《Tales of The Taken》Universe elemental wings - 3


Jepser felt a weird energy circulate within him as his ties with his surroundings became solid, almost as if he could feel the energy of the bed sheets, the concrete, and wood in the dresser that was around him. As time went on this energy seemed to solidify and during this time Jesper thought of the timer for the creatures and just when he was about to grab the book in front of him, he heard a voice that boomed overhead “creature countdown has reached zero, ghouls and death creature have begun spawning”

A shiver went through his body as he recalled the charts of these creature that he found within “The Book”, and as he was thinking the energy inside him began pulsing with his heartbeat, with each pulse Jepser could feel more and more of the building that he was in, the creek of the materials in the room, the density of the concrete and the softness of every blanket in the building.

As time went on, he started to feel the surrounding buildings and with them the fresh monsters within and when it felt like he could feel no more the energy was sucked into Jesper and with it a “Ding, Elemental convergence complete”, Jesper pulled up his stats


Strength: 15

Luck: 24



Element status: Universe

You are a freak of nature, containing supreme affiancy in every element and all power compared to other users of that type

Elemental affiancy: S+

Gene mutation

Elemental wings

Jesper closed his stats out and felt his wings, they weren't out but Jesper could feel them as if they had been there from the day he was born, when contracted there was no evidence of them being there, he took his shirt off and then stood in the mirror. then like a cat would there claws, “Pulled” his wings out and like an angel, all white feathers was a pair of 2 huge wings that made him look majestic… and not to mention his outlined 6 pack that was never there before he was taken, Jesper thought it must be his strength stat.


Wondering how to activate the elemental side of them, Jepser started to yell, “activate fire”, “activate ice” and a long list of others but nothing worked. That's when he heard a long howl from outside that would make any man shit themselves, the howl that wanted you to crawl into the closet and suck your thumb like a fucking baby and thats when Jesper realized what he lost, he wasnt in to good standing with his girlfriend, but she was a bitch cheerleader that lost a bet so dated Jesper. What he really missed was his grandma, the one he was bird watching with when he got sucked into this Hellhole. He didn't miss his parents, for he never knew them. He was never told but with some online searching found that they were a bunch of stoners who were in and out of prison. Jesper felt cold and dark, and at that time the wings on his back turned the coldest of cold and was absent of any light, if he looked like an angel he now looked like a demon.

Upon realization, Jesper stopped throwing a pity party, and realized that it is not the time for regret now, only time to look forward, and then thought of how he activated his wings, he felt cold and dark so what happened if he thought about heat? Then with this thought, his wings came alive like a phoenix burning hotter than anything, seeing this Jesper thought about the cold, his wings turned into a crystal, that was near 0 kelvin. “Now that's weird” Jesper said aloud because they weren't dark like before, at at this thought, his aura turned to a demons, Jepser wondered how many he could mix, and started thinking about fire, water, ice, light, dark, nature and so many until each of his feathers turned a different color and attribute, but his wings as a whole contained a fighting power, but this power kept growing until they turned into nothing but white and black(creation and destruction), the two mother elements that mixed into everything, Jepsers stat tab pulled up automatically and an alarm went off in his head “stop host, your body will self implode”, jesper stopped and his wings went back to the creamy white that they started with. Jesper said “let's not go over three for now” and then sat on his bed, hearing howls and growls throughout the night until the crack of dawn.

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