《In Another World as the Endling Demon》7. A Perfect Life


Chapter 7

・A Perfect Life・

The world crumbled in his peripheral vision as he marched onwards.

‘I can finally see the path paving it’s way forward. Thank you, Nectar.’

The vicious striking thump in his right shoulder jabbed away at his energy – reality phased in and out of focus as Benji marched onwards, leaving a grotesque trail of red behind him as his blood sopped onto the mucky road below.


Suddenly, the distinct croaky creek of a door opening behind him snapped him to attention. Benji hesitated to turn back but – eventually forced himself round as he shot a glance at the shabby silhouette of a humped-back woman leaning out the door to her house behind him. Her dry skin sagged as she lifted her frail arm up, pointing her bony hand at Benji, the skin on her fingers appeared as if it could be peeled away like thin wafers as they wobbled in the light breeze.

“Young man!” She croaked at Benji who held the open wound in his amputated arm with a fierce grip. “Yer the boy who had his arm eaten off by the demons aint ya? Yer stitches come loose?”

Benji just glared at her, digging his teeth into his quivering lip.

“Yer not goin to make it to the infirmary like that, come ‘ere, I’m a doctor, I’ll fix ya up.”

Benji’s heavy breath fell out his mouth in catastrophic bursts, with each; he became more and more hunched over as blood began to puddle at his feet.

“Listen, you can try an’ make it to the infirmary – but I won’t be able to carry you inside past where your standing now if you end up collapsin’ so, come on.”

Benji scoffed a chuckle. “Damn persistent hag.” He muttered under his breath as he squabbled over to her with a grin.

“That’s better.” She muttered.

Benji hobbled up into her house, the distinct smell of old mint immediately made itself known as he traversed into the thin, dingy, hallway. Abruptly, his knees buckled – he scrambled to grab something before suddenly collapsing against a wooden cabinet on his right.

“You need a hand?” Croaked the old woman.

Benji glanced up at the lady as tobacco smoke leapt into his mouth upon taking a breath.

“W-When did you get a cigarette?”

“I’ve had one the whole time, you goin blind, kid?”

“heh – s-sorta seems like it…”

* * *

Smothered in the shade, Athena sat snuggled up in a fluffy blanket in the far corner of the café. Her cheeks glistened with a red hue upon the sensation of that steaming, chocolatey sweetness slipping down her throat as she took intermittent sips of her mouth melting hot chocolate, while gazing off at Kole like a curious kitten as he scavenged through the plethora of boxes scattered around the café.

Just then, the door jingled – Kole shot over a glance then smiled, as did the customer: a taller woman in her late twenties, she wore a black tank top and thin black jeans. Her silky chocolate brown hair swayed at her shoulders as she turned to the stream-lined gaze of the kitten in the corner.

The woman let out a soft chuckle as she approached and set her eyes upon Athena, huddled atop her chair like a king in his castle, comfily wrapped, tight, in her blanket.


“I was cold~” Muttered Athena with a mischievous grin on her face as she threw her eyes away into the corner of the room.

“I’m Mae by the way,” said the woman with a smile, taking up a chair and placing it in front of Athena, “I wasn’t sure if Kole mentioned my name. Is the drink nice?”

“mhm.” Murmured Athena as she took another sip. “I appreciate you letting Kole use your kitchen to make me this.”

“Oh – sweetie, it’s no bother. I owe Kole anyway plus he mentioned you were having a hard time…” Mae placed her hand on Athena’s shoulder, butterflies rippled through her body as a tingly warmth put her at ease. The two made eye contact – Athena felt a reassuring sincerity ooze from her glimmering gaze. “If you want to talk to someone, just let me know.”

Athena’s eyes broke away as she glared off into nothing… “Yeah – I w-, uhm…”

There was a slight pause before Mae cut in, “It’s okay.” She said, “If you don’t want to talk, you don’t have to. But – I might be more understanding than you think.”

Athena looked up through her lashes at Mae – the fluff of the blanket on her skin and the radiating warmth that it brought cast Athena in a coat of tranquillity. A sweet smile sprouted on her face as she moved her hand over, top, Mae’s on her shoulder. Her whole body went light as the warm tingle fluttered all up and down her right arm.

--Suddenly, Kole called over, “You couldn’t come help me hold this could you, Mae?” He shouted as he pulled boxes down from shelves.

“Tch, sure,” She chuckled, “One moment, Athena.” Said Mae, squeezing Athena’s shoulder and tossing her a high-spirited grin before standing up to go help, Athena hid her smile behind her warm mug as the scent of chocolate intensified upon lifting it to her face.

. . .

The wind hovered in through the shattered window, a light, warm breeze that softened the air.

Peace and quiet, no loud city noises, no screaming neighbours, no car horns blaring as they rev their engines at a red light. Things were still, the only sound was the smile sprouting sight of Mae and Kole tossing laughter between one another and the whisper of the wind which carried the hymns of nature through, into the café. Reality took a brighter shade as the second-hand happiness of their aura removed the intensity from Athena’s shoulders and cast the filter of perfection across her vision.

‘As out of place as I am – these people make me feel more welcomed than I ever have.’

‘Compared to my old life, maybe this world isn’t so bad. Maybe I’ve just been – putting myself down on purpose…?’

Kole’s footsteps prompted Athena’s attention as she looked up to him and Mae as they walked back over.

“I’m sorry, I thought I knew where it was, but I just can’t find it. I was wanting to show you my fiancé’s necklace, she, before we met, was a member of the infinity cult.” Said Kole, passing Mae, one of two, cans of cider he held in his hand.

“The same one as Benji?”


“mhm… We were meant to open our café in the big city, but I mean…” Kole let out a light chuckle…

Suddenly Mae cut in, “Well, why don’t you?! If you still have some life left in you that is.” she said, playfully jabbing him in the side. “I’d help- it’s not like this village will survive much longer anyway…”

Kole snapped his wobbly gaze down at Mae, “You, I- I mean I don’t… have any money for it…”

“You don’t, sure – but what am I going to do with my money, there’s nothing to spend it on here and I have a bunch of valuables that I can’t get rid of either.”

Kole chuckled, “Mae, you’d really…?”

“Hey – you promised her, right? That you’d eventually open your café in the empire, that’s your dream, isn’t it?”

A smile snuck itself onto his face…

Mae playfully wrapped her arm round the back of his neck as she dug her fist into his stomach as some of the cider splashed out the top of the can onto her hand.

“We’ll stay up late decorating the café and coming up with new menu items then, on the weekends we can explore the city and drink until the sun rises, sounds like fun, huh?!”

Kole burst into a chuckle, scuffing the top of her head with his hand, messing up her hair, as they playfully laughed at one another.

A tingly, bright, breeze lingered above Athena’s shoulders as she couldn’t fight away the wide smile that painted itself on her face…

‘Seeing people who actually care about one another and enjoy their company… These are the type of people I want to fill my life with – this will be my new life – my new perfect life.’

“Say, Kole – where did you put her necklace? You really can’t find it?” Asked Mae, taking a sip of her cider.

“Well, I put it in a reinforced box for safe keeping but, with moving boxes around I must have misplaced it. It’s kinda funny, what use is a reinforced box to keep it protected if I’m just going to up and lose the fuckin box.”

Mae giggled, “Did – I not see you put that in that one Kairo box last week…?”

Kole paused – “Aaargh, I’m so stupid…” He muttered, rubbing his head with his hands, “I’ll be right back, hold on.” He said, placing his unopened can of cider on the table before dashing off into the backroom.

“He’s pretty funny sometimes,” Laughed Mae, taking a seat back down next to Athena, resting her chin on her hand as she leaned right up to Athena, so much so that her pine, lilac perfume overpowered the chocolate scent…

“So, who’s this Benji, boy?”

“tch,” Laughed Athena, “It’s- it’s not like that… He uuh,”

“He apart of the cult?”

Athena’s grin straightened, “So, you know too? About the cult…”

“Only because Kole mentions it from time to time, that must be rough on you, the cult is a – well, irritating thing to have in your life.” Said Mae, leaning back in her chair.

“You have problems with the cult too?”

“Not so much me, it’s just what happened to Kole and his fiancé, sometimes people can escape the lives they’re born into and other times – well, they can’t…”

“hmh…” Sighed Athena…

“What about you, Athena? I never had many friends in this town but, I know you’re not from around here…”

“Uh, yeah. I’m really not sure what’s going on with me…” Athena glanced off to the side, pulling her legs closer to her stomach as she huddled tighter, watching as a little raven, tap danced across the floor in front of the window.

“I’m actually…”

Suddenly, the dense shadow of a man’s boot cast itself over the bird, prompting it to flutter away as Athena looked up to see a tall, muscular man stepping up through the window, into the café.

“An’ there she is.” Grunted Drey.

“Well, go get her then. We don’t have much time.” Said Hugo, following up behind him.

“An’ the lady?”

“Well, just kill her.”

Drey took a step forward, in front of Hugo, “Ma’am, Athena will need to come with us. If you could be so kind as to let us leave with her.”

Mae turned to Athena who had now stood from her chair and held her sword firmly behind her back. “Are they your friends?” Asked Mae.

“I don’t know them.” Muttered Athena, steadily walking forward with a transfixed, demonic glare.

‘When things seem to just start going right – someone always has to butt in unannounced and just do as they so please.’

‘This existence. Laughing with friends, the pleasant hum of nature in the air, floundering over the future with giddy smirks, enjoying my favourite drink in complete serenity…’

‘This slim moment is better than anything I’ve ever experienced – and to have someone thinking they can just come about and ruin everything for me again…’

‘Well, I’ll be quite open and honest about it but – quite frankly – I’ve had just about enough.’

. . .

“Hey Athena!” Called out Kole, as he came out from the backroom behind them with his fiancé’s necklace held high above his head, “Look, I found it-”


The sudden vibration of an explosive burst, erupted into the air as Athena watched a vibrant vortex of energy tear through the side of Kole’s torso, pummelling him into the castle of chairs that were stacked in the corner of the room; everything collapsing down on top of him in a muddled mess as dust flared up into the air…

“Ko-” Muttered Mae, hesitantly stepping towards him before suddenly, she was swooped off her feet as a whooshing blitz of wind passed by, followed by an excruciating explosion that popped her ears.

Mae looked up at Athena as she dashed out the café with her in her arms-

“Mae… We’re running.” Muttered Athena, Mae shot a glance around Athena’s shoulder, back at the two men standing by the café only to feel a droplet of water splatter onto her cheek, Mae flicked her gaze back to Athena as she watched tears stream down face…


‘It – happened again…’

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