《Tales of The Taken》Frightening Dogs, Fucking Ghouls, and damn bitches


I promise the story will get better, so keep reading

also leave comments on my work, the story is open and if you want something leave a comment and Ill get it. This story will contain light romance, but nothing deep and personal bedtime.

A strobing light shined through Jespers balcony as a rapid banging on his door was heard. Jesper jumped out of bed (still shirtless) and approached the door, unsure what was ridden on the other side Jesper reluctantly yelled “are you human”? A femine voice replied “Yes!, there coming let me in, please!” She sounded desperate as if she already experienced the veracity of the beasts which laid across this level. Jesper unlocked the door, but the second the door was unlocked, three women barged into his room each had armor, and various elements swirling in their hands.

The one that was banging on the door was fire attributed, the one on the right was ice, and the one on the left looked as if light strayed away from her. Jesper was furious, cause he realized that he was played, he yelled “why the fuck did you barge in here” with his sudden outrage, the ice elemented female made the room drop about a hundred degrees as she wa trying to intimidate Jesper. The fire-elemented one (a true beauty), who looked as if she was the group's leader, asked “what is your name?” Jesper looked furious, but answered truthfully, “Jesper”. Their leader said “ok, Jesper this is how this is going to work. You are going to give us all the items you purchased from the store, armor, guns, swords, spell books, medicine, or anything of the sort or we will pry them off your dead body.”

With this a shudder went down Jespers spine as the room's temperature continued to drop lower and lower, the only warm place was next to their leader. Jesper dropped to his knees and stuttered “I spent it all on skills”, Their leader turn furious as she got in his face and said “it's ok if you want to do it like that, we get points for killing humans based on the skills they have.” she then spat in his face, with this she then asked “how many points did you start with?”. Jesper, remembering that the better the rank, the lower points you got tried to scare them by saying “100,000”.


The darkness attributed in the back said aloud,”I don't think he is lying, Gabby”. With this statement a chill went down all three’s backs, and Gabby(the leader) stammered and asked with respect “what is your placement?”. Jesper, feeling that the tables turned stood up and said “one you bitch” and with this statement, he overridden all three of there elemental powers, Gabby couldn’t summon fire, The coldness dissipated, and light shined on the girl in the back.

Jesper then got in Gabby’s face and said “we ain’t been here more than a day and you’ve already killed people! How many!?” Jesper was in rage, his wings came from his back as he said this and they ignited with fire, ice and darkness turning into a moving, crimson flame that looked both hot and frozen. Feeling this aura all three of them stepped back and got on there knees as they begged for their lives and offered anything, there armor, medicine, loyalty, weapons and even as far as their own bodies.

Jesper got up in Gabby’s face and said “I won’t let a scumbag like you take my dogs virginity, much less mine” and then he thought about something hard as his mings turned into a reflective metal, and like nature, he swung them as the three’s life flashed before their eyes. Gabby slowly opened her eyes and said “We will serve you if you let us live”. Jesper heard that voice again as it said”truth element activated, would host like to activate the ultimate promise (an unbreakable swear than can only be dismissed by the host) with this Jesper said “Yes”, as upon saying this a chain of energy shot into everyone in that room as they were bound to Jesper and his will. Jesper said “now stand”, and with this the three rose, and looked at him and said “thank you”.


Jesper then asked “where are the people you left? Or did you kill them all?” the three replied in unison “we killed two who retaliated, the other three we left with nothing”. Jesper then asked “ have you fought any monsters yet?” They once again replied in unison “yes, ghouls and dogs” Jesper then asked his final question “what was the challenge with them?” they responded”they all are a lot stronger than us physically, the dogs re powerful fire attributes and the ghouls are necromancers, they raise the dead around them every minute” Jesper grimaced as he heard this and pondered about helping the ones that these three robbed but decided against it, as he realized the probability of them being alive was lower than the probability of finding them.

Jesper then demanded “I want you to lay all your items on the floor”, he probably would regret saying this because while doing this, he went to the balcony to get some fresh air, then when he came back, there were three beautiful, nude girls standing in his room. Jespers and the three girls' faces turned red as they realized that he DID NOT mean their clothes. Jesper turned around and said “you can get dressed, I didn’t mean anything”. He waited before turning around to piles of guns, swords, pills, books and other things. Jesper noticed a few items when he went to the store, some costing hundreds of thousands of points, he noticed a ring and he picked it up, instantly seeing its parameters, he knew it was a medium spatial ring, an item that cost more than two million points!.

Upon touching it, the item list came into his mind as he saw piles of books, spells from different elements, but there was one item that he mentaly saw “elemental body awakening”. He pulled it out and grabbed it, seeing its parameters. A voice played in his mind “A book that opens your elemental body, combines your element and creates a powerful form for you to take”. Hearing this Jesper asked the three in front how to learn it, and they replied “look at the first page, you will then learn the book to it max”, Jesper then flipped to the first page and instantly Black and white formed around him, his eyes becomeing the yin yang symbol as his body balanced the extreme forces of creation and destruction and the alarm went off in his head “Host body power limit overcame, stop! stop! Stop!”, but he couldn’t, Jesper then felt great pain, as if his body was about to erupt, the pain was similar to an appendix erupting, but all over his body. He slowly lost his consciousness and he fell into a black darkness

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