《Rifts of War》Chapter 1 - The Vision
North Altia
Imperial palace, Great capital Elyana, Empire of Light
Yellow season, 3000 A.E. of the Imperial calendar
Emperor Canus Marius Agorix woke up from his sleep. Next to him he saw his beautiful wife Aldana Cora. After fixing her hair and gently kissing her blue cheek he got up and walked to two nearby cribs. A small child slept in each. His son Belrad and daughter Livara, twins. He kissed each their foreheads and went to the balcony to overlook his city.
Elyana. The capital of his empire, the greatest force in the world, unmatched and supreme. Spanning over three continents with millions of souls it was the pinacle that a race could achive. In tern, the capital was its crown jewel. The single most beautiful city in the world. Great towers and buildings along with statues and districts. The white season had just passed and the snow started to melt. Truly beyond words.
Canus was beyond proud. In his 527 cycles, the view from the balcony never got old. He was the youngest prince ever to be crowned emperor, at the age of 173, but in all these cycles he never failed to do his duty. Upholding the Imperial law, the faith in the spirits and relations with the vassal dwarven and rosian kingdoms are but a few of his daily responsibilities.
"Darling.", said a voice behind him, "Come back to bed please. It is still early in the morning."
"I know.", he answered, "But today is a very important day."
"Yes yes.", she said through a yawn, "But come on, the spirits are not going anywhere. We still have some time to-"
A knock on the door interupted their conversation. "Enter.", said Canus.
A soldier walked into the chamber. "Forgive my intrusion, your majesty, but the Grand preacher Salan requests your presence."
'He is early.', Canus thought, "Tell him I will arrive within the hour."
Placing a full palm on his chest and the extending a fist, the soldier saluted and left the chaimber. Canus began changing his clothes.
"Must you really go?", Aldana asked.
"You know I do. It is my duty as the emperor. This will be the fourth great vision and I must see it untill the end.". With his top off he walked to his wife and passionately kissed her. "Watch over our children."
Imperial palace halls
As Canus walked down the halls down the Grand preacher the guards and nobles all bowed to him. As they should, he is their ruler. He walked past one of the studies in which were two of his eldest children, his eldest son, Hagmmar Pasos, who is tutored by the general of the first army, and his eldest daughter Lilyth Camilla, who aims to become a great imperial strategist.
Both of them noticed their father and quickly rushed to him and walked by side. "Father. How are you feeling?", asked Lilyth.
"I am well, thank you for asking.", he answered.
"Are you going down to meet the Grand preacher?", asked Hagmar, "Today is the day of the fourth great vision."
"Yes I am. I wonder what the spirits have in store for us."
"Father you should not use such vulgar slang. That is for the commoners.", said Lilyth, to which Canus chuckled.
"I suppose so."
"I hope it will not be another rebelion.", said Hagmar with a sad tone, "I have had enough traitors for a life time."
The two great vasal rebelions. The northern rebelion that incured four hundred cycles ago when the dwarven kingdoms decided to attack the empire using their new warmachines and weapons they called cannons and boomsticks. They breathed fire and spit iron, but they were no match for the empire's magic and numbers. The second is the more recent southern rebellion which occured twenty-five cycles when the rosian kingdoms united and attacked the imperial border, but in four cycles they lost and the kings were excecuted, for such is the faith of traitors.
"I hope so too, my son. But listen.", they stopped in their tracks, "What ever happens, you must remember it is the will of the spirits. And it is our duty to enforce that will. They chose us."
"Yes father.", they said in unison.
"Good. Now return to your studies.". With that they left and Canus continued forward.
He walked further down the halls when suddenly he came to halt as he heard a noise from the nearby chamber. Two people were fighting. When he peaked inside he saw his other two sons. Armas Garvos, a known drinker who constantly brings inslaved women into his chamber for "playing". His actions have crossed the line several times before but he still never learns. The other one was Lendras who was younger and the opposite. He was an architect and a scholar. Dispite his age he is a very bright fellow, but that does not grant him patience for people like Armar.
"Will you stop it?!", Lendras yelled.
"Come on little brother, drink a little, stop being such a bore.", said Armas in a casual tone.
"I don't have time for your excruciating stupidity. I am trying to finish my plans to rebuild the central tower in the eastern district."
"Oh? You mean this plan?", he said as he poured wine on his drawings. Lendras stood up and pushed Armas away.
"Now you see what you've done you imbecil?!", Lendras shouted.
"That is what you get for being all brains.", said Armas as he drank more.
"Your vulgar attitude sickens me. Go back to your whores. At least they appreciate a drunk with a cock bigger than his brain!"
"At least mine's not dry.". With that Lendras clenched his fist and prepared to hit Armar, but Canus barged into the room.
"Enough!", he shouted, making them snap in attention, "Armas, get out and wait in front. Now!". Armas walked out immediately. "Lendras. Continue your work."
"Yes father."
"And Lendras. Don't use your fists. I taught you to be smart."
After a moment Lendras answered, "Yes father."
Canus walked out of the room and closed the door. He grabbed Armas's wine bottle and spoke "Go back to your chamber and think about your actions."
Without so much as a word Armas left. "And get those whores out of here.", said Canus to which Armas twitched his head and grunted in anger.
Giving the bottle to one of the guards, Canus spoke "Get rid of it." and then he left, leaving the guards to ponder.
Canus eventually arrived to the base of the palace where the Grand preacher Salam waited for him. Salam was an elderly preacher who had spent nearly five hundred cycles spreading and praising the lessons of the spirits. With a bow he greeted his emperor "You Majesty, it is an honor to have you here."
"No need to bow, we have more important matters to attend to."
"Of course Your Majesty. Right this way.", Salam led the emperor down to the chambers below the palace. Down below was the first great temple of the spirits. As they continued downwards they reached a large hall with dozens of preachers kneeling behind five large and distinct statues placed in a circle, each representing a spirit. In the centre was a shallow pool, barely ankle deep, and inside of it a young woman with a brown robe.
"Is everything ready?", Canus asked.
"Yes Your Majesty.", said Salam, "The seer is ready and the offerings are in place. Everything is prepared."
"Good. Then you may begin."
With that the seer took her hood off and knelt down. The preachers started chanting and the statues glowed in bright collors of white. Bright white liquid poured out of their eyes and into the pool. The liquid turned to smoke and wrapped itself around the seer and lifted her up in the air. Her eyes began to glow and she began to levitate. The preachers and the emperor watched with amazement. It was time for the spirits to commune with them. But their intrigue and amazement turned into suspicion and fear as the bright white smoke and water turned into blood red. The torches in the room blew themselves out and the seer began to shake uncontrollably as her eyes were bleading and red light beamed from her mouth.
Finally she stopped shaking and laid in the air as still as a statue. With an echoed voice she spoke, "Beware. Gates of light will lead into a world unknown. Metal will walk, swim and fly. Staffs shall shine and bring death and the sun itself will fall from the sky and burn the ground and air. Pale skin. Beware the pale skin.". With those words she fell down to the pool and her heart stopped beating.
The preachers were in utter shock. This wasn't fortune, it was a warning. A warning beyond anything they've seen before. An enemy with great power that should be avoided. All were filled with fear, all but one. Emperor Canus was not scared, he was enraged. Someone out there is threatening the survival of his empire and he would not, could not and should not allow that.
"Y-Your Majesty?", Salam asked shakingly.
"Send messangers!", Canus ordered, "I want my word spread across North Altia! All leaders of the vassal kingdoms are to answer the call and assemble in the grand war court of Elyama as soon as possible. Tell them our entire world is in jeopardy.". The preachers froze. This was sudden and unexpected. Assembling all the leaders of all nations is, well, unheard of. "Now!", Canus shouted and the preachers scrambled, "By the heavens, what could this possibly be?"
Days later
Tham, Kingdom of Benullur
King Bylnar Silverbeard was a wise and old king, the oldest of the dwarven kings and with that came wisdom. But even with his wisdom he still couldn't understand the message sent to him by the elf emperor.
"Our entire world is in jeopardy?", asked Bylnar.
"Yes. That is what my lord said. You are summoned along with the other kings.", answered the messenger.
"And why? What could be so important to have all of together in one place?"
"Of that I am uncertain. Nevertheless you are obligated to arrive and attend."
Letting out a sigh and scanning over the letter once more, Bylnar said, "I shall attend, you can tell your emperor that." The messenger left and Bylnar was left with his consul.
"My lord, may I point out that this is a bad idea?", the first general asked.
"I know Tyram. But this isn't something we can simply ignore."
"What if it is a trap?", forgemaster Duncan asked, "Getting all the kings together in one place and finish us all off."
"No.", said Bylnar, "If they wanted us gone they would have just declared war. It would show off their power and make them look dominant."
"Still.", said Tyram, "I am puzzled by this."
"As am I. But we can only hope for the best. Prepare my carriage."
"Yes my lord."
Days later
Olinor, Kingdom of Alston
"Is this really true?", king Thavok asked. The eldest son of the late king Marnio, who was excecuted at the end of the rebelion. He now serves the elven emperor of light, bitterly of course.
"Whether or not the contents of the message are false or not is irelivent.", the messenger replied, "By law you are to answer your emperor's call. Lest you want a repeat of your father's rebelion."
Thavok look up into the messenger's eyes with a look filled with discust. Such words were to be expected from someone of his heritage, but that does not make them any less painful and disrespectful.
"I was there when he was excecuted. And I was also there when you were ordered to execute half of your army as punishment. I hope you did not inherit the late king's idiocy."
At that moment, the general of the Alston army drew his sword and threatend to slit the elf's throat. "That is enough.", he said in an angered tone, "You may be a messenger of the emperor, but you are in the presence of a king and you will show respect."
"Let his go Tardin.", Thavok said, "You are proving his point. I shall attend the meeting."
Tardin lowered his blade and the messenger exited the room. "I shall prepare the carriage and the honor guard.", said Tardin as he sheathed his sword.
When he left the chamber, Thavok was left alone to ponder about this situation. 'What are you thinking Canus?", he thought, "What have you done?'
Around the same time
Oren, Region of Kal, Empire of light
The empire takes pride in its cities, calling them 'The bastions of the civilised world'. Oren was one of the normal cities within the Empire and in its districts were many simple towns and villages. Through these villages a cohort of five hundred soldiers marched, carrying the baner of their army, the XVII army. It was led by the youngest general in the army, Lorsan Venro, who came to the district in search of one particular man. Afer hours of searching they reached a large wooden house with a crop field near it. Two children were playing while the third and oldest worked in the field. One of the smaller children noticed the approaching soldiers and the general and ran towards them.
"Brother Lorsan!", she shouted. At that moment, Lorsan halted the cohort and got off his horse. He picked up the little girl that ran to him.
"Alena.", he said, "You've grown. I see you and Helk still play while Tormar works."
Alena pouted, "Well, Tormar is big and smart, we're little."
Lorsan laughed at that, "What ever you say."
"I wasn't expecting you at this time Lorsan.", said a woman as she walked towards him.
"My Lady.", he said bowing his head.
"Please, don't be so formal. We are family, aren't we?"
"Not by blood."
"That hardly matters, you know that. Now come here.". She walked closer and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back and smiled softly.
"Now.", she spoke, "Why are you here?"
"I am here on behalf of the emperor. I have a message for general Hodor."
The woman chuckled, "You know you don't have to call him a general."
"In this instance, I do.". When he said that, her happines turned to worry and she began to wonder what this 'instance' was.
"Estel!", a man shouted from the house, "Who is it? Wait, don't tell me, I see the banner.". He walked closer to Lorsan, who stood still and firmly saluted him. "I see you listened to my instructions. Always be prepared. So what is this about?"
Lorsan handed him a letter with the Imperial royal seal. The man opened and read it thoroughly. As he read the contents of the letter he was being filled with more and more suspicion and worry. These news weren't as bad as they were non-sensical.
"Is this really true?", he asked in a serious manner.
"Yes general Hodor. These are the emperor's own words. The letter was supposed to be sent by a messenger, but I decided to hand it to you personally. I am certain that at least half of the other generals are making their way to the capital as we speak."
"You did good. Take your cohort with you to Elyana and wait for me at the main south gate, I will join you as soon as I can." Lorsan saluted and with one last glance at his adoptive family, he left.
"Darling?", Estel asked, "What is happening?"
"I am unusure my love. But I will find out. Watch over our children.". With those words he kissed Estel's forehead and went inside to change his clothing.
One moon cycle later
Grand war court, Elyana
The grand war court was one of the largest chambers within the imperial palace, able to house several hundred people if need be on the various platforms and seats. It was only ever used three times. When the elven expansion first began, when the continent of South Altia was discovered and finally when the plans for the invasion of Kapllos on the other side of the Middle ocean. Still, even then, nothing was of this magnitude. The leaders of all the nations of North Altia have assembled. The Imperial senate, the Preachers, the Inquisition, all twenty generals and ten admirals along with the kings and generals of the vassal kingdoms and of course, emperor Canus himself. Such an event wasn't ever even dreamed of, and yet here it was.
The last two individuals to enter the counsil were generals Lorsan and Hodor. "There must be hundreds of people here.", Lorsain said, "Look. The rosian kingdoms of Alston and Opherin, and the duchies of Zirith, Dothen and Elarith. And over there are the dwarven kingdoms of Benullur, Nundolar and Halboram. So many."
"Do not stress yourself. You must keep your composure and listen carefully. If the letter you gave me has any truth in it, then this whole continent might be in danger." They took their seats and as they did, emperor Canus stood up from his throne and walked to the large map ingraved to the floor.
"My friends and comrades!", he spoke his first words to which most of the leaders snarled. Calling them 'friends' and 'comrades' was but a joke. "I have gathered you today because I fear that our entire world is in grave danger. More than a month ago, the ritual of the fourth great vision took place beneath us and with it did not come fortune nor promises of glory, riches or power. Instead it was a warning. A warning of a great enemy. One that lurks within a world beyond ours. An enemy that wishes to undo our way of life and burn everything we hold dear. They desire nothing but carnage and once they find us, they will not stop until we are all dead."
This greatly confused the people in the court. An enemy from a world beyond theirs? One that desires nothing but death? What was this?
"So why are we here?", duke Vizoz of Zirith asked, "What is the point of telling us this?"
"Thank you for asking.", Canus replies, "My friends. What I suggest is a united attack. We will beat this monsters before they get the chance to even strike. I have consulted the Grand mage and preacher, it is possible. We can use the seer's blood as a gateway to their world. With it, we can open a great rift for our forces to walk through and attack them when they least expect it."
"You want us to send our troops along with yours into a campaign into a world against people we know next to nothing about in a world we've never even seen before?", king Bylnar asked.
"With our combined might there is nothing we cannot defeat.", general Reebus Octo of the XII army said.
"I am unsure.", senator Marquis Drax said, "These people might not be what we think they are. We could open the rift and ask for peace."
"I agree.", senator Corvus Anon said, "We have a history of resolving problems in a civilised and diplomatic way. We could-"
"Have you gone deaf senators?!", shouted Armas, making everyone focus their attention at him, "Did you not listen to my father's words? The visions never lie. These people are savage monsters who will burn our glorious world to the ground. I ask you kings, dukes and generals! Do you really want to risk your homes on the off chance for diplomacy?". Most of the senators and generals, as well as two of the dwarf kings despised such an idea. "Of course not! This is a world of warriors and soldiers! We must act like it! I say we gather all our forces and launch a full scale invasion so that we may purge this horrid world and build something trully magnificent! What say you to that?"
Most of the people in the chamber were exited. This was dangerous, but it was also an opportunity. A united force of all the world's soldiers could not lose.
'Damn him.', Corvus cursed internally, 'For a drunk imbecil he sure has a way with words.'
"I refuse.", Bylnar said, now taking all the attention for himself as he stood up, "I refuse to march my soldiers into the unknown."
Armas scoffed, "So you choose the path of the coward."
"I choose the path of reason, boy. Do not mistake the two. I will leave you with something however, great emperor. Overestimating youself is more dangerous than underestimating your enemy. And to my bretheren, I wish you good fortune.". With that he left along with his people.
Armas gritted his teeth, "You little fucking cowa-"
"Enough Armas!", shouted Canus, "Leave it. What say you great kings? Will you lend us your aid? Or will you leave like Bylnar? You have three days to decide."
That night
Grand Mage Ishton's quarters
There can only be one grand mage per generation. One who is tasked with teaching only the most worthy of student the art of spirit magic. Ishton was an elderly man. His seven hundred and fiftieth cycle was coming and he knew he did not have much time left. He needed to return to the great spirit temple in Filflune and start the selection ceremony for the next grand mage. Right now, he was in his personal quarters, sleepingm, but a horrid nightmare wasn't allowing him.
Ishton found himself awoken on a field of blackened ash. Black snow was falling on the ground and as he looked up he noticed he was in a large crater. He climbed out of it only to find ruins. Leagues upon leagues of ruins. Remains of burned buildings and scorched bodies of various shapes and sizes. As he walked down the street, buildings began to crumble and he heard noises. Machine-like noises coming from all directions. More and more buildings crumbled as giant metalic machines ran over them. Ishton hid and observed them. They looked like giant carts, but had snouts like dwarven cannons and moved without horses. Up above him he heard a loud buzzing noise. More machines, but these were flying, and some were in the shape of arrows and flying at speeds unimagined.
In front of him were dozens of elven soldiers. They stood in a shield formation and prepared to fight. In front of them were strange warrior in black and green clothing who wielded some sort of boomsticks. Only a handful opened fire and tore through the elven shields like they were parchment.
Ishton shook with fear. What were they? Suddenly, he felt a preseance behind him. He slowly turned around and saw a warrior in black and green, standing a head taller than him. The warrior walked closer and grabbed the paralysed Ishton by the collar. Ishton looked straight into his eyes as the warrior brought up his boomstick to Ishton head and with a flash of light ended his life.
Ishton woke up immediately. He was covered in sweat and breathing rapidly. His heart pumping uncontrollably. He held his hair up from his face, "By the heavens. What is this world coming to?"
End of chapter 1
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