《Tales of The Taken》one of The Taken


Jesper awoke to the feeling of blades of grass poking his skin, he opened his eyes and saw the blazing sun above him, and tree branches in his peripheral view. He slowly sat up and looked around and saw that he was on the top of a skyscraper garden roof with an untitled book on his chest. He quickly panicked and threw the book off him and onto the empty streets below, when the strange voice echoed in his mind "make you selection" and the book reappeared, levitating before him. He reached out, grasped it and opened it to the first page.

On the first page was a glossary, for the book that appeared to be many inches thick, it only had 5 pages, on the first page was a set of "buttons" to say, they were like a tap on the left chest to open stat screen, and think "enter the store" to see a list of items for sale, then it provided a brief description like, the stats can be seen on the stat screen, and items, skills, and misc can be bought in the shop, and the third and final thing on the first page was, "welcome! you were branded the top one billion of your race and have entered the contest to claim "heaven", once you have hit the power limit of this level, you will then be given directions to progress to the next.

Jesper yelled, "That's a real descriptive piece of shit! Do you hear me? Fuck You!", and then, the book turned to page two by itself. On page two it described the challenges that face, it said that there are four monsters on this level, all producing a challenge within itself, the first is called a Death Bat (Contains chart and all its weak points) This fearsome creature spawns at night and will target weaker humans that are injured, starving or asleep. The next is called the Death hound or sometimes seen as Death pups, they randomly spawn anytime (with higher frequency at night) and concentrated on the roads and roof-tops. The next is the Ghoul, which is seen as "Earth" world zombies, Only weak point is its head. The last is the wyvern, They come in 3 different elements on this level, those included Fire, Ice, and the infused which can use either element at will. Reminder: all beasts have a 1/100 at spawning as feral.


The Charts and descriptions ran a chill down Jesper's spine as he looked around and down the skyscraper he was currently standing on, but there was nothing, not even a single monster listed on this chart. He wondered where they were as he looked around his roof and down the stairway leading to the roof, and as magically as before, the book in his hands flipped to page three, and on it was a list of continuously changing times ticking down by the seconds beside each monsters name and a description on the top of the page that stated that after the time of the given creature expire, they would start spawning, and the only timer that was different was the wyvern, which had 6 days 23 hours and 31 minutes listed next to it. The other three had a creepy 1 hour 31 minutes 51, 50, 49, and counting.

Jesper quickly flipped to the next page and on it was tips to raise your "stats'', one was to kill monsters and buy skills, upgrades, potions, and other things in the store, the next was to use a said skill to siphine an enemies power, and at last the last option was to kill other Humanoid races... Quickly panicking he flipped to the next and final page that said, take a breather ( but not too long) other competing races appear during the second level, but be wary and take the remaining time to find a place to settle down for the night, browse the shop with your starting point (lower the higher the world power placement is) your current placement is 1/999,999,971, this book will disappear after the first monsters spawn, but can buy permanent copies in the shop. Last and final warning, do not open the shop while in danger, your body stays where you opened the menu.


Jesper rushed down the stairway and started looking through countless rooms, and strangely they were not offices, but bedrooms, all of the different sizes, mini bar, fridge and a different vary of bed types, he walked into the room, locked the door, and opened his stats tap,


Strength: 10

Luck: 19

Vitality: 2


other stats appear below upon unlocking them

Jesper wondered aloud, "other stats? is there magic here or some weird type of power?" and at this, he backed out and opened the shop menu

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