《Rifts of War》Chapter 14 - Rising rose
Operation report
Designation: Rising rose
Day 1: 27th of July, 2070
Five days prior to the beginning of the operation the Empire of Light launched an invasion on the Alston border. The spearhead of this invasion was the 10th elven army, which sieged the Alston border castle of Rondo. Drone footage showed that said army split into three separate forces with the aim of encircling the castle.
Elements of the 1st Armored Division, 7th Infantry Division, 75th Ranger Regiment and 16th Combat Aviation Brigade were sent to aid the rosians. After battling through the first splinter army, reinforcements arrived at Rondo castle and defeated the invading force. The 7th Infantry Division further fortified Molak to prepare for the final elven assault. The rosians have suffered heavy casualties but showed gratitude.
At the same time, command authorized the assault on the Imperial Fort Mundus. Elements of the 1st Cavalry Division, 2nd Armored Division and 75th Ranger Regiment were deployed. In addition, Lieutenant General Patrick Coleman decided to deploy the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Tribal Companies from the 1st Tribal Battalion. The siege is still underway but Brigadier-General Oscar Wayne states progress has already been made.
Furthermore, troops have been sent to the eastern coast to act as a lookout for the Imperial fleet.
-Colonel Andrew Marshal
(2 days before operation Rose Rising)
Fort Galdush
25th of July, 2070
Ever since its arrival the US Army has worked non-stop to make sure Fort Galdush was as secure as it could be in the new world. The flat terrain made it easier for the engineers to work but at the expense of having no natural cover. Still, being relatively far away from the nearest Imperial forces was favorable.
Fort Galdush was built based on the 19th century German polygonal fort design. Since the enemy army was a mixture of Roman era, Middle age and Napoleonic era weapons and tactics, having a base built to withstand such assaults was logical.
However, its uses expanded over time. In the past couple of weeks the army built settlements for refugees who ran from bandit and beast attacks. Thousands of people have settled near Galdush and so far have not caused problems. Many were worried about what the army might do, but most were happy that they weren't dead.
Interactions between races have gotten mixed results. Reports of verbal and physical conflicts were not uncommon. In response to this, the military police organized a patrol network and hired locals as well as tribals who were willing to help.
As for the tribals themselves, they were more confused than anything else. Colonel Andrew Marshal told them that they will be integrated into the army but so far all they've done is train and learn. This frustrated many of them and some even took it as an insult to their skills. One such group was from RG-5, who had just finished their session.
"I hate this!", yelled Tatton as he exited the shower, "That paint doesn't wash off easily."
"Calm down.", said Wulston while he scratched his ears, "We're getting better."
"Why are we even doing this?"
"You know why. If we're to fight with the humans we need to know how they fight."
Tatton growled, "I spoke with the other leanoids. Cesan, Xod, Zaston, they're all doing the same. It's been days."
"I guess now we know how the humans are good at what they do.", said Odella as she walked towards them, her ears still wet from the water.
"True.", said Mora next to her, "If you were them, you wouldn't want to fight along side unpredictable beasts, would you?"
Wulston sighed and Tatton looked away in irritation. Her words were true. They were wild and preferred to act independently. It was their purpose in the Imperial Auxilia. The elves didn't care about them and sent them out first chance they got. Whether or not they made it back was of no concern to them. But the humans were different. They cared enough to train them and trusting enough to let them fight as equals.
"Don't be so glum.", Mora said, "We'll get some action soon enough."
Tatton looked at her in confusion, "Glum?"
"It's a human term for sad. Emily taught me."
Wulston chuckled, "You're very fond of her, aren't you? I saw her scratching your head."
Mora got a but flustered, "Headpats. And the record they felt great." The group laughed. There's still a long way to go to free their people. But for now they'll enjoy their moment.
"There you are!", shouted a soldier as he ran to them, "I've been looking for you guys."
"Hey Mark.", said Odella, "What is it?"
"You better hurry up and get properly dressed. Major-General West is gonna give us a brief on operation Rising Rose."
The group looked around at each other before Wulston asked, "Rising Rose?"
"Yeah. Alston needs are help and so do the other rosians. It's time to go on the offensive."
Tatton walked closer to Luke. "So you mean it's time to fight?", he asked, showing obvious signs of intrique and excitement.
"Hell yeah it is. And our group just got bigger."
Tatton and Wulston widened their grins. Their teeth showing and eyes widening. Laugher came from their mouths.
"Then let's go!", said Wulston.
Officers gathered in the briefing hall. Waiting in their seats they could tell this was going to be serious. The atmosphere was thick and anxiety was present among certain individuals. However, this was bound to happen. After all, this was the first real operation in this new world.
Among the army officers were several tribals and rosians. This was to be their first observation of the human nature of warfare. Most were excited, some nervous. But all prepared. The time had come for them to fight back.
Sergeant Luke Price entered the hall along with the tribals of RG-5. They stood in the back and observed the situation. Nothing of interest was occurring so far.
"Where is your general?", Tatton asked.
"Major-General.", Luke answered, "He'll be here soon."
On cue the door on the opposite side of the hall opened and major-general Ryan West entered the room along with
colonel Andrew Marshal. The officers stood at attention and only sat down once Ryan gave them the 'at ease'.
"Thank you for coming ladies and gentlemen.", he began, "As you may know it's been over a month since we crossed into this world and since then we only had one major engagement with Imperial forces. Ambassador Eugene Anderson and Major David Belinski had attempted to peacefully negotiate with the Empire of Light and its former rosian vassals. This ended with mixed results and as we speak the rosian borders are under siege by the Empire."
The rosians present stood up in rage and horror as the holo-vid showed drone footage of the Alston border.
"Why haven't you attacked?!", shouted one of the rosians, "We had an agreement!"
"Please, calm yourself.", Andrew said, "We've been preparing our forces for an assault."
"What could you possibly need this much time to prepare for?!", asked the same rosian.
"Yultan, sit down.", said a rosian next to him.
"No!", he shouted in response, "I want to know what you're planning! Our people are dying at this very moment and you do nothing but watch!"
"We will siege Fort Mundus.", Ryan stated, catching the rosians and tribals by surprise, "Is that a good enough reason?"
The shocked rosian tried to mumble something out but his lips were failing him and he sat back down, head lowered in embarrassment. The holo-vid flickered and showed Fort Mundus in its entirety.
"This is Fort Mundus.", Ryan spoke. The officer present made sounds of agitation and surprise. Some were shocked at the size of it. "Yeah, it's big. We're unsure how much resistance you'll meet but it's clear taking it will take a while."
"That's an understatement.", said one of the captains in a middle seat, "It'll take a few days at least if the bastards don't surrender."
"This feels weird though.", said another officer, "We're siegeing a medieval castle with tanks. Never thought I'd see the day.". This made the rest in the room chuckle in response.
"Those walls are sturdy.", said a rosian, "Most of the fort was built by dwarves and chances are there's a garrison of them inside."
"Not to mention their war machinnes.", added another rosian.
"That's precisely why we're urging all of you to not get cocky.", Andrew said plainly, "Their weapons can and will kill you if you're not careful. Not to mention the fact that they have an advantage in a direct melee. Keep them at a distance and kill the dwarves first." Everyone nodded in response.
"And what of us?", Tatton asked, drawing all attention to himself.
"I'm glad you asked.", Ryan replied, the holo-vid behind him changing again and showing a new type of army organized, "This is an experimental project. We have decided to organize all able tribals into the First Tribal Battalion. Said battallion will be split into tribal companies then platoons squads and teams. A team will have four tribals, one of each race. A squad will be two teams, a platoon is five squads and a company will be between three and five platoon."
Most tribals were confused by his words, but understood the basics of what he was trying to say.
"More training will be done at a later time, but for now you will assigned to your respective captains. The first, second and third tribal company will deploy along with the Rangers. Any questions?"
Wulston stepped forward, "What will we do?"
"You'll descend from your helicopter transports inside of Fort Mundus once an area has been cleared.", Ryan said pointing at the holo-vid, "Your objective is to use your agility to scout ahead provide information."
"So basically.", Luke began, "You drop in, scout ahead and kill everyone that tries to kill you."
Everyone in the room laughed and the tribals' grins widened. To say they were excited would be underselling it.
"Sergeant Luke Price will give you a crash course on the basic equipment you'll bring.", said Andrew, "Anything else?"
"How will we contribute?", asked one of the rosians.
"At present time we have no proper way of integrating you. We are still debating whether or not we will give you firearm training. For now you will assist us as guides. But I'm sure this will change in the future.". The rosian nodded to this but did not sit back down. "Yes?"
"Thank you.", said the rosian and lowered his head, "No words can express how grateful we are.". The other rosians present stood up and lowered their heads.
"Please.", Ryan said, "There's no need for this. Raise your heads. I understand how you might see us a heros but we're not. We are just men doing what is right."
The rosians raised their heads and solemnly nodded. For countless generations had they been little more than slaves and puppets. But now? Now was the time for change.
After the meeting was over, Logan exited the hall and headed towards his barracks to inform his company, but it seemed like he didn't need to. James, Ethan, Lamar and Emma waited for him along with Clara, Kai, Krolm and Lin.
"So what's new, boss?", Emma asked.
"We're going to Alston in two days.", Logan replied, "We'll help them secure the castle and after that we're on straggler clearing duty."
"So just like back home?", Lamar asked.
"Exactly. But you know the rules."
"Kill the grunts and take anyone of importance.", James said, "What happens then. I'm pretty sure that won't be it."
Logan chuckled softly, "Perseptive as always. Our company will make sure the border settlements are secure. Once we're done the army will begin the invasion of Zirith."
"You are invading Zirth?", Lin asked in disbelief, her long ears perked up, "Why?"
"Cause they're traitors, that's why.", Emma said, clearly upset at the question and mentioning of them.
"Not traitors, per se.", Ethan said, "But they conspired with the elves and attacked our ambassador during the negotiations."
"CIA says Imperial troops walked through Zirith without a fight and that's how they were able to attack Alston.", James added.
"Well why not attack now?", Krolm asked.
"We can't.", Logan answered, "Our attack has to be in sync with the siege of Fort Mundus."
The tribals present widened their eyes and looked around at each other, shocked, impressed and terrified at the same time.
Lamar whistled, "Taking out a big one already?"
"No one has taken Fort Mundus since it was built.", said Kai, "And for a good reason. The walls and towers are larger than any castle. It's protected by dwarven war machines and its size means a massive force would be needed to siege it properly."
"Trust me.", Logan said, patting Kai's shoulder, "We have our ways. But I have good news regarding our company."
Everyone glanced at each other and rose eyebrows of intrique. Emma was the first to ask, "What is it?"
"Numbers boost.", Logan answered, pausing for a few seconds to let the statement sink in, "Two hundred in total, counting the fourty tribals."
"Hell yeah!", Lamar and Emma shouted in the same time and high-fived each other. James chuckled and shook his head smiling.
"Two hundred is not that large of a force.", Lin said, "The elves have thousands."
"That's different. They don't got guns.", Emma said proudly, causing Lamar and Ethan to yell in approval.
"Don't get cocky.", Logan said making a serious face, "We're still new here. In case you've forgotten, they can still kill us. The negotiations incident is proof of that. No matter what we have to-"
"Logi!", a female voice cut him off. Instead of turning around, Logan looked down and closed his eyes.
"Please no, God no.", he kept muttering to himself.
The woman behind him, a young woman in her early twenties, ran towards him and jumped on his back and wrapped her arms around him. Logan sighed in frustration and annoyance, wishing this had never happened.
"It's been over a month.", the girl spoke, "Why haven't you called?"
"Been busy trying not to die.", Logan answered sarcastically
The girl laughed, "Now I know that's a lie.". She climbed down and fixed her blond hair, revealing a pair of piercing blue eyes.
James cleared his throat, "Captain? Will you introduce us?"
Logan sighed, "Company this is my sister, Penelope. Penelope, these are James Wilson, Ethan Williams, Emma Davis, Lamar Jones, Lin, Clara, Kai and Krolm."
"Holy cow!", Penelope screamed, "A real life neko! You're cuter than I thought you'd be."
"Penelope!", Logan shouted.
"I'm kidding. God you're still as uptight as ever, Logi."
Emma raised her hand, "I have questions. Logi?"
"Oh that. When we were younger he'd spend hours in his room reading Norse mythology books.", Logan groaned as she spoke. "And I couldn't call him Loki, so I called him Logi."
"Laugh it up, Barbie. At least I didn't force dad to paint my entire room pink. Including the floor."
"Awww.", Penelope poked his cheeks, "Don't be so grumpy. It's good to see you."
Logan sighed, "You too. What are you doing here."
"DARPA's gonna make a research centre here and I've been selected for the biology department."
"Good for you. But you're late, the first group already left for the Meilume capital."
"I'll just go some other time. Well, I better run, I have a meeting with colonel Marshal.", she kissed Logan on the cheek and ran off, "Bye!"
"Your sister is quite a looker.", James said.
"That she is.", Logan replied with a sigh, "Anyway, we'll have to get the tribals acquainted with basic hardware before we head out. James, Emma, go get Liam and reserve the third shooting range."
"Yes, sir.", they said in sync and walked off.
"Our first proper operation.", Lamar said, "You nervous, boss?"
"Not at all.", Logan replied, "Our world or this one, zealots or nutjobs, it makes no difference. All that matter is that we have a job to do."
"Hooah.", Lamar said, causing the tribals around to repeat after him. It was time to show this world a new meaning of war.
Occupied rosian village
29th day of early green season,
Cycle 3000
Nazdo was more terrified than furious. The strategy was perfect. Pincer Rondo between three armies and take it. Their alliance with with Zirith made sure there would be minimal resistance. It was all the humans' fault. Their war machines and magic caused them to failt.
Now they were separated from each other and directionless. Most of the two legions was wiped out and the majority of the survivors surrendered. Nazdo wasn't sure how many made it out, but he knew the numbers of his cohort. Three hundred and seventy-two, he counted twice, that's how many survived. When it was inevitable that the army will face defeat, he took his cohort and fled back to one of the border villages.
Tomorrow they will return to the Empire and hopefully organize a new force. But for now, it was time to recuperate. Nazdo kept his gaze on his map, highlighting the best possible escape routes and potential enemy paths. He knew the enemy had forces in the air, their flying war machines, but it was getting dark and he hoped that it would make them less of a threat. Still, something was amiss.
"Soldier!", he shouted. Seconds later an elf walked into the room, his palm on the hilt of his sword and his helmet hung on his side.
"You called?", the soldier asked.
"Take a horse and check on the eastern lookout group. They haven't returned yet."
The soldier paused for a moment before speaking, "Sir, it will get dark soon. The sun is setting."
Nazdo looked him in the eyes with an annoyed glare, "Well then you better hurry."
Saluting, the soldier hurried to one of the tied horses and made his way east. Nazdo was sure the enemy would follow them, so he ordered groups to be posted in various places to make sure they won't be caught by surprise. The village they occupied was not small by any means, but they had the numbers.
Reaching a nearby hillock with a few trees, the soldier got off his horse and looked around.
"Hey!", he shouted, not seeing anyone, "Lieutenant Nazdo is waiting for you. You haven't returned to report.".
Looking around, he noticed a burned out campfire along with shields and spears scattered around. Grabbing the handle of his sword, the soldier moved slowly and cautiously. Moving over to one of the shields, he saw blood next to it, same with the spear. But no bodies.
Hearing a rustle behind him he drew his sword and got into a fighting stance. His palms were sweating but he kept his composure. Still, it wasn't enough. Failing to notice the presence above him, he was jumped by leanoid.
Being held by his throat and sword arm, the soldier could only observe him. His body covered in green and brown leather and his face painted with the same colors. Behind him a welfen and a lepian showed up, dressed and painted in the same way. What is this?
"Do I kill him?", asked the leanoid, causing the soldier to jerk, but to no avail.
"Not yet.", said the lepian before touching her ear, "Gunner 3, this is Hunter 3, we found another elf, any specific orders, over?". After a few seconds, she spoke to herself again, "Roger that, over and out."
"Impressive how you handle that thing.", the leanoid said, "So?"
"Just like the others, expendable."
The leanoid grinned at that and squeezed the soldiers neck, who tried to utter one last insult or threat, but had his throat ripped out and left on the ground to die.
Most of the village was sacked by the elves already. The local militia killed and valuables stolen. Now that they're back made the people scared but also strangely glad. These elves were running away and in their desperation returned to this village for anything that might prolong their endangered lives.
Most of the villagers were cramped in a few houses while the elves took the rest. The people were forced to serve them, fix their wargear and feed them. Most of the time they would get abused and assaulted out of sheer hatred and bigotry. The elves loved to feel like they were dominant, like they were the rulers of the world. But from the sight of it, that was changing.
"Come on!", shouted an elf, "Move it, girl.".
One of the villagers, a young woman, was caring refreshments to three soldiers sitting around a table. A boy was cleaning their boots with rags and water. As the woman was carrying the drinks she tripped over and dropped them on one of the soldiers' legs.
"You useless bitch!", he yelled as he stood up and grabbed her by her hair, "Come here.". He dragged her between two houses and was joined by one of the elves.
She begged them to let her go and the boy wanted to help her, but was stomped to the ground by the third soldier, who ordered him to stay down. Dragging the girl to the back of the house, the two elves laughed and mocked.
As she was laying on the ground, one of the elves started slowly walking to her. She pleaded but her words meant nothing. He was about to grab her hair again, but a sudden arrow in his head stopped him. Seeing his body fall, the other soldier tried to draw his sword but got stabbed in the heart by a welfen with a large and thick knife.
The girl panicked but didn't move, instead observing the welfen and the lepian on a roof nearby. The welfen kneeled in front of her and put his finger on his mouth, gesturing to keep quiet, to which she nodded.
"Are you finished?", asked the elf who stood above the boy, looking around to see if his friends are around. Close by he saw something move. A person? He curved to see better but ended up with a hole in his head.
Falling on the ground, his corpse alerted the soldiers nearby. Several of them walked out behind corners and from houses to see what happened. All of them were shot down.
Across the village, dozens of soldiers patrolled the streets, carrying torches and spears. One by one, group by group, they were put down by either an arrow, a knife or something else.
Elves, that were inside the houses, exited to see what was happening. One of them managed to scream and alerted everyone nearby but soon got killed. Now on alert, the rest of the elves armed themselves and searched for the enemies. But this only shortened their lives.
Seeing the enemy in front of them, they charged at them, only to be cut down by their silent yet deadly weapons. Archers were cut and shot by the tribals who stalked the rooftops and shadows. It was a slaughter.
Some tried to flee, hoping on horses and riding in several directions, but as soon as they were out of the village they were shot seemingly out of nowhere.
Nazdo heard the commotion outside. Grabbing his sword, he left the central house, that he was in, and looked around for his men and the enemy. His eyes widened in disbelief as he gazed upon the corpses of his soldiers. Throats slit, hearts stabbed, heads punctured by arrows and many just having holes in them.
'Boomsticks.', he thought to himself as he inspected his dead, 'But that's impossible, we would have heard them.'
Hearing footsteps behind him, Nazdo drew his sword and turned around. In front of his were two welfen and a leanoid. On his right were four lepians and on the left a feelian and two masked figures.
"Stand down.", ordered a voice behind Nazdo, making him turn his head. Another masked figured approached, carrying a black boomstick. "Are you in command here."
Nazdo refused to answer. In response, he was shot in his left foot and the figure asked again, "Are you in command."
Grunting and swearing, Nazdo answered, "You will get nothing out of me, barbarian. I have hundreds more and soon they will-"
"All of them are dead.", the figure cut him off, "We made sure of that. None escaped, you're the only one left."
Looking down with a mixed feeling of anger and horror, Nazdo asked, "So why not kill me as well?"
The figure slowly approached, crouching in front of him and speaking again, "Because unlike them, you're useful.". Making a gesture with his fingers, he stood up and one of the welfen knocked Nazdo out.
Rosians started coming out of their homes. Many were awed at the sight in front of them. Some were overjoyed while others were frightened. Several approached the masked figures and tribals, shaking their hands and even hugging them. In response, some of the figures removed their masks, revealing pale and dark skinned men as well as a few women.
They introduced themselves as humans and rangers. The villagers offered them a place to rest and food, which they accepted. One of the elders approached the man who seemed like the leader of these rangers.
"Thank you.", he spoke, "We are truly grateful."
"No need to thank us.", the man replied.
"What will you do with him?"
"My superiors will know what to do. When we deliver him, we will move west."
"West? What is west for you?"
The man paused for a moment before answering, "Zirith."
Coros, Zirith
30th day of early green season
Cycle 3000
The duchy of Zirith was struggling and then some. Once a proud kingdom and a mighty force of North Altia, now reduced to a small vassal. It was the first victim of the elven counterattack during the great rebellion. The royal family was believed to be cursed. Duchess Korana died of an illness shortly after giving birth to her daughter. Her son, Iaw, died in the invasion of the world beyond the rift. And now duke Vizoz, killed during what was believed to be peaceful negotiations.
As the last surviving heir, seventeen cycles old Taila Gran had the responsibility and the burden of leading this crumbling nation. She furiously hurried to the war room, her guards attempting to convince her to stop. Reaching the doors she pushed them open and entered the chamber.
"What is the meaning of this?!", she asked with anger in her voice.
The men at the table raised their heads from the table and looked at her. Six elves and three rosians, all clad in armor and armed.
"My lady.", the eldest rosian spoke, "What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same question, general Dheshun. I heard Imperial forces crossed our border and are now spreading around Zirith."
"Indeed.", the elf spoke, "Do you not know of our agreement?"
Taila blinked in confusion, "What agreement?"
"The one between our armies and your father. We agreed to spare Zirith of out wrath if he lets us use it as a staging ground for our offensive."
Once again, Taila was confused, "Offensive? What offensive?"
"On the humans, of course.", another elf spoke, "And the traitors to boot. It seems like your father hasn't told you anything. Unsurprising."
"Don't talk down to me, elf.", Taila said, "I am the duchess of Zirith."
"My lady, calm yourself.", general Dheshun spoke, "Please. You are too young for this."
Taila clenched her fists and looked down, "May I at least know your name, general of the elves?"
"Delsaran Bryora.", he said, "General of the fifth army."
"Thank you general Bryora. Now I know who to blame for Zirith's demise."
Taila left the room, her guards behind her. Deshun hurried over to her and pulled her behind a corner.
"My lady, you must not be so rash.", he told her.
"And what do you want me to do, Padgol? Let them walk all over us? What happened to our pride and our honor? What of our-"
"Just listen! I know you're no fool. You've heard about the failed invasion and Meilume. This enemy is different."
"What are you saying?"
"Let the elves do whatever they want. Let them march through our lands to the front lines and die. And once they have, we'll meet these humans and make amends."
Taila scoffed at that, "The coward's way."
"The smart way. Your brother and your father tried to be warriors and look where they led both them and Zirith.", Taila said nothing, reflecting on her words and picturing her father, "I implore you, be clever about this. Times are changing and we must change along with them. Zirith will survive."
Nodding to his words, Taila wiped away the few tears that started dripping and walked back down the hall. His words were true. What she does now will determine the future of her people. If Zirith is to survive this conflict, the mind will have to be chosen over the body.
(Around the same time)
Lashil, Empire of Light
The Light spans across most of the world. From coast to coast, great cities have risen and stood the test of time. The west coast of North Altia was not easy to take. Riddled with all manner of beasts and blocked by the great Tubal mountains, it proved to be a great challenge for the elves. However, their tenacity, patience and dwarves proved to be enough. With vast fleets they sailed across the seas and made their first step into the west.
Lashil started out as nothing more than an outpost meant to repell the orc raids. But as time went by it grew into a fort and then a great coastal city. Now spanning across many leagues and providing shelter for one hundred and fifty thousand souls, it plays the role as one of the six great port cities of the Empire of Light.
Its central castle was defended by walls and fortifications, built to survive any coastal siege. Its port was the proud home of the sixth Imperial navy. However, things haven't been the same since the opening of the rifts and the invasion. Not much of the fleet returned and rumors that admiral Tanros was killed begun to spread.
At present time, Lashil was defended by twenty attack ships and a garrison of ten thousand city guard. A force in its own right with a tactical advantage. However, the fact that the enemy has not yet attacked was troubling.
Many feared that a massive force was gathering and waiting for the perfect time to strike. But many days have passed and nothing happened.
"Raken!", an elf yelled as he appeared a yawning guard.
"What is it?", Raken answered, rubbing his eyes.
"The enemy might show up. We must be vigilant."
"Oh come on. It's been a mooncycle, if they hadn't shown up by now they won't attack."
"How can you be so care free? Did you not see what was left of the sixth fleet? And the stories of metal ships?"
Raken yawned again, "All I'm saying is, they've taken too much time. Nothing will happen. Even if it does, we're at an advantage."
The other elf shook his head and looked out into the sea. Birds swooped into the water to catch fish, their wings flapping with grey and blue feathers. It seemed so peaceful. But was it really?
His question was answered quickly as an object came into view. It was far away but he could tell it was a ship. Question was what kind? It was very large and from the looks of it flat on its surface. More smaller vessels appeared one after the other until there were seven in total. His fears have come true.
"Ring the bells.", he told Raken, who wasn't paying much attention, "I said ring the bells! The enemy is here!".
Raken looked out and saw them for himself. Snapping himself back to reality, he ran towards the nearby warning bells and started ringing them. Soon after, more and more bells rang and the city guard rushed to the defenses. The people that were near the wall ran back and went inside of their homes. Merchants grabbed their products while women grabbed their children.
Cannons and balistas were armed and risen, the defending ships tried to get into formation and the guard stood prepared for a siege. After a moon cycle of waiting, Lashil's greatest test was about to begin.
End of chapter 14
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8 166 - In Serial59 Chapters
Otome game in a reality
She died and found herself in a world of a game. The japanese game called 'Only mine' otome game. She thought it was a simple dating game so didn't take it seriously. She simply thought making the capture targets fall in love with her will lead her to victory. But soon she realized just how dangerous it is to not know anything about the word 'yandere'. A simple word she didn't pay any mind to when reading the informations of capture targets will lead her to a disastrous road. What will she who knows nothing about otome game or even a yandere would do to win the game? And who is the capture targets? Will she be able to go back to her world? Read to find out more.#1 in obsession 07/31/2020#1 in yanderemale 08/01/2020#2 in possessive 08/02/2020
8 172 - In Serial10 Chapters
Big Book of Fandom One Shots
I'm in a lot of fandoms. It's as if my fandoms sit in a lobby in my mind and any time I see anything related to a fandom, it just become chaos.The problem with having this many fandoms is that a multitude of them have little to no fanfictions.That's what I'm here for.I can't put all my fandoms in the description, but check the authors note for the rules and fandoms ^^
8 93 - In Serial5 Chapters
The owl house truth or dare
Just a fun game with the owl house characters
8 185 - In Serial16 Chapters
Recueil des plus belles photos d'animaux
Vous chercher des photos d'animaux ? Je vous présente mon recueil ! Ici, vous trouverez des photos en tout genre, d'animaux de la forêt sauvage ! En espérant que ça vous plaira ! (Surtout des photos venant de mon chouchou Julian Rad parce que j'adore ses photos : allez voir son site !)
8 138