《Tales of The Taken》The first purchase


Jesper felt a weird twist inside of his stomach as he entered the shop and saw a double door about six feet wide and with a tall billboard on top that said "point tally 100,000 (starting amount of points, please use within first seven days or you will lose these points)" after reading this multiple times jesper felt depressed because to him, there was a billion other humans who got launched into this mayhem and he only got 100,000 points, he recalled that he was placed number 1 based off potential, so his point tally was the lowest.

After a quick mumble cursing this place, jesper walked forwards to open the doors, and apon his touch the door opened automatically and in front of him was a reception desk with a human woman sitting there with a computer, with large glasses, and in-animate as she stared, unmoving at Jesper. Jesper quickly gathered courage as he stepped forwards up to the receptionist, and then she came to life!

She said "welcome to the shop! this place is your species leg up to the other competitors, after one week, a door will appear to your right where you can buy, sell, or trade items with other humans!" Then she froze and stared towards the door once more.

Jesper sat there and thought out loud "is that all?", pondering about the other humans that are here. when his voice sounded aloud she came back to life and stated "please spend your starter points, and since you are our first customer you get 50 percent off one item of your liking in our catalog." then she froze, lifelessly staring towards the door. Jesper confused said, "where is the catalog" and almost instantly, a huge book appeared before him, With the same binding as the one he awoke with. Only exception was, this book was titled plainly as "catalog".


When opened to the first page, there was a section labeled as "recommended" and beneath had an explanation "based off experiences, potential and estimated likes" and the first item on that list was a pill called "elemental wings (genetic mutation) and a quick description stating "forced gene mutation that allows the host to grow and retract a pair of wings that gains an element based off hosts efficacy towards the element along with the element type, notice only one of these may be bought." but the downfall, the price was 200,000 without the store discount and Jesper only had 100,000.

This was something of Jespers dreams. Moments before he was taken he was in Peru, researching avaians. he was on a bird watcher tour, looking at exotic birds and enjoying their beauty and pondering how it would feel to be free of the economic struggles of the world. But while dreaming he came back to reality, staring at the price before he clicked "buy" and he watched his point sum hit rock bottom at zero and a magical pill appear in front of him, then another pill landed down before him.

looking at the two floating pills he touched one, when he came into contact it was like a voice was whispering in his ear because he knew everything about this item and then he heard a voice sound, "purchase finalized". Curious he touches the second and when the parameter appear in his mind, he gets another voice, "elemental awakening pill received", when hearing this the pills disappear and Jesper's mind leaves the shop and in front of him are two white pills, which Jesper fervently swallows...

Jesper awakens as he groans and looks around confused, apparently he had blacked out, then he stands as he hears a "ding, hosts gene mutation is complete along with your elemental awakening, please check status tab". With this Jesper opens his tab

Intelligence:15 + 5

Strength: 10 + 5

Luck: 19 + 5

Vitality: 2 + 8

Endurance:8 + 7


Element status:



"would the host like to merge two elements to become a universe type? Yes No"

Elemental affiancy: S+

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