《The Supreme Trickster》Chapter 2 Trii


Chapter 2 Trii

Gyro lay on the bed, gazing at the ceiling while pondering on his newfound hope. He knew it would not be easy; and he had no idea where or how to start.

'But where's my OP skills or cultivation inheritance? Wasn't that the norm from those novels? Dear God or Demon Lord...Merlin, Gandalf, Dumbledore, whoever you are, shouldn't you give me something to help me become strong? It isn't too much to ask for a super body, right?' He was hoping for another miracle.

However, he was answered by silence. The voice he was expecting didn't come, except for the chirping crickets in the background and a soft breeze wafting through the window.

'Sigh. Why put me here with nothing at all? What do you want me to do—wait for those super magicians to burn me to ashes? Tsk! Never mind, I guess I have to rely on my self now. I need to know more about this world and its magic.'

'Who had saved me by the way? I seem to hear a girl's voice before I passed out again.'

• — • — •


Gyro awoke with a start at the king roster's morning cry. Sunlight passed through the window, brightening and warming the room.

He kicked hard, struggling to get up as his legs was strangled by a blanket. A soft sigh escaped his lips after freeing himself. He stuck both arms on bed to trice up his still weak body, he then waddled towards the window to properly welcome the eternal sun. 'It's good to be alive!'

From the window, he saw a man pacing back and forth in front of 15 kids around his age—practicing swords, spears and other weapons. The man was occasionally giving pointers on their stance and weapon positioning.

Gyro observed the busy adult villagers attending to their daily chores, but they—at times would glance over the children with a smile. Then he saw more people exiting the gray and light brown Brick houses, which reminded him of medieval Europe from the movies he had watched on Earth.

He scanned the memory of his body's original owner, but was disappointed to discover incoherent, jagged information. Everything was all over the place. Frowning, he tried to assemble some pieces of information from the memory.

Brother. Betrayed. Poisoned. Dumped in mine. House of Luksford.

Gyro somehow managed to find pieces of information from the hazy memory. He wondered why he didn't retain the full memory of his body's original owner. 'Sigh. No inheritance to assist me, then this... Tsk. The hell with this rebirth! The original owner was betrayed—Luksford family, huh? At least I have a clue of whom he was. The black liquid I spued in forest was probably the poison that claimed this guy's life.' Fortunately, the information merged with his soul, so he could understand them.


As his stomach grumbled, he caught whiffs of bread and coffee that wafted through the gap on the door.

"Oyh! Yoyuz avrew uzp. Coymew, lewt's ewavt." Strings of incomprehensible words from the man welcomed him as he exited the room.

He stood there frozen in place. Aside from the incomprehensible words, he felt uncomfortable with other people close to him. Perhaps, only his parents were the ones whom he had no qualms to be with. He had always been a loner with a world of his own and a Yo-yo as his friend and companion.

But, he was in a new world now. He was alone, and no one would take care of him other than himself. He should somehow adapt to these changes.


With great struggle, he willed himself to glance at his savior and bowed to show his gratitude for saving him. He was blushing red while prompting his body forward.

Seeing the troubled expression of the boy, the man smiled warmly, motioning him to sit and eat along with them.

He nodded, understanding the man's intention. Then, he picked up a loaf of bread and ate heartily, gnawing them in a hurry as if he was afraid of being caught stealing from the nearby bakery. His hunger overcame his uneasiness.

"Ewavsy, ewavsy. Noy oynew ixs goyixng to gewt ixt froym yoyuz." The man said while noticing the strange expression of the boy.

Gyro sat there with a blank expression on his face. Language barrier had always been a hindrance for people of different countries even in his past life. He shook his head attempting to convey his failure to understand any word.

"Yoyuz cavn't uzndewrstavnd avny woyrds Ix juzst savixd?" The man queried.

Gyro sighed and shook his head again, resorting to sign language.

"Father, what's going on? He doesn't understand our language? Is he from another continent?" Zy asked her father.

"I don't know either. He is probably from another continent. But even so, he should at least understand some words, the dialect on this continent only varied on some words and were still part of the main language of our world." The man answered.

"Nonetheless, he could stay here for as long as he wanted to. I don't know what calamity he had gone through, but at least he didn't die. He should be grateful for that. We have to help him, Zy. Teach him the basic language, alright?"

"Yes, leave it to me father." came her ardent reply. At least she had a brother now. Her eyes twinkled at the thought.

The following weeks, Gyro became familiar with the father and daughter duo. He always wanted a sibling in his past life, hence, living with a kind and cute girl, somehow fulfilled his wish. His uncomfortable feeling towards them gradually subsided.

Zy taught him a few words. He essayed to understand and remember everything. He was like a toddler trying to learn his some words, such as: ewavt=eat, brewavkfavst= breakfast, favthewr= father and so on. All the basic words.

After a week, somehow, he gained something and was able to convey comprehensible words with great of effort.

The days slipped by in a breeze.

Learning the language with difficulty, bored him to death—or, so he felt. He didn't know what else he would do. He was only good at one thing, so borrowed a knife from Zy's father. Then, he searched for a good quality wood to carve a wooden Yo-yo. He clumsily smoothened it and attached a string to it.

After admiring his work with glittering eyes, he looped in the string on it. He tied the other end of the string at his right hand middle finger and hold the Yo-yo in front of him with his palm facing down, then he opened his palm, releasing the yo-yo.


It rolled down in a swish. The moment the yoyo reached the end of its unwinding, he flicked his wrist, tugging the yoyo as it wound back to his hand. Of course, it was the most basic yo-yo trick, the Gravity Pull. With no advance mechanism on the Yo-yo that would allow him to perform other tricks, Gyro was contented with what it could do.

"Waaah! What is that? Seems cool." Zy's excited voice echoed from behind.

"This... is a... umm.. to... " He tried to explain, but he couldn't put it into words.


"Umm... Pla...play." He made a sign.

"Oh! You mean this is a toy for some kind of game?" Zy somehow understand.

He nodded with a smile, "Yews!"

"Oh, great! Let me see how it works then." She smiled as she waggled her eyebrow, anticipating some thrill.

"Yews, " he answered shyly. Then he tried to perform a Throw Down trick.

He extended his hand in front of him with the palm up, then, he held the yo-yo on its edge and whipped it straight down with a strong overhand motion. Gyro made sure that it didn't lean to the side or the other.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Yo-yo swirled down. When it was about to reach the end of the string, he gave a slight tugged on the string. With a swooshing sound, the yo-yo wound back up and returned to his hand; he firmly grasped it, stopping its twirl.

"Hahaha! Cool, cool. Gy, teach me!" Zy exclaimed!


For several weeks, Gyro had nothing to do but learn the Mystral language from the girl and play with yo-yo. He wanted to ask more about the world, but he couldn't put his question into words. Hence, he didn't force himself. It wouldn't be too late to ask once he fully understands the language.

He kept on practicing the basic yo-yo tricks, though. He wanted to fully adapt to his new body as he clumsily performed each tricks. Somehow he felt that something was blocking his desire to perfectly perform the tricks. But, he made some progress on his tricks as he slowly perfected them.

«Ding! Host confirmed!»

'Huh?! What was that?' he was startled by the sudden voice.

He glanced around but found no one. Gyro shook his head thinking it was his imagination.

«Ding! Trick System Activation Requirements fulfilled. Synchronizing with host soul. Host will be subjected to deep-sleep for 4 hours.»

That was the last sound he heard before slumping on the ground.

• — • — •

Four hours later, Gyro awoke with a splitting headache.

"Oh! You're awake. How are you feeling?" Zy's father asked. They were worried when they found him unconscious in the backyard earlier.

Gyro massaged his temple trying to shake away the dizziness. He shook his head to convey that he wasn't okay. He, of course, felt the concern of the duo which made his lonely heart warmed. After a while, the duo left him to rest.

'What was that? I clearly hear a voice in my head earlier. Hallucination? Was my soul had not integrated perfectly with my new body yet?'

«You are not hallucinating host.»

'What?! Who—Who are you? Why are you in my head? Are you the original owner of this body?' He nearly bolted up.

«No. His Godship called me Trii, and I am the spirit of the Trick System installed in your mind. You can ask me anything about the system.»

'Huh?! You mean, there's a system in my head installed by some God?'

«Yes Host!»

'I see, so there was a system in my head. Hahaha. Thanks, God!' finally, an answered prayer, he was rhapsodic.

'Then, Trii, who really is this—Godship you spoke of? And what is his purpose of bringing me in this world?' He was somehow intrigued about this God. Perhaps, that God could help him return home since he was able to bring him in this world.

«His Godship is, of course, a God in the Godrealm Faemea. But further Information on his Godship is locked, so does his reason of bringing you here. Host is advised to strengthen himself to unlock it.»

'Sigh! As expected, I've got no information again... Trii, what is this system you spoke of?'

«His Godship personally created the TRICK SYSTEM to assist you, Host, become stronger.»

'Oh really? Help me become stronger? How? By the way, I was reborn into this world for weeks, how come you just pop out now?'

«Because only after perfecting your first trick will the Trick System requirement be satisfied; it was set by his Godship himself. You can grow stronger using the Trick System Points or TsP.»

He was about to ask when Trii cut him off.

«There are several ways to acquire Tricks System points: Completing a task or mission, Creating new Yo-yo tricks, Upgrading or evolving existing tricks, Training and Defeating or killing enemies.»

'So, there are many ways to acquire this TsP. Wait! What?! Do I really need to kill someone?' Gyro was from a world where law and order were strictly followed, so gaining points by killing others, completely overturned his morality. Even if others would malign or offend him, he couldn't imagine himself killing them. 'I will become a murderer now?'

«Host need not worry, you can kill beasts or monsters to gain points. But, Host should be warned that you are in a world where the strong preys on the weak, so for a person to kill his enemies are common occurrence. If you want to be strong, you have to step on the bones of your enemies sooner or later. Because if you don't, they will kill you instead. You are in a cruel world after all.»

'So what's with 'not worry' then? *Sigh* Just tell me that I don't have a choice... I should have known, people with magical powers are bloodthirsty.'


'Ahh, right, Trii.'

«Yes, Host?»

'Why can't I accessed this body's original owner's full memories?' He was hoping that the system could help him resolve the issue.

«Host's question is beyond my understanding. His Godship personally had Integrated Host's soul into your new body, so there shouldn't have any trace of the original owner's soul. The process should have been perfect, so I don't understand why there are former owner's memories left.»

'Damn it! I thought I could get help from the memories. Why did he erase it? Sigh. What kind of bulls*** God is he anyway?...Ahh, whatever!' Naturally, he didn't know that God Yzotl wanted him to have a clean slate, free from his predecessor's problems.

«...» Trii was speechless. How could her Host cursed his Godship? Hopefully, his Godship wouldn't take it to heart.

'Trii, I have memories of being trapped for 6-months in a strange place, do you know anything about it?'

«Yes, based on Host' memory, you suffered a coma for 6-months after your accident. During that time your soul was trapped in your Mystic Sea or Mystic Soul Sea.»

'Huh? Coma..? Sigh, Mom and Dad probably didn't lose hope until the last second... Eh! What the hell is Mystic Soul Sea?'

«Information locked. Host need to level up or spend 20 TsP to unlock it.»

'Tsk! Another dead end, I see... Do I have any TsP?'

«Host, you can view it on your status window by saying "STATUS".»

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