the last 10 thousand years... Each realm has a different rank. I for one am a Diamond rank Master Mystician... If a Novix possessed a Mystic affinity, his next level would be Iron Rank Novice Mystician."

"So, it's not enough to activate Mystic Soul Sea to become a Mystician..." he muttered feeling somewhat downcast. He didn't know if he had a mystic element affinity. He knew he was a Novix but...

"Yes, but each person could only possess one mystic element affinity. No one had ever possessed more than one affinity." Helthor explained.

"How does one know if they have affinity?" he inquired.

"There will be a test in the city, that's why I brought you and Zy to the city. Ziroth, the Academy of Mystic Arts will be conducting a test to accept students before this year's school starts in 6 months. If you could activate your Mystic Soul Sea and have elemental affinity, then the Academy will accept you as a student." Helthor explained.

"That's great! I should study there and strengthen myself. Perhaps, I'll recover my memory once I get stronger." he exclaimed. Of course, he wanted to recover his body's original owner's memory. The mission from that guys was too troublesome, so he needed more information.

«Ding! Third Mission "Gather basic information about the world and its cultivation system." completed. 10 TsP acquired.»

'Good! Another TsP.'

Gyro then mentally asked Trii about the Mystic Affinity.

«Sorry Host, you have no Messence for me to analyze. Hurry up and find a Meditation Arts and start accumulating Messence.» Trii's smirking voice irritated him.

Yet another dead end. He resigned.

'Hmm? Hey Trii, what's with this system evaluation, I am a weak trickster?' he grunted at the thought of being insulted by the system.

«There's no mistake with the evaluation. Host only knows two basic tricks after 2 months of being reborn and increased brain efficiency.» Trii's cold voice was as sharp as a dagger stuck into his heart.

'Damn! I'm actually being insulted by a system—again.'

«Ding! New Mission Created: Successfully enter Ziroth Academy. Reward- 50 TsP. Accept?»

'New Mission? Hmmm... Accept! Only a fool won't.'

Then a thought came into his mind—it was dazzling and brilliant. He slyly grinned.

'By the way Trii, I have 145 TsP now. Can I use them to increase my attributes and Messence.'

«Yes! 1 AP = 100 TsP and 1 Messence = 10 TsP.»

'What?! Are you trying to rip me off? Tsk! Why are they so expensive?'

«Host just need to work hard and earn more TsP.» Trii didn't directly answer his question.

Not minding the spirit's comment, he suddenly exclaimed in his mind. 'Success! Hah!' he grinned inwardly.

Just as Gyro was admiring his folly, Helthor raised his hand as a warning gesture.

'Everyone! Stop your carriages; there's an ambush ahead!' Helthor's voice was infused by messence so his warning reverberated in the ears of everyone in their convoy. He had skillfully controlled his voice so as not to alarm their waiting assailants.

As they heard the warning in time, the village fighters swiftly formed their defensive formations.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Ting! Ting!

Arrows flew and rained on the villagers.

"Bandits! Bandits! Everyone, look out!" Someone outside the carriage shouted a warning.

«Ding! New Mission: Survive the bandits' raid. Accept?»

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