《Rifts of War》Chapter 12 - Peace or war (Part 2)
Meilume capital, Empire of Light
The Meilume capital was one of the great capital cities in the Empire of Light. It stands as more than just a symbol of power. Of course, that's what it was to many, including generals. But to some it was a place of opportunity and many looked at it as their centre.
Most common folk don't see Elyana, so Meilume is their great capital. And for for a reason. It was the largest and most populated city in the south-east region of the Empire and even North Altia. It's walls and structures could be seen from long distances and many roads led to its gates. It controlled the south-eastern shores as well as the traid network with the Alston kingdom.
It wasn't all beauty however. Outside of the walls were small villages, mostly farmers and workers who provided for the city. But between the walls and the villages were the slums. Damp, dull and to some even disgusting places. Filled with crime and disease, it was often avoided by the nobility.
Of course, to military men, Meilume is critical and it serves as a fortress, one that shouldn't be taken lightly. And it seemed like it was about to be put to the test.
The day has been anything but quiet. To say the people of the Meilume capital were troubled would be underselling it. Some time ago, armored wagons were spotted approaching the south gates. The city guard immediately sprung into action, thinking that the enemy had come. The enemy they all feared.
They heard storied about wagons using cannons and soldiers who used boomsticks. Tensions were high and the captain was anything but calm. He barked orders left and right, assigned soldiers to their positions, had the gates barricaded and defenses prepared.
The people inside were frightened, but not nearly as much as the ones outside. The people in the villages scrambled to get out of the way while the ones in the slums hudled and prayed they'd be safe. It was all anyone could do really.
As the carriages got closer, the guards tensed up. What would be unleashed upon them? The soldiers shuddered to imagine.
Conar was especially frightened. This was not what he signed up for. He thought it would be an easy job. Almost no work, good pay, just enough to host a wedding with his beloved. His young, little dream was seemingly crushed by this new threat. And all he could do is grip his crossbow and wait.
As the carriages moved closed they stopped at around three hundred steps from the main gate.
The people in the surrounding houses looked out at them. Six armored chariots with cannons on top of them. A menacing sight to behold. Mothers and fathers held their children, who curiously peaked from corners, trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening.
For a moment, it was quiet. Very quiet. Neither side attacked. The city guard did not know what to do. Was it a trick? A diversion? Some kind of ploy by the enemy? Their crossbows,bows and balistas could reach them, but even so, what would they do?
Suddenly, the doors of one of the carriages opened. Expecting an assault, the guards aimed their weapons. But what they saw instead shook them to the core.
Lord Bellon emerged from the carriage along with his family. They slowly walked towards the city gates as the people in the surrounding buildings observed them.
Thinking this was some sort of trick, the captain of the guard fired an arrow in front of them, demanding answers. In return, the carriages raised their cannons and aimed at him.
Frightened and alarmed, the guards prepared to battle. But Bellon, raising his hand and shouting from the bottom of his lungs, stopped them in their tracks.
He ordered them to lower their weapons and raise the gates all the while assuring them that no harm shall come from the humans.
After many long moments of hesitation, the city gates opened and guards came rushing out, weapons in hand as they formed a defensive stans.
Bellon did not mind, nor did the humans. They understood this was typical behavior of soldiers. The captain asked questions frantically, demanding the situation to be explained to him. Bellon however, refused to elaborate until they were all assembled in the main castle.
The humans did as they promised. Turning their cannons away, the carriages left. As they disappeared over the horizon, people slowly emerged from hiding. Many of them were relived, but many more were left confused.
The guards had assumed this to be a terror tactic. Showing off their might and mercy by bringing their captured lord back. More and more questions began piling on Bellon, but he ignored them. Ordering a soldier to dismount from his horse, he climbed onto it and rode to his castle. Left in shock, the people murmured amongst themselves.
What would happen to them? Will the humans return? What is Lord Bellon thinking? They knew they would have their answers. But when.
Thoughts piled in Major David Belinski's head like bricks. Whether or not this mission will be successful is definitely one of them.
He was chosen by command to lead three infantry companies to the Meilume capital and establish a link with ambassador Anderson via Holo-link. It was simple on paper but from it in practice.
Were it a country on Earth, he would have no problem. He would prepare beforehand and brief his men on the situation and what to do. Except he couldn't do it here.
Aside from basic information gathered by the expedition platoons, he had nothing solid to go on. These people were alien to them. Their customs, behavior and temperament were unknown to him.
The only thing he knew for certain was that they feared them. By now the rumors of the Galdush battle have spread far. Many natives know what happened and this is sure to cause unrest if not some hostility.
Belinski informed his men not to engage unless provoked or attacked. The only silver lining he could find here was the lack of a language barrier.
As the convoy drove to the capital it drew the attention of many locals from nearby settlements. They couldn't help but stare and the soldiers even waved back at them from the top of the JLTV2s.
The scenery was beautiful, that much needed to be said. Clear skies and grassy plains stretching to forests and hills. The animals looked exotic and the trees while normal on first glance, were different from the ones Earth upon closer inspection. It was both a nerd's and biologist's dream.
But Belinski was neither.
"All transports be advised.", said the driver of the leading JLTV2 on the radio, "The Meilume capital is in sight. ETA 10 minutes."
Belinksi looked out and in the distance he saw a few towers stretching higher than the city walls. According to the drone footage, the Meilume capital was between seven and eight square miles in total. This was counting the outer portion. The area inside the walls was roughly five square miles and, according to lord Bellon, had an estimated population of six hundred thousand. Along with the population outside the walls, the capital was home to anywhere between seven hundred and eight hunder thousand people.
By earth's standards, it was a relatively large city. However, lord Bellon also stated that the Meilume capital was also the smallest of all the major cities in North Altia as well as the youngest.
Apparently, the elves prefer to slowly subjugate land and build cities at a slow pace. Over time, cities grow bigger and the population increases. Meilume was built roughly five hundred cycles ago, when most of the Alston river was taken.
As the convoy approached the city, the radio started crackling. "Convoy come in.", spoke the voice, "I repeat, convoy come in."
Without hesitation, Belinski took his radio, "This is Major Devid Belinski. Identify yourself."
"This is special agent Carlson from the Meilume web. Good to see you've decided to go through with this."
Belinski let out a sigh of relief. The web was coming along nicely. It's only a matter of time before they get eyes in every corner of North Altia.
"I see the CIA already finished connecting Meilume to command.", Belinski said, "You guys work fast."
"That's our job, major.", Carlson said, "Lord Bellon has prepared for your arrival. A path has been cleared in the main street for you."
"And the Imperial delegates?"
"They're yet to reach the main castle. I think they might be waiting for you to show up so they can make their grand intrance."
"Makes no difference to us. Keep me updated agent, I don't want any surprises."
"Roger that major, over and out."
Belinski put his radio back in its place and leaned back in his seat. The convoy had arrived and they were about a hundred yards from the main gate.
In the surrounding buildings he could see elves peaking out of buildings and observing them with curiosity and fright. Apart from the elves there were many tribals and even rosians. Overall everything reminded him of the old Italian and French cities. The structures inside and outside of the walls were a mixture of both renaissance and old roman styles but also somethihgs he never seen before.
Children ran out to touch the LAVs and JLTV2s. He could see the curiosity and amazement in their eyes as they ran between them and knocked on the glass to get the soldiers' attention.
Some of his soldiers waved back and even indulged the kids by opening the windows and shaking their hands.
Lieutenant Caden Roberts and staff sergeant Liam Cook even gave them some sweets and patted their heads. The kids' eyes grew as they tried them and so it went on for several minutes.
'Let them have their fun.', Belinski thought. This was good. These people weren't diplomats or anyone of large importance, but this was where peace always began, with the people.
What made him chuckle was when a few merchants attempted to trade with them, offering jewelry, decorations and what looked like books to his men. They were hesitant at first, but a few gave their canteens or some canned food in exchange for necklaces and such. 'Whatever made them happy', Belinski guessed.
He was about call Carlson on his radio when a girl came up to his side of the JLTV2. Young by the looks of it, in her twenties by Earth standards. She wore simple clothing and working books. Her face and hair, while pretty, had spots covered in dirt. Belinski wonder what she was in this community. A farmer maybe, or perhaps a worker.
She tapped the window a few times to get his attention. "Excuse me.", she said, "Can you hear me?". Belinski looked at her and didn't answer. "I wish to give you something.". She held out a necklace in her hands. It was a simple trinket, an engraved silver pendant with a polished cobalt blue stone in the middle tied with a thick black string. Her face formed a nervous smile as she held it out in front of the glass.
Belinski lowered the window and spoke, "What is it?"
The girl staggered a little bit before answering, "I want to give this to you, brave warrior."
"You are the soldiers who saved our beloved lord from the rogues. I offer this as a token of our gratitude."
"No, I'm not the one who saved him. It was another officer."
"Nevertheless, you are both of the same army. So please, take it."
Belinski sighed and slowly took the necklace. "I will make sure the man deservent of this gets it."
"Thank you.", said the girl as she gave a small bow, "Thank you very much."
An older looking woman behind her called out her name, Nalia. She walked back to her and they both went inside of a nearby building.
Nalia. Belinski pondered on the girl as he examined the necklace. It had a simplistic beauty to it. He wasn't a man who had a particular interest in jewelry, but nevertheless, this was a nice trinket.
As soon as he placed the necklace into his pocket, the large gate in front of them started to open. Its twin sided doors moved outwards, pushed by what he assumed was a well-made mechanism built into the wall itself. Impressive.
When the doors split completely, a single guard came out. Riding on silver and white horse and wearing dark blue armor with silver lines he carried a long staff with two flags.
The top flag was the all to familiar imperial symbol, a golden, five pointed half circle rising over a dark wall and shining down. The bottom one was different. A black tree rooted into the ground. The Bellus family sigil, Belinski assumed.
The soldier rode to the leading JLTV2 where Belinski already had his window opened.
"Are you the leader of this army?", asked the rider. A young man by the looks of it. His yellow eyes observing every inch of the convoy, clearly focused but also nervous.
"I am.", Belinski answered, "Major David Belinski of the Rift Expeditionary Corps."
"Very well. Follow me, I shall lead you and your soldiers to the central castle. Lord Bellon is waiting for you."
He turned his horse and began to gallop at moderate speed across the stone paved road. Belinski radioed the convoy to follow along.
Conar's heart pounded inside his chest. Why me? That question kept repeating in his mind. Why was I the one tasked with this? Others can ride a horse and carry a flag. Still, it was of great importance that he led the human soldiers to Lord Bellon.
When he rode to their metal carriages he was experiencing feelings of both intrique and fright. A feeling that most of the people of Meilume felt as they watched the carriages move.
He saw them. Their eyes inspecting every detail as painters hastily attempted to draw sketches. Children waved at the soldiers as they waved back and some even dared to approach and touch the metal sides.
Conar wondered if it was pure bravery or just childlike curiosity. At that age, they were one in the same.
As they approached the central castle, Conar could see the lord's personal guard. Only the finest soldiers were granted the privilege of serving in such a position. Their armor was more round and polished than the standard guard gear and their weapons were made of silver steel, a metal stronger than regular steel or iron.
"The human soldiers have arrived!", said Conar loudly and clearly.
As if on cue, their leader stepped out of the leading carriage. He wore a thick piece of what looked like scaled armor on his belly, chest and shoulders. His arms were covered in leather-like material and ended with gloves that had solid and sturdy black knuckles. His legs were much of the same apart from his boots, which were thick and stretched up just below his knees, that also wore protection. On his waste were several pouches and his helmet was round with nothing ornate on it.
More soldiers came out and were dressed in a similar manner. Some were even wearing masks with glass over their eyes.
There they were. The soldiers of green, brown and black. The ones who defeated two generals and took an entire area of Meilume. All of them were armed with what looked like dwarven boomsticks, but different. Some had smaller ones and others had bigger ones. Their leader didn't carry anything however. He calmly approached the guards, his thick boots making a not so heavy stomping noise.
"I am Major David Belinski of the Rift Expeditionary Corps.", he began, "I am here on behalf of my country to meet with Lord Bellon Belus and the Imperial delegates here in Meilume to discuss peace."
Some of those present were slightly taken aback. They heard that the humans spoke the Imperial tounge, but it still came as a surprise. His accent was nevertheless new to them. The guards looked at each other for a moment before one of them answered, "Greetings, Sir Belinski. We shall let you in shortly. However, the are precautions we need to take and system you will need to oblige."
Belinski expected this."Very well. What are they?"
"First, you are allowed to only bring fifty men of your choosing with you. Second, none of your carriages are allowed to enter the central castle's walls. And lastly, this is strictly diplomatic, there will be no bloodshed."
Belinski took a long breath before answering, "We are in agreement. May I know your name for future reference?"
"Gonos.", he said, "Haran Gonos."
"A pleasure to meet you.", said Belinski as he extended his hand. Haran looked at it for a moment before slowly grasping it. As Belinski shook it, he looked into Haran's eyes and nodded with a half smile.
In that moment, the gates of the castle opened and more guards came out. They called for the Belinski and said that Bellon was waiting.
Belinski nodded and selected fifty soldiers to go with him. Together they entered through the gate and marched across the stone road.
The inside was beautiful. Decorative trees of different colors were symmetrically laid out in the small field. Two fountains, each in the of a beautiful, elven woman stood across one another. Women in colored dresses were sitting around it, talking and taking occasional glances at the humans. A few daring girls called them over, but none came.
The inside of the castle was paved in white stone. The walls were decorated with paintings and sigil, statues were placed in different corners and the floors were clean and polished. The humans looked in amazement at the castle. They said that they also had castles and temples in the past, but very few can compare to this.
This was natural. Elves have long life spans, thus they have the time to spare on building places like this. However, they are also slow, which is why they spend a lot of their resources on hiring dwarves to help them. Such was the case with the Meilume capital.
As they climbed up the stairs the humans kept drawing attention. The maids and servants eyes them as they passed, whispering to each other and spreading rumors.
At the end of the long hallway was a large, twin-sided, wooden door with iron handles and locks. The leading guard opened them and on the other side was a very large room. Torches, ornate armor and sigils decorated the walls and corners. A large silver chandelier hung in the center of the ceiling. Many opened windows covered the top of the walls, which filtered the air. At the end of the room, parallel with the entrance, was a wide balcony, which overlooked the city.
Major Belinski entered with fifteen men. The others stayed outside and spread across the hallway.
The largest and most punctual object in the room was the round, wooden table in the center of the room. On it was a map of the Empire of Light in all its glory. Belinski noticed that a black dot was drawn where the rift was.
Lord Bellon Belus, dressed in his royal garments of gold, silver and blue approached the humans. Behind him was his honor guard along with scribes.
He saluted in a typical elven manner, his palm on his chest and then an extended fist. Then he bowed slightly and spoke, "Welcome, soldiers of America. It is an honor to have you here."
Belinski saluted in his own manner and his men did the same. "Thank you, Lord Bellon. The pleasure is ours."
As Bellon glanced over them, he saw familiar face, "Lieutenant Caden Roberts. I'm glad you could make it."
"As am I, Lord Bellon.", Caden replied and looked at Taria, who was standing in the corner if the room, dressed in guard armor with her palm on her sword. They smiled and nodded at each other.
"The senators should be here soon.", said Bellon, "I believe they've already entered the city through the northern gate along with-"
"Wait!", shouted a voice from the hallway, stopping Bellon from finishing his sentence, "Wait, please!".
A woman ran into the room, wearing light brown robes and carrying books and scrolls. Young, judging by her appearance. She was panting as she put her things on the table.
"My lord.", she began, still panting, "I apologize for my intrusion, but I must be present."
"Emra, I already told you no.", Bellon said, clearly frustrated.
"Please. You know how important this is for me. This is historical!"
"I will tell you this once more. Leave and-"
"Uncle, I'm beggining you!", she shouted. Everyone stared at her with widened eyes.
"Uncle?", Belinski asked.
Bellon sighed before answering, "Major Belinski, meet my niece. Emra Belus, a scholar of the species branch."
"Emra.", Taria spoke, "Father told you not to come. You should have listened."
"If I'm not supposed to be here, then why are you?", asked Emra in an insulting manner.
"I am a member of the lord's guard."
"Oh please, we all know Aego trained you because he took pity on an annoying little girl."
Enraged, Taria gripped the handle of her sword, "Say one more word about him and I will-"
"Enough!", Bellon shouted, silence both of them as well as the entire room, "This is no place for petty squabbling! I will deal with the two of you when the time is right. Sirs, except my sincerest apologies for this debacle."
Belinski raised his hand in a calming gesture, "No need, Lord Bellon. I have a daughter, I know how you must feel."
Bellon sighed, "Thank you. Now, Emra. How are you here? How did you learn about this event?"
Emra opened her mouth to answer but a voice behind her spoke, "I told her."
Those present in the room turned to the door. An elf with silver hair and a thick, trimmed beard, wearing a gold and white robe entered the room. Behind him were four more elves of similar age and clothing as well as dozens of soldiers from the first infantry legion of the sixth army. These were from the elite cohort, armed with silver steel weapons.
"Senator Donos.", Bellon spoke, "Might I ask why?"
Cato Aquil Donos was one of the most influential and extreme senators in the empire. He carried out many diplomatic meetings in his career, which mostly included negotiations with the rosian nobility. His go-to method was inflicting fear and use of aggression in order to convince the opposition that they should submit.
With him he brought those he knew would support him. Either because of fear or because they would believe he was in the right.
"Were you honestly planning on excluding her from this, Lord Belus?", Cato asked, his words twisting, trying to claw into Bellon's head, "She is an excellent scholar, well remarked in Kuruk. At least, that is what your bother, the chief librarian, claims."
"She is young. And this is an extremely serious matter."
"I am aware.", Donos said as he glanced at the humans and their weapons. Turning to face Major Belinski, he spoke in a deep and authoritarian voice with his hands behind his back, "I am senator Cato Aquil Donos of the emperor's personal court."
"Major David Belinski of the Rift Expeditionary Corps. I'm here on behalf of my nation to discuss peace."
"Seems like you've been discussing peace for a while now.", said senator Fylson Ercan bitterly, as if he held a grudge.
"We merely defended ourselves. You struck first."
"If you really wanted peace.", senator Vulred Krisno started, "Why did you cross the rift and immediately begin seizing our land and building your abominations on it?"
David took a breath, "It's standard protocol. We needed to make sure we wouldn't be-"
"So you just do it on a whim.", senator Donos interrupted, "You cross into a land that isn't yours and take it."
"With respect, you attempted the same.", David said, trying to remain calm, "And we never claimed we owned your land."
"I find it suspicious that almost immediately after you defeated general Drannor Crax, you sent your forces across Meilume and attempted to sway people to join you."
Bellon wasn't surprised he knew. The eyes and ears of the Inquisition were almost everywhere. And with their magic, it was understandable that word would spread quickly.
"Senators, please.", senator Corvus Anon spoke, "This is not diplomacy. Not even a debate. It's us throwing insults and twisting events. Let us calm ourselves and do what we came here to do."
"I agree.", said senator Tolith Oloris, "I wish to hear what the humans have to say."
"Please.", Bellon began, "Let us gather around the table.". As they did so, David's men began preparing something. Metallic boxes were set on the ground and rods were connected to them.
The elves were slightly alarmed, but Cato wasn't fazed, "We will start from the beginning."
"Your empire attacked my nation.", David began immediately, "Thousands of people were killed, dozens captured and the surrounding infrastructure was either severely damaged or demolished.". As he spoke, he could see that Cato's expression didn't change. "My question is why?"
Taking a sip from his wine cup, Cato cleared his throat and replied, "The visions.". David gave a questioning look. "They spoke of you. Warriors of pale skin with monsters of metal. They said you will bring death and destruction upon our lands."
"I assure you we are-"
"We faced an enemy like you before."
The elves stiffed, especially the senators. Corvus made a disgusted face. 'Not this', he thought.
"The Horanee.", Donos began, "When we first began our great expansion, the visions told us we were chosen to carve the path of light and unite this world under its banner. They also warned us about the Horanee. North Altia was home to many kingdoms and tribes. Rosians, orcs, dwarfs. But the Horanee."
He paused for a moment to let the tension sink in.
"What about them?", Lieutenant Roberts asked.
"They were true monsters. Red-skinned barbarians that destroyed and pillaged. The visions warned us and yet we still attempted peace. They thought us weak and we suffered for it. Tens of thousands were killed, villages and towns burned. They openely tortured many."
The humans lowered their heads in grief. Some clutched their weapons.
"And so we learned and retaliated. We fought back and hunted them all to extinction. We killed them all and from that they forward we always followed the visions. And the same will happen with you."
The other elves agreed. The soldiers cranked their weapons and shouted words of patriotism, attempting to frighten the human soldiers. Corvus and Bellon were the only ones who stayed composed. Donos calmed the commotion by raising his hand.
"Senator.", Belinski began, "My sincerest condolences for such a terrible event. But my nation is not like Horanee. All we seek is understanding."
"Then understand this.", Krisno started, "The Empire of Light shall never surrender its land and people to you."
"I believe you are too rash, my friend.", Corvus said, "We are well aware of the reports from our surviving troops as well as the rumors spread by the common folk. If these people were infact the barbarians emperor Canus claimed they were, they would not have wanted to parley with us."
David and Bellon were glad someone was on their side.
"What is stopping them from killing all of us here and taking Meilume?", the guards stiffened, "Moreover, what was stopping them from torturing Lord Belus and his family. If we keep making assumptions based on past events and fear we will get nowhere."
David gestured with his hands, showing he means no harm, "Senators, I assure you, my nation and my superiors-"
"Are not here.", Donos interrupted, "While I certainly do not doubt your capabilities as soldiers, you seem to be lacking in the diplomatic field. I cannot help but wonder where your so-called superiors are."
"You make a valid point, senator Donos. Would you like to meet his?"
Caden saw the confusion in the elves' eyes. I'm truth, these talks were only meant to pass the time until the men prepared the Holo-link.
In the past decade, the Holo-link became one of the more essential pieces of military technology. Powered by a small and portable generator, two projector pilons, roughly six feet in height placed anywhere between four and ten feet from each other, projected a two-dimensional hologram. Its screen could be split if need be and it present a clear and live-sized picture of the person speaking.
With how easy it is to build, how little space it can take and given how little it takes to set up and power on, it replaced most military communication computers. It came in different sizes for different uses and was planned to be released to the public in the future.
The technician gave the 'all good' signal and major Belinski inserted his authentication code. After a flew flickers the image became clear and in it, was ambassador Eugene Anderson along with the rosian nobility.
The elves present were marveled and some approached closer to get a better look. The least surprised was lord Bellon but even so, peculiarity could be seen in his eyes.
On the other side, Caden saw how the rosians reacted much the same, apart from the elderly man, who he assumed to be king Ostontul, remained composed and unmoving.
"Greetings, senators of the Empire.", Eugene spoke politely, using his many years of diplomatic experience, "I am glad that you decided accept our proposal."
Caden glanced over at Emra, who frantically wrote notes and drew sketches. Her eyes somewhat glued to the Holo-link. To them, this was truly otherworldly.
"Lord Belus.", Eugene continued, grabbing the attention of rhe lord, "My gratitude for your hospitality towards our soldiers."
Bellon cleared his throat and straightened up, "Of course, ambassador. It is the least I could have done."
"Now, onto more pressing matters. I would like to speak to the senators."
After a brief pause, Donos spoke, "I am Cato Aquil Donos, representing senator of the Empire of Light."
"Greetings, senator Donos. My name is Eugene Anderson and I am the appointed ambassador on behalf of the United States of America."
"I have a question for the rosian nobility, ambassador.". Eugene nodded and stepped aside, letting the kings and dukes into view. "What have you decided?"
A plain and simple question. One with many answeres and interpretations. The rosians didn't answer immediately. Looking at each other, they pondered on what to say. Their anxiety was understandable. They were in the presence of the Imperial senate after all.
Ostontul rose up. Leaning on his crutch, he walked towards the Holo-link.
"We accepted the humans' proposal.", he spoke clearly.
This statement shocked everyone in the chamber, filling it with dead silence. A silence soon to be broken, as the elves yelled in outrage. The soldiers of the VI legion shouted insults and threats, even accusing them of treason.
The only ones calm but still perplexed were the humans themselves, senator Corvus and lord Bellon. Senator Donos frowned at this news.
"Silence!", he shouted, making everyone retain their composure, "It might be my age, but I heard you say you accepted the enemy's proposal."
"We have.", king Thavok spoke, "The conditions were greatly in out favor."
"This is grounds for treason!", senator Vulred snarled.
"And who are we betraying exactly?", asked duke Corbin Hagot, "Our fathers' killers? The ones who oppressed our lands for generations?"
"And what if we decide to attack?", asked senator Fylson in a threatening manner, "Since you've sided with them we have no obligation to hold our forces back. They cannot help you quickly enough."
"You underestimate us, elf.", said king Ostontul, "The rage of the rebellion and the fallen kings burns in the hearts of our people. If you think for a second that we will let you have your way you are sorely mistaken."
"Please.", Eugene spoke, "There is no need for this hostility. The kings and dukes have agreed to a non-aggression pact. They will remain neutral. If you would-"
"We have no further need for negotiations, ambassador.", Donos interrupted, placing his hand on the table, "You slauhter thousands, you take our land and even our vassals. The time for talk is over."
He slammed his fist on the table. There was an eerie silence, broken by another slam of Donos' fist. Then another. Those present looked around in confusion as if something was supposed to happen.
Donos grunted in frustration and slammed once more. A split second later, heads started falling on the floor. Six of them, with hoods and masks covering their faces.
The alarmed soldiers pointed their spears at the windows. On one of them was a lepian, on another a feelian And on the third a man. All dressed in tactical stealth armor with the symbol of the green berets.
"We found them lurking on the rooftops.", said the feelian, "They were suspicious so we followed them."
"Next thing we know, they pointed their bows at the humans.", said the lepian.
"What is the meaning of this!?", shouted Donos in rage, "Who do you barbarians think you are!?"
"They're with me.", said a man as he walked into the chamber with two more soldiers. Wearing tactical gear and carrying prototype railguns, they were the green beret specialists. "I assigned them up there."
"And who are you?", asked senator Fylson.
"That's not on the need-to-know bases. All that's important is that they were elven assassins."
The senators blew in outrage. It was not until Lord Bellon turned one of the heads and revealed the assassin's face. Standing up, he glared at Donos and the soldiers.
"You bring assassins to my home!?", he shouted in anger. Major Belinski and his men pointed their guns at the elves.
One of the the elves tried to throw his spear at the newcomer but was immedialty shot by one of his men. The others opened fire on the now charging elves, the bullets piercing their armor and dropping them on the ground. Fighting could be heard in the hallway. Elves jumped several soldiers and a dozen were wounded, but the others gunned down the opposition in a hail of bullets.
The senators rose from their feet and were greeted with spears around their necks.
"What is this?", asked senator Oloris, bewildered by the situation, "What are you doing?"
"My duty as the lord of Meilume.", Bellom answered, "You broke our laws and now I am enforcing them."
"This is treason!", yelled senator Krisno.
"Treason!?", Taria shouted, "These laws are older than us all and you decide to break them. Who is the real traitor here?"
"I suspect this is Gilshor's work.", said senator Corvus, "Only he would be this devious."
Bellon walked to the Holo-link and kneeled, "Ambassador, I humbly apologise for what has occurred here. I assure you I was not a part of this betrayal."
"I know, Lord Bellon.", Eugene said, "No need to kneel. Judging by the reactions of the senators I assume only Donos knew about this."
All eyes turned towards Donos as he snarled and glared at everyone in the room.
"By the spirits.", he began, "You will all-"
"Silence!", Bellon shouted, "You will receive appropriate repercussions for this later."
He wanted to continue, but the sudden explosions from the outside stopped him. They walked to the balcony and witnessed hell unfold. Donos brought the entire first legion with him. Five thousand soldiers attacked the REC convoy.
Belinski saw that men were killed due to the surprise attack, but the tables quickly turned. The heavy machine guns ripped apart soldiers by the dozens and the LAVs' auttocannons blasted their formations into pieces.
In between the buildings, the soldier cleared the approaching elves and held their positions. The entire convoy turned on the defensive, shredding anyone who attacked it. It wasn't too long before the elves started backing away, realizing their situation.
The brave and suicidal ones kept going, but most retreated to the gates of the castle, begging the guards to open it.
The gates did open and out stepped four of the five senators, spears pointed at their necks and rifles to their heads. They were ordered to stand down and return to Kuruk. They begrudgingly accepted and picked up their wounded.
Senator Corvus apologized to everyone and swore that he will make amends for this debacle. Donos was put to prison and will await judgement.
In total, REC forces had suffered thirteen casualties and thirty-seven wounded. The first legion on the other hand lost roughly a thousand troops and almost as many were wounded.
Meanwhile, in Alston, Eugene was debating with the rosians. This recent turn of events changed things. The elves wouldn't ready to give up easily and agree to the terms.
As duke Corbin was discussing potential military alliances, king Thavok could see something strange happening with Vizoz. He reached into his sleeve and Thavik noticed a piece of metal. Vizoz walked towards Eugene and Thavok knew he couldn't allow this to happen.
"Vizoz!", he yelled. Vizoz rushed forward towards Eugene, knife held and gut hight. But before he could, captain Bartley, commanding officer of the rangers present, grabbed his wrist and pinned him to the ground. As he struggled, Thavok took the dagger from his hand.
"Vizoz, what were you-".
His sentence was cut off by gunfire and screaming. Outside, the soldiers of Zirith attacked the rangers. They killed several outright, pushing spears into their sides and necks in a surprise attack. More were wounded as the Zirithians stabbed their shoulders and legs. The rangers' armor was thick enough not to let the weapons through the front, but the force was still considerable.
The rangers began their counterattack, opening fire on the rows of Zirithians. Dozens died immediately as they were ridled with holes. Rangers formed up into squads and created defensive circles. They were still not sure who to fight, as rosians were all around them.
This doubt was cleared as the Opherin army attacked Zirith's and Alston troops formed a shield wall to guard the wounded rangers. Not thinking about it, rangers fired past the shields and threw their grenades at the amassed enemies.
Dothen and Elarin troops encircled the Zirithian soldiers and forced them into a surrender. Out of the two hundred that were there in the beggining, between five and six dozen were left alive.
Rangers tended to their wounded. They've lost nineteen men and a dozen more were injured. Understandably enraged, they demanded answers. As did the other rosians. Vizoz was dragged out of the tent. He was put to his knees in front of everyone.
"Why?", Thavok asked. Vizoz refused to answer.
Corbin punched him in the face, "Why!? We had an agreement! You agreed to come!"
Tavion held him back and tried to calm him down.
"You will never understand.", Vizoz spat, "I have lost more than all of you! My lands were ravaged in your rebellion. My father butchered. My wife died to a disease and you refused to help cause you were afraid!"
"Vizoz-", Thavok tried to speak.
"And now! Now my son dies to these people you so happily embrace!". He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in, "But now. Now I made my choice. The elves will win. And when they do, I won't suffer for it. Not like you."
"You are a coward Vizoz.", spat Corbin.
"Shut your mouth Corbin! I always hated you. So far from the conflict, safe behind the river with your little fleet on the shores. Oh how love to boast about it. Well, you won't for long."
"What are you-"
"Enough!", Ostontul shouted before walking over to captain Bartley, "Soldier, may I borrow your weapon.". Everyone present stared at him in confusion and even alarm. "I wish to see it for myself."
Bartley understandably hesitated, but gave his sidearm to him on behest of ambassador Anderson.
Ostontul inspected it throughly. Moving it around in his left hand as he barely balanced himself on his crutch.
"Lighter than I thought.", he said, "But I've held a boomstick before. A handle is a handle, a barrel is a barrel. And s trigger.", he pointed the sidearm at Vizoz and shot him in the head, "Is a trigger."
Giving the sidearm back to captain Bartley, he turned to Eugene, "Ambassador Anderson. It would seem we have to forge a new agreement. And we better do it fast. For war is on our doorstep."
End of chapter 12
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